Ravenports generated: 12 Sep 2017 11:37
[ravenports.git] / bucket_72 / python27
1 # Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit.
3 NAMEBASE=               python27
4 VERSION=                2.7.13
5 REVISION=               1
6 KEYWORDS=               lang python
7 VARIANTS=               standard
8 SDESC[standard]=        Interpreted object-oriented programming language
9 HOMEPAGE=               https://www.python.org/
10 CONTACT=                nobody
12 DOWNLOAD_GROUPS=        main
13 SITES[main]=            http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.7.13/
14 DISTFILE[1]=            Python-2.7.13.tar.xz:main
15 DF_INDEX=               1
16 SPKGS[standard]=        single
20 OPT_ON[all]=            THREADS PYMALLOC
22 BROKEN_SSL=             openssl-devel
24 BUILD_DEPENDS=          bzip2:static:standard
25                         expat:static:standard
26 BUILDRUN_DEPENDS=       libffi:single:standard
27                         expat:shared:standard
28                         bzip2:shared:standard
29                         xz:single:standard
31 USES=                   bdb cpe ncurses pkgconfig readline ssl shebangfix
32                         gettext-runtime zlib
34 DISTNAME=               Python-2.7.13
36 LICENSE=                PSFL:single
37 LICENSE_SCHEME=         solo
40 CPE_PRODUCT=            python
41 CPE_VENDOR=             python
42 CPE_VERSION=            2.7.13
43 FPC_EQUIVALENT=         lang/python27
44 SHEBANG_FILES=          Lib/smtplib.py
45                         Lib/keyword.py
46                         Lib/quopri.py
47                         Lib/mimify.py
48                         Lib/pydoc.py
49                         Lib/profile.py
50                         Lib/symbol.py
51                         Lib/test/re_tests.py
52                         Lib/test/regrtest.py
53                         Lib/test/pystone.py
54                         Lib/test/curses_tests.py
55                         Lib/webbrowser.py
56                         Lib/platform.py
57                         Lib/pdb.py
58                         Lib/base64.py
59                         Lib/tabnanny.py
60                         Lib/UserString.py
61                         Lib/cProfile.py
62                         Lib/trace.py
63                         Lib/timeit.py
64                         Lib/uu.py
65                         Lib/smtpd.py
66                         Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/different_encoding.py
67                         Lib/lib2to3/tests/data/false_encoding.py
68                         Lib/lib2to3/tests/pytree_idempotency.py
69                         Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/token.py
70                         Lib/encodings/rot_13.py
71                         Lib/idlelib/PyShell.py
72 SHEBANG_NEW_PYTHON=     {{PREFIX}}/bin/python2.7
74 MUST_CONFIGURE=         gnu
75 CONFIGURE_ARGS=         --with-system-ffi
76                         --with-system-expat
77                         --enable-shared
78                         --without-ensurepip
79                         --enable-ipv6
80                         --enable-unicode=ucs4
81 CONFIGURE_ENV=          OPT=""
82                         ac_cv_opt_olimit_ok=no
83                         ac_cv_posix_semaphores_enabled=yes
86 SINGLE_JOB=             yes
88 INSTALL_TARGET=         altinstall
90 PLIST_SUB=              XYDOT=2.7
91                         XY=27
92                         XYZDOT=2.7.13
93                         LOW_OPSYS={{OPSYS:tl}}
94 SUB_FILES=              pkg-message-single
95 SUB_LIST=               PYTHON_SUFFIX=27
97 CFLAGS=                 -I{{NCURSESINC}}
98 TEST_TARGET=            buildbottest
100 VAR_OPSYS[freebsd]=     PLIST_SUB=PLAT={{OPSYS:tl}}{{MAJOR:R}}
101                         PLIST_SUB=SHLIB=so.1
102 VAR_OPSYS[linux]=       PLIST_SUB=PLAT={{OPSYS:tl}}2
103                         PLIST_SUB=SHLIB=so.1.0
104 VAR_OPSYS[dragonfly]=   PLIST_SUB=PLAT={{OPSYS:tl}}{{MAJOR:R}}
105                         PLIST_SUB=SHLIB=so.1
106 VAR_ARCH[aarch64]=      PLIST_SUB=I386-ON="@comment "
107 VAR_ARCH[x86_64]=       PLIST_SUB=I386-ON="@comment "
108 VAR_ARCH[i386]=         PLIST_SUB=I386-ON=""
110 [DEBUG].CONFIGURE_WITH_BOTH=            pydebug
112 [THREADS].CONFIGURE_WITH_BOTH=          threads
113 [THREADS].LDFLAGS_ON=                   -pthread
115 [PYMALLOC].DESCRIPTION=                 Enable specialized mallocs
116 [PYMALLOC].CONFIGURE_WITH_BOTH=         pymalloc
118 post-patch:
119         ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/local/bin/python|${python_CMD}|' \
120                 ${WRKSRC}/Lib/cgi.py
121         @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e \
122                 's,/usr/doc/python-docs-,${PREFIX}/share/doc/python,g' \
123                 ${PATCH_WRKSRC}/Lib/pydoc.py
124         ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e '/runtime_library_dirs=dblib_dir/d' \
125                 -e 's|/usr/local/include/db4|${PREFIX}/include/db${BDB_VER}|' \
126                 ${WRKSRC}/setup.py
127         ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|$$$$quiet|--verbose|' ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.pre.in
129 post-install:
130         for i in ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/*.so; do \
131                 ${STRIP_CMD} $$i; \
132         done
134 post-install-DEBUG-OFF:
135         # Upstream Issue: http://bugs.python.org/issue17975
136         ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/libpython3.so
138 [FILE:558:descriptions/desc.single]
139 Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
140 language. It incorporates modules, exceptions, dynamic typing, very high
141 level dynamic data types, and classes. Python combines remarkable power
142 with very clear syntax. It has interfaces to many system calls and
143 libraries, as well as to various window systems, and is extensible in C
144 or C++. It is also usable as an extension language for applications that
145 need a programmable interface. Finally, Python is portable: it runs on
146 many Unix variants, on the Mac, and on Windows 2000 and later.
149 [FILE:99:distinfo]
150 35d543986882f78261f97787fd3e06274bfa6df29fac9b4a94f73930ff98f731     12495628 Python-2.7.13.tar.xz
153 [FILE:75590:manifests/plist.single]
154 %%I386-ON%%lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
155  dl.so
156  imageop.so
157 bin/
158  2to3-2.7
159  idle2.7
160  pydoc2.7
161  python2.7
162  python2.7-config
163 include/python2.7/
164  Python-ast.h
165  Python.h
166  abstract.h
167  asdl.h
168  ast.h
169  bitset.h
170  boolobject.h
171  bufferobject.h
172  bytearrayobject.h
173  bytes_methods.h
174  bytesobject.h
175  cStringIO.h
176  cellobject.h
177  ceval.h
178  classobject.h
179  cobject.h
180  code.h
181  codecs.h
182  compile.h
183  complexobject.h
184  datetime.h
185  descrobject.h
186  dictobject.h
187  dtoa.h
188  enumobject.h
189  errcode.h
190  eval.h
191  fileobject.h
192  floatobject.h
193  frameobject.h
194  funcobject.h
195  genobject.h
196  graminit.h
197  grammar.h
198  import.h
199  intobject.h
200  intrcheck.h
201  iterobject.h
202  listobject.h
203  longintrepr.h
204  longobject.h
205  marshal.h
206  memoryobject.h
207  metagrammar.h
208  methodobject.h
209  modsupport.h
210  moduleobject.h
211  node.h
212  object.h
213  objimpl.h
214  opcode.h
215  osdefs.h
216  parsetok.h
217  patchlevel.h
218  pgen.h
219  pgenheaders.h
220  py_curses.h
221  pyarena.h
222  pycapsule.h
223  pyconfig.h
224  pyctype.h
225  pydebug.h
226  pyerrors.h
227  pyexpat.h
228  pyfpe.h
229  pygetopt.h
230  pymacconfig.h
231  pymactoolbox.h
232  pymath.h
233  pymem.h
234  pyport.h
235  pystate.h
236  pystrcmp.h
237  pystrtod.h
238  pythonrun.h
239  pythread.h
240  rangeobject.h
241  setobject.h
242  sliceobject.h
243  stringobject.h
244  structmember.h
245  structseq.h
246  symtable.h
247  sysmodule.h
248  timefuncs.h
249  token.h
250  traceback.h
251  tupleobject.h
252  ucnhash.h
253  unicodeobject.h
254  warnings.h
255  weakrefobject.h
256 lib/
257  libpython2.7.so
258  libpython2.7.%%SHLIB%%
259 lib/pkgconfig/python-2.7.pc
260 lib/python2.7/
261  BaseHTTPServer.py
262  BaseHTTPServer.pyc
263  BaseHTTPServer.pyo
264  Bastion.py
265  Bastion.pyc
266  Bastion.pyo
267  CGIHTTPServer.py
268  CGIHTTPServer.pyc
269  CGIHTTPServer.pyo
270  ConfigParser.py
271  ConfigParser.pyc
272  ConfigParser.pyo
273  Cookie.py
274  Cookie.pyc
275  Cookie.pyo
276  DocXMLRPCServer.py
277  DocXMLRPCServer.pyc
278  DocXMLRPCServer.pyo
279  HTMLParser.py
280  HTMLParser.pyc
281  HTMLParser.pyo
282  LICENSE.txt
283  MimeWriter.py
284  MimeWriter.pyc
285  MimeWriter.pyo
286  Queue.py
287  Queue.pyc
288  Queue.pyo
289  SimpleHTTPServer.py
290  SimpleHTTPServer.pyc
291  SimpleHTTPServer.pyo
292  SimpleXMLRPCServer.py
293  SimpleXMLRPCServer.pyc
294  SimpleXMLRPCServer.pyo
295  SocketServer.py
296  SocketServer.pyc
297  SocketServer.pyo
298  StringIO.py
299  StringIO.pyc
300  StringIO.pyo
301  UserDict.py
302  UserDict.pyc
303  UserDict.pyo
304  UserList.py
305  UserList.pyc
306  UserList.pyo
307  UserString.py
308  UserString.pyc
309  UserString.pyo
310  _LWPCookieJar.py
311  _LWPCookieJar.pyc
312  _LWPCookieJar.pyo
313  _MozillaCookieJar.py
314  _MozillaCookieJar.pyc
315  _MozillaCookieJar.pyo
316  __future__.py
317  __future__.pyc
318  __future__.pyo
319  __phello__.foo.py
320  __phello__.foo.pyc
321  __phello__.foo.pyo
322  _abcoll.py
323  _abcoll.pyc
324  _abcoll.pyo
325  _osx_support.py
326  _osx_support.pyc
327  _osx_support.pyo
328  _pyio.py
329  _pyio.pyc
330  _pyio.pyo
331  _strptime.py
332  _strptime.pyc
333  _strptime.pyo
334  _sysconfigdata.py
335  _sysconfigdata.pyc
336  _sysconfigdata.pyo
337  _threading_local.py
338  _threading_local.pyc
339  _threading_local.pyo
340  _weakrefset.py
341  _weakrefset.pyc
342  _weakrefset.pyo
343  abc.py
344  abc.pyc
345  abc.pyo
346  aifc.py
347  aifc.pyc
348  aifc.pyo
349  antigravity.py
350  antigravity.pyc
351  antigravity.pyo
352  anydbm.py
353  anydbm.pyc
354  anydbm.pyo
355  argparse.py
356  argparse.pyc
357  argparse.pyo
358  ast.py
359  ast.pyc
360  ast.pyo
361  asynchat.py
362  asynchat.pyc
363  asynchat.pyo
364  asyncore.py
365  asyncore.pyc
366  asyncore.pyo
367  atexit.py
368  atexit.pyc
369  atexit.pyo
370  audiodev.py
371  audiodev.pyc
372  audiodev.pyo
373  base64.py
374  base64.pyc
375  base64.pyo
376  bdb.py
377  bdb.pyc
378  bdb.pyo
379  binhex.py
380  binhex.pyc
381  binhex.pyo
382  bisect.py
383  bisect.pyc
384  bisect.pyo
385 lib/python2.7/bsddb/
386  __init__.py
387  __init__.pyc
388  __init__.pyo
389  db.py
390  db.pyc
391  db.pyo
392  dbobj.py
393  dbobj.pyc
394  dbobj.pyo
395  dbrecio.py
396  dbrecio.pyc
397  dbrecio.pyo
398  dbshelve.py
399  dbshelve.pyc
400  dbshelve.pyo
401  dbtables.py
402  dbtables.pyc
403  dbtables.pyo
404  dbutils.py
405  dbutils.pyc
406  dbutils.pyo
407 lib/python2.7/bsddb/test/
408  __init__.py
409  __init__.pyc
410  __init__.pyo
411  test_all.py
412  test_all.pyc
413  test_all.pyo
414  test_associate.py
415  test_associate.pyc
416  test_associate.pyo
417  test_basics.py
418  test_basics.pyc
419  test_basics.pyo
420  test_compare.py
421  test_compare.pyc
422  test_compare.pyo
423  test_compat.py
424  test_compat.pyc
425  test_compat.pyo
426  test_cursor_pget_bug.py
427  test_cursor_pget_bug.pyc
428  test_cursor_pget_bug.pyo
429  test_db.py
430  test_db.pyc
431  test_db.pyo
432  test_dbenv.py
433  test_dbenv.pyc
434  test_dbenv.pyo
435  test_dbobj.py
436  test_dbobj.pyc
437  test_dbobj.pyo
438  test_dbshelve.py
439  test_dbshelve.pyc
440  test_dbshelve.pyo
441  test_dbtables.py
442  test_dbtables.pyc
443  test_dbtables.pyo
444  test_distributed_transactions.py
445  test_distributed_transactions.pyc
446  test_distributed_transactions.pyo
447  test_early_close.py
448  test_early_close.pyc
449  test_early_close.pyo
450  test_fileid.py
451  test_fileid.pyc
452  test_fileid.pyo
453  test_get_none.py
454  test_get_none.pyc
455  test_get_none.pyo
456  test_join.py
457  test_join.pyc
458  test_join.pyo
459  test_lock.py
460  test_lock.pyc
461  test_lock.pyo
462  test_misc.py
463  test_misc.pyc
464  test_misc.pyo
465  test_pickle.py
466  test_pickle.pyc
467  test_pickle.pyo
468  test_queue.py
469  test_queue.pyc
470  test_queue.pyo
471  test_recno.py
472  test_recno.pyc
473  test_recno.pyo
474  test_replication.py
475  test_replication.pyc
476  test_replication.pyo
477  test_sequence.py
478  test_sequence.pyc
479  test_sequence.pyo
480  test_thread.py
481  test_thread.pyc
482  test_thread.pyo
483 lib/python2.7/
484  cProfile.py
485  cProfile.pyc
486  cProfile.pyo
487  calendar.py
488  calendar.pyc
489  calendar.pyo
490  cgi.py
491  cgi.pyc
492  cgi.pyo
493  cgitb.py
494  cgitb.pyc
495  cgitb.pyo
496  chunk.py
497  chunk.pyc
498  chunk.pyo
499  cmd.py
500  cmd.pyc
501  cmd.pyo
502  code.py
503  code.pyc
504  code.pyo
505  codecs.py
506  codecs.pyc
507  codecs.pyo
508  codeop.py
509  codeop.pyc
510  codeop.pyo
511  collections.py
512  collections.pyc
513  collections.pyo
514  colorsys.py
515  colorsys.pyc
516  colorsys.pyo
517  commands.py
518  commands.pyc
519  commands.pyo
520  compileall.py
521  compileall.pyc
522  compileall.pyo
523 lib/python2.7/compiler/
524  __init__.py
525  __init__.pyc
526  __init__.pyo
527  ast.py
528  ast.pyc
529  ast.pyo
530  consts.py
531  consts.pyc
532  consts.pyo
533  future.py
534  future.pyc
535  future.pyo
536  misc.py
537  misc.pyc
538  misc.pyo
539  pyassem.py
540  pyassem.pyc
541  pyassem.pyo
542  pycodegen.py
543  pycodegen.pyc
544  pycodegen.pyo
545  symbols.py
546  symbols.pyc
547  symbols.pyo
548  syntax.py
549  syntax.pyc
550  syntax.pyo
551  transformer.py
552  transformer.pyc
553  transformer.pyo
554  visitor.py
555  visitor.pyc
556  visitor.pyo
557 lib/python2.7/config/
558  Makefile
559  Setup
560  Setup.config
561  Setup.local
562  config.c
563  config.c.in
564  install-sh
565  libpython2.7.a
566  makesetup
567  python.o
568 lib/python2.7/
569  contextlib.py
570  contextlib.pyc
571  contextlib.pyo
572  cookielib.py
573  cookielib.pyc
574  cookielib.pyo
575  copy.py
576  copy.pyc
577  copy.pyo
578  copy_reg.py
579  copy_reg.pyc
580  copy_reg.pyo
581  csv.py
582  csv.pyc
583  csv.pyo
584 lib/python2.7/ctypes/
585  __init__.py
586  __init__.pyc
587  __init__.pyo
588  _endian.py
589  _endian.pyc
590  _endian.pyo
591 lib/python2.7/ctypes/macholib/
592  README.ctypes
593  __init__.py
594  __init__.pyc
595  __init__.pyo
596  dyld.py
597  dyld.pyc
598  dyld.pyo
599  dylib.py
600  dylib.pyc
601  dylib.pyo
602  fetch_macholib
603  fetch_macholib.bat
604  framework.py
605  framework.pyc
606  framework.pyo
607 lib/python2.7/ctypes/test/
608  __init__.py
609  __init__.pyc
610  __init__.pyo
611  runtests.py
612  runtests.pyc
613  runtests.pyo
614  test_anon.py
615  test_anon.pyc
616  test_anon.pyo
617  test_array_in_pointer.py
618  test_array_in_pointer.pyc
619  test_array_in_pointer.pyo
620  test_arrays.py
621  test_arrays.pyc
622  test_arrays.pyo
623  test_as_parameter.py
624  test_as_parameter.pyc
625  test_as_parameter.pyo
626  test_bitfields.py
627  test_bitfields.pyc
628  test_bitfields.pyo
629  test_buffers.py
630  test_buffers.pyc
631  test_buffers.pyo
632  test_byteswap.py
633  test_byteswap.pyc
634  test_byteswap.pyo
635  test_callbacks.py
636  test_callbacks.pyc
637  test_callbacks.pyo
638  test_cast.py
639  test_cast.pyc
640  test_cast.pyo
641  test_cfuncs.py
642  test_cfuncs.pyc
643  test_cfuncs.pyo
644  test_checkretval.py
