Ravenports generated: 30 Nov 2020 00:49
[ravenports.git] / bucket_64 / fish
1 # Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit.
3 NAMEBASE=               fish
4 VERSION=                3.1.2
5 KEYWORDS=               shells
6 VARIANTS=               standard
7 SDESC[standard]=        Friendly Interactive SHell
8 HOMEPAGE=               https://fishshell.com/
9 CONTACT=                nobody
11 DOWNLOAD_GROUPS=        main
12 SITES[main]=            https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/releases/download/3.1.2/
13 DISTFILE[1]=            fish-3.1.2.tar.gz:main
14 DF_INDEX=               1
15 SPKGS[standard]=        complete
16                         primary
17                         docs
18                         nls
21 OPTIONS_STANDARD=       none
23 BUILD_DEPENDS=          doxygen:single:standard
24 BUILDRUN_DEPENDS=       pcre2:primary:standard
26 USES=                   cmake cpe ncurses shebangfix python:build
27                         gettext-tools gettext-runtime c++:primary
29 LICENSE=                GPLv2:primary
30 LICENSE_TERMS=          primary:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING
31 LICENSE_FILE=           GPLv2:stock
32 LICENSE_SCHEME=         solo
34 CPE_VENDOR=             fishshell
35 FPC_EQUIVALENT=         shells/fish
36 SHEBANG_FILES=          share/tools/*.py
37                         share/tools/web_config/webconfig.py
39 MANDIRS=                {{PREFIX}}/share/fish/man/man1
42 VAR_OPSYS[sunos]=       LDFLAGS=-lintl
44 post-install:
45 .for i in fish fish_indent fish_key_reader
46         ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin/${i}
47 .endfor
49 [FILE:299:descriptions/desc.primary]
50 fish - the friendly interactive shell Build Status
52 fish is a smart and user-friendly command line shell for macOS, Linux,
53 and the rest of the family. fish includes features like syntax
54 highlighting, autosuggest-as-you-type, and fancy tab completions that just
55 work, with no configuration required.
58 [FILE:96:distinfo]
59 d5b927203b5ca95da16f514969e2a91a537b2f75bec9b21a584c4cd1c7aa74ed      6816214 fish-3.1.2.tar.gz
62 [FILE:16104:manifests/plist.primary]
63 @shell bin/fish
64 bin/
65  fish_indent
66  fish_key_reader
67 etc/fish/config.fish
68 lib/pkgconfig/fish.pc
69 share/fish/
70  __fish_build_paths.fish
71  config.fish
72  lynx.lss
73 share/fish/completions/
74  VBoxHeadless.fish
75  VBoxSDL.fish
76  a2disconf.fish
77  a2dismod.fish
78  a2dissite.fish
79  a2enconf.fish
80  a2enmod.fish
81  a2ensite.fish
82  abbr.fish
83  abook.fish
84  acat.fish
85  accept.fish
86  ack.fish
87  acpi.fish
88  adb.fish
89  adduser.fish
90  adiff.fish
91  als.fish
92  alsactl.fish
93  alsamixer.fish
94  amixer.fish
95  and.fish
96  animate.fish
97  ansible-galaxy.fish
98  ansible-playbook.fish
99  ansible-vault.fish
100  ansible.fish
101  ant.fish
102  apack.fish
103  apm.fish
104  apropos.fish
105  apt-build.fish
106  apt-cache.fish
107  apt-cdrom.fish
108  apt-config.fish
109  apt-extracttemplates.fish
110  apt-file.fish
111  apt-ftparchive.fish
112  apt-get.fish
113  apt-key.fish
114  apt-listbugs.fish
115  apt-listchanges.fish
116  apt-mark.fish
117  apt-move.fish
118  apt-proxy-import.fish
119  apt-rdepends.fish
120  apt-setup.fish
121  apt-show-source.fish
122  apt-show-versions.fish
123  apt-sortpkgs.fish
124  apt-spy.fish
125  apt-src.fish
126  apt-zip-inst.fish
127  apt-zip-list.fish
128  apt.fish
129  aptitude.fish
130  arc.fish
131  arepack.fish
132  arp.fish
133  as.fish
134  asp.fish
135  at.fish
136  atd.fish
137  atom.fish
138  atool.fish
139  atq.fish
140  atrm.fish
141  aunpack.fish
142  aura.fish
143  awk.fish
144  aws.fish
145  badblocks.fish
146  base64.fish
147  bb-wrapper.fish
148  bc.fish
149  bd.fish
