Ravenports generated: 03 Aug 2023 23:53
[ravenports.git] / bucket_4E / NetBox
1 # Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit.
3 NAMEBASE=               NetBox
4 VERSION=                3.5.7
5 KEYWORDS=               net_mgmt
6 VARIANTS=               standard
7 SDESC[standard]=        Flexible IPAM and DCIM tool with plugin support
8 HOMEPAGE=               https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox/
9 CONTACT=                Michael_Reim[kraileth@elderlinux.org]
11 DOWNLOAD_GROUPS=        main
12 SITES[main]=            GITHUB/netbox-community:netbox:v3.5.7
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30                         python-chardet:single:python_default
31                         python-django-cors-headers:single:python_default
32                         python-django-debug-toolbar:single:python_default
33                         python-django-filter:single:python_default
34                         python-django-graphiql-debug-toolbar:single:python_default
35                         python-django-mptt:single:python_default
36                         python-django-pglocks:single:python_default
37                         python-django-prometheus:single:python_default
38                         python-django-redis:single:python_default
39                         python-django-rich:single:python_default
40                         python-django-rq:single:python_default
41                         python-django-tables2:single:python_default
42                         python-django-taggit:single:python_default
43                         python-django-timezone-field:single:python_default
44                         python-djangorestframework:single:python_default
45                         python-drf-spectacular:single:python_default
46                         python-drf-spectacular-sidecar:single:python_default
47                         python-dulwich:single:python_default
48                         python-feedparser:single:python_default
49                         python-graphene-django:single:python_default
50                         python-gunicorn:single:python_default
51                         python-markdown-include:single:python_default
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56                         python-sentry-sdk:single:python_default
57                         python-social-auth-app-django:single:python_default
58                         python-social-auth-core:single:python_default
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60                         python-tablib:single:python_default
61                         python-tzdata:single:python_default
62                         redis:single:standard
64 USES=                   cpe
66 LICENSE=                APACHE20:primary
67 LICENSE_TERMS=          primary:{{WRKSRC}}/NOTICE
69 LICENSE_SCHEME=         solo
71 CPE_PRODUCT=            netbox
72 CPE_VENDOR=             netbox_project
73 FPC_EQUIVALENT=         net-mgmt/netbox
75 SKIP_BUILD=             yes
77 SUB_FILES=              850.netbox-housekeeping.sample
78                         netbox_rq.sample
79                         netboxrc.sample
80                         pkg-message-primary
81 SUB_LIST=               PYTHON_CMD={{PYTHON_CMD}}
82                         PYTHON_VER={{PYTHON_VER}}
84 do-install:
85         (cd ${WRKSRC}/netbox && \
86         for src in $$( ${FIND} . ! -name '*.bak' ) ; do \
87                 DEST=${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/netbox/$${src#.} && \
88                 if ${TEST} -d "$$src" ; then \
89                         ${MKDIR} "$$DEST" ; \
90                 else \
91                         ${INSTALL_DATA} "$$src" "$$DEST" ; \
92                 fi \
93         done)
94         cd ${WRKSRC} && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} docs ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/netbox/docs
95         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/mkdocs.yml ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/netbox
96         ${MKDIR} -p ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/netbox/bsd
97         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/apache.conf ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/netbox
98         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/gunicorn.py ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/netbox
99         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/contrib/nginx.conf ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/netbox
100         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/850.netbox-housekeeping.sample ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/netbox/bsd
101         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/netbox_rq.sample ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/netbox/bsd
102         ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIR}/netboxrc.sample ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/examples/netbox/bsd
104 [FILE:1511:descriptions/desc.primary]
105 NetBox is the leading solution for modeling and documenting modern 
106 networks. By combining the traditional disciplines of IP address 
107 management (IPAM) and datacenter infrastructure management (DCIM) with 
108 powerful APIs and extensions, NetBox provides the ideal "source of truth" 
109 to power network automation. Available as open source software under the 
110 Apache 2.0 license, NetBox is employed by thousands of organizations 
111 around the world.