645  test_checkretval.pyc
646  test_checkretval.pyo
647  test_delattr.py
648  test_delattr.pyc
649  test_delattr.pyo
650  test_errno.py
651  test_errno.pyc
652  test_errno.pyo
653  test_find.py
654  test_find.pyc
655  test_find.pyo
656  test_frombuffer.py
657  test_frombuffer.pyc
658  test_frombuffer.pyo
659  test_funcptr.py
660  test_funcptr.pyc
661  test_funcptr.pyo
662  test_functions.py
663  test_functions.pyc
664  test_functions.pyo
665  test_incomplete.py
666  test_incomplete.pyc
667  test_incomplete.pyo
668  test_init.py
669  test_init.pyc
670  test_init.pyo
671  test_internals.py
672  test_internals.pyc
673  test_internals.pyo
674  test_keeprefs.py
675  test_keeprefs.pyc
676  test_keeprefs.pyo
677  test_libc.py
678  test_libc.pyc
679  test_libc.pyo
680  test_loading.py
681  test_loading.pyc
682  test_loading.pyo
683  test_macholib.py
684  test_macholib.pyc
685  test_macholib.pyo
686  test_memfunctions.py
687  test_memfunctions.pyc
688  test_memfunctions.pyo
689  test_numbers.py
690  test_numbers.pyc
691  test_numbers.pyo
692  test_objects.py
693  test_objects.pyc
694  test_objects.pyo
695  test_parameters.py
696  test_parameters.pyc
697  test_parameters.pyo
698  test_pep3118.py
699  test_pep3118.pyc
700  test_pep3118.pyo
701  test_pickling.py
702  test_pickling.pyc
703  test_pickling.pyo
704  test_pointers.py
705  test_pointers.pyc
706  test_pointers.pyo
707  test_prototypes.py
708  test_prototypes.pyc
709  test_prototypes.pyo
710  test_python_api.py
711  test_python_api.pyc
712  test_python_api.pyo
713  test_random_things.py
714  test_random_things.pyc
715  test_random_things.pyo
716  test_refcounts.py
717  test_refcounts.pyc
718  test_refcounts.pyo
719  test_repr.py
720  test_repr.pyc
721  test_repr.pyo
722  test_returnfuncptrs.py
723  test_returnfuncptrs.pyc
724  test_returnfuncptrs.pyo
725  test_simplesubclasses.py
726  test_simplesubclasses.pyc
727  test_simplesubclasses.pyo
728  test_sizes.py
729  test_sizes.pyc
730  test_sizes.pyo
731  test_slicing.py
732  test_slicing.pyc
733  test_slicing.pyo
734  test_stringptr.py
735  test_stringptr.pyc
736  test_stringptr.pyo
737  test_strings.py
738  test_strings.pyc
739  test_strings.pyo
740  test_struct_fields.py
741  test_struct_fields.pyc
742  test_struct_fields.pyo
743  test_structures.py
744  test_structures.pyc
745  test_structures.pyo
746  test_unaligned_structures.py
747  test_unaligned_structures.pyc
748  test_unaligned_structures.pyo
749  test_unicode.py
750  test_unicode.pyc
751  test_unicode.pyo
752  test_values.py
753  test_values.pyc
754  test_values.pyo
755  test_varsize_struct.py
756  test_varsize_struct.pyc
757  test_varsize_struct.pyo
758  test_win32.py
759  test_win32.pyc
760  test_win32.pyo
761  test_wintypes.py
762  test_wintypes.pyc
763  test_wintypes.pyo
764 lib/python2.7/ctypes/
765  util.py
766  util.pyc
767  util.pyo
768  wintypes.py
769  wintypes.pyc
770  wintypes.pyo
771 lib/python2.7/curses/
772  __init__.py
773  __init__.pyc
774  __init__.pyo
775  ascii.py
776  ascii.pyc
777  ascii.pyo
778  has_key.py
779  has_key.pyc
780  has_key.pyo
781  panel.py
782  panel.pyc
783  panel.pyo
784  textpad.py
785  textpad.pyc
786  textpad.pyo
787  wrapper.py
788  wrapper.pyc
789  wrapper.pyo
790 lib/python2.7/
791  dbhash.py
792  dbhash.pyc
793  dbhash.pyo
794  decimal.py
795  decimal.pyc
796  decimal.pyo
797  difflib.py
798  difflib.pyc
799  difflib.pyo
800  dircache.py
801  dircache.pyc
802  dircache.pyo
803  dis.py
804  dis.pyc
805  dis.pyo
806 lib/python2.7/distutils/
808  __init__.py
809  __init__.pyc
810  __init__.pyo
811  archive_util.py
812  archive_util.pyc
813  archive_util.pyo
814  bcppcompiler.py
815  bcppcompiler.pyc
816  bcppcompiler.pyo
817  ccompiler.py
818  ccompiler.pyc
819  ccompiler.pyo
820  cmd.py
821  cmd.pyc
822  cmd.pyo
823 lib/python2.7/distutils/command/
824  __init__.py
825  __init__.pyc
826  __init__.pyo
827  bdist.py
828  bdist.pyc
829  bdist.pyo
830  bdist_dumb.py
831  bdist_dumb.pyc
832  bdist_dumb.pyo
833  bdist_msi.py
834  bdist_msi.pyc
835  bdist_msi.pyo
836  bdist_rpm.py
837  bdist_rpm.pyc
838  bdist_rpm.pyo
839  bdist_wininst.py
840  bdist_wininst.pyc
841  bdist_wininst.pyo
842  build.py
843  build.pyc
844  build.pyo
845  build_clib.py
846  build_clib.pyc
847  build_clib.pyo
848  build_ext.py
849  build_ext.pyc
850  build_ext.pyo
851  build_py.py
852  build_py.pyc
853  build_py.pyo
854  build_scripts.py
855  build_scripts.pyc
856  build_scripts.pyo
857  check.py
858  check.pyc
859  check.pyo
860  clean.py
861  clean.pyc
862  clean.pyo
863  command_template
864  config.py
865  config.pyc
866  config.pyo
867  install.py
868  install.pyc
869  install.pyo
870  install_data.py
871  install_data.pyc
872  install_data.pyo
873  install_egg_info.py
874  install_egg_info.pyc
875  install_egg_info.pyo
876  install_headers.py
877  install_headers.pyc
878  install_headers.pyo
879  install_lib.py
880  install_lib.pyc
881  install_lib.pyo
882  install_scripts.py
883  install_scripts.pyc
884  install_scripts.pyo
885  register.py
886  register.pyc
887  register.pyo
888  sdist.py
889  sdist.pyc
890  sdist.pyo
891  upload.py
892  upload.pyc
893  upload.pyo
894  wininst-6.0.exe
895  wininst-7.1.exe
896  wininst-8.0.exe
897  wininst-9.0-amd64.exe
898  wininst-9.0.exe
899 lib/python2.7/distutils/
900  config.py
901  config.pyc
902  config.pyo
903  core.py
904  core.pyc
905  core.pyo
906  cygwinccompiler.py
907  cygwinccompiler.pyc
908  cygwinccompiler.pyo
909  debug.py
910  debug.pyc
911  debug.pyo
912  dep_util.py
913  dep_util.pyc
914  dep_util.pyo
915  dir_util.py
916  dir_util.pyc
917  dir_util.pyo
918  dist.py
919  dist.pyc
920  dist.pyo
921  emxccompiler.py
922  emxccompiler.pyc
923  emxccompiler.pyo
924  errors.py
925  errors.pyc
926  errors.pyo
927  extension.py
928  extension.pyc
929  extension.pyo
930  fancy_getopt.py
931  fancy_getopt.pyc
932  fancy_getopt.pyo
933  file_util.py
934  file_util.pyc
935  file_util.pyo
936  filelist.py
937  filelist.pyc
938  filelist.pyo
939  log.py
940  log.pyc
941  log.pyo
942  msvc9compiler.py
943  msvc9compiler.pyc
944  msvc9compiler.pyo
945  msvccompiler.py
946  msvccompiler.pyc
947  msvccompiler.pyo
948  spawn.py
949  spawn.pyc
950  spawn.pyo
951  sysconfig.py
952  sysconfig.pyc
953  sysconfig.pyo
954 lib/python2.7/distutils/tests/
955  Setup.sample
956  __init__.py
957  __init__.pyc
958  __init__.pyo
959  setuptools_build_ext.py
960  setuptools_build_ext.pyc
961  setuptools_build_ext.pyo
962  setuptools_extension.py
963  setuptools_extension.pyc
964  setuptools_extension.pyo
965  support.py
966  support.pyc
967  support.pyo
968  test_archive_util.py
969  test_archive_util.pyc
970  test_archive_util.pyo
971  test_bdist.py
972  test_bdist.pyc
973  test_bdist.pyo
974  test_bdist_dumb.py
975  test_bdist_dumb.pyc
976  test_bdist_dumb.pyo
977  test_bdist_msi.py
978  test_bdist_msi.pyc
979  test_bdist_msi.pyo
980  test_bdist_rpm.py
981  test_bdist_rpm.pyc
982  test_bdist_rpm.pyo
983  test_bdist_wininst.py
984  test_bdist_wininst.pyc
985  test_bdist_wininst.pyo
986  test_build.py
987  test_build.pyc
988  test_build.pyo
989  test_build_clib.py
990  test_build_clib.pyc
991  test_build_clib.pyo
992  test_build_ext.py
993  test_build_ext.pyc
994  test_build_ext.pyo
995  test_build_py.py
996  test_build_py.pyc
997  test_build_py.pyo
998  test_build_scripts.py
999  test_build_scripts.pyc
1000  test_build_scripts.pyo
1001  test_ccompiler.py
1002  test_ccompiler.pyc
1003  test_ccompiler.pyo
1004  test_check.py
1005  test_check.pyc
1006  test_check.pyo
1007  test_clean.py
1008  test_clean.pyc
1009  test_clean.pyo
1010  test_cmd.py
1011  test_cmd.pyc
1012  test_cmd.pyo
1013  test_config.py
1014  test_config.pyc
1015  test_config.pyo
1016  test_config_cmd.py
1017  test_config_cmd.pyc
1018  test_config_cmd.pyo
1019  test_core.py
1020  test_core.pyc
1021  test_core.pyo
1022  test_dep_util.py
1023  test_dep_util.pyc
1024  test_dep_util.pyo
1025  test_dir_util.py
1026  test_dir_util.pyc
1027  test_dir_util.pyo
1028  test_dist.py
1029  test_dist.pyc
1030  test_dist.pyo
1031  test_file_util.py
1032  test_file_util.pyc
1033  test_file_util.pyo
1034  test_filelist.py
1035  test_filelist.pyc
1036  test_filelist.pyo
1037  test_install.py
1038  test_install.pyc
1039  test_install.pyo
1040  test_install_data.py
1041  test_install_data.pyc
1042  test_install_data.pyo
1043  test_install_headers.py
1044  test_install_headers.pyc
1045  test_install_headers.pyo
1046  test_install_lib.py
1047  test_install_lib.pyc
1048  test_install_lib.pyo
1049  test_install_scripts.py
1050  test_install_scripts.pyc
1051  test_install_scripts.pyo
1052  test_msvc9compiler.py
1053  test_msvc9compiler.pyc
1054  test_msvc9compiler.pyo
1055  test_register.py
1056  test_register.pyc
1057  test_register.pyo
1058  test_sdist.py
1059  test_sdist.pyc
1060  test_sdist.pyo
1061  test_spawn.py
1062  test_spawn.pyc
1063  test_spawn.pyo
1064  test_sysconfig.py
1065  test_sysconfig.pyc
1066  test_sysconfig.pyo
1067  test_text_file.py
1068  test_text_file.pyc
1069  test_text_file.pyo
1070  test_unixccompiler.py
1071  test_unixccompiler.pyc
1072  test_unixccompiler.pyo
1073  test_upload.py
1074  test_upload.pyc
1075  test_upload.pyo
1076  test_util.py
1077  test_util.pyc
1078  test_util.pyo
1079  test_version.py
1080  test_version.pyc
1081  test_version.pyo
1082  test_versionpredicate.py
1083  test_versionpredicate.pyc
1084  test_versionpredicate.pyo
1085  xxmodule.c
1086 lib/python2.7/distutils/
1087  text_file.py
1088  text_file.pyc
1089  text_file.pyo
1090  unixccompiler.py
1091  unixccompiler.pyc
1092  unixccompiler.pyo
1093  util.py
1094  util.pyc
1095  util.pyo
1096  version.py
1097  version.pyc
1098  version.pyo
1099  versionpredicate.py
1100  versionpredicate.pyc
1101  versionpredicate.pyo
1102 lib/python2.7/
1103  doctest.py
1104  doctest.pyc
1105  doctest.pyo
1106  dumbdbm.py
1107  dumbdbm.pyc
1108  dumbdbm.pyo
1109  dummy_thread.py
1110  dummy_thread.pyc
1111  dummy_thread.pyo
1112  dummy_threading.py
1113  dummy_threading.pyc
1114  dummy_threading.pyo
1115 lib/python2.7/email/
1116  __init__.py
1117  __init__.pyc
1118  __init__.pyo
1119  _parseaddr.py
1120  _parseaddr.pyc
1121  _parseaddr.pyo
1122  base64mime.py
1123  base64mime.pyc
1124  base64mime.pyo
1125  charset.py
1126  charset.pyc
1127  charset.pyo
1128  encoders.py
1129  encoders.pyc
1130  encoders.pyo
1131  errors.py
1132  errors.pyc
1133  errors.pyo
1134  feedparser.py
1135  feedparser.pyc
1136  feedparser.pyo
1137  generator.py
1138  generator.pyc
1139  generator.pyo
1140  header.py
1141  header.pyc
1142  header.pyo
1143  iterators.py
1144  iterators.pyc
1145  iterators.pyo
1146  message.py
1147  message.pyc
1148  message.pyo
1149 lib/python2.7/email/mime/
1150  __init__.py
1151  __init__.pyc
1152  __init__.pyo
1153  application.py
1154  application.pyc
1155  application.pyo
1156  audio.py
1157  audio.pyc
1158  audio.pyo
1159  base.py
1160  base.pyc
1161  base.pyo
1162  image.py
1163  image.pyc
1164  image.pyo
1165  message.py
1166  message.pyc
1167  message.pyo
1168  multipart.py
1169  multipart.pyc
1170  multipart.pyo
1171  nonmultipart.py
1172  nonmultipart.pyc
1173  nonmultipart.pyo
1174  text.py
1175  text.pyc
1176  text.pyo
1177 lib/python2.7/email/
1178  parser.py
1179  parser.pyc
1180  parser.pyo
1181  quoprimime.py
1182  quoprimime.pyc
1183  quoprimime.pyo
1184 lib/python2.7/email/test/
1185  __init__.py
1186  __init__.pyc
1187  __init__.pyo
1188 lib/python2.7/email/test/data/
1189  PyBanner048.gif
1190  audiotest.au
1191  msg_01.txt
1192  msg_02.txt
1193  msg_03.txt
1194  msg_04.txt
1195  msg_05.txt
1196  msg_06.txt
1197  msg_07.txt
1198  msg_08.txt
1199  msg_09.txt
1200  msg_10.txt
1201  msg_11.txt
1202  msg_12.txt
1203  msg_12a.txt
1204  msg_13.txt
1205  msg_14.txt
1206  msg_15.txt
1207  msg_16.txt
1208  msg_17.txt
1209  msg_18.txt
1210  msg_19.txt
1211  msg_20.txt
1212  msg_21.txt
1213  msg_22.txt
1214  msg_23.txt
1215  msg_24.txt
1216  msg_25.txt
1217  msg_26.txt
1218  msg_27.txt
1219  msg_28.txt
1220  msg_29.txt
1221  msg_30.txt
1222  msg_31.txt
1223  msg_32.txt
1224  msg_33.txt
1225  msg_34.txt
1226  msg_35.txt
1227  msg_36.txt
1228  msg_37.txt
1229  msg_38.txt
1230  msg_39.txt
1231  msg_40.txt
1232  msg_41.txt
1233  msg_42.txt
1234  msg_43.txt
1235  msg_44.txt
1236  msg_45.txt
1237  msg_46.txt
1238 lib/python2.7/email/test/
1239  test_email.py
1240  test_email.pyc
1241  test_email.pyo
1242  test_email_codecs.py
1243  test_email_codecs.pyc
1244  test_email_codecs.pyo
1245  test_email_codecs_renamed.py
1246  test_email_codecs_renamed.pyc
1247  test_email_codecs_renamed.pyo
1248  test_email_renamed.py
1249  test_email_renamed.pyc
1250  test_email_renamed.pyo
1251  test_email_torture.py
1252  test_email_torture.pyc
1253  test_email_torture.pyo
1254 lib/python2.7/email/
1255  utils.py
1256  utils.pyc
1257  utils.pyo
1258 lib/python2.7/encodings/
1259  __init__.py
1260  __init__.pyc
1261  __init__.pyo
1262  aliases.py
1263  aliases.pyc
1264  aliases.pyo
1265  ascii.py
1266  ascii.pyc
1267  ascii.pyo
1268  base64_codec.py
1269  base64_codec.pyc
1270  base64_codec.pyo
1271  big5.py
1272  big5.pyc
1273  big5.pyo
1274  big5hkscs.py
1275  big5hkscs.pyc
1276  big5hkscs.pyo
1277  bz2_codec.py
1278  bz2_codec.pyc
1279  bz2_codec.pyo
1280  charmap.py
1281  charmap.pyc
1282  charmap.pyo
1283  cp037.py
1284  cp037.pyc
1285  cp037.pyo
1286  cp1006.py
1287  cp1006.pyc
1288  cp1006.pyo
1289  cp1026.py
1290  cp1026.pyc
1291  cp1026.pyo
1292  cp1140.py
1293  cp1140.pyc
1294  cp1140.pyo
1295  cp1250.py
1296  cp1250.pyc
1297  cp1250.pyo
1298  cp1251.py
1299  cp1251.pyc
1300  cp1251.pyo
1301  cp1252.py
1302  cp1252.pyc
1303  cp1252.pyo
1304  cp1253.py
1305  cp1253.pyc
1306  cp1253.pyo
1307  cp1254.py
1308  cp1254.pyc
1309  cp1254.pyo
1310  cp1255.py
1311  cp1255.pyc
1312  cp1255.pyo
1313  cp1256.py
1314  cp1256.pyc
1315  cp1256.pyo
1316  cp1257.py
1317  cp1257.pyc
1318  cp1257.pyo
1319  cp1258.py
1320  cp1258.pyc
1321  cp1258.pyo
1322  cp424.py
1323  cp424.pyc
1324  cp424.pyo
1325  cp437.py
1326  cp437.pyc
1327  cp437.pyo
1328  cp500.py
1329  cp500.pyc
1330  cp500.pyo
1331  cp720.py
1332  cp720.pyc
1333  cp720.pyo
1334  cp737.py
1335  cp737.pyc
1336  cp737.pyo
1337  cp775.py
1338  cp775.pyc
1339  cp775.pyo
1340  cp850.py
1341  cp850.pyc
1342  cp850.pyo
1343  cp852.py
1344  cp852.pyc
1345  cp852.pyo
1346  cp855.py
1347  cp855.pyc
1348  cp855.pyo
1349  cp856.py
1350  cp856.pyc
1351  cp856.pyo
1352  cp857.py
1353  cp857.pyc
1354  cp857.pyo
1355  cp858.py
1356  cp858.pyc
1357  cp858.pyo
1358  cp860.py
1359  cp860.pyc
1360  cp860.pyo
1361  cp861.py
1362  cp861.pyc
1363  cp861.pyo
1364  cp862.py
1365  cp862.pyc
1366  cp862.pyo
1367  cp863.py
1368  cp863.pyc
1369  cp863.pyo
1370  cp864.py
1371  cp864.pyc
1372  cp864.pyo
1373  cp865.py
1374  cp865.pyc
1375  cp865.pyo
1376  cp866.py
1377  cp866.pyc
1378  cp866.pyo
1379  cp869.py
1380  cp869.pyc
1381  cp869.pyo
1382  cp874.py
1383  cp874.pyc
1384  cp874.pyo
1385  cp875.py
1386  cp875.pyc
1387  cp875.pyo
1388  cp932.py
1389  cp932.pyc
1390  cp932.pyo
1391  cp949.py
1392  cp949.pyc
1393  cp949.pyo
1394  cp950.py
1395  cp950.pyc
1396  cp950.pyo
1397  euc_jis_2004.py
1398  euc_jis_2004.pyc
1399  euc_jis_2004.pyo
1400  euc_jisx0213.py
1401  euc_jisx0213.pyc
1402  euc_jisx0213.pyo
1403  euc_jp.py
1404  euc_jp.pyc
1405  euc_jp.pyo
1406  euc_kr.py
1407  euc_kr.pyc
1408  euc_kr.pyo
1409  gb18030.py
1410  gb18030.pyc
1411  gb18030.pyo
1412  gb2312.py
1413  gb2312.pyc
1414  gb2312.pyo
1415  gbk.py
1416  gbk.pyc
1417  gbk.pyo
1418  hex_codec.py
1419  hex_codec.pyc
1420  hex_codec.pyo