150  begin.fish
151  bg.fish
152  bind.fish
153  bison.fish
154  block.fish
155  bosh.fish
156  bower.fish
157  break.fish
158  brew.fish
159  btdownloadcurses.py.fish
160  btdownloadheadless.py.fish
161  btrfs.fish
162  builtin.fish
163  bundle.fish
164  bunzip2.fish
165  busctl.fish
166  bzcat.fish
167  bzip2.fish
168  bzip2recover.fish
169  bzr.fish
170  cabal-dev.fish
171  cabal.fish
172  caddy.fish
173  caffeinate.fish
174  camcontrol.fish
175  cancel.fish
176  canto.fish
177  cargo.fish
178  castnow.fish
179  cat.fish
180  cd.fish
181  cdh.fish
182  cdrecord.fish
183  cf.fish
184  chgrp.fish
185  chmod.fish
186  chown.fish
187  chronyc.fish
188  chsh.fish
189  clang++.fish
190  clang.fish
191  climate.fish
192  code.fish
193  colordiff.fish
194  colorsvn.fish
195  combine.fish
196  command.fish
197  commandline.fish
198  compare.fish
199  complete.fish
200  composer.fish
201  composer.phar.fish
202  composite.fish
203  conda.fish
204  configure.fish
205  conjure.fish
206  connmanctl.fish
207  continue.fish
208  convert.fish
209  cowsay.fish
210  cowthink.fish
211  cp.fish
212  cryptsetup.fish
213  csc.fish
214  csi.fish
215  cupsaccept.fish
216  cupsdisable.fish
217  cupsenable.fish
218  cupsreject.fish
219  curl.fish
220  cut.fish
221  cvs.fish
222  cwebp.fish
223  cygpath.fish
224  cygport.fish
225  cygstart.fish
226  darcs.fish
227  date.fish
228  dconf.fish
229  dd.fish
230  defaults.fish
231  df.fish
232  dhcpcd.fish
233  diff.fish
234  dig.fish
235  diskutil.fish
236  display.fish
237  djview.fish
238  djview4.fish
239  dlocate.fish
240  dmesg.fish
241  dnf.fish
242  doas.fish
243  docker.fish
244  dpkg-reconfigure.fish
245  dpkg.fish
246  du.fish
247  duply.fish
248  dvipdf.fish
249  dvipdfm.fish
250  ebuild.fish
251  echo.fish
252  egrep.fish
253  eix-sync.fish
254  eix.fish
255  elatex.fish
256  elixir.fish
257  emacs.fish
258  emaint.fish
259  emerge.fish
260  encfs.fish
261  entr.fish
262  env.fish
263  eopkg.fish
264  epkginfo.fish
265  equery.fish
266  eselect.fish
267  etex.fish
268  eval.fish
269  evince.fish
270  exec.fish
271  exercism.fish
272  exit.fish
273  expand.fish
274  ezjail-admin.fish
275  fab.fish
276  feh.fish
277  ffmpeg.fish
278  ffplay.fish
279  ffprobe.fish
280  fg.fish
281  fgrep.fish
282  figlet.fish
283  file.fish
284  find.fish
285  fish.fish
286  fish_indent.fish
287  flac.fish
288  flatpak.fish
289  fluxbox-remote.fish
290  for.fish
291  fossil.fish
292  fsharpc.fish
293  fsharpi.fish
294  ftp.fish
295  funced.fish
296  funcsave.fish
297  function.fish
298  functions.fish
299  fuser.fish
300  fusermount.fish
301  fzf.fish
302  g++.fish
303  gcc.fish
304  gdb.fish
305  gem.fish
306  git.fish
307  go.fish
308  godoc.fish
309  gofmt.fish
310  goimports.fish
311  golint.fish
312  gorename.fish
313  gpasswd.fish
314  gpg.fish
315  gpg1.fish
316  gpg2.fish
317  gphoto2.fish
318  gprof.fish
319  gradle.fish
320  grep.fish
321  groupadd.fish
322  grub-file.fish
323  grub-install.fish
324  grub-mkrescue.fish
325  grunt.fish
326  gsettings.fish
327  gunzip.fish
328  gv.fish
329  gvim.fish
330  gvimdiff.fish
331  gzip.fish
332  head.fish
333  helm.fish
334  help.fish
335  heroku.fish
336  hg.fish
337  highlight.fish
338  history.fish
339  hjson.fish
340  hledger.fish
341  htop.fish
342  hugo.fish
343  hwinfo.fish
344  i3-msg.fish
345  iconv.fish
346  id.fish
347  identify.fish
348  iex.fish
349  if.fish
350  ifconfig.fish
351  ifdata.fish
352  ifdown.fish
353  ifup.fish
354  import.fish
355  invoke-rc.d.fish
356  ip.fish
357  ipset.fish
358  iptables.fish
359  irb.fish
360  iw.fish
361  j.fish
362  jbake.fish
363  jest.fish
364  jhipster.fish
365  jobs.fish
366  journalctl.fish
367  jq.fish
368  kak.fish
369  kcmshell5.fish
370  kdeconnect-cli.fish