113 Myriad infrastructure components can be modeled in NetBox, including:
115 - Hierarchical regions, site groups, sites and locations
116 - Racks, devices, and device components
117 - Cables and wireless connections
118 - Power distribution- Data circuits and providers
119 - Virtual machines and clusters
120 - IP prefixes, ranges and addresses
121 - VRFs and route targets
122 - L2VPN and overlays
123 - FHRP groups (VRRP, HSRP, etc.)
124 - AS numbers
125 - VLANs and scoped VLAN groups
126 - Organizational tenants and contacts
128 In addition to its extensive built-in models and functionality, NetBox can 
129 be customized and extended through the use of:
131 - Custom fields
132 - Custom links
133 - Configuration contexts
134 - Custom model validation rules
135 - Reports
136 - Custom scripts
137 - Export emplates
138 - Conditional webhooks
139 - Plugins
140 - Single sign-on (SSO) authentication
141 - NAPALM integration
142 - Detailed change logging
144 NetBox runs as a web application atop the Django Python framework with a 
145 PostgreSQL database. It also features a complete REST API as well as a 
146 GraphQL API for easy integrating with other tools and systems.
149 [FILE:115:distinfo]
150 17f057b21539bd1d90c5ea1ddb77746e29da49df67b137f88d433988922d9db8      5774576 netbox-community-netbox-3.5.7.tar.gz
153 [FILE:25517:manifests/plist.primary]
154 share/netbox/
155  generate_secret_key.py
156  manage.py
157  mkdocs.yml
158 share/netbox/circuits/
159  __init__.py
160  apps.py
161  choices.py
162  filtersets.py
163  search.py
164  signals.py
165  urls.py
166  views.py
167 share/netbox/circuits/api/
168  __init__.py
169  nested_serializers.py
170  serializers.py
171  urls.py
172  views.py
173 share/netbox/circuits/forms/
174  __init__.py
175  bulk_edit.py
176  bulk_import.py
177  filtersets.py
178  model_forms.py
179 share/netbox/circuits/graphql/
180  __init__.py
181  schema.py
182  types.py
183 share/netbox/circuits/migrations/
184  0001_squashed.py
185  0002_squashed_0029.py
186  0003_extend_tag_support.py
187  0004_rename_cable_peer.py
188  0032_provider_service_id.py
189  0033_standardize_id_fields.py
190  0034_created_datetimefield.py
191  0035_provider_asns.py
192  0036_circuit_termination_date_tags_custom_fields.py
193  0037_new_cabling_models.py
194  0038_cabling_cleanup.py
195  0039_unique_constraints.py
196  0040_provider_remove_deprecated_fields.py
197  0041_standardize_description_comments.py
198  0042_provideraccount.py
199  __init__.py
200 share/netbox/circuits/models/
201  __init__.py
202  circuits.py
203  providers.py
204 share/netbox/circuits/tables/
205  __init__.py
206  circuits.py
207  columns.py
208  providers.py
209 share/netbox/circuits/tests/
210  __init__.py
211  test_api.py
212  test_filtersets.py
213  test_views.py
214 share/netbox/core/
215  __init__.py
216  apps.py
217  choices.py
218  data_backends.py
219  exceptions.py
220  filtersets.py
221  jobs.py
222  search.py
223  signals.py
224  urls.py
225  views.py
226 share/netbox/core/api/
227  __init__.py
228  nested_serializers.py
229  schema.py
230  serializers.py
231  urls.py
232  views.py
233 share/netbox/core/forms/
234  __init__.py
235  bulk_edit.py
236  bulk_import.py
237  filtersets.py
238  mixins.py
239  model_forms.py
240 share/netbox/core/graphql/
241  __init__.py
242  schema.py
243  types.py
244 share/netbox/core/management/__init__.py
245 share/netbox/core/management/commands/
246  __init__.py
247  clearcache.py
248  makemigrations.py
249  migrate.py
250  nbshell.py
251  rqworker.py
252  syncdatasource.py
253 share/netbox/core/migrations/
254  0001_initial.py
255  0002_managedfile.py
256  0003_job.py
257  0004_replicate_jobresults.py
258  0005_job_created_auto_now.py
259  __init__.py
260 share/netbox/core/models/
261  __init__.py
262  data.py
263  files.py
264  jobs.py
265 share/netbox/core/tables/
266  __init__.py
267  data.py
268  jobs.py
269 share/netbox/core/tests/
270  __init__.py
271  test_api.py
272  test_filtersets.py
273  test_views.py
274 share/netbox/dcim/
275  __init__.py
276  apps.py
277  choices.py
278  constants.py
279  fields.py
280  filtersets.py
281  lookups.py
282  search.py
283  signals.py
284  urls.py
285  utils.py
286  views.py
287 share/netbox/dcim/api/
288  __init__.py
289  exceptions.py
290  nested_serializers.py
291  serializers.py
292  urls.py
293  views.py
294 share/netbox/dcim/forms/
295  __init__.py
296  bulk_create.py
297  bulk_edit.py
298  bulk_import.py