1421  hp_roman8.py
1422  hp_roman8.pyc
1423  hp_roman8.pyo
1424  hz.py
1425  hz.pyc
1426  hz.pyo
1427  idna.py
1428  idna.pyc
1429  idna.pyo
1430  iso2022_jp.py
1431  iso2022_jp.pyc
1432  iso2022_jp.pyo
1433  iso2022_jp_1.py
1434  iso2022_jp_1.pyc
1435  iso2022_jp_1.pyo
1436  iso2022_jp_2.py
1437  iso2022_jp_2.pyc
1438  iso2022_jp_2.pyo
1439  iso2022_jp_2004.py
1440  iso2022_jp_2004.pyc
1441  iso2022_jp_2004.pyo
1442  iso2022_jp_3.py
1443  iso2022_jp_3.pyc
1444  iso2022_jp_3.pyo
1445  iso2022_jp_ext.py
1446  iso2022_jp_ext.pyc
1447  iso2022_jp_ext.pyo
1448  iso2022_kr.py
1449  iso2022_kr.pyc
1450  iso2022_kr.pyo
1451  iso8859_1.py
1452  iso8859_1.pyc
1453  iso8859_1.pyo
1454  iso8859_10.py
1455  iso8859_10.pyc
1456  iso8859_10.pyo
1457  iso8859_11.py
1458  iso8859_11.pyc
1459  iso8859_11.pyo
1460  iso8859_13.py
1461  iso8859_13.pyc
1462  iso8859_13.pyo
1463  iso8859_14.py
1464  iso8859_14.pyc
1465  iso8859_14.pyo
1466  iso8859_15.py
1467  iso8859_15.pyc
1468  iso8859_15.pyo
1469  iso8859_16.py
1470  iso8859_16.pyc
1471  iso8859_16.pyo
1472  iso8859_2.py
1473  iso8859_2.pyc
1474  iso8859_2.pyo
1475  iso8859_3.py
1476  iso8859_3.pyc
1477  iso8859_3.pyo
1478  iso8859_4.py
1479  iso8859_4.pyc
1480  iso8859_4.pyo
1481  iso8859_5.py
1482  iso8859_5.pyc
1483  iso8859_5.pyo
1484  iso8859_6.py
1485  iso8859_6.pyc
1486  iso8859_6.pyo
1487  iso8859_7.py
1488  iso8859_7.pyc
1489  iso8859_7.pyo
1490  iso8859_8.py
1491  iso8859_8.pyc
1492  iso8859_8.pyo
1493  iso8859_9.py
1494  iso8859_9.pyc
1495  iso8859_9.pyo
1496  johab.py
1497  johab.pyc
1498  johab.pyo
1499  koi8_r.py
1500  koi8_r.pyc
1501  koi8_r.pyo
1502  koi8_u.py
1503  koi8_u.pyc
1504  koi8_u.pyo
1505  latin_1.py
1506  latin_1.pyc
1507  latin_1.pyo
1508  mac_arabic.py
1509  mac_arabic.pyc
1510  mac_arabic.pyo
1511  mac_centeuro.py
1512  mac_centeuro.pyc
1513  mac_centeuro.pyo
1514  mac_croatian.py
1515  mac_croatian.pyc
1516  mac_croatian.pyo
1517  mac_cyrillic.py
1518  mac_cyrillic.pyc
1519  mac_cyrillic.pyo
1520  mac_farsi.py
1521  mac_farsi.pyc
1522  mac_farsi.pyo
1523  mac_greek.py
1524  mac_greek.pyc
1525  mac_greek.pyo
1526  mac_iceland.py
1527  mac_iceland.pyc
1528  mac_iceland.pyo
1529  mac_latin2.py
1530  mac_latin2.pyc
1531  mac_latin2.pyo
1532  mac_roman.py
1533  mac_roman.pyc
1534  mac_roman.pyo
1535  mac_romanian.py
1536  mac_romanian.pyc
1537  mac_romanian.pyo
1538  mac_turkish.py
1539  mac_turkish.pyc
1540  mac_turkish.pyo
1541  mbcs.py
1542  mbcs.pyc
1543  mbcs.pyo
1544  palmos.py
1545  palmos.pyc
1546  palmos.pyo
1547  ptcp154.py
1548  ptcp154.pyc
1549  ptcp154.pyo
1550  punycode.py
1551  punycode.pyc
1552  punycode.pyo
1553  quopri_codec.py
1554  quopri_codec.pyc
1555  quopri_codec.pyo
1556  raw_unicode_escape.py
1557  raw_unicode_escape.pyc
1558  raw_unicode_escape.pyo
1559  rot_13.py
1560  rot_13.pyc
1561  rot_13.pyo
1562  shift_jis.py
1563  shift_jis.pyc
1564  shift_jis.pyo
1565  shift_jis_2004.py
1566  shift_jis_2004.pyc
1567  shift_jis_2004.pyo
1568  shift_jisx0213.py
1569  shift_jisx0213.pyc
1570  shift_jisx0213.pyo
1571  string_escape.py
1572  string_escape.pyc
1573  string_escape.pyo
1574  tis_620.py
1575  tis_620.pyc
1576  tis_620.pyo
1577  undefined.py
1578  undefined.pyc
1579  undefined.pyo
1580  unicode_escape.py
1581  unicode_escape.pyc
1582  unicode_escape.pyo
1583  unicode_internal.py
1584  unicode_internal.pyc
1585  unicode_internal.pyo
1586  utf_16.py
1587  utf_16.pyc
1588  utf_16.pyo
1589  utf_16_be.py
1590  utf_16_be.pyc
1591  utf_16_be.pyo
1592  utf_16_le.py
1593  utf_16_le.pyc
1594  utf_16_le.pyo
1595  utf_32.py
1596  utf_32.pyc
1597  utf_32.pyo
1598  utf_32_be.py
1599  utf_32_be.pyc
1600  utf_32_be.pyo
1601  utf_32_le.py
1602  utf_32_le.pyc
1603  utf_32_le.pyo
1604  utf_7.py
1605  utf_7.pyc
1606  utf_7.pyo
1607  utf_8.py
1608  utf_8.pyc
1609  utf_8.pyo
1610  utf_8_sig.py
1611  utf_8_sig.pyc
1612  utf_8_sig.pyo
1613  uu_codec.py
1614  uu_codec.pyc
1615  uu_codec.pyo
1616  zlib_codec.py
1617  zlib_codec.pyc
1618  zlib_codec.pyo
1619 lib/python2.7/ensurepip/
1620  __init__.py
1621  __init__.pyc
1622  __init__.pyo
1623  __main__.py
1624  __main__.pyc
1625  __main__.pyo
1626 lib/python2.7/ensurepip/_bundled/
1627  pip-9.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
1628  setuptools-28.8.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl
1629 lib/python2.7/ensurepip/
1630  _uninstall.py
1631  _uninstall.pyc
1632  _uninstall.pyo
1633 lib/python2.7/
1634  filecmp.py
1635  filecmp.pyc
1636  filecmp.pyo
1637  fileinput.py
1638  fileinput.pyc
1639  fileinput.pyo
1640  fnmatch.py
1641  fnmatch.pyc
1642  fnmatch.pyo
1643  formatter.py
1644  formatter.pyc
1645  formatter.pyo
1646  fpformat.py
1647  fpformat.pyc
1648  fpformat.pyo
1649  fractions.py
1650  fractions.pyc
1651  fractions.pyo
1652  ftplib.py
1653  ftplib.pyc
1654  ftplib.pyo
1655  functools.py
1656  functools.pyc
1657  functools.pyo
1658  genericpath.py
1659  genericpath.pyc
1660  genericpath.pyo
1661  getopt.py
1662  getopt.pyc
1663  getopt.pyo
1664  getpass.py
1665  getpass.pyc
1666  getpass.pyo
1667  gettext.py
1668  gettext.pyc
1669  gettext.pyo
1670  glob.py
1671  glob.pyc
1672  glob.pyo
1673  gzip.py
1674  gzip.pyc
1675  gzip.pyo
1676  hashlib.py
1677  hashlib.pyc
1678  hashlib.pyo
1679  heapq.py
1680  heapq.pyc
1681  heapq.pyo
1682  hmac.py
1683  hmac.pyc
1684  hmac.pyo
1685 lib/python2.7/hotshot/
1686  __init__.py
1687  __init__.pyc
1688  __init__.pyo
1689  log.py
1690  log.pyc
1691  log.pyo
1692  stats.py
1693  stats.pyc
1694  stats.pyo
1695  stones.py
1696  stones.pyc
1697  stones.pyo
1698 lib/python2.7/
1699  htmlentitydefs.py
1700  htmlentitydefs.pyc
1701  htmlentitydefs.pyo
1702  htmllib.py
1703  htmllib.pyc
1704  htmllib.pyo
1705  httplib.py
1706  httplib.pyc
1707  httplib.pyo
1708 lib/python2.7/idlelib/
1709  AutoComplete.py
1710  AutoComplete.pyc
1711  AutoComplete.pyo
1712  AutoCompleteWindow.py
1713  AutoCompleteWindow.pyc
1714  AutoCompleteWindow.pyo
1715  AutoExpand.py
1716  AutoExpand.pyc
1717  AutoExpand.pyo
1718  Bindings.py
1719  Bindings.pyc
1720  Bindings.pyo
1721  CREDITS.txt
1722  CallTipWindow.py
1723  CallTipWindow.pyc
1724  CallTipWindow.pyo
1725  CallTips.py
1726  CallTips.pyc
1727  CallTips.pyo
1728  ChangeLog
1729  ClassBrowser.py
1730  ClassBrowser.pyc
1731  ClassBrowser.pyo
1732  CodeContext.py
1733  CodeContext.pyc
1734  CodeContext.pyo
1735  ColorDelegator.py
1736  ColorDelegator.pyc
1737  ColorDelegator.pyo
1738  Debugger.py
1739  Debugger.pyc
1740  Debugger.pyo
1741  Delegator.py
1742  Delegator.pyc
1743  Delegator.pyo
1744  EditorWindow.py
1745  EditorWindow.pyc
1746  EditorWindow.pyo
1747  FileList.py
1748  FileList.pyc
1749  FileList.pyo
1750  FormatParagraph.py
1751  FormatParagraph.pyc
1752  FormatParagraph.pyo
1753  GrepDialog.py
1754  GrepDialog.pyc
1755  GrepDialog.pyo
1756  HISTORY.txt
1757  HyperParser.py
1758  HyperParser.pyc
1759  HyperParser.pyo
1760  IOBinding.py
1761  IOBinding.pyc
1762  IOBinding.pyo
1763 lib/python2.7/idlelib/Icons/
1764  folder.gif
1765  idle.icns
1766  idle.ico
1767  idle_16.gif
1768  idle_16.png
1769  idle_32.gif
1770  idle_32.png
1771  idle_48.gif
1772  idle_48.png
1773  minusnode.gif
1774  openfolder.gif
1775  plusnode.gif
1776  python.gif
1777  tk.gif
1778 lib/python2.7/idlelib/
1779  IdleHistory.py
1780  IdleHistory.pyc
1781  IdleHistory.pyo
1782  MultiCall.py
1783  MultiCall.pyc
1784  MultiCall.pyo
1785  MultiStatusBar.py
1786  MultiStatusBar.pyc
1787  MultiStatusBar.pyo
1788  NEWS.txt
1789  ObjectBrowser.py
1790  ObjectBrowser.pyc
1791  ObjectBrowser.pyo
1792  OutputWindow.py
1793  OutputWindow.pyc
1794  OutputWindow.pyo
1795  ParenMatch.py
1796  ParenMatch.pyc
1797  ParenMatch.pyo
1798  PathBrowser.py
1799  PathBrowser.pyc
1800  PathBrowser.pyo
1801  Percolator.py
1802  Percolator.pyc
1803  Percolator.pyo
1804  PyParse.py
1805  PyParse.pyc
1806  PyParse.pyo
1807  PyShell.py
1808  PyShell.pyc
1809  PyShell.pyo
1810  README.txt
1811  RemoteDebugger.py
1812  RemoteDebugger.pyc
1813  RemoteDebugger.pyo
1814  RemoteObjectBrowser.py
1815  RemoteObjectBrowser.pyc
1816  RemoteObjectBrowser.pyo
1817  ReplaceDialog.py
1818  ReplaceDialog.pyc
1819  ReplaceDialog.pyo
1820  RstripExtension.py
1821  RstripExtension.pyc
1822  RstripExtension.pyo
1823  ScriptBinding.py
1824  ScriptBinding.pyc
1825  ScriptBinding.pyo
1826  ScrolledList.py
1827  ScrolledList.pyc
1828  ScrolledList.pyo
1829  SearchDialog.py
1830  SearchDialog.pyc
1831  SearchDialog.pyo
1832  SearchDialogBase.py
1833  SearchDialogBase.pyc
1834  SearchDialogBase.pyo
1835  SearchEngine.py
1836  SearchEngine.pyc
1837  SearchEngine.pyo
1838  StackViewer.py
1839  StackViewer.pyc
1840  StackViewer.pyo
1841  TODO.txt
1842  ToolTip.py
1843  ToolTip.pyc
1844  ToolTip.pyo
1845  TreeWidget.py
1846  TreeWidget.pyc
1847  TreeWidget.pyo
1848  UndoDelegator.py
1849  UndoDelegator.pyc
1850  UndoDelegator.pyo
1851  WidgetRedirector.py
1852  WidgetRedirector.pyc
1853  WidgetRedirector.pyo
1854  WindowList.py
1855  WindowList.pyc
1856  WindowList.pyo
1857  ZoomHeight.py
1858  ZoomHeight.pyc
1859  ZoomHeight.pyo
1860  __init__.py
1861  __init__.pyc
1862  __init__.pyo
1863  aboutDialog.py
1864  aboutDialog.pyc
1865  aboutDialog.pyo
1866  config-extensions.def
1867  config-highlight.def
1868  config-keys.def
1869  config-main.def
1870  configDialog.py
1871  configDialog.pyc
1872  configDialog.pyo
1873  configHandler.py
1874  configHandler.pyc
1875  configHandler.pyo
1876  configHelpSourceEdit.py
1877  configHelpSourceEdit.pyc
1878  configHelpSourceEdit.pyo
1879  configSectionNameDialog.py
1880  configSectionNameDialog.pyc
1881  configSectionNameDialog.pyo
1882  dynOptionMenuWidget.py
1883  dynOptionMenuWidget.pyc
1884  dynOptionMenuWidget.pyo
1885  extend.txt
1886  help.html
1887  help.py
1888  help.pyc
1889  help.pyo
1890  help.txt
1891  idle.bat
1892  idle.py
1893  idle.pyc
1894  idle.pyo
1895  idle.pyw
1896 lib/python2.7/idlelib/idle_test/
1897  README.txt
1898  __init__.py
1899  __init__.pyc
1900  __init__.pyo
1901  htest.py
1902  htest.pyc
1903  htest.pyo
1904  mock_idle.py
1905  mock_idle.pyc
1906  mock_idle.pyo
1907  mock_tk.py
1908  mock_tk.pyc
1909  mock_tk.pyo
1910  test_autocomplete.py
1911  test_autocomplete.pyc
1912  test_autocomplete.pyo
1913  test_autoexpand.py
1914  test_autoexpand.pyc
1915  test_autoexpand.pyo
1916  test_calltips.py
1917  test_calltips.pyc
1918  test_calltips.pyo
1919  test_config_name.py
1920  test_config_name.pyc
1921  test_config_name.pyo
1922  test_configdialog.py
1923  test_configdialog.pyc
1924  test_configdialog.pyo
1925  test_delegator.py
1926  test_delegator.pyc
1927  test_delegator.pyo
1928  test_editmenu.py
1929  test_editmenu.pyc
1930  test_editmenu.pyo
1931  test_formatparagraph.py
1932  test_formatparagraph.pyc
1933  test_formatparagraph.pyo
1934  test_grep.py
1935  test_grep.pyc
1936  test_grep.pyo
1937  test_helpabout.py
1938  test_helpabout.pyc
1939  test_helpabout.pyo
1940  test_hyperparser.py
1941  test_hyperparser.pyc
1942  test_hyperparser.pyo
1943  test_idlehistory.py
1944  test_idlehistory.pyc
1945  test_idlehistory.pyo
1946  test_io.py
1947  test_io.pyc
1948  test_io.pyo
1949  test_parenmatch.py
1950  test_parenmatch.pyc
1951  test_parenmatch.pyo
1952  test_pathbrowser.py
1953  test_pathbrowser.pyc
1954  test_pathbrowser.pyo
1955  test_rstrip.py
1956  test_rstrip.pyc
1957  test_rstrip.pyo
1958  test_searchdialogbase.py
1959  test_searchdialogbase.pyc
1960  test_searchdialogbase.pyo
1961  test_searchengine.py
1962  test_searchengine.pyc
1963  test_searchengine.pyo
1964  test_text.py
1965  test_text.pyc
1966  test_text.pyo
1967  test_textview.py
1968  test_textview.pyc
1969  test_textview.pyo
1970  test_warning.py
1971  test_warning.pyc
1972  test_warning.pyo
1973  test_widgetredir.py
1974  test_widgetredir.pyc
1975  test_widgetredir.pyo
1976 lib/python2.7/idlelib/
1977  idlever.py
1978  idlever.pyc
1979  idlever.pyo
1980  keybindingDialog.py
1981  keybindingDialog.pyc
1982  keybindingDialog.pyo
1983  macosxSupport.py
1984  macosxSupport.pyc
1985  macosxSupport.pyo
1986  rpc.py
1987  rpc.pyc
1988  rpc.pyo
1989  run.py
1990  run.pyc
1991  run.pyo
1992  tabbedpages.py
1993  tabbedpages.pyc
1994  tabbedpages.pyo
1995  textView.py
1996  textView.pyc
1997  textView.pyo
1998 lib/python2.7/
1999  ihooks.py
2000  ihooks.pyc
2001  ihooks.pyo
2002  imaplib.py
2003  imaplib.pyc
2004  imaplib.pyo
2005  imghdr.py
2006  imghdr.pyc
2007  imghdr.pyo
2008 lib/python2.7/importlib/
2009  __init__.py
2010  __init__.pyc
2011  __init__.pyo
2012 lib/python2.7/
2013  imputil.py
2014  imputil.pyc
2015  imputil.pyo
2016  inspect.py
2017  inspect.pyc
2018  inspect.pyo
2019  io.py
2020  io.pyc
2021  io.pyo
2022 lib/python2.7/json/
2023  __init__.py
2024  __init__.pyc
2025  __init__.pyo
2026  decoder.py
2027  decoder.pyc
2028  decoder.pyo
2029  encoder.py
2030  encoder.pyc
2031  encoder.pyo
2032  scanner.py
2033  scanner.pyc
2034  scanner.pyo
2035 lib/python2.7/json/tests/
2036  __init__.py
2037  __init__.pyc
2038  __init__.pyo
2039  test_check_circular.py
2040  test_check_circular.pyc
2041  test_check_circular.pyo
2042  test_decode.py
2043  test_decode.pyc
2044  test_decode.pyo
2045  test_default.py
2046  test_default.pyc
2047  test_default.pyo
2048  test_dump.py
2049  test_dump.pyc
2050  test_dump.pyo
2051  test_encode_basestring_ascii.py
2052  test_encode_basestring_ascii.pyc
2053  test_encode_basestring_ascii.pyo
2054  test_fail.py
2055  test_fail.pyc
2056  test_fail.pyo
2057  test_float.py
2058  test_float.pyc
2059  test_float.pyo
2060  test_indent.py
2061  test_indent.pyc
2062  test_indent.pyo
2063  test_pass1.py
2064  test_pass1.pyc
2065  test_pass1.pyo
2066  test_pass2.py
2067  test_pass2.pyc
2068  test_pass2.pyo
2069  test_pass3.py
2070  test_pass3.pyc
2071  test_pass3.pyo
2072  test_recursion.py
2073  test_recursion.pyc
2074  test_recursion.pyo
2075  test_scanstring.py
2076  test_scanstring.pyc
2077  test_scanstring.pyo
2078  test_separators.py
2079  test_separators.pyc
2080  test_separators.pyo
2081  test_speedups.py
2082  test_speedups.pyc
2083  test_speedups.pyo
2084  test_tool.py
2085  test_tool.pyc
2086  test_tool.pyo
2087  test_unicode.py
2088  test_unicode.pyc
2089  test_unicode.pyo
2090 lib/python2.7/json/
2091  tool.py
2092  tool.pyc
2093  tool.pyo
2094 lib/python2.7/
2095  keyword.py
2096  keyword.pyc
2097  keyword.pyo
2098 lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
2099  Python-%%XYZDOT%%-py2.7.egg-info
2100  _bisect.so
2101  _codecs_cn.so
2102  _codecs_hk.so
2103  _codecs_iso2022.so
2104  _codecs_jp.so
2105  _codecs_kr.so
2106  _codecs_tw.so
2107  _collections.so
2108  _csv.so
2109  _ctypes.so
2110  _ctypes_test.so
2111  _curses.so
2112  _curses_panel.so
2113  _elementtree.so
2114  _functools.so
2115  _hashlib.so
2116  _heapq.so
2117  _hotshot.so
2118  _io.so
2119  _json.so
2120  _locale.so
2121  _lsprof.so
2122  _multibytecodec.so
2123  _multiprocessing.so
2124  _random.so
2125  _socket.so
2126  _ssl.so
2127  _struct.so
2128  _testcapi.so
2129  array.so
2130  audioop.so
2131  binascii.so
2132  bz2.so
2133  cPickle.so
2134  cStringIO.so
2135  cmath.so
2136  crypt.so
2137  datetime.so
2138  dbm.so
2139  fcntl.so
2140  future_builtins.so
2141  grp.so
2142  itertools.so
2143 %%ONLY-LINUX%%lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
2144  linuxaudiodev.so
2145 lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
2146  math.so
2147  mmap.so
2148  nis.so
2149  operator.so
2150  ossaudiodev.so
2151  parser.so
2152  pyexpat.so
2153  readline.so
2154  resource.so
2155  select.so
2156 %%ONLY-LINUX%%lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