371  keepassxc-cli.fish
372  keybase.fish
373  kill.fish
374  killall.fish
375  kitchen.fish
376  kitty.fish
377  kldload.fish
378  kldunload.fish
379  la.fish
380  latex.fish
381  latexmk.fish
382  launchctl.fish
383  lein.fish
384  less.fish
385  light.fish
386  ll.fish
387  ln.fish
388  localectl.fish
389  locate.fish
390  loginctl.fish
391  logkeys.fish
392  lp.fish
393  lpadmin.fish
394  lpinfo.fish
395  lpmove.fish
396  lpoptions.fish
397  lppasswd.fish
398  lpq.fish
399  lpr.fish
400  lprm.fish
401  lpstat.fish
402  ls.fish
403  lsblk.fish
404  lscpu.fish
405  lsof.fish
406  lsusb.fish
407  lua.fish
408  lualatex.fish
409  lunchy.fish
410  lxc.fish
411  lxpanel.fish
412  lz4.fish
413  lz4c.fish
414  lz4cat.fish
415  m4.fish
416  machinectl.fish
417  magento.fish
418  make.fish
419  makedepend.fish
420  makensis.fish
421  makepkg.fish
422  man.fish
423  mariner.fish
424  math.fish
425  mc.fish
426  md5sum.fish
427  mdadm.fish
428  mdbook.fish
429  mddiagnose.fish
430  mdfind.fish
431  mdimport.fish
432  mdls.fish
433  mdutil.fish
434  meson.fish
435  minikube.fish
436  mix.fish
437  mkdir.fish
438  mkdocs.fish
439  mkdosfs.fish
440  mkfs.fat.fish
441  mkfs.vfat.fish
442  mkinitcpio.fish
443  mktemp.fish
444  mkvextract.fish
445  mocha.fish
446  mocp.fish
447  modinfo.fish
448  modprobe.fish
449  mogrify.fish
450  montage.fish
451  mosh.fish
452  mount.fish
453  mplayer.fish
454  msgfmt.fish
455  mupdf.fish
456  mutt.fish
457  mv.fish
458  mvn.fish
459  namei.fish
460  native2ascii.fish
461  nc.fish
462  ncdu.fish
463  netctl-auto.fish
464  netctl.fish
465  nethack.fish
466  networkctl.fish
467  nextd.fish
468  ngrok.fish
469  nice.fish
470  ninja.fish
471  nl.fish
472  nm.fish
473  nmcli.fish
474  node.fish
475  not.fish
476  npm.fish
477  nvim.fish
478  nvram.fish
479  objdump.fish
480  obnam.fish
481  oggenc.fish
482  omega.fish
483  opam.fish
484  open.fish
485  openocd.fish
486  opkg.fish
487  optipng.fish
488  or.fish
489  p4.fish
490  pacaur.fish
491  pacman-color.fish
492  pacman-key.fish
493  pacman.fish
494  pacmatic.fish
495  pacmd.fish
496  pactl.fish
497  pactree.fish
498  pandoc.fish
499  passwd.fish
500  patch.fish
501  patool.fish
502  pbget.fish
503  pdfelatex.fish
504  pdfetex.fish
505  pdflatex.fish
506  pdftex.fish
507  pdftotext.fish
508  perl.fish
509  pfctl.fish
510  pftp.fish
511  pgrep.fish
512  phpunit.fish
513  pine.fish
514  ping.fish
515  pinky.fish
516  pip.fish
517  pip2.fish
518  pip3.fish
519  pipenv.fish
520  pkg-config.fish
521  pkg.fish
522  pkg_add.fish
523  pkg_delete.fish
524  pkg_info.fish
525  pkgadd.fish
526  pkgfile.fish
527  pkginfo.fish
528  pkgmk.fish
529  pkgrm.fish
530  pkill.fish
531  plutil.fish
532  poff.fish
533  pon.fish
534  port.fish
535  portmaster.fish
536  ports.fish
537  poweroff.fish
538  powerpill.fish
539  prevd.fish
540  prt-get.fish
541  ps.fish
542  ps2pdf.fish
543  psql.fish
544  pstack.fish
545  psub.fish
546  pushd.fish
547  pv.fish
548  pydf.fish
549  pygmentize.fish
550  python.fish
551  python2.fish
552  python3.fish
553  pzstd.fish
554  qubes-gpg-client.fish
555  quilt.fish
556  random.fish
557  ranger.fish
558  rbenv.fish
559  rc-service.fish
560  rc-update.fish
561  rcctl.fish
562  read.fish
563  readlink.fish
564  realpath.fish
565  reject.fish
566  rejmerge.fish
567  renice.fish
568  resolvectl.fish
569  return.fish
570  rfkill.fish
571  rgrep.fish
572  rm.fish
573  rmdir.fish
574  rmmod.fish
575  root.fish
576  rpm.fish
577  rsync.fish
578  ruby-build.fish
579  ruby.fish
580  rustc.fish
581  rustup.fish
582  s3cmd.fish
583  sass-convert.fish
584  sass.fish
585  sbt.fish
586  scanimage.fish
587  scons.fish
588  scp.fish
589  screen.fish
590  scrot.fish
591  scss.fish
592  sed.fish
593  seq.fish
594  serve.fish