299  common.py
300  connections.py
301  filtersets.py
302  formsets.py
303  model_forms.py
304  object_create.py
305  object_import.py
306 share/netbox/dcim/graphql/
307  __init__.py
308  gfk_mixins.py
309  mixins.py
310  schema.py
311  types.py
312 share/netbox/dcim/management/__init__.py
313 share/netbox/dcim/management/commands/
314  __init__.py
315  trace_paths.py
316 share/netbox/dcim/migrations/
317  0001_squashed.py
318  0002_squashed.py
319  0003_squashed_0130.py
320  0131_consoleport_speed.py
321  0132_cable_length.py
322  0133_port_colors.py
323  0134_interface_wwn_bridge.py
324  0135_tenancy_extensions.py
325  0136_device_airflow.py
326  0137_relax_uniqueness_constraints.py
327  0138_extend_tag_support.py
328  0139_rename_cable_peer.py
329  0140_wireless.py
330  0141_asn_model.py
331  0142_rename_128gfc_qsfp28.py
332  0143_remove_primary_for_related_name.py
333  0144_fix_cable_abs_length.py
334  0145_site_remove_deprecated_fields.py
335  0146_modules.py
336  0147_inventoryitemrole.py
337  0148_inventoryitem_component.py
338  0149_inventoryitem_templates.py
339  0150_interface_vrf.py
340  0151_interface_speed_duplex.py
341  0152_standardize_id_fields.py
342  0153_created_datetimefield.py
343  0154_half_height_rack_units.py
344  0155_interface_poe_mode_type.py
345  0156_location_status.py
346  0157_new_cabling_models.py
347  0158_populate_cable_terminations.py
348  0159_populate_cable_paths.py
349  0160_populate_cable_ends.py
350  0161_cabling_cleanup.py
351  0162_unique_constraints.py
352  0163_weight_fields.py
353  0164_rack_mounting_depth.py
354  0165_standardize_description_comments.py
355  0166_virtualdevicecontext.py
356  0167_module_status.py
357  0168_interface_template_enabled.py
358  0169_devicetype_default_platform.py
359  0170_configtemplate.py
360  0171_cabletermination_change_logging.py
361  0172_larger_power_draw_values.py
362  __init__.py
363 share/netbox/dcim/models/
364  __init__.py
365  cables.py
366  device_component_templates.py
367  device_components.py
368  devices.py
369  mixins.py
370  power.py
371  racks.py
372  sites.py
373 share/netbox/dcim/svg/
374  __init__.py
375  cables.py
376  racks.py
377 share/netbox/dcim/tables/
378  __init__.py
379  cables.py
380  connections.py
381  devices.py
382  devicetypes.py
383  modules.py
384  power.py
385  racks.py
386  sites.py
387  template_code.py
388 share/netbox/dcim/tests/
389  __init__.py
390  test_api.py
391  test_cablepaths.py
392  test_filtersets.py
393  test_forms.py
394  test_models.py
395  test_natural_ordering.py
396  test_views.py
397 share/netbox/extras/
398  __init__.py
399  admin.py
400  apps.py
401  choices.py
402  conditions.py
403  constants.py
404  context_managers.py
405  fields.py
406  filters.py
407  filtersets.py
408  lookups.py
409  querysets.py
410  reports.py
411  scripts.py
412  search.py
413  signals.py
414  urls.py
415  utils.py
416  validators.py
417  views.py
418  webhooks.py
419  webhooks_worker.py
420 share/netbox/extras/api/
421  __init__.py
422  customfields.py
423  mixins.py
424  nested_serializers.py
425  serializers.py
426  urls.py
427  views.py
428 share/netbox/extras/dashboard/
429  __init__.py
430  forms.py
431  utils.py
432  widgets.py
433 share/netbox/extras/forms/
434  __init__.py
435  bulk_edit.py
436  bulk_import.py
437  config.py
438  filtersets.py
439  misc.py
440  mixins.py
441  model_forms.py
442  reports.py
443  scripts.py
444 share/netbox/extras/graphql/
445  __init__.py
446  mixins.py
447  schema.py
448  types.py
449 share/netbox/extras/management/__init__.py
450 share/netbox/extras/management/commands/
451  __init__.py
452  housekeeping.py
453  reindex.py
454  renaturalize.py
455  runreport.py
456  runscript.py
457  webhook_receiver.py
458 share/netbox/extras/migrations/
459  0001_squashed.py
460  0002_squashed_0059.py
461  0060_customlink_button_class.py
462  0061_extras_change_logging.py
463  0062_clear_secrets_changelog.py
464  0063_webhook_conditions.py
465  0064_configrevision.py
466  0065_imageattachment_change_logging.py
467  0066_customfield_name_validation.py
468  0067_customfield_min_max_values.py
469  0068_configcontext_cluster_types.py
470  0069_custom_object_field.py
471  0070_customlink_enabled.py
472  0071_standardize_id_fields.py
473  0072_created_datetimefield.py
474  0073_journalentry_tags_custom_fields.py
475  0074_customfield_extensions.py
476  0075_configcontext_locations.py
477  0076_tag_slug_unicode.py