2157  spwd.so
2158 lib/python2.7/lib-dynload/
2159  strop.so
2160  syslog.so
2161  termios.so
2162  time.so
2163  unicodedata.so
2164  zlib.so
2165 lib/python2.7/lib-tk/
2166  Canvas.py
2167  Canvas.pyc
2168  Canvas.pyo
2169  Dialog.py
2170  Dialog.pyc
2171  Dialog.pyo
2172  FileDialog.py
2173  FileDialog.pyc
2174  FileDialog.pyo
2175  FixTk.py
2176  FixTk.pyc
2177  FixTk.pyo
2178  ScrolledText.py
2179  ScrolledText.pyc
2180  ScrolledText.pyo
2181  SimpleDialog.py
2182  SimpleDialog.pyc
2183  SimpleDialog.pyo
2184  Tix.py
2185  Tix.pyc
2186  Tix.pyo
2187  Tkconstants.py
2188  Tkconstants.pyc
2189  Tkconstants.pyo
2190  Tkdnd.py
2191  Tkdnd.pyc
2192  Tkdnd.pyo
2193  Tkinter.py
2194  Tkinter.pyc
2195  Tkinter.pyo
2196 lib/python2.7/lib-tk/test/
2197  README
2198  runtktests.py
2199  runtktests.pyc
2200  runtktests.pyo
2201 lib/python2.7/lib-tk/test/test_tkinter/
2202  __init__.py
2203  __init__.pyc
2204  __init__.pyo
2205  test_font.py
2206  test_font.pyc
2207  test_font.pyo
2208  test_geometry_managers.py
2209  test_geometry_managers.pyc
2210  test_geometry_managers.pyo
2211  test_images.py
2212  test_images.pyc
2213  test_images.pyo
2214  test_loadtk.py
2215  test_loadtk.pyc
2216  test_loadtk.pyo
2217  test_text.py
2218  test_text.pyc
2219  test_text.pyo
2220  test_variables.py
2221  test_variables.pyc
2222  test_variables.pyo
2223  test_widgets.py
2224  test_widgets.pyc
2225  test_widgets.pyo
2226 lib/python2.7/lib-tk/test/test_ttk/
2227  __init__.py
2228  __init__.pyc
2229  __init__.pyo
2230  support.py
2231  support.pyc
2232  support.pyo
2233  test_extensions.py
2234  test_extensions.pyc
2235  test_extensions.pyo
2236  test_functions.py
2237  test_functions.pyc
2238  test_functions.pyo
2239  test_style.py
2240  test_style.pyc
2241  test_style.pyo
2242  test_widgets.py
2243  test_widgets.pyc
2244  test_widgets.pyo
2245 lib/python2.7/lib-tk/test/
2246  widget_tests.py
2247  widget_tests.pyc
2248  widget_tests.pyo
2249 lib/python2.7/lib-tk/
2250  tkColorChooser.py
2251  tkColorChooser.pyc
2252  tkColorChooser.pyo
2253  tkCommonDialog.py
2254  tkCommonDialog.pyc
2255  tkCommonDialog.pyo
2256  tkFileDialog.py
2257  tkFileDialog.pyc
2258  tkFileDialog.pyo
2259  tkFont.py
2260  tkFont.pyc
2261  tkFont.pyo
2262  tkMessageBox.py
2263  tkMessageBox.pyc
2264  tkMessageBox.pyo
2265  tkSimpleDialog.py
2266  tkSimpleDialog.pyc
2267  tkSimpleDialog.pyo
2268  ttk.py
2269  ttk.pyc
2270  ttk.pyo
2271  turtle.py
2272  turtle.pyc
2273  turtle.pyo
2274 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/
2275  Grammar%%XYZDOT%%.final.0.pickle
2276  Grammar.txt
2277  PatternGrammar%%XYZDOT%%.final.0.pickle
2278  PatternGrammar.txt
2279  __init__.py
2280  __init__.pyc
2281  __init__.pyo
2282  __main__.py
2283  __main__.pyc
2284  __main__.pyo
2285  btm_matcher.py
2286  btm_matcher.pyc
2287  btm_matcher.pyo
2288  btm_utils.py
2289  btm_utils.pyc
2290  btm_utils.pyo
2291  fixer_base.py
2292  fixer_base.pyc
2293  fixer_base.pyo
2294  fixer_util.py
2295  fixer_util.pyc
2296  fixer_util.pyo
2297 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/fixes/
2298  __init__.py
2299  __init__.pyc
2300  __init__.pyo
2301  fix_apply.py
2302  fix_apply.pyc
2303  fix_apply.pyo
2304  fix_asserts.py
2305  fix_asserts.pyc
2306  fix_asserts.pyo
2307  fix_basestring.py
2308  fix_basestring.pyc
2309  fix_basestring.pyo
2310  fix_buffer.py
2311  fix_buffer.pyc
2312  fix_buffer.pyo
2313  fix_dict.py
2314  fix_dict.pyc
2315  fix_dict.pyo
2316  fix_except.py
2317  fix_except.pyc
2318  fix_except.pyo
2319  fix_exec.py
2320  fix_exec.pyc
2321  fix_exec.pyo
2322  fix_execfile.py
2323  fix_execfile.pyc
2324  fix_execfile.pyo
2325  fix_exitfunc.py
2326  fix_exitfunc.pyc
2327  fix_exitfunc.pyo
2328  fix_filter.py
2329  fix_filter.pyc
2330  fix_filter.pyo
2331  fix_funcattrs.py
2332  fix_funcattrs.pyc
2333  fix_funcattrs.pyo
2334  fix_future.py
2335  fix_future.pyc
2336  fix_future.pyo
2337  fix_getcwdu.py
2338  fix_getcwdu.pyc
2339  fix_getcwdu.pyo
2340  fix_has_key.py
2341  fix_has_key.pyc
2342  fix_has_key.pyo
2343  fix_idioms.py
2344  fix_idioms.pyc
2345  fix_idioms.pyo
2346  fix_import.py
2347  fix_import.pyc
2348  fix_import.pyo
2349  fix_imports.py
2350  fix_imports.pyc
2351  fix_imports.pyo
2352  fix_imports2.py
2353  fix_imports2.pyc
2354  fix_imports2.pyo
2355  fix_input.py
2356  fix_input.pyc
2357  fix_input.pyo
2358  fix_intern.py
2359  fix_intern.pyc
2360  fix_intern.pyo
2361  fix_isinstance.py
2362  fix_isinstance.pyc
2363  fix_isinstance.pyo
2364  fix_itertools.py
2365  fix_itertools.pyc
2366  fix_itertools.pyo
2367  fix_itertools_imports.py
2368  fix_itertools_imports.pyc
2369  fix_itertools_imports.pyo
2370  fix_long.py
2371  fix_long.pyc
2372  fix_long.pyo
2373  fix_map.py
2374  fix_map.pyc
2375  fix_map.pyo
2376  fix_metaclass.py
2377  fix_metaclass.pyc
2378  fix_metaclass.pyo
2379  fix_methodattrs.py
2380  fix_methodattrs.pyc
2381  fix_methodattrs.pyo
2382  fix_ne.py
2383  fix_ne.pyc
2384  fix_ne.pyo
2385  fix_next.py
2386  fix_next.pyc
2387  fix_next.pyo
2388  fix_nonzero.py
2389  fix_nonzero.pyc
2390  fix_nonzero.pyo
2391  fix_numliterals.py
2392  fix_numliterals.pyc
2393  fix_numliterals.pyo
2394  fix_operator.py
2395  fix_operator.pyc
2396  fix_operator.pyo
2397  fix_paren.py
2398  fix_paren.pyc
2399  fix_paren.pyo
2400  fix_print.py
2401  fix_print.pyc
2402  fix_print.pyo
2403  fix_raise.py
2404  fix_raise.pyc
2405  fix_raise.pyo
2406  fix_raw_input.py
2407  fix_raw_input.pyc
2408  fix_raw_input.pyo
2409  fix_reduce.py
2410  fix_reduce.pyc
2411  fix_reduce.pyo
2412  fix_renames.py
2413  fix_renames.pyc
2414  fix_renames.pyo
2415  fix_repr.py
2416  fix_repr.pyc
2417  fix_repr.pyo
2418  fix_set_literal.py
2419  fix_set_literal.pyc
2420  fix_set_literal.pyo
2421  fix_standarderror.py
2422  fix_standarderror.pyc
2423  fix_standarderror.pyo
2424  fix_sys_exc.py
2425  fix_sys_exc.pyc
2426  fix_sys_exc.pyo
2427  fix_throw.py
2428  fix_throw.pyc
2429  fix_throw.pyo
2430  fix_tuple_params.py
2431  fix_tuple_params.pyc
2432  fix_tuple_params.pyo
2433  fix_types.py
2434  fix_types.pyc
2435  fix_types.pyo
2436  fix_unicode.py
2437  fix_unicode.pyc
2438  fix_unicode.pyo
2439  fix_urllib.py
2440  fix_urllib.pyc
2441  fix_urllib.pyo
2442  fix_ws_comma.py
2443  fix_ws_comma.pyc
2444  fix_ws_comma.pyo
2445  fix_xrange.py
2446  fix_xrange.pyc
2447  fix_xrange.pyo
2448  fix_xreadlines.py
2449  fix_xreadlines.pyc
2450  fix_xreadlines.pyo
2451  fix_zip.py
2452  fix_zip.pyc
2453  fix_zip.pyo
2454 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/
2455  main.py
2456  main.pyc
2457  main.pyo
2458  patcomp.py
2459  patcomp.pyc
2460  patcomp.pyo
2461 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/pgen2/
2462  __init__.py
2463  __init__.pyc
2464  __init__.pyo
2465  conv.py
2466  conv.pyc
2467  conv.pyo
2468  driver.py
2469  driver.pyc
2470  driver.pyo
2471  grammar.py
2472  grammar.pyc
2473  grammar.pyo
2474  literals.py
2475  literals.pyc
2476  literals.pyo
2477  parse.py
2478  parse.pyc
2479  parse.pyo
2480  pgen.py
2481  pgen.pyc
2482  pgen.pyo
2483  token.py
2484  token.pyc
2485  token.pyo
2486  tokenize.py
2487  tokenize.pyc
2488  tokenize.pyo
2489 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/
2490  pygram.py
2491  pygram.pyc
2492  pygram.pyo
2493  pytree.py
2494  pytree.pyc
2495  pytree.pyo
2496  refactor.py
2497  refactor.pyc
2498  refactor.pyo
2499 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/tests/
2500  __init__.py
2501  __init__.pyc
2502  __init__.pyo
2503 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/tests/data/
2504  README
2505  bom.py
2506  crlf.py
2507  different_encoding.py
2508  false_encoding.py
2509 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/tests/data/fixers/
2510  bad_order.py
2511 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/tests/data/fixers/myfixes/
2512  __init__.py
2513  fix_explicit.py
2514  fix_first.py
2515  fix_last.py
2516  fix_parrot.py
2517  fix_preorder.py
2518 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/tests/data/fixers/
2519  no_fixer_cls.py
2520  parrot_example.py
2521 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/tests/data/
2522  infinite_recursion.py
2523  py2_test_grammar.py
2524  py3_test_grammar.py
2525 lib/python2.7/lib2to3/tests/
2526  pytree_idempotency.py
2527  pytree_idempotency.pyc
2528  pytree_idempotency.pyo
2529  support.py
2530  support.pyc
2531  support.pyo
2532  test_all_fixers.py
2533  test_all_fixers.pyc
2534  test_all_fixers.pyo
2535  test_fixers.py
2536  test_fixers.pyc
2537  test_fixers.pyo
2538  test_main.py
2539  test_main.pyc
2540  test_main.pyo
2541  test_parser.py
2542  test_parser.pyc
2543  test_parser.pyo
2544  test_pytree.py
2545  test_pytree.pyc
2546  test_pytree.pyo
2547  test_refactor.py
2548  test_refactor.pyc
2549  test_refactor.pyo
2550  test_util.py
2551  test_util.pyc
2552  test_util.pyo
2553 lib/python2.7/
2554  linecache.py
2555  linecache.pyc
2556  linecache.pyo
2557  locale.py
2558  locale.pyc
2559  locale.pyo
2560 lib/python2.7/logging/
2561  __init__.py
2562  __init__.pyc
2563  __init__.pyo
2564  config.py
2565  config.pyc
2566  config.pyo
2567  handlers.py
2568  handlers.pyc
2569  handlers.pyo
2570 lib/python2.7/
2571  macpath.py
2572  macpath.pyc
2573  macpath.pyo
2574  macurl2path.py
2575  macurl2path.pyc
2576  macurl2path.pyo
2577  mailbox.py
2578  mailbox.pyc
2579  mailbox.pyo
2580  mailcap.py
2581  mailcap.pyc
2582  mailcap.pyo
2583  markupbase.py
2584  markupbase.pyc
2585  markupbase.pyo
2586  md5.py
2587  md5.pyc
2588  md5.pyo
2589  mhlib.py
2590  mhlib.pyc
2591  mhlib.pyo
2592  mimetools.py
2593  mimetools.pyc
2594  mimetools.pyo
2595  mimetypes.py
2596  mimetypes.pyc
2597  mimetypes.pyo
2598  mimify.py
2599  mimify.pyc
2600  mimify.pyo
2601  modulefinder.py
2602  modulefinder.pyc
2603  modulefinder.pyo
2604  multifile.py
2605  multifile.pyc
2606  multifile.pyo
2607 lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/
2608  __init__.py
2609  __init__.pyc
2610  __init__.pyo
2611  connection.py
2612  connection.pyc
2613  connection.pyo
2614 lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/dummy/
2615  __init__.py
2616  __init__.pyc
2617  __init__.pyo
2618  connection.py
2619  connection.pyc
2620  connection.pyo
2621 lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/
2622  forking.py
2623  forking.pyc
2624  forking.pyo
2625  heap.py
2626  heap.pyc
2627  heap.pyo
2628  managers.py
2629  managers.pyc
2630  managers.pyo
2631  pool.py
2632  pool.pyc
2633  pool.pyo
2634  process.py
2635  process.pyc
2636  process.pyo
2637  queues.py
2638  queues.pyc
2639  queues.pyo
2640  reduction.py
2641  reduction.pyc
2642  reduction.pyo
2643  sharedctypes.py
2644  sharedctypes.pyc
2645  sharedctypes.pyo
2646  synchronize.py
2647  synchronize.pyc
2648  synchronize.pyo
2649  util.py
2650  util.pyc
2651  util.pyo
2652 lib/python2.7/
2653  mutex.py
2654  mutex.pyc
2655  mutex.pyo
2656  netrc.py
2657  netrc.pyc
2658  netrc.pyo
2659  new.py
2660  new.pyc
2661  new.pyo
2662  nntplib.py
2663  nntplib.pyc
2664  nntplib.pyo
2665  ntpath.py
2666  ntpath.pyc
2667  ntpath.pyo
2668  nturl2path.py
2669  nturl2path.pyc
2670  nturl2path.pyo
2671  numbers.py
2672  numbers.pyc
2673  numbers.pyo
2674  opcode.py
2675  opcode.pyc
2676  opcode.pyo
2677  optparse.py
2678  optparse.pyc
2679  optparse.pyo
2680  os.py
2681  os.pyc
2682  os.pyo
2683  os2emxpath.py
2684  os2emxpath.pyc
2685  os2emxpath.pyo
2686  pdb.doc
2687  pdb.py
2688  pdb.pyc
2689  pdb.pyo
2690  pickle.py
2691  pickle.pyc
2692  pickle.pyo
2693  pickletools.py
2694  pickletools.pyc
2695  pickletools.pyo
2696  pipes.py
2697  pipes.pyc
2698  pipes.pyo
2699  pkgutil.py
2700  pkgutil.pyc
2701  pkgutil.pyo
2702 lib/python2.7/plat-%%PLAT%%/
2703  IN.py
2704  IN.pyc
2705  IN.pyo
2706 %%ONLY-LINUX%%lib/python2.7/plat-%%PLAT%%/
2707  CDROM.py
2708  CDROM.pyc
2709  CDROM.pyo
2710  DLFCN.py
2711  DLFCN.pyc
2712  DLFCN.pyo
2713  TYPES.py
2714  TYPES.pyc
2715  TYPES.pyo
2716 lib/python2.7/plat-%%PLAT%%/
2717  regen
2718 lib/python2.7/
2719  platform.py
2720  platform.pyc
2721  platform.pyo
2722  plistlib.py
2723  plistlib.pyc
2724  plistlib.pyo
2725  popen2.py
2726  popen2.pyc
2727  popen2.pyo
2728  poplib.py
2729  poplib.pyc
2730  poplib.pyo
2731  posixfile.py
2732  posixfile.pyc
2733  posixfile.pyo
2734  posixpath.py
2735  posixpath.pyc
2736  posixpath.pyo
2737  pprint.py
2738  pprint.pyc
2739  pprint.pyo
2740  profile.py
2741  profile.pyc
2742  profile.pyo
2743  pstats.py
2744  pstats.pyc
2745  pstats.pyo
2746  pty.py
2747  pty.pyc
2748  pty.pyo
2749  py_compile.py
2750  py_compile.pyc
2751  py_compile.pyo
2752  pyclbr.py
2753  pyclbr.pyc
2754  pyclbr.pyo
2755  pydoc.py
2756  pydoc.pyc
2757  pydoc.pyo
2758 lib/python2.7/pydoc_data/
2759  __init__.py
2760  __init__.pyc
2761  __init__.pyo
2762  topics.py
2763  topics.pyc
2764  topics.pyo
2765 lib/python2.7/
2766  quopri.py
2767  quopri.pyc
2768  quopri.pyo
2769  random.py
2770  random.pyc
2771  random.pyo
2772  re.py
2773  re.pyc
2774  re.pyo
2775  repr.py
2776  repr.pyc
2777  repr.pyo
2778  rexec.py
2779  rexec.pyc
2780  rexec.pyo
2781  rfc822.py
2782  rfc822.pyc
2783  rfc822.pyo
2784  rlcompleter.py
2785  rlcompleter.pyc
2786  rlcompleter.pyo
2787  robotparser.py
2788  robotparser.pyc
2789  robotparser.pyo
2790  runpy.py
2791  runpy.pyc
2792  runpy.pyo
2793  sched.py
2794  sched.pyc
2795  sched.pyo
2796  sets.py
2797  sets.pyc
2798  sets.pyo
2799  sgmllib.py
2800  sgmllib.pyc
2801  sgmllib.pyo
2802  sha.py
2803  sha.pyc
2804  sha.pyo
2805  shelve.py
2806  shelve.pyc
2807  shelve.pyo
2808  shlex.py
2809  shlex.pyc
2810  shlex.pyo
2811  shutil.py
2812  shutil.pyc
2813  shutil.pyo
2814 lib/python2.7/site-packages/README
2815  site.py
2816  site.pyc
2817  site.pyo
2818  smtpd.py
2819  smtpd.pyc
2820  smtpd.pyo
2821  smtplib.py
2822  smtplib.pyc
2823  smtplib.pyo
2824  sndhdr.py
2825  sndhdr.pyc
2826  sndhdr.pyo
2827  socket.py
2828  socket.pyc
2829  socket.pyo
2830 lib/python2.7/sqlite3/
2831  __init__.py
2832  __init__.pyc
2833  __init__.pyo
2834  dbapi2.py
2835  dbapi2.pyc
2836  dbapi2.pyo
2837  dump.py
2838  dump.pyc
2839  dump.pyo
2840 lib/python2.7/sqlite3/test/
2841  __init__.py
2842  __init__.pyc
2843  __init__.pyo
2844  dbapi.py
2845  dbapi.pyc
2846  dbapi.pyo
2847  dump.py
2848  dump.pyc
2849  dump.pyo
2850  factory.py
2851  factory.pyc
2852  factory.pyo
2853  hooks.py
2854  hooks.pyc
2855  hooks.pyo
2856  py25tests.py
2857  py25tests.pyc
2858  py25tests.pyo
2859  regression.py
2860  regression.pyc
2861  regression.pyo
2862  transactions.py
2863  transactions.pyc
2864  transactions.pyo
2865  types.py
2866  types.pyc
2867  types.pyo
2868  userfunctions.py
2869  userfunctions.pyc
2870  userfunctions.pyo
2871 lib/python2.7/
2872  sre.py
2873  sre.pyc
2874  sre.pyo
2875  sre_compile.py
2876  sre_compile.pyc
2877  sre_compile.pyo
2878  sre_constants.py
2879  sre_constants.pyc
2880  sre_constants.pyo
2881  sre_parse.py
2882  sre_parse.pyc
2883  sre_parse.pyo
2884  ssl.py
2885  ssl.pyc
2886  ssl.pyo
2887  stat.py
2888  stat.pyc
2889  stat.pyo
2890  statvfs.py
2891  statvfs.pyc
2892  statvfs.pyo
2893  string.py
2894  string.pyc
2895  string.pyo
2896  stringold.py
2897  stringold.pyc
2898  stringold.pyo
2899  stringprep.py
2900  stringprep.pyc
2901  stringprep.pyo
2902  struct.py
2903  struct.pyc
2904  struct.pyo
2905  subprocess.py
2906  subprocess.pyc
2907  subprocess.pyo
2908  sunau.py
2909  sunau.pyc
2910  sunau.pyo
2911  sunaudio.py
2912  sunaudio.pyc
2913  sunaudio.pyo
2914  symbol.py
2915  symbol.pyc
2916  symbol.pyo
2917  symtable.py