595  service.fish
596  set.fish
597  set_color.fish
598  setfacl.fish
599  setsid.fish
600  setxkbmap.fish
601  sfdx.fish
602  sha1sum.fish
603  sha224sum.fish
604  sha256sum.fish
605  sha384sum.fish
606  sha512sum.fish
607  signify.fish
608  snap.fish
609  sort.fish
610  speedtest-cli.fish
611  speedtest.fish
612  src.fish
613  ssh.fish
614  sshfs.fish
615  stack.fish
616  stat.fish
617  status.fish
618  stream.fish
619  string.fish
620  su.fish
621  subl.fish
622  sudo.fish
623  svn.fish
624  sylpheed.fish
625  sysbench.fish
626  sysctl.fish
627  systemctl.fish
628  systemd-analyze.fish
629  systemd-nspawn.fish
630  tail.fish
631  tar.fish
632  tee.fish
633  telnet.fish
634  termite.fish
635  terraform.fish
636  test.fish
637  tex.fish
638  time.fish
639  timedatectl.fish
640  timeout.fish
641  tmutil.fish
642  tmux.fish
643  tmuxinator.fish
644  tokei.fish
645  top.fish
646  totem.fish
647  touch.fish
648  tr.fish
649  transmission-remote.fish
650  trap.fish
651  travis.fish
652  tree.fish
653  tsc.fish
654  ttx.fish
655  type.fish
656  udisksctl.fish
657  ulimit.fish
658  umask.fish
659  umount.fish
660  uname.fish
661  unexpand.fish
662  uniq.fish
663  unlz4.fish
664  unrar.fish
665  unzip.fish
666  unzstd.fish
667  update-eix-remote.fish
668  update-eix.fish
669  useradd.fish
670  usermod.fish
671  vagrant.fish
672  valgrind.fish
673  vared.fish
674  vbc.fish
675  vi.fish
676  vim-addons.fish
677  vim.fish
678  vimdiff.fish
679  virsh.fish
680  vmctl.fish
681  w.fish
682  wajig.fish
683  watch.fish
684  wc.fish
685  wesnoth.fish
686  wget.fish
687  whatis.fish
688  which.fish
689  while.fish
690  who.fish
691  wicd-cli.fish
692  wicd-client.fish
693  wicd-gtk.fish
694  wpa_cli.fish
695  wvdial.fish
696  xargs.fish
697  xclip.fish
698  xdg-mime.fish
699  xdvi.fish
700  xelatex.fish
701  xgettext.fish
702  xinput.fish
703  xmms.fish
704  xpdf.fish
705  xprop.fish
706  xrandr.fish
707  xrdb.fish
708  xsel.fish
709  xsv.fish
710  xterm.fish
711  xz.fish
712  yaourt.fish
713  yarn.fish
714  yast2.fish
715  yum.fish
716  zcat.fish
717  zfs.fish
718  zip.fish
719  zpaq.fish
720  zpool.fish
721  zstd.fish
722  zstdcat.fish
723  zstdgrep.fish
724  zstdless.fish
725  zstdmt.fish
726  zypper.fish
727 share/fish/functions/
728  N_.fish
729  _.fish
730  __fish_abbr_old.fish
731  __fish_any_arg_in.fish
732  __fish_anypython.fish
733  __fish_append.fish
734  __fish_cancel_commandline.fish
735  __fish_clang_complete.fish
736  __fish_commandline_is_singlequoted.fish
737  __fish_complete_atool_archive_contents.fish
738  __fish_complete_bittorrent.fish
739  __fish_complete_blockdevice.fish
740  __fish_complete_cd.fish
741  __fish_complete_command.fish
742  __fish_complete_convert_options.fish
743  __fish_complete_directories.fish
744  __fish_complete_external_command.fish
745  __fish_complete_ftp.fish
746  __fish_complete_gpg.fish
747  __fish_complete_gpg_key_id.fish
748  __fish_complete_gpg_user_id.fish
749  __fish_complete_groups.fish
750  __fish_complete_job_pids.fish
751  __fish_complete_list.fish
752  __fish_complete_lpr.fish
753  __fish_complete_lpr_option.fish
754  __fish_complete_man.fish
755  __fish_complete_mount_opts.fish
756  __fish_complete_path.fish
757  __fish_complete_pgrep.fish
758  __fish_complete_pids.fish
759  __fish_complete_ppp_peer.fish
760  __fish_complete_proc.fish
761  __fish_complete_ssh.fish
762  __fish_complete_subcommand.fish
763  __fish_complete_suffix.fish
764  __fish_complete_user_at_hosts.fish
765  __fish_complete_users.fish
766  __fish_complete_zfs_mountpoint_properties.fish
767  __fish_complete_zfs_pools.fish
768  __fish_complete_zfs_ro_properties.fish
769  __fish_complete_zfs_rw_properties.fish
770  __fish_complete_zfs_write_once_properties.fish
771  __fish_config_interactive.fish