478  0077_customlink_extend_text_and_url.py
479  0078_unique_constraints.py
480  0079_scheduled_jobs.py
481  0080_customlink_content_types.py
482  0081_exporttemplate_content_types.py
483  0082_savedfilter.py
484  0083_search.py
485  0084_staging.py
486  0085_synced_data.py
487  0086_configtemplate.py
488  0087_dashboard.py
489  0088_jobresult_webhooks.py
490  0089_customfield_is_cloneable.py
491  0090_objectchange_index_request_id.py
492  0091_create_managedfiles.py
493  0092_delete_jobresult.py
494  __init__.py
495 share/netbox/extras/models/
496  __init__.py
497  change_logging.py
498  configs.py
499  customfields.py
500  dashboard.py
501  mixins.py
502  models.py
503  reports.py
504  scripts.py
505  search.py
506  staging.py
507  tags.py
508 share/netbox/extras/plugins/
509  __init__.py
510  navigation.py
511  registration.py
512  templates.py
513  urls.py
514  views.py
515 share/netbox/extras/tables/
516  __init__.py
517  tables.py
518  template_code.py
519 share/netbox/extras/templatetags/
520  __init__.py
521  custom_links.py
522  dashboard.py
523  log_levels.py
524  plugins.py
525 share/netbox/extras/tests/
526  __init__.py
527  test_api.py
528  test_changelog.py
529  test_conditions.py
530  test_customfields.py
531  test_customvalidator.py
532  test_filtersets.py
533  test_forms.py
534  test_models.py
535  test_plugins.py
536  test_scripts.py
537  test_tags.py
538  test_views.py
539  test_webhooks.py
540 share/netbox/extras/tests/dummy_plugin/
541  __init__.py
542  admin.py
543  graphql.py
544  middleware.py
545  models.py
546  navigation.py
547  preferences.py
548  search.py
549  template_content.py
550  urls.py
551  views.py
552 share/netbox/extras/tests/dummy_plugin/api/
553  serializers.py
554  urls.py
555  views.py
556 share/netbox/extras/tests/dummy_plugin/migrations/
557  0001_initial.py
558  __init__.py
559 share/netbox/ipam/
560  __init__.py
561  apps.py
562  choices.py
563  constants.py
564  fields.py
565  filtersets.py
566  formfields.py
567  lookups.py
568  managers.py
569  querysets.py
570  search.py
571  signals.py
572  urls.py
573  utils.py
574  validators.py
575  views.py
576 share/netbox/ipam/api/
577  __init__.py
578  field_serializers.py
579  nested_serializers.py
580  serializers.py
581  urls.py
582  views.py
583 share/netbox/ipam/forms/
584  __init__.py
585  bulk_create.py
586  bulk_edit.py
587  bulk_import.py
588  filtersets.py
589  model_forms.py
590 share/netbox/ipam/graphql/
591  __init__.py
592  gfk_mixins.py
593  mixins.py
594  schema.py
595  types.py
596 share/netbox/ipam/management/__init__.py
597 share/netbox/ipam/management/commands/
598  __init__.py
599  rebuild_prefixes.py
600 share/netbox/ipam/migrations/
601  0001_squashed.py
602  0002_squashed_0046.py
603  0047_prefix_depth_children.py
604  0048_prefix_populate_depth_children.py
605  0049_prefix_mark_utilized.py
606  0050_iprange.py
607  0051_extend_tag_support.py
608  0052_fhrpgroup.py
609  0053_asn_model.py
610  0054_vlangroup_min_max_vids.py
611  0055_servicetemplate.py
612  0056_standardize_id_fields.py
613  0057_created_datetimefield.py
614  0058_ipaddress_nat_inside_nonunique.py
615  0059_l2vpn.py
616  0060_alter_l2vpn_slug.py
617  0061_fhrpgroup_name.py
618  0062_unique_constraints.py
619  0063_standardize_description_comments.py
620  0064_clear_search_cache.py
621  0065_asnrange.py
622  0066_iprange_mark_utilized.py
623  __init__.py
624 share/netbox/ipam/models/
625  __init__.py
626  asns.py
627  fhrp.py
628  ip.py
629  l2vpn.py
630  services.py
631  vlans.py
632  vrfs.py
633 share/netbox/ipam/tables/
634  __init__.py
635  asn.py
636  fhrp.py
637  ip.py
638  l2vpn.py
639  services.py
640  vlans.py
641  vrfs.py
642 share/netbox/ipam/tests/
643  __init__.py
644  test_api.py
645  test_filtersets.py
646  test_models.py
647  test_ordering.py
648  test_views.py
649 share/netbox/media/devicetype-images/.gitignore
650 share/netbox/media/image-attachments/.gitignore
651 share/netbox/netbox/
652  __init__.py
653  admin.py
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655  configuration_example.py
656  configuration_testing.py
657  constants.py
658  context.py
659  context_processors.py
660  denormalized.py
661  filtersets.py
662  middleware.py
663  preferences.py
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666  signals.py
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670 share/netbox/netbox/api/
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675  fields.py