2918  symtable.pyc
2919  symtable.pyo
2920  sysconfig.py
2921  sysconfig.pyc
2922  sysconfig.pyo
2923  tabnanny.py
2924  tabnanny.pyc
2925  tabnanny.pyo
2926  tarfile.py
2927  tarfile.pyc
2928  tarfile.pyo
2929  telnetlib.py
2930  telnetlib.pyc
2931  telnetlib.pyo
2932  tempfile.py
2933  tempfile.pyc
2934  tempfile.pyo
2935 lib/python2.7/test/
2936  185test.db
2937  Sine-1000Hz-300ms.aif
2938  __init__.py
2939  __init__.pyc
2940  __init__.pyo
2941  _mock_backport.py
2942  _mock_backport.pyc
2943  _mock_backport.pyo
2944  allsans.pem
2945 lib/python2.7/test/audiodata/
2946  pluck-pcm16.aiff
2947  pluck-pcm16.au
2948  pluck-pcm16.wav
2949  pluck-pcm24.aiff
2950  pluck-pcm24.wav
2951  pluck-pcm32.aiff
2952  pluck-pcm32.au
2953  pluck-pcm32.wav
2954  pluck-pcm8.aiff
2955  pluck-pcm8.au
2956  pluck-pcm8.wav
2957  pluck-ulaw.aifc
2958  pluck-ulaw.au
2959 lib/python2.7/test/
2960  audiotest.au
2961  audiotests.py
2962  audiotests.pyc
2963  audiotests.pyo
2964  autotest.py
2965  autotest.pyc
2966  autotest.pyo
2967  bad_coding.py
2968  bad_coding2.py
2969  bad_coding3.py
2970  badcert.pem
2971  badkey.pem
2972  badsyntax_future3.py
2973  badsyntax_future4.py
2974  badsyntax_future5.py
2975  badsyntax_future6.py
2976  badsyntax_future7.py
2977  badsyntax_future8.py
2978  badsyntax_future9.py
2979  badsyntax_nocaret.py
2980 lib/python2.7/test/capath/
2981  0e4015b9.0
2982  4e1295a3.0
2983  5ed36f99.0
2984  6e88d7b8.0
2985  99d0fa06.0
2986  ce7b8643.0
2987 lib/python2.7/test/
2988  cfgparser.1
2989 lib/python2.7/test/cjkencodings/
2990  big5-utf8.txt
2991  big5.txt
2992  big5hkscs-utf8.txt
2993  big5hkscs.txt
2994  cp949-utf8.txt
2995  cp949.txt
2996  euc_jisx0213-utf8.txt
2997  euc_jisx0213.txt
2998  euc_jp-utf8.txt
2999  euc_jp.txt
3000  euc_kr-utf8.txt
3001  euc_kr.txt
3002  gb18030-utf8.txt
3003  gb18030.txt
3004  gb2312-utf8.txt
3005  gb2312.txt
3006  gbk-utf8.txt
3007  gbk.txt
3008  hz-utf8.txt
3009  hz.txt
3010  iso2022_jp-utf8.txt
3011  iso2022_jp.txt
3012  iso2022_kr-utf8.txt
3013  iso2022_kr.txt
3014  johab-utf8.txt
3015  johab.txt
3016  shift_jis-utf8.txt
3017  shift_jis.txt
3018  shift_jisx0213-utf8.txt
3019  shift_jisx0213.txt
3020 lib/python2.7/test/
3021  cmath_testcases.txt
3022  curses_tests.py
3023  curses_tests.pyc
3024  curses_tests.pyo
3025 lib/python2.7/test/data/README
3026 lib/python2.7/test/decimaltestdata/
3027  abs.decTest
3028  add.decTest
3029  and.decTest
3030  base.decTest
3031  clamp.decTest
3032  class.decTest
3033  compare.decTest
3034  comparetotal.decTest
3035  comparetotmag.decTest
3036  copy.decTest
3037  copyabs.decTest
3038  copynegate.decTest
3039  copysign.decTest
3040  ddAbs.decTest
3041  ddAdd.decTest
3042  ddAnd.decTest
3043  ddBase.decTest
3044  ddCanonical.decTest
3045  ddClass.decTest
3046  ddCompare.decTest
3047  ddCompareSig.decTest
3048  ddCompareTotal.decTest
3049  ddCompareTotalMag.decTest
3050  ddCopy.decTest
3051  ddCopyAbs.decTest
3052  ddCopyNegate.decTest
3053  ddCopySign.decTest
3054  ddDivide.decTest
3055  ddDivideInt.decTest
3056  ddEncode.decTest
3057  ddFMA.decTest
3058  ddInvert.decTest
3059  ddLogB.decTest
3060  ddMax.decTest
3061  ddMaxMag.decTest
3062  ddMin.decTest
3063  ddMinMag.decTest
3064  ddMinus.decTest
3065  ddMultiply.decTest
3066  ddNextMinus.decTest
3067  ddNextPlus.decTest
3068  ddNextToward.decTest
3069  ddOr.decTest
3070  ddPlus.decTest
3071  ddQuantize.decTest
3072  ddReduce.decTest
3073  ddRemainder.decTest
3074  ddRemainderNear.decTest
3075  ddRotate.decTest
3076  ddSameQuantum.decTest
3077  ddScaleB.decTest
3078  ddShift.decTest
3079  ddSubtract.decTest
3080  ddToIntegral.decTest
3081  ddXor.decTest
3082  decDouble.decTest
3083  decQuad.decTest
3084  decSingle.decTest
3085  divide.decTest
3086  divideint.decTest
3087  dqAbs.decTest
3088  dqAdd.decTest
3089  dqAnd.decTest
3090  dqBase.decTest
3091  dqCanonical.decTest
3092  dqClass.decTest
3093  dqCompare.decTest
3094  dqCompareSig.decTest
3095  dqCompareTotal.decTest
3096  dqCompareTotalMag.decTest
3097  dqCopy.decTest
3098  dqCopyAbs.decTest
3099  dqCopyNegate.decTest
3100  dqCopySign.decTest
3101  dqDivide.decTest
3102  dqDivideInt.decTest
3103  dqEncode.decTest
3104  dqFMA.decTest
3105  dqInvert.decTest
3106  dqLogB.decTest
3107  dqMax.decTest
3108  dqMaxMag.decTest
3109  dqMin.decTest
3110  dqMinMag.decTest
3111  dqMinus.decTest
3112  dqMultiply.decTest
3113  dqNextMinus.decTest
3114  dqNextPlus.decTest
3115  dqNextToward.decTest
3116  dqOr.decTest
3117  dqPlus.decTest
3118  dqQuantize.decTest
3119  dqReduce.decTest
3120  dqRemainder.decTest
3121  dqRemainderNear.decTest
3122  dqRotate.decTest
3123  dqSameQuantum.decTest
3124  dqScaleB.decTest
3125  dqShift.decTest
3126  dqSubtract.decTest
3127  dqToIntegral.decTest
3128  dqXor.decTest
3129  dsBase.decTest
3130  dsEncode.decTest
3131  exp.decTest
3132  extra.decTest
3133  fma.decTest
3134  inexact.decTest
3135  invert.decTest
3136  ln.decTest
3137  log10.decTest
3138  logb.decTest
3139  max.decTest
3140  maxmag.decTest
3141  min.decTest
3142  minmag.decTest
3143  minus.decTest
3144  multiply.decTest
3145  nextminus.decTest
3146  nextplus.decTest
3147  nexttoward.decTest
3148  or.decTest
3149  plus.decTest
3150  power.decTest
3151  powersqrt.decTest
3152  quantize.decTest
3153  randomBound32.decTest
3154  randoms.decTest
3155  reduce.decTest
3156  remainder.decTest
3157  remainderNear.decTest
3158  rescale.decTest
3159  rotate.decTest
3160  rounding.decTest
3161  samequantum.decTest
3162  scaleb.decTest
3163  shift.decTest
3164  squareroot.decTest
3165  subtract.decTest
3166  testall.decTest
3167  tointegral.decTest
3168  tointegralx.decTest
3169  xor.decTest
3170 lib/python2.7/test/
3171  dh1024.pem
3172  doctest_aliases.py
3173  doctest_aliases.pyc
3174  doctest_aliases.pyo
3175  double_const.py
3176  double_const.pyc
3177  double_const.pyo
3178  empty.vbs
3179  exception_hierarchy.txt
3180  floating_points.txt
3181  fork_wait.py
3182  fork_wait.pyc
3183  fork_wait.pyo
3184  formatfloat_testcases.txt
3185  gdb_sample.py
3186  gdb_sample.pyc
3187  gdb_sample.pyo
3188  greyrgb.uue
3189  ieee754.txt
3190 lib/python2.7/test/imghdrdata/
3191  python.bmp
3192  python.gif
3193  python.jpg
3194  python.pbm
3195  python.pgm
3196  python.png
3197  python.ppm
3198  python.ras
3199  python.sgi
3200  python.tiff
3201  python.xbm
3202 lib/python2.7/test/
3203  infinite_reload.py
3204  infinite_reload.pyc
3205  infinite_reload.pyo
3206  inspect_fodder.py
3207  inspect_fodder.pyc
3208  inspect_fodder.pyo
3209  inspect_fodder2.py
3210  inspect_fodder2.pyc
3211  inspect_fodder2.pyo
3212  keycert.passwd.pem
3213  keycert.pem
3214  keycert2.pem
3215  keycert3.pem
3216  keycert4.pem
3217  list_tests.py
3218  list_tests.pyc
3219  list_tests.pyo
3220  lock_tests.py
3221  lock_tests.pyc
3222  lock_tests.pyo
3223  make_ssl_certs.py
3224  make_ssl_certs.pyc
3225  make_ssl_certs.pyo
3226  mapping_tests.py
3227  mapping_tests.pyc
3228  mapping_tests.pyo
3229  math_testcases.txt
3230  mp_fork_bomb.py
3231  mp_fork_bomb.pyc
3232  mp_fork_bomb.pyo
3233  nokia.pem
3234  nullbytecert.pem
3235  nullcert.pem
3236  outstanding_bugs.py
3237  outstanding_bugs.pyc
3238  outstanding_bugs.pyo
3239  pickletester.py
3240  pickletester.pyc
3241  pickletester.pyo
3242  profilee.py
3243  profilee.pyc
3244  profilee.pyo
3245  pycacert.pem
3246  pyclbr_input.py
3247  pyclbr_input.pyc
3248  pyclbr_input.pyo
3249  pydoc_mod.py
3250  pydoc_mod.pyc
3251  pydoc_mod.pyo
3252  pydocfodder.py
3253  pydocfodder.pyc
3254  pydocfodder.pyo
3255  pystone.py
3256  pystone.pyc
3257  pystone.pyo
3258  randv2_32.pck
3259  randv2_64.pck
3260  randv3.pck
3261  re_tests.py
3262  re_tests.pyc
3263  re_tests.pyo
3264  regrtest.py
3265  regrtest.pyc
3266  regrtest.pyo
3267  relimport.py
3268  relimport.pyc
3269  relimport.pyo
3270  reperf.py
3271  reperf.pyc
3272  reperf.pyo
3273  revocation.crl
3274  sample_doctest.py
3275  sample_doctest.pyc
3276  sample_doctest.pyo
3277  sample_doctest_no_docstrings.py
3278  sample_doctest_no_docstrings.pyc
3279  sample_doctest_no_docstrings.pyo
3280  sample_doctest_no_doctests.py
3281  sample_doctest_no_doctests.pyc
3282  sample_doctest_no_doctests.pyo
3283  script_helper.py
3284  script_helper.pyc
3285  script_helper.pyo
3286  selfsigned_pythontestdotnet.pem
3287  seq_tests.py
3288  seq_tests.pyc
3289  seq_tests.pyo
3290  sgml_input.html
3291  sha256.pem
3292  sortperf.py
3293  sortperf.pyc
3294  sortperf.pyo
3295  ssl_cert.pem
3296  ssl_key.passwd.pem
3297  ssl_key.pem
3298  ssl_servers.py
3299  ssl_servers.pyc
3300  ssl_servers.pyo
3301  ssltests.py
3302  ssltests.pyc
3303  ssltests.pyo
3304  string_tests.py
3305  string_tests.pyc
3306  string_tests.pyo
3307 lib/python2.7/test/subprocessdata/
3308  sigchild_ignore.py
3309  sigchild_ignore.pyc
3310  sigchild_ignore.pyo
3311 lib/python2.7/test/
3312  symlink_support.py
3313  symlink_support.pyc
3314  symlink_support.pyo
3315  test_MimeWriter.py
3316  test_MimeWriter.pyc
3317  test_MimeWriter.pyo
3318  test_SimpleHTTPServer.py
3319  test_SimpleHTTPServer.pyc
3320  test_SimpleHTTPServer.pyo
3321  test_StringIO.py
3322  test_StringIO.pyc
3323  test_StringIO.pyo
3324  test___all__.py
3325  test___all__.pyc
3326  test___all__.pyo
3327  test___future__.py
3328  test___future__.pyc
3329  test___future__.pyo
3330  test__locale.py
3331  test__locale.pyc
3332  test__locale.pyo
3333  test__osx_support.py
3334  test__osx_support.pyc
3335  test__osx_support.pyo
3336  test_abc.py
3337  test_abc.pyc
3338  test_abc.pyo
3339  test_abstract_numbers.py
3340  test_abstract_numbers.pyc
3341  test_abstract_numbers.pyo
3342  test_aepack.py
3343  test_aepack.pyc
3344  test_aepack.pyo
3345  test_aifc.py
3346  test_aifc.pyc
3347  test_aifc.pyo
3348  test_al.py
3349  test_al.pyc
3350  test_al.pyo
3351  test_anydbm.py
3352  test_anydbm.pyc
3353  test_anydbm.pyo
3354  test_applesingle.py
3355  test_applesingle.pyc
3356  test_applesingle.pyo
3357  test_argparse.py
3358  test_argparse.pyc
3359  test_argparse.pyo
3360  test_array.py
3361  test_array.pyc
3362  test_array.pyo
3363  test_ascii_formatd.py
3364  test_ascii_formatd.pyc
3365  test_ascii_formatd.pyo
3366  test_ast.py
3367  test_ast.pyc
3368  test_ast.pyo
3369  test_asynchat.py
3370  test_asynchat.pyc
3371  test_asynchat.pyo
3372  test_asyncore.py
3373  test_asyncore.pyc
3374  test_asyncore.pyo
3375  test_atexit.py
3376  test_atexit.pyc
3377  test_atexit.pyo
3378  test_audioop.py
3379  test_audioop.pyc
3380  test_audioop.pyo
3381  test_augassign.py
3382  test_augassign.pyc
3383  test_augassign.pyo
3384  test_base64.py
3385  test_base64.pyc
3386  test_base64.pyo
3387  test_bastion.py
3388  test_bastion.pyc
3389  test_bastion.pyo
3390  test_bigaddrspace.py
3391  test_bigaddrspace.pyc
3392  test_bigaddrspace.pyo
3393  test_bigmem.py
3394  test_bigmem.pyc
3395  test_bigmem.pyo
3396  test_binascii.py
3397  test_binascii.pyc
3398  test_binascii.pyo
3399  test_binhex.py
3400  test_binhex.pyc
3401  test_binhex.pyo
3402  test_binop.py
3403  test_binop.pyc
3404  test_binop.pyo
3405  test_bisect.py
3406  test_bisect.pyc
3407  test_bisect.pyo
3408  test_bool.py
3409  test_bool.pyc
3410  test_bool.pyo
3411  test_bsddb.py
3412  test_bsddb.pyc
3413  test_bsddb.pyo
3414  test_bsddb185.py
3415  test_bsddb185.pyc
3416  test_bsddb185.pyo
3417  test_bsddb3.py
3418  test_bsddb3.pyc
3419  test_bsddb3.pyo
3420  test_buffer.py
3421  test_buffer.pyc
3422  test_buffer.pyo
3423  test_bufio.py
3424  test_bufio.pyc
3425  test_bufio.pyo
3426  test_builtin.py
3427  test_builtin.pyc
3428  test_builtin.pyo
3429  test_bytes.py
3430  test_bytes.pyc
3431  test_bytes.pyo
3432  test_bz2.py
3433  test_bz2.pyc
3434  test_bz2.pyo
3435  test_calendar.py
3436  test_calendar.pyc
3437  test_calendar.pyo
3438  test_call.py
3439  test_call.pyc
3440  test_call.pyo
3441  test_capi.py
3442  test_capi.pyc
3443  test_capi.pyo
3444  test_cd.py
3445  test_cd.pyc
3446  test_cd.pyo
3447  test_cfgparser.py
3448  test_cfgparser.pyc
3449  test_cfgparser.pyo
3450  test_cgi.py
3451  test_cgi.pyc
3452  test_cgi.pyo
3453  test_charmapcodec.py
3454  test_charmapcodec.pyc
3455  test_charmapcodec.pyo
3456  test_cl.py
3457  test_cl.pyc
3458  test_cl.pyo
3459  test_class.py
3460  test_class.pyc
3461  test_class.pyo
3462  test_cmath.py
3463  test_cmath.pyc
3464  test_cmath.pyo
3465  test_cmd.py
3466  test_cmd.pyc
3467  test_cmd.pyo
3468  test_cmd_line.py
3469  test_cmd_line.pyc
3470  test_cmd_line.pyo
3471  test_cmd_line_script.py
3472  test_cmd_line_script.pyc
3473  test_cmd_line_script.pyo
3474  test_code.py
3475  test_code.pyc
3476  test_code.pyo
3477  test_codeccallbacks.py
3478  test_codeccallbacks.pyc
3479  test_codeccallbacks.pyo
3480  test_codecencodings_cn.py
3481  test_codecencodings_cn.pyc
3482  test_codecencodings_cn.pyo
3483  test_codecencodings_hk.py
3484  test_codecencodings_hk.pyc
3485  test_codecencodings_hk.pyo
3486  test_codecencodings_iso2022.py
3487  test_codecencodings_iso2022.pyc
3488  test_codecencodings_iso2022.pyo
3489  test_codecencodings_jp.py
3490  test_codecencodings_jp.pyc
3491  test_codecencodings_jp.pyo
3492  test_codecencodings_kr.py
3493  test_codecencodings_kr.pyc
3494  test_codecencodings_kr.pyo
3495  test_codecencodings_tw.py
3496  test_codecencodings_tw.pyc
3497  test_codecencodings_tw.pyo
3498  test_codecmaps_cn.py
3499  test_codecmaps_cn.pyc
3500  test_codecmaps_cn.pyo
3501  test_codecmaps_hk.py
3502  test_codecmaps_hk.pyc
3503  test_codecmaps_hk.pyo
3504  test_codecmaps_jp.py
3505  test_codecmaps_jp.pyc
3506  test_codecmaps_jp.pyo
3507  test_codecmaps_kr.py
3508  test_codecmaps_kr.pyc
3509  test_codecmaps_kr.pyo
3510  test_codecmaps_tw.py
3511  test_codecmaps_tw.pyc
3512  test_codecmaps_tw.pyo
3513  test_codecs.py
3514  test_codecs.pyc
3515  test_codecs.pyo
3516  test_codeop.py
3517  test_codeop.pyc
3518  test_codeop.pyo
3519  test_coercion.py
3520  test_coercion.pyc
3521  test_coercion.pyo
3522  test_collections.py
3523  test_collections.pyc
3524  test_collections.pyo
3525  test_colorsys.py
3526  test_colorsys.pyc
3527  test_colorsys.pyo
3528  test_commands.py
3529  test_commands.pyc
3530  test_commands.pyo
3531  test_compare.py
3532  test_compare.pyc
3533  test_compare.pyo
3534  test_compile.py
3535  test_compile.pyc
3536  test_compile.pyo
3537  test_compileall.py
3538  test_compileall.pyc
3539  test_compileall.pyo
3540  test_compiler.py
3541  test_compiler.pyc
3542  test_compiler.pyo
3543  test_complex.py
3544  test_complex.pyc
3545  test_complex.pyo
3546  test_complex_args.py
3547  test_complex_args.pyc
3548  test_complex_args.pyo
3549  test_contains.py
3550  test_contains.pyc
3551  test_contains.pyo
3552  test_contextlib.py
3553  test_contextlib.pyc
3554  test_contextlib.pyo
3555  test_cookie.py
3556  test_cookie.pyc
3557  test_cookie.pyo
3558  test_cookielib.py
3559  test_cookielib.pyc
3560  test_cookielib.pyo
3561  test_copy.py
3562  test_copy.pyc
3563  test_copy.pyo
3564  test_copy_reg.py
3565  test_copy_reg.pyc
3566  test_copy_reg.pyo
3567  test_cpickle.py
3568  test_cpickle.pyc
3569  test_cpickle.pyo
3570  test_cprofile.py
3571  test_cprofile.pyc
3572  test_cprofile.pyo
3573  test_crypt.py
3574  test_crypt.pyc
3575  test_crypt.pyo
3576  test_csv.py
3577  test_csv.pyc
3578  test_csv.pyo
3579  test_ctypes.py
3580  test_ctypes.pyc
3581  test_ctypes.pyo
3582  test_curses.py
3583  test_curses.pyc
3584  test_curses.pyo
3585  test_datetime.py
3586  test_datetime.pyc
3587  test_datetime.pyo
3588  test_dbm.py
3589  test_dbm.pyc
3590  test_dbm.pyo
3591  test_decimal.py
3592  test_decimal.pyc
3593  test_decimal.pyo
3594  test_decorators.py