772  __fish_contains_opt.fish
773  __fish_crux_packages.fish
774  __fish_cursor_1337.fish
775  __fish_cursor_konsole.fish
776  __fish_cursor_xterm.fish
777  __fish_describe_command.fish
778  __fish_first_token.fish
779  __fish_git_prompt.fish
780  __fish_gnu_complete.fish
781  __fish_hg_prompt.fish
782  __fish_is_first_arg.fish
783  __fish_is_first_token.fish
784  __fish_is_git_repository.fish
785  __fish_is_switch.fish
786  __fish_is_token_n.fish
787  __fish_is_zfs_feature_enabled.fish
788  __fish_list_current_token.fish
789  __fish_make_completion_signals.fish
790  __fish_man_page.fish
791  __fish_move_last.fish
792  __fish_no_arguments.fish
793  __fish_not_contain_opt.fish
794  __fish_number_of_cmd_args_wo_opts.fish
795  __fish_paginate.fish
796  __fish_parent_directories.fish
797  __fish_pipestatus_with_signal.fish
798  __fish_portage_print_available_pkgs.fish
799  __fish_portage_print_installed_pkgs.fish
800  __fish_portage_print_repository_paths.fish
801  __fish_prepend_sudo.fish
802  __fish_prev_arg_in.fish
803  __fish_print_VBox_vms.fish
804  __fish_print_addresses.fish
805  __fish_print_cmd_args.fish
806  __fish_print_cmd_args_without_options.fish
807  __fish_print_commands.fish
808  __fish_print_debian_apache_confs.fish
809  __fish_print_debian_apache_mods.fish
810  __fish_print_debian_apache_sites.fish
811  __fish_print_encodings.fish
812  __fish_print_filesystems.fish
813  __fish_print_gpg_algo.fish
814  __fish_print_groups.fish
815  __fish_print_help.fish
816  __fish_print_hostnames.fish
817  __fish_print_interfaces.fish
818  __fish_print_lpr_options.fish
819  __fish_print_lpr_printers.fish
820  __fish_print_modules.fish
821  __fish_print_mounted.fish
822  __fish_print_packages.fish
823  __fish_print_pacman_repos.fish
824  __fish_print_pipestatus.fish
825  __fish_print_service_names.fish
826  __fish_print_svn_rev.fish
827  __fish_print_users.fish
828  __fish_print_xdg_applications_directories.fish
829  __fish_print_xdg_mimetypes.fish
830  __fish_print_xwindows.fish
831  __fish_print_zfs_snapshots.fish
832  __fish_pwd.fish
833  __fish_seen_argument.fish
834  __fish_seen_subcommand_from.fish
835  __fish_set_locale.fish
836  __fish_shared_key_bindings.fish
837  __fish_should_complete_switches.fish
838  __fish_status_to_signal.fish
839  __fish_svn_prompt.fish
840  __fish_systemctl_services.fish
841  __fish_systemd_machine_images.fish
842  __fish_systemd_machines.fish
843  __fish_toggle_comment_commandline.fish
844  __fish_use_subcommand.fish
845  __fish_vcs_prompt.fish
846  __fish_whatis.fish
847  __fish_whatis_current_token.fish
848  __terlar_git_prompt.fish
849  _fish_systemctl.fish
850  _validate_int.fish
851  abbr.fish
852  alias.fish
853  cd.fish
854  cdh.fish
855  contains_seq.fish
856  delete-or-exit.fish
857  dirh.fish
858  dirs.fish
859  down-or-search.fish
860  edit_command_buffer.fish
861  export.fish
862  fish_breakpoint_prompt.fish
863  fish_clipboard_copy.fish
864  fish_clipboard_paste.fish
865  fish_config.fish
866  fish_default_key_bindings.fish
867  fish_default_mode_prompt.fish
868  fish_git_prompt.fish
869  fish_hg_prompt.fish
870  fish_hybrid_key_bindings.fish
871  fish_indent.fish
872  fish_key_reader.fish
873  fish_md5.fish
874  fish_mode_prompt.fish
875  fish_npm_helper.fish
876  fish_opt.fish
877  fish_print_git_action.fish
878  fish_print_hg_root.fish
879  fish_prompt.fish
880  fish_svn_prompt.fish
881  fish_title.fish
882  fish_update_completions.fish
883  fish_vcs_prompt.fish
884  fish_vi_cursor.fish
885  fish_vi_key_bindings.fish
886  funced.fish
887  funcsave.fish
888  grep.fish
889  help.fish
890  history.fish
891  hostname.fish
892  isatty.fish
893  la.fish
894  ll.fish
895  ls.fish
896  man.fish
897  nextd-or-forward-word.fish
898  nextd.fish