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680  views.py
681 share/netbox/netbox/api/serializers/
682  __init__.py
683  base.py
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687 share/netbox/netbox/api/viewsets/
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690 share/netbox/netbox/config/
691  __init__.py
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693 share/netbox/netbox/forms/
694  __init__.py
695  base.py
696 share/netbox/netbox/graphql/
697  __init__.py
698  fields.py
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700  schema.py
701  types.py
702  utils.py
703  views.py
704 share/netbox/netbox/models/
705  __init__.py
706  features.py
707 share/netbox/netbox/navigation/
708  __init__.py
709  menu.py
710 share/netbox/netbox/search/
711  __init__.py
712  backends.py
713 share/netbox/netbox/tables/
714  __init__.py
715  columns.py
716  tables.py
717 share/netbox/netbox/tests/
718  __init__.py
719  test_api.py
720  test_authentication.py
721  test_config.py
722  test_graphql.py
723  test_import.py
724  test_registry.py
725  test_search.py
726  test_staging.py
727  test_tables.py
728  test_views.py
729 share/netbox/netbox/views/
730  __init__.py
731  errors.py
732  htmx.py
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734 share/netbox/netbox/views/generic/
735  __init__.py
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741  utils.py
742 share/netbox/project-static/
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744  .eslintrc
745  .prettierignore
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752 share/netbox/project-static/dist/
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761  netbox-dark.css
762  netbox-external.css
763  netbox-light.css
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765  netbox.js
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768 share/netbox/project-static/docs/.info
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774  netbox_logo.svg
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778 share/netbox/project-static/js/setmode.js
779 share/netbox/project-static/netbox-graphiql/
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781  index.ts
782  package.json
783 share/netbox/project-static/src/
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790  htmx.ts
791  index.ts
792  links.ts
793  messages.ts
794  netbox.ts
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796  racks.ts
797  search.ts
798  sidenav.ts
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800  util.ts
801 share/netbox/project-static/src/buttons/
802  connectionToggle.ts
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804  index.ts
805  markdownPreview.ts
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811 share/netbox/project-static/src/forms/
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816 share/netbox/project-static/src/select/
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821 share/netbox/project-static/src/select/api/
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826 share/netbox/project-static/src/state/index.ts
827 share/netbox/project-static/src/stores/
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831  rackImages.ts
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833 share/netbox/project-static/src/tables/
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836 share/netbox/project-static/styles/
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842  _rack_elevation.scss
843  bootstrap.scss
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847  netbox.scss
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849  rack-elevation.scss
850  select.scss
851  sidenav.scss
852  theme-base.scss
853  theme-dark.scss
854  theme-light.scss
855  utilities.scss
856  variables.scss
857 share/netbox/reports/__init__.py
858 share/netbox/scripts/__init__.py
859 share/netbox/templates/
860  403.html
861  404.html
862  500.html
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870 share/netbox/templates/base/
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875 share/netbox/templates/circuits/
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882  providernetwork.html
883 share/netbox/templates/circuits/inc/circuit_termination.html
884 share/netbox/templates/core/
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886  datasource.html
887  job.html
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889 share/netbox/templates/dcim/