3595  test_decorators.pyc
3596  test_decorators.pyo
3597  test_defaultdict.py
3598  test_defaultdict.pyc
3599  test_defaultdict.pyo
3600  test_deque.py
3601  test_deque.pyc
3602  test_deque.pyo
3603  test_descr.py
3604  test_descr.pyc
3605  test_descr.pyo
3606  test_descrtut.py
3607  test_descrtut.pyc
3608  test_descrtut.pyo
3609  test_dict.py
3610  test_dict.pyc
3611  test_dict.pyo
3612  test_dictcomps.py
3613  test_dictcomps.pyc
3614  test_dictcomps.pyo
3615  test_dictviews.py
3616  test_dictviews.pyc
3617  test_dictviews.pyo
3618  test_difflib.py
3619  test_difflib.pyc
3620  test_difflib.pyo
3621  test_difflib_expect.html
3622  test_dircache.py
3623  test_dircache.pyc
3624  test_dircache.pyo
3625  test_dis.py
3626  test_dis.pyc
3627  test_dis.pyo
3628  test_distutils.py
3629  test_distutils.pyc
3630  test_distutils.pyo
3631  test_dl.py
3632  test_dl.pyc
3633  test_dl.pyo
3634  test_doctest.py
3635  test_doctest.pyc
3636  test_doctest.pyo
3637  test_doctest.txt
3638  test_doctest2.py
3639  test_doctest2.pyc
3640  test_doctest2.pyo
3641  test_doctest2.txt
3642  test_doctest3.txt
3643  test_doctest4.txt
3644  test_docxmlrpc.py
3645  test_docxmlrpc.pyc
3646  test_docxmlrpc.pyo
3647  test_dumbdbm.py
3648  test_dumbdbm.pyc
3649  test_dumbdbm.pyo
3650  test_dummy_thread.py
3651  test_dummy_thread.pyc
3652  test_dummy_thread.pyo
3653  test_dummy_threading.py
3654  test_dummy_threading.pyc
3655  test_dummy_threading.pyo
3656  test_email.py
3657  test_email.pyc
3658  test_email.pyo
3659  test_email_codecs.py
3660  test_email_codecs.pyc
3661  test_email_codecs.pyo
3662  test_email_renamed.py
3663  test_email_renamed.pyc
3664  test_email_renamed.pyo
3665  test_ensurepip.py
3666  test_ensurepip.pyc
3667  test_ensurepip.pyo
3668  test_enumerate.py
3669  test_enumerate.pyc
3670  test_enumerate.pyo
3671  test_eof.py
3672  test_eof.pyc
3673  test_eof.pyo
3674  test_epoll.py
3675  test_epoll.pyc
3676  test_epoll.pyo
3677  test_errno.py
3678  test_errno.pyc
3679  test_errno.pyo
3680  test_exception_variations.py
3681  test_exception_variations.pyc
3682  test_exception_variations.pyo
3683  test_exceptions.py
3684  test_exceptions.pyc
3685  test_exceptions.pyo
3686  test_extcall.py
3687  test_extcall.pyc
3688  test_extcall.pyo
3689  test_fcntl.py
3690  test_fcntl.pyc
3691  test_fcntl.pyo
3692  test_file.py
3693  test_file.pyc
3694  test_file.pyo
3695  test_file2k.py
3696  test_file2k.pyc
3697  test_file2k.pyo
3698  test_file_eintr.py
3699  test_file_eintr.pyc
3700  test_file_eintr.pyo
3701  test_filecmp.py
3702  test_filecmp.pyc
3703  test_filecmp.pyo
3704  test_fileinput.py
3705  test_fileinput.pyc
3706  test_fileinput.pyo
3707  test_fileio.py
3708  test_fileio.pyc
3709  test_fileio.pyo
3710  test_float.py
3711  test_float.pyc
3712  test_float.pyo
3713  test_fnmatch.py
3714  test_fnmatch.pyc
3715  test_fnmatch.pyo
3716  test_fork1.py
3717  test_fork1.pyc
3718  test_fork1.pyo
3719  test_format.py
3720  test_format.pyc
3721  test_format.pyo
3722  test_fpformat.py
3723  test_fpformat.pyc
3724  test_fpformat.pyo
3725  test_fractions.py
3726  test_fractions.pyc
3727  test_fractions.pyo
3728  test_frozen.py
3729  test_frozen.pyc
3730  test_frozen.pyo
3731  test_ftplib.py
3732  test_ftplib.pyc
3733  test_ftplib.pyo
3734  test_funcattrs.py
3735  test_funcattrs.pyc
3736  test_funcattrs.pyo
3737  test_functools.py
3738  test_functools.pyc
3739  test_functools.pyo
3740  test_future.py
3741  test_future.pyc
3742  test_future.pyo
3743  test_future1.py
3744  test_future1.pyc
3745  test_future1.pyo
3746  test_future2.py
3747  test_future2.pyc
3748  test_future2.pyo
3749  test_future3.py
3750  test_future3.pyc
3751  test_future3.pyo
3752  test_future4.py
3753  test_future4.pyc
3754  test_future4.pyo
3755  test_future5.py
3756  test_future5.pyc
3757  test_future5.pyo
3758  test_future_builtins.py
3759  test_future_builtins.pyc
3760  test_future_builtins.pyo
3761  test_gc.py
3762  test_gc.pyc
3763  test_gc.pyo
3764  test_gdb.py
3765  test_gdb.pyc
3766  test_gdb.pyo
3767  test_gdbm.py
3768  test_gdbm.pyc
3769  test_gdbm.pyo
3770  test_generators.py
3771  test_generators.pyc
3772  test_generators.pyo
3773  test_genericpath.py
3774  test_genericpath.pyc
3775  test_genericpath.pyo
3776  test_genexps.py
3777  test_genexps.pyc
3778  test_genexps.pyo
3779  test_getargs.py
3780  test_getargs.pyc
3781  test_getargs.pyo
3782  test_getargs2.py
3783  test_getargs2.pyc
3784  test_getargs2.pyo
3785  test_getopt.py
3786  test_getopt.pyc
3787  test_getopt.pyo
3788  test_gettext.py
3789  test_gettext.pyc
3790  test_gettext.pyo
3791  test_gl.py
3792  test_gl.pyc
3793  test_gl.pyo
3794  test_glob.py
3795  test_glob.pyc
3796  test_glob.pyo
3797  test_global.py
3798  test_global.pyc
3799  test_global.pyo
3800  test_grammar.py
3801  test_grammar.pyc
3802  test_grammar.pyo
3803  test_grp.py
3804  test_grp.pyc
3805  test_grp.pyo
3806  test_gzip.py
3807  test_gzip.pyc
3808  test_gzip.pyo
3809  test_hash.py
3810  test_hash.pyc
3811  test_hash.pyo
3812  test_hashlib.py
3813  test_hashlib.pyc
3814  test_hashlib.pyo
3815  test_heapq.py
3816  test_heapq.pyc
3817  test_heapq.pyo
3818  test_hmac.py
3819  test_hmac.pyc
3820  test_hmac.pyo
3821  test_hotshot.py
3822  test_hotshot.pyc
3823  test_hotshot.pyo
3824  test_htmllib.py
3825  test_htmllib.pyc
3826  test_htmllib.pyo
3827  test_htmlparser.py
3828  test_htmlparser.pyc
3829  test_htmlparser.pyo
3830  test_httplib.py
3831  test_httplib.pyc
3832  test_httplib.pyo
3833  test_httpservers.py
3834  test_httpservers.pyc
3835  test_httpservers.pyo
3836  test_idle.py
3837  test_idle.pyc
3838  test_idle.pyo
3839  test_imageop.py
3840  test_imageop.pyc
3841  test_imageop.pyo
3842  test_imaplib.py
3843  test_imaplib.pyc
3844  test_imaplib.pyo
3845  test_imgfile.py
3846  test_imgfile.pyc
3847  test_imgfile.pyo
3848  test_imghdr.py
3849  test_imghdr.pyc
3850  test_imghdr.pyo
3851  test_imp.py
3852  test_imp.pyc
3853  test_imp.pyo
3854  test_import.py
3855  test_import.pyc
3856  test_import.pyo
3857  test_importhooks.py
3858  test_importhooks.pyc
3859  test_importhooks.pyo
3860  test_importlib.py
3861  test_importlib.pyc
3862  test_importlib.pyo
3863  test_index.py
3864  test_index.pyc
3865  test_index.pyo
3866  test_inspect.py
3867  test_inspect.pyc
3868  test_inspect.pyo
3869  test_int.py
3870  test_int.pyc
3871  test_int.pyo
3872  test_int_literal.py
3873  test_int_literal.pyc
3874  test_int_literal.pyo
3875  test_io.py
3876  test_io.pyc
3877  test_io.pyo
3878  test_ioctl.py
3879  test_ioctl.pyc
3880  test_ioctl.pyo
3881  test_isinstance.py
3882  test_isinstance.pyc
3883  test_isinstance.pyo
3884  test_iter.py
3885  test_iter.pyc
3886  test_iter.pyo
3887  test_iterlen.py
3888  test_iterlen.pyc
3889  test_iterlen.pyo
3890  test_itertools.py
3891  test_itertools.pyc
3892  test_itertools.pyo
3893  test_json.py
3894  test_json.pyc
3895  test_json.pyo
3896  test_kqueue.py
3897  test_kqueue.pyc
3898  test_kqueue.pyo
3899  test_largefile.py
3900  test_largefile.pyc
3901  test_largefile.pyo
3902  test_lib2to3.py
3903  test_lib2to3.pyc
3904  test_lib2to3.pyo
3905  test_linecache.py
3906  test_linecache.pyc
3907  test_linecache.pyo
3908  test_linuxaudiodev.py
3909  test_linuxaudiodev.pyc
3910  test_linuxaudiodev.pyo
3911  test_list.py
3912  test_list.pyc
3913  test_list.pyo
3914  test_locale.py
3915  test_locale.pyc
3916  test_locale.pyo
3917  test_logging.py
3918  test_logging.pyc
3919  test_logging.pyo
3920  test_long.py
3921  test_long.pyc
3922  test_long.pyo
3923  test_long_future.py
3924  test_long_future.pyc
3925  test_long_future.pyo
3926  test_longexp.py
3927  test_longexp.pyc
3928  test_longexp.pyo
3929  test_macos.py
3930  test_macos.pyc
3931  test_macos.pyo
3932  test_macostools.py
3933  test_macostools.pyc
3934  test_macostools.pyo
3935  test_macpath.py
3936  test_macpath.pyc
3937  test_macpath.pyo
3938  test_macurl2path.py
3939  test_macurl2path.pyc
3940  test_macurl2path.pyo
3941  test_mailbox.py
3942  test_mailbox.pyc
3943  test_mailbox.pyo
3944  test_marshal.py
3945  test_marshal.pyc
3946  test_marshal.pyo
3947  test_math.py
3948  test_math.pyc
3949  test_math.pyo
3950  test_md5.py
3951  test_md5.pyc
3952  test_md5.pyo
3953  test_memoryio.py
3954  test_memoryio.pyc
3955  test_memoryio.pyo
3956  test_memoryview.py
3957  test_memoryview.pyc
3958  test_memoryview.pyo
3959  test_mhlib.py
3960  test_mhlib.pyc
3961  test_mhlib.pyo
3962  test_mimetools.py
3963  test_mimetools.pyc
3964  test_mimetools.pyo
3965  test_mimetypes.py
3966  test_mimetypes.pyc
3967  test_mimetypes.pyo
3968  test_minidom.py
3969  test_minidom.pyc
3970  test_minidom.pyo
3971  test_mmap.py
3972  test_mmap.pyc
3973  test_mmap.pyo
3974  test_module.py
3975  test_module.pyc
3976  test_module.pyo
3977  test_modulefinder.py
3978  test_modulefinder.pyc
3979  test_modulefinder.pyo
3980  test_msilib.py
3981  test_msilib.pyc
3982  test_msilib.pyo
3983  test_multibytecodec.py
3984  test_multibytecodec.pyc
3985  test_multibytecodec.pyo
3986  test_multibytecodec_support.py
3987  test_multibytecodec_support.pyc
3988  test_multibytecodec_support.pyo
3989  test_multifile.py
3990  test_multifile.pyc
3991  test_multifile.pyo
3992  test_multiprocessing.py
3993  test_multiprocessing.pyc
3994  test_multiprocessing.pyo
3995  test_mutants.py
3996  test_mutants.pyc
3997  test_mutants.pyo
3998  test_mutex.py
3999  test_mutex.pyc
4000  test_mutex.pyo
4001  test_netrc.py
4002  test_netrc.pyc
4003  test_netrc.pyo
4004  test_new.py
4005  test_new.pyc
4006  test_new.pyo
4007  test_nis.py
4008  test_nis.pyc
4009  test_nis.pyo
4010  test_nntplib.py
4011  test_nntplib.pyc
4012  test_nntplib.pyo
4013  test_normalization.py
4014  test_normalization.pyc
4015  test_normalization.pyo
4016  test_ntpath.py
4017  test_ntpath.pyc
4018  test_ntpath.pyo
4019  test_old_mailbox.py
4020  test_old_mailbox.pyc
4021  test_old_mailbox.pyo
4022  test_opcodes.py
4023  test_opcodes.pyc
4024  test_opcodes.pyo
4025  test_openpty.py
4026  test_openpty.pyc
4027  test_openpty.pyo
4028  test_operator.py
4029  test_operator.pyc
4030  test_operator.pyo
4031  test_optparse.py
4032  test_optparse.pyc
4033  test_optparse.pyo
4034  test_ordered_dict.py
4035  test_ordered_dict.pyc
4036  test_ordered_dict.pyo
4037  test_os.py
4038  test_os.pyc
4039  test_os.pyo
4040  test_ossaudiodev.py
4041  test_ossaudiodev.pyc
4042  test_ossaudiodev.pyo
4043  test_parser.py
4044  test_parser.pyc
4045  test_parser.pyo
4046  test_pdb.py
4047  test_pdb.pyc
4048  test_pdb.pyo
4049  test_peepholer.py
4050  test_peepholer.pyc
4051  test_peepholer.pyo
4052  test_pep247.py
4053  test_pep247.pyc
4054  test_pep247.pyo
4055  test_pep277.py
4056  test_pep277.pyc
4057  test_pep277.pyo
4058  test_pep352.py
4059  test_pep352.pyc
4060  test_pep352.pyo
4061  test_pickle.py
4062  test_pickle.pyc
4063  test_pickle.pyo
4064  test_pickletools.py
4065  test_pickletools.pyc
4066  test_pickletools.pyo
4067  test_pipes.py
4068  test_pipes.pyc
4069  test_pipes.pyo
4070  test_pkg.py
4071  test_pkg.pyc
4072  test_pkg.pyo
4073  test_pkgimport.py
4074  test_pkgimport.pyc
4075  test_pkgimport.pyo
4076  test_pkgutil.py
4077  test_pkgutil.pyc
4078  test_pkgutil.pyo
4079  test_platform.py
4080  test_platform.pyc
4081  test_platform.pyo
4082  test_plistlib.py
4083  test_plistlib.pyc
4084  test_plistlib.pyo
4085  test_poll.py
4086  test_poll.pyc
4087  test_poll.pyo
4088  test_popen.py
4089  test_popen.pyc
4090  test_popen.pyo
4091  test_popen2.py
4092  test_popen2.pyc
4093  test_popen2.pyo
4094  test_poplib.py
4095  test_poplib.pyc
4096  test_poplib.pyo
4097  test_posix.py
4098  test_posix.pyc
4099  test_posix.pyo
4100  test_posixpath.py
4101  test_posixpath.pyc
4102  test_posixpath.pyo
4103  test_pow.py
4104  test_pow.pyc
4105  test_pow.pyo
4106  test_pprint.py
4107  test_pprint.pyc
4108  test_pprint.pyo
4109  test_print.py
4110  test_print.pyc
4111  test_print.pyo
4112  test_profile.py
4113  test_profile.pyc
4114  test_profile.pyo
4115  test_property.py
4116  test_property.pyc
4117  test_property.pyo
4118  test_pstats.py
4119  test_pstats.pyc
4120  test_pstats.pyo
4121  test_pty.py
4122  test_pty.pyc
4123  test_pty.pyo
4124  test_pwd.py
4125  test_pwd.pyc
4126  test_pwd.pyo
4127  test_py3kwarn.py
4128  test_py3kwarn.pyc
4129  test_py3kwarn.pyo
4130  test_py_compile.py
4131  test_py_compile.pyc
4132  test_py_compile.pyo
4133  test_pyclbr.py
4134  test_pyclbr.pyc
4135  test_pyclbr.pyo
4136  test_pydoc.py
4137  test_pydoc.pyc
4138  test_pydoc.pyo
4139  test_pyexpat.py
4140  test_pyexpat.pyc
4141  test_pyexpat.pyo
4142  test_queue.py
4143  test_queue.pyc
4144  test_queue.pyo
4145  test_quopri.py
4146  test_quopri.pyc
4147  test_quopri.pyo
4148  test_random.py
4149  test_random.pyc
4150  test_random.pyo
4151  test_re.py
4152  test_re.pyc
4153  test_re.pyo
4154  test_readline.py
4155  test_readline.pyc
4156  test_readline.pyo
4157  test_repr.py
4158  test_repr.pyc
4159  test_repr.pyo
4160  test_resource.py
4161  test_resource.pyc
4162  test_resource.pyo
4163  test_rfc822.py
4164  test_rfc822.pyc
4165  test_rfc822.pyo
4166  test_richcmp.py
4167  test_richcmp.pyc
4168  test_richcmp.pyo
4169  test_rlcompleter.py
4170  test_rlcompleter.pyc
4171  test_rlcompleter.pyo
4172  test_robotparser.py
4173  test_robotparser.pyc
4174  test_robotparser.pyo
4175  test_runpy.py
4176  test_runpy.pyc
4177  test_runpy.pyo
4178  test_sax.py
4179  test_sax.pyc
4180  test_sax.pyo
4181  test_scope.py
4182  test_scope.pyc
4183  test_scope.pyo
4184  test_scriptpackages.py
4185  test_scriptpackages.pyc
4186  test_scriptpackages.pyo
4187  test_select.py
4188  test_select.pyc
4189  test_select.pyo
4190  test_set.py
4191  test_set.pyc
4192  test_set.pyo
4193  test_setcomps.py
4194  test_setcomps.pyc
4195  test_setcomps.pyo
4196  test_sets.py
4197  test_sets.pyc
4198  test_sets.pyo
4199  test_sgmllib.py
4200  test_sgmllib.pyc
4201  test_sgmllib.pyo
4202  test_sha.py
4203  test_sha.pyc
4204  test_sha.pyo
4205  test_shelve.py
4206  test_shelve.pyc
4207  test_shelve.pyo
4208  test_shlex.py
4209  test_shlex.pyc
4210  test_shlex.pyo
4211  test_shutil.py
4212  test_shutil.pyc
4213  test_shutil.pyo
4214  test_signal.py
4215  test_signal.pyc
4216  test_signal.pyo
4217  test_site.py
4218  test_site.pyc
4219  test_site.pyo
4220  test_slice.py
4221  test_slice.pyc
4222  test_slice.pyo
4223  test_smtplib.py
4224  test_smtplib.pyc
4225  test_smtplib.pyo
4226  test_smtpnet.py
4227  test_smtpnet.pyc
4228  test_smtpnet.pyo
4229  test_socket.py
4230  test_socket.pyc
4231  test_socket.pyo
4232  test_socketserver.py
4233  test_socketserver.pyc
4234  test_socketserver.pyo
4235  test_softspace.py
4236  test_softspace.pyc
4237  test_softspace.pyo
4238  test_sort.py
4239  test_sort.pyc
4240  test_sort.pyo
4241  test_source_encoding.py
4242  test_source_encoding.pyc
4243  test_source_encoding.pyo
4244  test_spwd.py
4245  test_spwd.pyc
4246  test_spwd.pyo
4247  test_sqlite.py
4248  test_sqlite.pyc
4249  test_sqlite.pyo
4250  test_ssl.py
4251  test_ssl.pyc
4252  test_ssl.pyo
4253  test_startfile.py
4254  test_startfile.pyc
4255  test_startfile.pyo
4256  test_stat.py
4257  test_stat.pyc
4258  test_stat.pyo
4259  test_str.py
4260  test_str.pyc
4261  test_str.pyo
4262  test_strftime.py
4263  test_strftime.pyc
4264  test_strftime.pyo
4265  test_string.py
4266  test_string.pyc
4267  test_string.pyo
4268  test_stringprep.py
4269  test_stringprep.pyc
4270  test_stringprep.pyo
4271  test_strop.py
4272  test_strop.pyc
4273  test_strop.pyo
4274  test_strptime.py
4275  test_strptime.pyc
4276  test_strptime.pyo
4277  test_strtod.py
4278  test_strtod.pyc
4279  test_strtod.pyo
4280  test_struct.py