899  open.fish
900  popd.fish
901  prevd-or-backward-word.fish
902  prevd.fish
903  prompt_hostname.fish
904  prompt_pwd.fish
905  psub.fish
906  pushd.fish
907  realpath.fish
908  seq.fish
909  setenv.fish
910  suspend.fish
911  trap.fish
912  type.fish
913  umask.fish
914  up-or-search.fish
915  vared.fish
916 share/fish/groff/fish.tmac
917 share/fish/man/man1/
918  abbr.1.gz
919  alias.1.gz
920  and.1.gz
921  argparse.1.gz
922  begin.1.gz
923  bg.1.gz
924  bind.1.gz
925  block.1.gz
926  break.1.gz
927  breakpoint.1.gz
928  builtin.1.gz
929  case.1.gz
930  cd.1.gz
931  cdh.1.gz
932  command.1.gz
933  commandline.1.gz
934  complete.1.gz
935  contains.1.gz
936  continue.1.gz
937  count.1.gz
938  dirh.1.gz
939  dirs.1.gz
940  disown.1.gz
941  echo.1.gz
942  else.1.gz
943  emit.1.gz
944  end.1.gz
945  eval.1.gz
946  exec.1.gz
947  exit.1.gz
948  false.1.gz
949  fg.1.gz
950  fish-doc.1.gz
951  fish-faq.1.gz
952  fish-tutorial.1.gz
953  fish.1.gz
954  fish_breakpoint_prompt.1.gz
955  fish_config.1.gz
956  fish_git_prompt.1.gz
957  fish_hg_prompt.1.gz
958  fish_indent.1.gz
959  fish_key_reader.1.gz
960  fish_mode_prompt.1.gz
961  fish_opt.1.gz
962  fish_prompt.1.gz
963  fish_right_prompt.1.gz
964  fish_svn_prompt.1.gz
965  fish_update_completions.1.gz
966  fish_vcs_prompt.1.gz
967  for.1.gz
968  funced.1.gz
969  funcsave.1.gz
970  function.1.gz
971  functions.1.gz
972  help.1.gz
973  history.1.gz
974  if.1.gz
975  isatty.1.gz
976  jobs.1.gz
977  math.1.gz
978  nextd.1.gz
979  not.1.gz
980  open.1.gz
981  or.1.gz
982  popd.1.gz
983  prevd.1.gz
984  printf.1.gz
985  prompt_pwd.1.gz
986  psub.1.gz
987  pushd.1.gz
988  pwd.1.gz
989  random.1.gz
990  read.1.gz
991  return.1.gz
992  set.1.gz
993  set_color.1.gz
994  source.1.gz
995  status.1.gz
996  string-collect.1.gz
997  string-escape.1.gz
998  string-join.1.gz
999  string-join0.1.gz
1000  string-length.1.gz
1001  string-lower.1.gz
1002  string-match.1.gz
1003  string-repeat.1.gz
1004  string-replace.1.gz
1005  string-split.1.gz
1006  string-split0.1.gz
1007  string-sub.1.gz
1008  string-trim.1.gz
1009  string-unescape.1.gz
1010  string-upper.1.gz
1011  string.1.gz
1012  suspend.1.gz
1013  switch.1.gz
1014  test.1.gz
1015  time.1.gz
1016  trap.1.gz
1017  true.1.gz
1018  type.1.gz
1019  ulimit.1.gz
1020  umask.1.gz
1021  vared.1.gz
1022  wait.1.gz
1023  while.1.gz
1024 share/fish/tools/
1025  create_manpage_completions.py
1026  deroff.py
1027 share/fish/tools/web_config/
1028  delete.png
1029  favicon.png
1030  fishconfig.css
1031  index.html
1032  webconfig.py
1033 share/fish/tools/web_config/js/
1034  angular-sanitize.js
1035  angular.js
1036  app.js
1037  colorutils.js
1038  controllers.js
1039  filters.js
1040 share/fish/tools/web_config/partials/
1041  abbreviations.html
1042  bindings.html
1043  colors.html
1044  functions.html
1045  history.html
1046  prompt.html
1047  variables.html
1048 share/fish/tools/web_config/sample_prompts/
1049  acidhub.fish
1050  classic.fish
1051  classic_status.fish
1052  classic_vcs.fish
1053  debian_chroot.fish
1054  informative.fish
1055  informative_vcs.fish
1056  justadollar.fish
1057  lonetwin.fish
1058  minimalist.fish
1059  nim.fish
1060  pythonista.fish
1061  robbyrussell.fish
1062  screen_savvy.fish
1063  sorin.fish
1064  terlar.fish
1065 share/man/man1/
1066  fish.1.gz
1067  fish_indent.1.gz
1068  fish_key_reader.1.gz
1069 @dir etc/fish/completions
1070 @dir etc/fish/conf.d
1071 @dir etc/fish/functions
1072 @dir share/fish/vendor_completions.d
1073 @dir share/fish/vendor_conf.d
1074 @dir share/fish/vendor_functions.d
1077 [FILE:3998:manifests/plist.docs]
1078 share/doc/fish/
1079  .buildinfo
1080  CHANGELOG.md
1081  commands.html
1082  design.html
1083  faq.html
1084  genindex.html
1085  index.html