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893  cable_trace.html
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896  consoleport.html
897  consoleport_delete.html
898  consoleserverport.html
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900  device.html
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902  device_list.html
903  devicebay.html
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906  devicebay_populate.html
907  devicerole.html
908  devicetype.html
909  frontport.html
910  interface.html
911  interface_delete.html
912  inventoryitem.html
913  inventoryitem_bulk_delete.html
914  inventoryitem_delete.html
915  inventoryitem_edit.html
916  inventoryitemrole.html
917  location.html
918  manufacturer.html
919  module.html
920  modulebay.html
921  moduletype.html
922  platform.html
923  powerfeed.html
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926  powerpanel.html
927  powerport.html
928  powerport_delete.html
929  rack.html
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931  rack_elevation_list.html
932  rack_list.html
933  rackreservation.html
934  rackrole.html
935  rearport.html
936  region.html
937  site.html
938  sitegroup.html
939  virtualchassis.html
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941  virtualchassis_add_member.html
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943  virtualchassis_remove_member.html
944  virtualdevicecontext.html
945 share/netbox/templates/dcim/device/
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947  consoleports.html
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949  devicebays.html
950  frontports.html
951  interfaces.html
952  inventory.html
953  modulebays.html
954  poweroutlets.html
955  powerports.html
956  rearports.html
957  render_config.html
958 share/netbox/templates/dcim/device/inc/interface_table_controls.html
959 share/netbox/templates/dcim/devicetype/
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961  component_templates.html
962 share/netbox/templates/dcim/inc/
963  cable_termination.html
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965  connection_endpoints.html
966  endpoint_connection.html
967  interface_vlans_table.html
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969  rack_elevation.html
970 share/netbox/templates/dcim/inc/panels/inventory_items.html
971 share/netbox/templates/dcim/moduletype/
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973  component_templates.html
974 share/netbox/templates/dcim/rack/
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978 share/netbox/templates/dcim/trace/
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980  cable.html
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983  object.html
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986 share/netbox/templates/exceptions/
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990 share/netbox/templates/extras/
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993  configtemplate.html
994  configtemplate_list.html
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1002  object_configcontext.html
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1004  objectchange.html
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1006  report.html
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1016 share/netbox/templates/extras/dashboard/
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1021 share/netbox/templates/extras/dashboard/widgets/
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1028 share/netbox/templates/extras/inc/
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1036 share/netbox/templates/extras/script/
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1045  bulk_import.html
1046  bulk_remove.html
1047  bulk_rename.html
1048  confirmation_form.html
1049  object.html
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1053 share/netbox/templates/htmx/
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1059 share/netbox/templates/inc/
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1066  panel_table.html
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1073 share/netbox/templates/inc/panels/
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1077  related_objects.html
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1079 share/netbox/templates/ipam/
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1085  ipaddress.html