4281  test_struct.pyc
4282  test_struct.pyo
4283  test_structmembers.py
4284  test_structmembers.pyc
4285  test_structmembers.pyo
4286  test_structseq.py
4287  test_structseq.pyc
4288  test_structseq.pyo
4289  test_subprocess.py
4290  test_subprocess.pyc
4291  test_subprocess.pyo
4292  test_sunau.py
4293  test_sunau.pyc
4294  test_sunau.pyo
4295  test_sunaudiodev.py
4296  test_sunaudiodev.pyc
4297  test_sunaudiodev.pyo
4298  test_sundry.py
4299  test_sundry.pyc
4300  test_sundry.pyo
4301  test_support.py
4302  test_support.pyc
4303  test_support.pyo
4304  test_symtable.py
4305  test_symtable.pyc
4306  test_symtable.pyo
4307  test_syntax.py
4308  test_syntax.pyc
4309  test_syntax.pyo
4310  test_sys.py
4311  test_sys.pyc
4312  test_sys.pyo
4313  test_sys_setprofile.py
4314  test_sys_setprofile.pyc
4315  test_sys_setprofile.pyo
4316  test_sys_settrace.py
4317  test_sys_settrace.pyc
4318  test_sys_settrace.pyo
4319  test_sysconfig.py
4320  test_sysconfig.pyc
4321  test_sysconfig.pyo
4322  test_tarfile.py
4323  test_tarfile.pyc
4324  test_tarfile.pyo
4325  test_tcl.py
4326  test_tcl.pyc
4327  test_tcl.pyo
4328  test_telnetlib.py
4329  test_telnetlib.pyc
4330  test_telnetlib.pyo
4331  test_tempfile.py
4332  test_tempfile.pyc
4333  test_tempfile.pyo
4334  test_textwrap.py
4335  test_textwrap.pyc
4336  test_textwrap.pyo
4337  test_thread.py
4338  test_thread.pyc
4339  test_thread.pyo
4340  test_threaded_import.py
4341  test_threaded_import.pyc
4342  test_threaded_import.pyo
4343  test_threadedtempfile.py
4344  test_threadedtempfile.pyc
4345  test_threadedtempfile.pyo
4346  test_threading.py
4347  test_threading.pyc
4348  test_threading.pyo
4349  test_threading_local.py
4350  test_threading_local.pyc
4351  test_threading_local.pyo
4352  test_threadsignals.py
4353  test_threadsignals.pyc
4354  test_threadsignals.pyo
4355  test_time.py
4356  test_time.pyc
4357  test_time.pyo
4358  test_timeit.py
4359  test_timeit.pyc
4360  test_timeit.pyo
4361  test_timeout.py
4362  test_timeout.pyc
4363  test_timeout.pyo
4364  test_tk.py
4365  test_tk.pyc
4366  test_tk.pyo
4367  test_tokenize.py
4368  test_tokenize.pyc
4369  test_tokenize.pyo
4370  test_tools.py
4371  test_tools.pyc
4372  test_tools.pyo
4373  test_trace.py
4374  test_trace.pyc
4375  test_trace.pyo
4376  test_traceback.py
4377  test_traceback.pyc
4378  test_traceback.pyo
4379  test_transformer.py
4380  test_transformer.pyc
4381  test_transformer.pyo
4382  test_ttk_guionly.py
4383  test_ttk_guionly.pyc
4384  test_ttk_guionly.pyo
4385  test_ttk_textonly.py
4386  test_ttk_textonly.pyc
4387  test_ttk_textonly.pyo
4388  test_tuple.py
4389  test_tuple.pyc
4390  test_tuple.pyo
4391  test_turtle.py
4392  test_turtle.pyc
4393  test_turtle.pyo
4394  test_typechecks.py
4395  test_typechecks.pyc
4396  test_typechecks.pyo
4397  test_types.py
4398  test_types.pyc
4399  test_types.pyo
4400  test_ucn.py
4401  test_ucn.pyc
4402  test_ucn.pyo
4403  test_unary.py
4404  test_unary.pyc
4405  test_unary.pyo
4406  test_undocumented_details.py
4407  test_undocumented_details.pyc
4408  test_undocumented_details.pyo
4409  test_unicode.py
4410  test_unicode.pyc
4411  test_unicode.pyo
4412  test_unicode_file.py
4413  test_unicode_file.pyc
4414  test_unicode_file.pyo
4415  test_unicodedata.py
4416  test_unicodedata.pyc
4417  test_unicodedata.pyo
4418  test_unittest.py
4419  test_unittest.pyc
4420  test_unittest.pyo
4421  test_univnewlines.py
4422  test_univnewlines.pyc
4423  test_univnewlines.pyo
4424  test_univnewlines2k.py
4425  test_univnewlines2k.pyc
4426  test_univnewlines2k.pyo
4427  test_unpack.py
4428  test_unpack.pyc
4429  test_unpack.pyo
4430  test_urllib.py
4431  test_urllib.pyc
4432  test_urllib.pyo
4433  test_urllib2.py
4434  test_urllib2.pyc
4435  test_urllib2.pyo
4436  test_urllib2_localnet.py
4437  test_urllib2_localnet.pyc
4438  test_urllib2_localnet.pyo
4439  test_urllib2net.py
4440  test_urllib2net.pyc
4441  test_urllib2net.pyo
4442  test_urllibnet.py
4443  test_urllibnet.pyc
4444  test_urllibnet.pyo
4445  test_urlparse.py
4446  test_urlparse.pyc
4447  test_urlparse.pyo
4448  test_userdict.py
4449  test_userdict.pyc
4450  test_userdict.pyo
4451  test_userlist.py
4452  test_userlist.pyc
4453  test_userlist.pyo
4454  test_userstring.py
4455  test_userstring.pyc
4456  test_userstring.pyo
4457  test_uu.py
4458  test_uu.pyc
4459  test_uu.pyo
4460  test_uuid.py
4461  test_uuid.pyc
4462  test_uuid.pyo
4463  test_wait3.py
4464  test_wait3.pyc
4465  test_wait3.pyo
4466  test_wait4.py
4467  test_wait4.pyc
4468  test_wait4.pyo
4469  test_warnings.py
4470  test_warnings.pyc
4471  test_warnings.pyo
4472  test_wave.py
4473  test_wave.pyc
4474  test_wave.pyo
4475  test_weakref.py
4476  test_weakref.pyc
4477  test_weakref.pyo
4478  test_weakset.py
4479  test_weakset.pyc
4480  test_weakset.pyo
4481  test_whichdb.py
4482  test_whichdb.pyc
4483  test_whichdb.pyo
4484  test_winreg.py
4485  test_winreg.pyc
4486  test_winreg.pyo
4487  test_winsound.py
4488  test_winsound.pyc
4489  test_winsound.pyo
4490  test_with.py
4491  test_with.pyc
4492  test_with.pyo
4493  test_wsgiref.py
4494  test_wsgiref.pyc
4495  test_wsgiref.pyo
4496  test_xdrlib.py
4497  test_xdrlib.pyc
4498  test_xdrlib.pyo
4499  test_xml_etree.py
4500  test_xml_etree.pyc
4501  test_xml_etree.pyo
4502  test_xml_etree_c.py
4503  test_xml_etree_c.pyc
4504  test_xml_etree_c.pyo
4505  test_xmllib.py
4506  test_xmllib.pyc
4507  test_xmllib.pyo
4508  test_xmlrpc.py
4509  test_xmlrpc.pyc
4510  test_xmlrpc.pyo
4511  test_xpickle.py
4512  test_xpickle.pyc
4513  test_xpickle.pyo
4514  test_xrange.py
4515  test_xrange.pyc
4516  test_xrange.pyo
4517  test_zipfile.py
4518  test_zipfile.pyc
4519  test_zipfile.pyo
4520  test_zipfile64.py
4521  test_zipfile64.pyc
4522  test_zipfile64.pyo
4523  test_zipimport.py
4524  test_zipimport.pyc
4525  test_zipimport.pyo
4526  test_zipimport_support.py
4527  test_zipimport_support.pyc
4528  test_zipimport_support.pyo
4529  test_zlib.py
4530  test_zlib.pyc
4531  test_zlib.pyo
4532  testall.py
4533  testall.pyc
4534  testall.pyo
4535  testcodec.py
4536  testcodec.pyc
4537  testcodec.pyo
4538  testimg.uue
4539  testimgr.uue
4540  testrgb.uue
4541  testtar.tar
4542  tf_inherit_check.py
4543  tf_inherit_check.pyc
4544  tf_inherit_check.pyo
4545  threaded_import_hangers.py
4546  threaded_import_hangers.pyc
4547  threaded_import_hangers.pyo
4548  time_hashlib.py
4549  time_hashlib.pyc
4550  time_hashlib.pyo
4551  tokenize_tests.txt
4552 lib/python2.7/test/tracedmodules/
4553  __init__.py
4554  __init__.pyc
4555  __init__.pyo
4556  testmod.py
4557  testmod.pyc
4558  testmod.pyo
4559 lib/python2.7/test/
4560  warning_tests.py
4561  warning_tests.pyc
4562  warning_tests.pyo
4563  win_console_handler.py
4564  win_console_handler.pyc
4565  win_console_handler.pyo
4566  wrongcert.pem
4567 lib/python2.7/test/xmltestdata/
4568  simple-ns.xml
4569  simple.xml
4570  test.xml
4571  test.xml.out
4572 lib/python2.7/test/
4573  xmltests.py
4574  xmltests.pyc
4575  xmltests.pyo
4576  zipdir.zip
4577 lib/python2.7/
4578  textwrap.py
4579  textwrap.pyc
4580  textwrap.pyo
4581  this.py
4582  this.pyc
4583  this.pyo
4584  threading.py
4585  threading.pyc
4586  threading.pyo
4587  timeit.py
4588  timeit.pyc
4589  timeit.pyo
4590  toaiff.py
4591  toaiff.pyc
4592  toaiff.pyo
4593  token.py
4594  token.pyc
4595  token.pyo
4596  tokenize.py
4597  tokenize.pyc
4598  tokenize.pyo
4599  trace.py
4600  trace.pyc
4601  trace.pyo
4602  traceback.py
4603  traceback.pyc
4604  traceback.pyo
4605  tty.py
4606  tty.pyc
4607  tty.pyo
4608  types.py
4609  types.pyc
4610  types.pyo
4611 lib/python2.7/unittest/
4612  __init__.py
4613  __init__.pyc
4614  __init__.pyo
4615  __main__.py
4616  __main__.pyc
4617  __main__.pyo
4618  case.py
4619  case.pyc
4620  case.pyo
4621  loader.py
4622  loader.pyc
4623  loader.pyo
4624  main.py
4625  main.pyc
4626  main.pyo
4627  result.py
4628  result.pyc
4629  result.pyo
4630  runner.py
4631  runner.pyc
4632  runner.pyo
4633  signals.py
4634  signals.pyc
4635  signals.pyo
4636  suite.py
4637  suite.pyc
4638  suite.pyo
4639 lib/python2.7/unittest/test/
4640  __init__.py
4641  __init__.pyc
4642  __init__.pyo
4643  dummy.py
4644  dummy.pyc
4645  dummy.pyo
4646  support.py
4647  support.pyc
4648  support.pyo
4649  test_assertions.py
4650  test_assertions.pyc
4651  test_assertions.pyo
4652  test_break.py
4653  test_break.pyc
4654  test_break.pyo
4655  test_case.py
4656  test_case.pyc
4657  test_case.pyo
4658  test_discovery.py
4659  test_discovery.pyc
4660  test_discovery.pyo
4661  test_functiontestcase.py
4662  test_functiontestcase.pyc
4663  test_functiontestcase.pyo
4664  test_loader.py
4665  test_loader.pyc
4666  test_loader.pyo
4667  test_program.py
4668  test_program.pyc
4669  test_program.pyo
4670  test_result.py
4671  test_result.pyc
4672  test_result.pyo
4673  test_runner.py
4674  test_runner.pyc
4675  test_runner.pyo
4676  test_setups.py
4677  test_setups.pyc
4678  test_setups.pyo
4679  test_skipping.py
4680  test_skipping.pyc
4681  test_skipping.pyo
4682  test_suite.py
4683  test_suite.pyc
4684  test_suite.pyo
4685 lib/python2.7/unittest/
4686  util.py
4687  util.pyc
4688  util.pyo
4689 lib/python2.7/
4690  urllib.py
4691  urllib.pyc
4692  urllib.pyo
4693  urllib2.py
4694  urllib2.pyc
4695  urllib2.pyo
4696  urlparse.py
4697  urlparse.pyc
4698  urlparse.pyo
4699  user.py
4700  user.pyc
4701  user.pyo
4702  uu.py
4703  uu.pyc
4704  uu.pyo
4705  uuid.py
4706  uuid.pyc
4707  uuid.pyo
4708  warnings.py
4709  warnings.pyc
4710  warnings.pyo
4711  wave.py
4712  wave.pyc
4713  wave.pyo
4714  weakref.py
4715  weakref.pyc
4716  weakref.pyo
4717  webbrowser.py
4718  webbrowser.pyc
4719  webbrowser.pyo
4720  whichdb.py
4721  whichdb.pyc
4722  whichdb.pyo
4723  wsgiref.egg-info
4724 lib/python2.7/wsgiref/
4725  __init__.py
4726  __init__.pyc
4727  __init__.pyo
4728  handlers.py
4729  handlers.pyc
4730  handlers.pyo
4731  headers.py
4732  headers.pyc
4733  headers.pyo
4734  simple_server.py
4735  simple_server.pyc
4736  simple_server.pyo
4737  util.py
4738  util.pyc
4739  util.pyo
4740  validate.py
4741  validate.pyc
4742  validate.pyo
4743 lib/python2.7/
4744  xdrlib.py
4745  xdrlib.pyc
4746  xdrlib.pyo
4747 lib/python2.7/xml/
4748  __init__.py
4749  __init__.pyc
4750  __init__.pyo
4751 lib/python2.7/xml/dom/
4752  NodeFilter.py
4753  NodeFilter.pyc
4754  NodeFilter.pyo
4755  __init__.py
4756  __init__.pyc
4757  __init__.pyo
4758  domreg.py
4759  domreg.pyc
4760  domreg.pyo
4761  expatbuilder.py
4762  expatbuilder.pyc
4763  expatbuilder.pyo
4764  minicompat.py
4765  minicompat.pyc
4766  minicompat.pyo
4767  minidom.py
4768  minidom.pyc
4769  minidom.pyo
4770  pulldom.py
4771  pulldom.pyc
4772  pulldom.pyo
4773  xmlbuilder.py
4774  xmlbuilder.pyc
4775  xmlbuilder.pyo
4776 lib/python2.7/xml/etree/
4777  ElementInclude.py
4778  ElementInclude.pyc
4779  ElementInclude.pyo
4780  ElementPath.py
4781  ElementPath.pyc
4782  ElementPath.pyo
4783  ElementTree.py
4784  ElementTree.pyc
4785  ElementTree.pyo
4786  __init__.py
4787  __init__.pyc
4788  __init__.pyo
4789  cElementTree.py
4790  cElementTree.pyc
4791  cElementTree.pyo
4792 lib/python2.7/xml/parsers/
4793  __init__.py
4794  __init__.pyc
4795  __init__.pyo
4796  expat.py
4797  expat.pyc
4798  expat.pyo
4799 lib/python2.7/xml/sax/
4800  __init__.py
4801  __init__.pyc
4802  __init__.pyo
4803  _exceptions.py
4804  _exceptions.pyc
4805  _exceptions.pyo
4806  expatreader.py
4807  expatreader.pyc
4808  expatreader.pyo
4809  handler.py
4810  handler.pyc
4811  handler.pyo
4812  saxutils.py
4813  saxutils.pyc
4814  saxutils.pyo
4815  xmlreader.py
4816  xmlreader.pyc
4817  xmlreader.pyo
4818 lib/python2.7/
4819  xmllib.py
4820  xmllib.pyc
4821  xmllib.pyo
4822  xmlrpclib.py
4823  xmlrpclib.pyc
4824  xmlrpclib.pyo
4825  zipfile.py
4826  zipfile.pyc
4827  zipfile.pyo
4828 share/man/man1/python2.7.1.gz
4831 [FILE:569:patches/patch-Doc__library__fcntl.rst]
4832 --- ./Doc/library/fcntl.rst.orig        2014-07-03 21:53:41.473098625 +1000
4833 +++ ./Doc/library/fcntl.rst     2014-07-03 21:54:04.342833056 +1000
4834 @@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ The module defines the following functio
4835     operations are typically defined in the library module :mod:`termios` and the
4836     argument handling is even more complicated.
4838 -   The op parameter is limited to values that can fit in 32-bits.
4839     Additional constants of interest for use as the *op* argument can be
4840     found in the :mod:`termios` module, under the same names as used in
4841     the relevant C header files.
4844 [FILE:643:patches/patch-Lib_distutils_command_build__scripts.py]
4845 # Description: A non-invasive partial backport of the Python3 distutils behaviour.
4846 # This allows Python's scripts to be properly suffixed (similar to Python 3.x) on
4847 # installation.
4848 # Submitted by: mva
4850 --- Lib/distutils/command/build_scripts.py.orig 2014-07-26 09:52:20.000000000 UTC
4851 +++ Lib/distutils/command/build_scripts.py      2014-07-26 09:52:56.000000000 UTC
4852 @@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ class build_scripts (Command):
4853                                   file, oldmode, newmode)
4854                          os.chmod(file, newmode)
4856 +        # XXX should we modify self.outfiles?
4857 +        return outfiles
4858 +
4859      # copy_scripts ()
4861  # class build_scripts
4864 [FILE:1357:patches/patch-Lib_distutils_command_install__lib.py]
4865 From 9934ce31b8447667f71c211e559a8de71e8263db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
4866 From: Brendan Molloy <brendan@bbqsrc.net>
4867 Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 23:14:06 +1100
4868 Subject: [PATCH] Check bytecode file actually exists and tests
4870 Should solve issue 20397, where using the --record argument results
4871 in files that failed to generate bytecode files are added to the
4872 record file nonetheless.
4873 ---
4874  Lib/distutils/command/install_lib.py    | 17 +++++++++++++----
4875  Lib/distutils/tests/test_install_lib.py |  8 ++++++--
4876  2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
4878 --- Lib/distutils/command/install_lib.py.orig   2015-12-05 19:46:56 UTC
4879 +++ Lib/distutils/command/install_lib.py
4880 @@ -168,10 +168,14 @@ class install_lib(Command):
4881              ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.normcase(py_file))[1]
4882              if ext != PYTHON_SOURCE_EXTENSION:
4883                  continue
4884 -            if self.compile:
4885 -                bytecode_files.append(py_file + "c")
4886 -            if self.optimize > 0:
4887 -                bytecode_files.append(py_file + "o")
4888 +
4889 +            pyc_file = py_file + "c"
4890 +            if self.compile and os.path.isfile(pyc_file):
4891 +                bytecode_files.append(pyc_file)
4892 +
4893 +            pyo_file = py_file + "o"
4894 +            if self.optimize > 0 and os.path.isfile(pyo_file):
4895 +                bytecode_files.append(pyo_file)
4897          return bytecode_files
4901 [FILE:1246:patches/patch-Lib_distutils_tests_test__install__lib.py]
4902 From 9934ce31b8447667f71c211e559a8de71e8263db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
4903 From: Brendan Molloy <brendan@bbqsrc.net>
4904 Date: Mon, 4 Jan 2016 23:14:06 +1100
4905 Subject: [PATCH] Check bytecode file actually exists and tests
4907 Should solve issue 20397, where using the --record argument results
4908 in files that failed to generate bytecode files are added to the
4909 record file nonetheless.