1086  license.html
1087  objects.inv
1088  search.html
1089  searchindex.js
1090  tutorial.html
1091 share/doc/fish/_sources/
1092  commands.rst.txt
1093  design.rst.txt
1094  faq.rst.txt
1095  index.rst.txt
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1097  tutorial.rst.txt
1098 share/doc/fish/_sources/cmds/
1099  abbr.rst.txt
1100  alias.rst.txt
1101  and.rst.txt
1102  argparse.rst.txt
1103  begin.rst.txt
1104  bg.rst.txt
1105  bind.rst.txt
1106  block.rst.txt
1107  break.rst.txt
1108  breakpoint.rst.txt
1109  builtin.rst.txt
1110  case.rst.txt
1111  cd.rst.txt
1112  cdh.rst.txt
1113  command.rst.txt
1114  commandline.rst.txt
1115  complete.rst.txt
1116  contains.rst.txt
1117  continue.rst.txt
1118  count.rst.txt
1119  dirh.rst.txt
1120  dirs.rst.txt
1121  disown.rst.txt
1122  echo.rst.txt
1123  else.rst.txt
1124  emit.rst.txt
1125  end.rst.txt
1126  eval.rst.txt
1127  exec.rst.txt
1128  exit.rst.txt
1129  false.rst.txt
1130  fg.rst.txt
1131  fish.rst.txt
1132  fish_breakpoint_prompt.rst.txt
1133  fish_config.rst.txt
1134  fish_git_prompt.rst.txt
1135  fish_hg_prompt.rst.txt
1136  fish_indent.rst.txt
1137  fish_key_reader.rst.txt
1138  fish_mode_prompt.rst.txt
1139  fish_opt.rst.txt
1140  fish_prompt.rst.txt
1141  fish_right_prompt.rst.txt
1142  fish_svn_prompt.rst.txt
1143  fish_update_completions.rst.txt
1144  fish_vcs_prompt.rst.txt
1145  for.rst.txt
1146  funced.rst.txt
1147  funcsave.rst.txt
1148  function.rst.txt
1149  functions.rst.txt
1150  help.rst.txt
1151  history.rst.txt
1152  if.rst.txt
1153  isatty.rst.txt
1154  jobs.rst.txt
1155  math.rst.txt
1156  nextd.rst.txt
1157  not.rst.txt
1158  open.rst.txt
1159  or.rst.txt
1160  popd.rst.txt
1161  prevd.rst.txt
1162  printf.rst.txt
1163  prompt_pwd.rst.txt
1164  psub.rst.txt
1165  pushd.rst.txt
1166  pwd.rst.txt
1167  random.rst.txt
1168  read.rst.txt
1169  realpath.rst.txt
1170  return.rst.txt
1171  set.rst.txt
1172  set_color.rst.txt
1173  source.rst.txt
1174  status.rst.txt
1175  string-collect.rst.txt
1176  string-escape.rst.txt
1177  string-join.rst.txt
1178  string-join0.rst.txt
1179  string-length.rst.txt
1180  string-lower.rst.txt
1181  string-match.rst.txt
1182  string-repeat.rst.txt
1183  string-replace.rst.txt
1184  string-split.rst.txt
1185  string-split0.rst.txt
1186  string-sub.rst.txt
1187  string-trim.rst.txt
1188  string-unescape.rst.txt
1189  string-upper.rst.txt
1190  string.rst.txt
1191  suspend.rst.txt
1192  switch.rst.txt
1193  test.rst.txt
1194  time.rst.txt
1195  trap.rst.txt
1196  true.rst.txt
1197  type.rst.txt
1198  ulimit.rst.txt
1199  umask.rst.txt
1200  vared.rst.txt
1201  wait.rst.txt
1202  while.rst.txt
1203 share/doc/fish/_static/
1204  ajax-loader.gif
1205  basic.css
1206  comment-bright.png
1207  comment-close.png
1208  comment.png
1209  custom.css
1210  doctools.js
1211  documentation_options.js
1212  down-pressed.png
1213  down.png
1214  file.png
1215  jquery.js
1216  language_data.js
1217  minus.png
1218  nature.css
1219  plus.png
1220  pygments.css
1221  searchtools.js
1222  underscore.js
1223  up-pressed.png
1224  up.png
1225  websupport.js
1226 share/doc/fish/cmds/
1227  abbr.html
1228  alias.html
1229  and.html
1230  argparse.html
1231  begin.html
1232  bg.html
1233  bind.html
1234  block.html
1235  break.html
1236  breakpoint.html
1237  builtin.html
1238  case.html
1239  cd.html
1240  cdh.html
1241  command.html
1242  commandline.html
1243  complete.html
1244  contains.html
1245  continue.html
1246  count.html
1247  dirh.html
1248  dirs.html
1249  disown.html
1250  echo.html
1251  else.html
1252  emit.html
1253  end.html
1254  eval.html
1255  exec.html
1256  exit.html
1257  false.html
1258  fg.html
1259  fish.html
1260  fish_breakpoint_prompt.html
1261  fish_config.html
1262  fish_git_prompt.html