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1088  ipaddress_edit.html
1089  iprange.html
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1091  l2vpntermination.html
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1093  prefix.html
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1095  rir.html
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1097  routetarget.html
1098  service.html
1099  service_create.html
1100  service_edit.html
1101  servicetemplate.html
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1105  vrf.html
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1112 share/netbox/templates/ipam/inc/
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1115 share/netbox/templates/ipam/inc/panels/fhrp_groups.html
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1119 share/netbox/templates/ipam/iprange/
1120  base.html
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1122 share/netbox/templates/ipam/prefix/
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1127 share/netbox/templates/ipam/vlan/
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1131 share/netbox/templates/rest_framework/api.html
1132 share/netbox/templates/tenancy/
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1140 share/netbox/templates/users/
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1147 share/netbox/templates/virtualization/
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1155 share/netbox/templates/virtualization/cluster/
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1166 share/netbox/templates/wireless/inc/
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1169 share/netbox/tenancy/
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1177 share/netbox/tenancy/api/
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1183 share/netbox/tenancy/forms/
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1194 share/netbox/tenancy/migrations/
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1200  0006_created_datetimefield.py
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1204  0010_tenant_relax_uniqueness.py
1205  __init__.py
1206 share/netbox/tenancy/models/
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1208  contacts.py
1209  tenants.py
1210 share/netbox/tenancy/tables/
1211  __init__.py
1212  columns.py
1213  contacts.py
1214  tenants.py
1215 share/netbox/tenancy/tests/
1216  __init__.py
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1218  test_filtersets.py
1219  test_views.py
1220 share/netbox/users/
1221  __init__.py
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1223  constants.py
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1225  forms.py
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1227  preferences.py
1228  signals.py
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1230  urls.py
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1232  views.py
1233 share/netbox/users/admin/
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1238 share/netbox/users/api/
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1241  serializers.py
1242  urls.py
1243  views.py
1244 share/netbox/users/graphql/
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1248 share/netbox/users/migrations/
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1250  0002_standardize_id_fields.py
1251  0003_token_allowed_ips_last_used.py
1252  __init__.py
1253 share/netbox/users/tests/
1254  __init__.py
1255  test_api.py
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1257  test_models.py
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1259 share/netbox/utilities/
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1266  fields.py
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1287  views.py
1288 share/netbox/utilities/forms/
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1292  forms.py
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1294  utils.py
1295 share/netbox/utilities/forms/fields/
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1302  fields.py
1303 share/netbox/utilities/forms/widgets/
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1309 share/netbox/utilities/serializers/json.py
1310 share/netbox/utilities/templates/builtins/
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1317 share/netbox/utilities/templates/buttons/
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1327 share/netbox/utilities/templates/form_helpers/