4910 ---
4911  Lib/distutils/command/install_lib.py    | 17 +++++++++++++----
4912  Lib/distutils/tests/test_install_lib.py |  8 ++++++--
4913  2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
4915 --- Lib/distutils/tests/test_install_lib.py.orig        2015-12-05 19:46:57 UTC
4916 +++ Lib/distutils/tests/test_install_lib.py
4917 @@ -64,8 +64,12 @@ class InstallLibTestCase(support.Tempdir
4918          cmd.distribution.packages = [pkg_dir]
4919          cmd.distribution.script_name = 'setup.py'
4921 -        # get_output should return 4 elements
4922 -        self.assertGreaterEqual(len(cmd.get_outputs()), 2)
4923 +        # Create rubbish, uncompilable file
4924 +        f = os.path.join(pkg_dir, 'rubbish.py')
4925 +        self.write_file(f, 'rubbish()')
4926 +
4927 +        # get_output should return 3 elements
4928 +        self.assertEqual(len(cmd.get_outputs()), 3)
4930      def test_get_inputs(self):
4931          pkg_dir, dist = self.create_dist()
4934 [FILE:1051:patches/patch-Lib_distutils_unixccompiler.py]
4935 --- Lib/distutils/unixccompiler.py.orig 2016-12-17 20:05:06 UTC
4936 +++ Lib/distutils/unixccompiler.py
4937 @@ -227,21 +227,7 @@ class UnixCCompiler(CCompiler):
4938          # the configuration data stored in the Python installation, so
4939          # we use this hack.
4940          compiler = os.path.basename(sysconfig.get_config_var("CC"))
4941 -        if sys.platform[:6] == "darwin":
4942 -            # MacOSX's linker doesn't understand the -R flag at all
4943 -            return "-L" + dir
4944 -        elif sys.platform[:7] == "freebsd":
4945 -            return "-Wl,-rpath=" + dir
4946 -        elif sys.platform[:5] == "hp-ux":
4947 -            if self._is_gcc(compiler):
4948 -                return ["-Wl,+s", "-L" + dir]
4949 -            return ["+s", "-L" + dir]
4950 -        elif sys.platform[:7] == "irix646" or sys.platform[:6] == "osf1V5":
4951 -            return ["-rpath", dir]
4952 -        elif self._is_gcc(compiler):
4953 -            return "-Wl,-R" + dir
4954 -        else:
4955 -            return "-R" + dir
4956 +        return "-Wl,-rpath=" + dir
4958      def library_option(self, lib):
4959          return "-l" + lib
4962 [FILE:771:patches/patch-Makefile.pre.in]
4963 # Description: Link scripts in the same way Python3 does
4964 # Submitted by: mva
4966 --- Makefile.pre.in.orig        2014-06-30 04:05:39.000000000 +0200
4967 +++ Makefile.pre.in     2014-07-26 11:09:46.000000000 +0200 
4968 @@ -900,6 +900,12 @@ bininstall:        altbininstall
4969         (cd $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC); $(LN) -s python-$(VERSION).pc python2.pc)
4970         -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC)/python.pc
4971         (cd $(DESTDIR)$(LIBPC); $(LN) -s python2.pc python.pc)
4972 +       -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/idle
4973 +       (cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s idle$(VERSION) idle2)
4974 +       -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/pydoc
4975 +       (cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s pydoc$(VERSION) pydoc2)
4976 +       -rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/2to3
4977 +       (cd $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR); $(LN) -s 2to3-$(VERSION) 2to3)
4979  # Install the interpreter with $(VERSION) affixed
4980  # This goes into $(exec_prefix)
4983 [FILE:776:patches/patch-Misc_python-config.in]
4984 # pythonx.y-config --ldflags out of /usr and missing -L<install_lib_dir>
4985 # https://bugs.python.org/issue7352
4987 --- Misc/python-config.in.orig  2015-10-18 07:24:01 UTC
4988 +++ Misc/python-config.in
4989 @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ except getopt.error:
4990  if not opts:
4991      exit_with_usage()
4993 +libdir = sysconfig.EXEC_PREFIX + '/lib'
4994  pyver = sysconfig.get_config_var('VERSION')
4995  getvar = sysconfig.get_config_var
4997 @@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ for opt in opt_flags:
4998          # add the prefix/lib/pythonX.Y/config dir, but only if there is no
4999          # shared library in prefix/lib/.
5000          if opt == '--ldflags':
5001 +            libs.insert(0, '-L' + libdir)
5002              if not getvar('Py_ENABLE_SHARED'):
5003                  libs.insert(0, '-L' + getvar('LIBPL'))
5004              if not getvar('PYTHONFRAMEWORK'):
5007 [FILE:1162:patches/patch-Modules___ctypes__libffi__src__arm__ffi.c]
5008 # Description: Fix _ctypes abort on import for FreeBSD/ARM. This is an issue
5009 # for anything !apple that is using the libcompiler_rt provided by clang on arm
5010 # PR: ports/149167 ports/184517
5011 # Patch by: cognet@ (to be upstreamed @ LLVM)
5013 --- ./Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/arm/ffi.c.orig 2013-11-10 18:36:41.000000000 +1100     
5014 +++ ./Modules/_ctypes/libffi/src/arm/ffi.c      2013-12-03 18:05:51.461078888 +1100
5015 @@ -33,6 +33,11 @@
5017  #include <stdlib.h>
5019 +#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(__arm__)
5020 +#include <sys/types.h>
5021 +#include <machine/sysarch.h>
5022 +#endif
5023 +
5024  /* Forward declares. */
5025  static int vfp_type_p (ffi_type *);
5026  static void layout_vfp_args (ffi_cif *);
5027 @@ -751,6 +756,16 @@ ffi_closure_free (void *ptr)
5029  #else
5031 +#if defined(__FreeBSD__) && defined(__arm__)
5032 +#define __clear_cache(start, end) do { \
5033 +               struct arm_sync_icache_args ua;                 \
5034 +                                                               \
5035 +               ua.addr = (uintptr_t)(start);                   \
5036 +               ua.len = (char *)(end) - (char *)start;         \
5037 +               sysarch(ARM_SYNC_ICACHE, &ua);                  \
5038 +       } while (0);
5039 +#endif
5040 +
5041  #define FFI_INIT_TRAMPOLINE(TRAMP,FUN,CTX)                             \
5042  ({ unsigned char *__tramp = (unsigned char*)(TRAMP);                   \
5043     unsigned int  __fun = (unsigned int)(FUN);                          \
5046 [FILE:2281:patches/patch-Modules__fcntlmodule.c]
5047 --- ./Modules/fcntlmodule.c.orig        2014-07-03 21:57:10.429953240 +1000
5048 +++ ./Modules/fcntlmodule.c     2014-07-03 21:59:36.517210444 +1000
5049 @@ -98,20 +98,15 @@ fcntl_ioctl(PyObject *self, PyObject *ar
5050  {
5051  #define IOCTL_BUFSZ 1024
5052      int fd;
5053 -    /* In PyArg_ParseTuple below, we use the unsigned non-checked 'I'
5054 +    /* In PyArg_ParseTuple below, we use the unsigned non-checked 'k'
5055         format for the 'code' parameter because Python turns 0x8000000
5056         into either a large positive number (PyLong or PyInt on 64-bit
5057         platforms) or a negative number on others (32-bit PyInt)
5058         whereas the system expects it to be a 32bit bit field value
5059         regardless of it being passed as an int or unsigned long on
5060 -       various platforms.  See the termios.TIOCSWINSZ constant across
5061 -       platforms for an example of this.
5062 -
5063 -       If any of the 64bit platforms ever decide to use more than 32bits
5064 -       in their unsigned long ioctl codes this will break and need
5065 -       special casing based on the platform being built on.
5066 +       various platforms.
5067       */
5068 -    unsigned int code;
5069 +    unsigned long code;
5070      int arg;
5071      int ret;
5072      char *str;
5073 @@ -119,7 +114,7 @@ fcntl_ioctl(PyObject *self, PyObject *ar
5074      int mutate_arg = 1;
5075      char buf[IOCTL_BUFSZ+1];  /* argument plus NUL byte */
5077 -    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O&Iw#|i:ioctl",
5078 +    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O&kw#|i:ioctl",
5079                           conv_descriptor, &fd, &code,
5080                           &str, &len, &mutate_arg)) {
5081          char *arg;
5082 @@ -170,7 +165,7 @@ fcntl_ioctl(PyObject *self, PyObject *ar
5083      }
5085      PyErr_Clear();
5086 -    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O&Is#:ioctl",
5087 +    if (PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O&ks#:ioctl",
5088                           conv_descriptor, &fd, &code, &str, &len)) {
5089          if (len > IOCTL_BUFSZ) {
5090              PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
5091 @@ -192,7 +187,7 @@ fcntl_ioctl(PyObject *self, PyObject *ar
5092      PyErr_Clear();
5093      arg = 0;
5094      if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args,
5095 -         "O&I|i;ioctl requires a file or file descriptor,"
5096 +         "O&k|i;ioctl requires a file or file descriptor,"
5097           " an integer and optionally an integer or buffer argument",
5098                            conv_descriptor, &fd, &code, &arg)) {
5099        return NULL;
5102 [FILE:2320:patches/patch-pr192365]
5103 # Description: do not define __BSD_VISIBLE/_XOPEN_SOURCE/_POSIX_C_SOURCE
5104 # in include/python2.7/pyconfig.h
5105 # Submitted by: antoine
5107 --- configure.orig      2014-09-06 14:42:50 UTC
5108 +++ configure
5109 @@ -2919,13 +2919,6 @@
5112  # The later defininition of _XOPEN_SOURCE and _POSIX_C_SOURCE disables
5113 -# certain features on FreeBSD, so we need __BSD_VISIBLE to re-enable
5114 -# them.
5115 -
5116 -$as_echo "#define __BSD_VISIBLE 1" >>confdefs.h
5117 -
5118 -
5119 -# The later defininition of _XOPEN_SOURCE and _POSIX_C_SOURCE disables
5120  # u_int on Irix 5.3. Defining _BSD_TYPES brings it back.
5122  $as_echo "#define _BSD_TYPES 1" >>confdefs.h
5123 @@ -3293,9 +3286,8 @@
5124    # but used in struct sockaddr.sa_family. Reported by Tim Rice.
5125    SCO_SV/3.2)
5126      define_xopen_source=no;;
5127 -  # On FreeBSD 4, the math functions C89 does not cover are never defined
5128 -  # with _XOPEN_SOURCE and __BSD_VISIBLE does not re-enable them.
5129 -  FreeBSD/4.*)
5130 +  # On FreeBSD,  defining _XOPEN_SOURCE to 600 requests a strict environment.
5131 +  FreeBSD/*)
5132      define_xopen_source=no;;
5133    # On MacOS X 10.2, a bug in ncurses.h means that it craps out if
5134    # _XOPEN_EXTENDED_SOURCE is defined. Apparently, this is fixed in 10.3, which
5135 --- configure.ac.orig   2014-09-06 14:42:50 UTC
5136 +++ configure.ac
5137 @@ -88,11 +88,6 @@
5138  AC_DEFINE(_NETBSD_SOURCE, 1, [Define on NetBSD to activate all library features])
5140  # The later defininition of _XOPEN_SOURCE and _POSIX_C_SOURCE disables
5141 -# certain features on FreeBSD, so we need __BSD_VISIBLE to re-enable
5142 -# them.
5143 -AC_DEFINE(__BSD_VISIBLE, 1, [Define on FreeBSD to activate all library features])
5144 -
5145 -# The later defininition of _XOPEN_SOURCE and _POSIX_C_SOURCE disables
5146  # u_int on Irix 5.3. Defining _BSD_TYPES brings it back.
5147  AC_DEFINE(_BSD_TYPES, 1, [Define on Irix to enable u_int])
5149 @@ -426,9 +421,8 @@
5150    # but used in struct sockaddr.sa_family. Reported by Tim Rice.
5151    SCO_SV/3.2)
5152      define_xopen_source=no;;
5153 -  # On FreeBSD 4, the math functions C89 does not cover are never defined
5154 -  # with _XOPEN_SOURCE and __BSD_VISIBLE does not re-enable them.
5155 -  FreeBSD/4.*)
5156 +  # On FreeBSD,  defining _XOPEN_SOURCE to 600 requests a strict environment.
5157 +  FreeBSD/*)
5158      define_xopen_source=no;;
5159    # On MacOS X 10.2, a bug in ncurses.h means that it craps out if 
5160    # _XOPEN_EXTENDED_SOURCE is defined. Apparently, this is fixed in 10.3, which
5163 [FILE:4287:patches/patch-setup.py]
5164 # Description: Partial script installation backport from Python3
5165 # Submitted by: mva
5167 # Description: Some modules are installed via other ports
5169 # Description: ossaudiodev detection fix backport
5171 --- setup.py.orig       2014-06-30 04:05:48.000000000 +0200
5172 +++ setup.py    2014-07-26 14:51:29.000000000 +0200
5173 @@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from distutils.core import Extension, se
5174  from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
5175  from distutils.command.install import install
5176  from distutils.command.install_lib import install_lib
5177 +from distutils.command.build_scripts import build_scripts
5178  from distutils.spawn import find_executable
5180  cross_compiling = "_PYTHON_HOST_PLATFORM" in os.environ
5181 @@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ host_platform = get_platform()
5182  COMPILED_WITH_PYDEBUG = ('--with-pydebug' in sysconfig.get_config_var("CONFIG_ARGS"))
5184  # This global variable is used to hold the list of modules to be disabled.
5185 -disabled_module_list = []
5186 +disabled_module_list = ["_bsddb", "_sqlite3", "_tkinter", "gdbm", "mpz"]
5188  def add_dir_to_list(dirlist, dir):
5189      """Add the directory 'dir' to the list 'dirlist' (at the front) if
5190 @@ -1214,7 +1215,7 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
5191                  sysroot = macosx_sdk_root()
5192                  f = os.path.join(sysroot, f[1:])
5194 -        if os.path.exists(f) and not db_incs:
5195 +        if os.path.exists(f):
5196              data = open(f).read()
5197              m = re.search(r"#s*define\s+HASHVERSION\s+2\s*", data)
5198              if m is not None:
5199 @@ -1553,7 +1554,7 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
5200              macros = dict()
5201              libraries = []
5203 -        elif host_platform in ('freebsd4', 'freebsd5', 'freebsd6', 'freebsd7', 'freebsd8'):
5204 +        elif host_platform in ('freebsd4', 'freebsd5', 'freebsd6', 'freebsd7', 'freebsd8', 'freebsd9', 'freebsd10', 'freebsd11'):
5205              # FreeBSD's P1003.1b semaphore support is very experimental
5206              # and has many known problems. (as of June 2008)
5207              macros = dict()
5208 @@ -1604,9 +1605,10 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
5209          else:
5210              missing.append('linuxaudiodev')
5212 -        if (host_platform in ('linux2', 'freebsd4', 'freebsd5', 'freebsd6',
5213 -                        'freebsd7', 'freebsd8')
5214 -            or host_platform.startswith("gnukfreebsd")):
5215 +# Initial backport of http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/50f1922bc1d5
5216 +
5217 +        if any(sys.platform.startswith(prefix)
5218 +               for prefix in ("linux", "freebsd", "gnukfreebsd")):
5219              exts.append( Extension('ossaudiodev', ['ossaudiodev.c']) )
5220          else:
5221              missing.append('ossaudiodev')
5222 @@ -2178,6 +2180,22 @@ class PyBuildInstallLib(install_lib):
5223      def is_chmod_supported(self):
5224          return hasattr(os, 'chmod')
5226 +class PyBuildScripts(build_scripts):
5227 +    def copy_scripts(self):
5228 +        outfiles = build_scripts.copy_scripts(self)
5229 +        fullversion = '{0[0]}.{0[1]}'.format(sys.version_info)
5230 +        newoutfiles = []
5231 +        for filename in outfiles:
5232 +            if filename.endswith('2to3'):
5233 +                newfilename = filename + '-' + fullversion
5234 +            else:
5235 +                newfilename = filename + fullversion
5236 +            log.info('renaming {} to {}'.format(filename, newfilename))
5237 +            os.rename(filename, newfilename)
5238 +            newoutfiles.append(newfilename)
5239 +        return newoutfiles
5240 +
5241 +
5242  SUMMARY = """
5243  Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
5244  language. It is often compared to Tcl, Perl, Scheme or Java.
5245 @@ -2223,7 +2241,9 @@ def main():
5246            platforms = ["Many"],
5248            # Build info
5249 -          cmdclass = {'build_ext':PyBuildExt, 'install':PyBuildInstall,
5250 +          cmdclass = {'build_ext':PyBuildExt,
5251 +                      'build_scripts':PyBuildScripts,
5252 +                      'install':PyBuildInstall,
5253                        'install_lib':PyBuildInstallLib},
5254            # The struct module is defined here, because build_ext won't be
5255            # called unless there's at least one extension module defined.
5256 @@ -2231,8 +2251,7 @@ def main():
5258            # Scripts to install
5259            scripts = ['Tools/scripts/pydoc', 'Tools/scripts/idle',
5260 -                     'Tools/scripts/2to3',
5261 -                     'Lib/smtpd.py']
5262 +                     'Tools/scripts/2to3']
5263          )
5265  # --install-platlib
5268 [FILE:459:files/pkg-message-single.in]
5269 ===========================================================================
5271 Note that some standard Python modules are provided as separate ports
5272 as they require additional dependencies. They are available as:
5274   python-bsddb:single:py%%PYTHON_SUFFIX%%
5275   python-gdbm:single:py%%PYTHON_SUFFIX%%
5276   python-sqlite:single:py%%PYTHON_SUFFIX%%
5277   python-tkinter:single:py%%PYTHON_SUFFIX%%
5279 ===========================================================================
5282 [FILE:506:dragonfly/patch-Lib_multiprocessing_____init____.py]
5283 --- Lib/multiprocessing/__init__.py.orig        2014-06-30 02:05:29 UTC
5284 +++ Lib/multiprocessing/__init__.py
5285 @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ def cpu_count():
5286              num = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])
5287          except (ValueError, KeyError):
5288              num = 0
5289 -    elif 'bsd' in sys.platform or sys.platform == 'darwin':
5290 +    elif 'bsd' in sys.platform or sys.platform.startswith('dragonfly'):
5291          comm = '/sbin/sysctl -n hw.ncpu'
5292          if sys.platform == 'darwin':
5293              comm = '/usr' + comm
5296 [FILE:787:dragonfly/patch-configure]
5297 --- configure.intermediate      2014-09-14 16:06:28 UTC
5298 +++ configure
5299 @@ -3287,7 +3287,7 @@ $as_echo "#define _BSD_SOURCE 1" >>confd
5300    SCO_SV/3.2)
5301      define_xopen_source=no;;
5302    # On FreeBSD,  defining _XOPEN_SOURCE to 600 requests a strict environment.
5303 -  FreeBSD/*)
5304 +  FreeBSD/* | DragonFly/*)
5305      define_xopen_source=no;;
5306    # On MacOS X 10.2, a bug in ncurses.h means that it craps out if
5307    # _XOPEN_EXTENDED_SOURCE is defined. Apparently, this is fixed in 10.3, which
5308 @@ -5351,7 +5351,7 @@ $as_echo "#define Py_ENABLE_SHARED 1" >>
5309           BLDLIBRARY='-L. -lpython$(VERSION)'
5311           case $ac_sys_system in
5312 -             FreeBSD*)
5313 +             DragonFly*|FreeBSD*)
5314                 SOVERSION=`echo $SOVERSION|cut -d "." -f 1`
5315                 ;;
5316           esac
5319 [FILE:1011:dragonfly/patch-setup.py]
5320 --- setup.py.orig       2014-07-20 12:11:37.904857000 +0000
5321 +++ setup.py
5322 @@ -1553,6 +1553,10 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
5323              macros = dict()
5324              libraries = []
5326 +        elif host_platform.startswith('dragonfly'):
5327 +            macros = dict()
5328 +            libraries = ['pthread']
5329 +
5330          elif host_platform in ('freebsd4', 'freebsd5', 'freebsd6', 'freebsd7', 'freebsd8', 'freebsd9', 'freebsd10', 'freebsd11'):
5331              # FreeBSD's P1003.1b semaphore support is very experimental
5332              # and has many known problems. (as of June 2008)
5333 @@ -1607,7 +1611,7 @@ class PyBuildExt(build_ext):
5334  # Initial backport of http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/50f1922bc1d5
5336          if any(sys.platform.startswith(prefix)
5337 -               for prefix in ("linux", "freebsd", "gnukfreebsd")):
5338 +               for prefix in ("linux", "dragon", "freebsd", "gnukfreebsd")):
5339              exts.append( Extension('ossaudiodev', ['ossaudiodev.c']) )
5340          else:
5341              missing.append('ossaudiodev')