1263  fish_hg_prompt.html
1264  fish_indent.html
1265  fish_key_reader.html
1266  fish_mode_prompt.html
1267  fish_opt.html
1268  fish_prompt.html
1269  fish_right_prompt.html
1270  fish_svn_prompt.html
1271  fish_update_completions.html
1272  fish_vcs_prompt.html
1273  for.html
1274  funced.html
1275  funcsave.html
1276  function.html
1277  functions.html
1278  help.html
1279  history.html
1280  if.html
1281  isatty.html
1282  jobs.html
1283  math.html
1284  nextd.html
1285  not.html
1286  open.html
1287  or.html
1288  popd.html
1289  prevd.html
1290  printf.html
1291  prompt_pwd.html
1292  psub.html
1293  pushd.html
1294  pwd.html
1295  random.html
1296  read.html
1297  realpath.html
1298  return.html
1299  set.html
1300  set_color.html
1301  source.html
1302  status.html
1303  string-collect.html
1304  string-escape.html
1305  string-join.html
1306  string-join0.html
1307  string-length.html
1308  string-lower.html
1309  string-match.html
1310  string-repeat.html
1311  string-replace.html
1312  string-split.html
1313  string-split0.html
1314  string-sub.html
1315  string-trim.html
1316  string-unescape.html
1317  string-upper.html
1318  string.html
1319  suspend.html
1320  switch.html
1321  test.html
1322  time.html
1323  trap.html
1324  true.html
1325  type.html
1326  ulimit.html
1327  umask.html
1328  vared.html
1329  wait.html
1330  while.html
1333 [FILE:330:manifests/plist.nls]
1334 share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/fish.mo
1335 share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES/fish.mo
1336 share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/fish.mo
1337 share/locale/nb/LC_MESSAGES/fish.mo
1338 share/locale/nn/LC_MESSAGES/fish.mo
1339 share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/fish.mo
1340 share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/fish.mo
1341 share/locale/sv/LC_MESSAGES/fish.mo
1342 share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/fish.mo
1345 [FILE:1434:patches/patch-cmake_Install.cmake]
1346 --- cmake/Install.cmake.orig    2020-04-27 13:57:43 UTC
1347 +++ cmake/Install.cmake
1348 @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ INSTALL(FILES share/config.fish
1349                ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/share/__fish_build_paths.fish
1350          DESTINATION ${rel_datadir}/fish)
1352 -# $v $(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/pkgconfig
1353 +# $v $(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/../lib/pkgconfig
1354  # @echo "Creating placeholder vendor/'extra_' directories"
1355  # -$v $(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(extra_completionsdir)
1356  # -$v $(INSTALL) -m 755 -d $(DESTDIR)$(extra_functionsdir)
1357 @@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ FISH_CREATE_DIRS(${rel_datadir}/fish/ven
1358      ${rel_datadir}/fish/vendor_conf.d)
1360  # @echo "Installing pkgconfig file"
1361 -# $v $(INSTALL) -m 644 fish.pc $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/pkgconfig
1362 -FISH_TRY_CREATE_DIRS(${rel_datadir}/pkgconfig)
1363 +# $v $(INSTALL) -m 644 fish.pc $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/../lib/pkgconfig
1364 +FISH_TRY_CREATE_DIRS(${rel_datadir}/../lib/pkgconfig)
1365  CONFIGURE_FILE(fish.pc.in fish.pc.noversion)
1368 @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND(OUTPUT fish.pc
1369  ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(build_fish_pc ALL DEPENDS fish.pc)
1372 -        DESTINATION ${rel_datadir}/pkgconfig)
1373 +        DESTINATION ${rel_datadir}/../lib/pkgconfig)
1375  # @echo "Installing the $(bo)fish completion library$(sgr0)...";
1376  # $v $(INSTALL) -m 644 $(COMPLETIONS_DIR_FILES:%='%') $(DESTDIR)$(datadir)/fish/completions/