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1331  render_form.html
1332 share/netbox/utilities/templates/helpers/
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1336 share/netbox/utilities/templates/navigation/menu.html
1337 share/netbox/utilities/templates/tabs/model_view_tabs.html
1338 share/netbox/utilities/templates/widgets/
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1343  number_with_options.html
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1346  sluginput.html
1347 share/netbox/utilities/templatetags/
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1349  buttons.py
1350  form_helpers.py
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1355 share/netbox/utilities/templatetags/builtins/
1356  __init__.py
1357  filters.py
1358  tags.py
1359 share/netbox/utilities/testing/
1360  __init__.py
1361  api.py
1362  base.py
1363  filtersets.py
1364  utils.py
1365  views.py
1366 share/netbox/utilities/tests/
1367  __init__.py
1368  test_api.py
1369  test_choices.py
1370  test_filters.py
1371  test_forms.py
1372  test_managers.py
1373  test_ordering.py
1374  test_utils.py
1375 share/netbox/virtualization/
1376  __init__.py
1377  apps.py
1378  choices.py
1379  filtersets.py
1380  search.py
1381  urls.py
1382  views.py
1383 share/netbox/virtualization/api/
1384  __init__.py
1385  nested_serializers.py
1386  serializers.py
1387  urls.py
1388  views.py
1389 share/netbox/virtualization/forms/
1390  __init__.py
1391  bulk_create.py
1392  bulk_edit.py
1393  bulk_import.py
1394  filtersets.py
1395  model_forms.py
1396  object_create.py
1397 share/netbox/virtualization/graphql/
1398  __init__.py
1399  schema.py
1400  types.py
1401 share/netbox/virtualization/migrations/
1402  0001_squashed_0022.py
1403  0023_virtualmachine_natural_ordering.py
1404  0024_cluster_relax_uniqueness.py
1405  0025_extend_tag_support.py
1406  0026_vminterface_bridge.py
1407  0027_standardize_id_fields.py
1408  0028_vminterface_vrf.py
1409  0029_created_datetimefield.py
1410  0030_cluster_status.py
1411  0031_virtualmachine_site_device.py
1412  0032_virtualmachine_update_sites.py
1413  0033_unique_constraints.py
1414  0034_standardize_description_comments.py
1415  __init__.py
1416 share/netbox/virtualization/models/
1417  __init__.py
1418  clusters.py
1419  virtualmachines.py
1420 share/netbox/virtualization/tables/
1421  __init__.py
1422  clusters.py
1423  virtualmachines.py
1424 share/netbox/virtualization/tests/
1425  __init__.py
1426  test_api.py
1427  test_filtersets.py
1428  test_models.py
1429  test_views.py
1430 share/netbox/wireless/
1431  __init__.py
1432  apps.py
1433  choices.py
1434  constants.py
1435  filtersets.py
1436  models.py
1437  search.py
1438  signals.py
1439  urls.py
1440  utils.py
1441  views.py
1442 share/netbox/wireless/api/
1443  __init__.py
1444  nested_serializers.py
1445  serializers.py
1446  urls.py
1447  views.py
1448 share/netbox/wireless/forms/
1449  __init__.py
1450  bulk_edit.py
1451  bulk_import.py
1452  filtersets.py
1453  model_forms.py
1454 share/netbox/wireless/graphql/
1455  __init__.py
1456  schema.py
1457  types.py
1458 share/netbox/wireless/migrations/
1459  0001_wireless.py
1460  0002_standardize_id_fields.py
1461  0003_created_datetimefield.py
1462  0004_wireless_tenancy.py
1463  0005_wirelesslink_interface_types.py
1464  0006_unique_constraints.py
1465  0007_standardize_description_comments.py
1466  0008_wirelesslan_status.py
1467  __init__.py
1468 share/netbox/wireless/tables/
1469  __init__.py
1470  wirelesslan.py
1471  wirelesslink.py
1472 share/netbox/wireless/tests/
1473  __init__.py
1474  test_api.py
1475  test_filtersets.py
1476  test_views.py
1479 [FILE:5239:manifests/plist.docs]
1480 share/netbox/docs/docs/
1481  extra.css
1482  index.md
1483  introduction.md
1484  netbox_logo.png
1485  netbox_logo.svg
1486 share/netbox/docs/docs/_theme/main.html
1487 share/netbox/docs/docs/administration/
1488  error-reporting.md
1489  housekeeping.md
1490  netbox-shell.md
1491  permissions.md
1492  replicating-netbox.md
1493 share/netbox/docs/docs/administration/authentication/
1494  microsoft-azure-ad.md
1495  okta.md
1496  overview.md
1497 share/netbox/docs/docs/configuration/
1498  data-validation.md
1499  date-time.md
1500  default-values.md
1501  development.md
1502  error-reporting.md
1503  index.md
1504  miscellaneous.md
1505  plugins.md
1506  remote-authentication.md
1507  required-parameters.md
1508  security.md
1509  system.md
1510 share/netbox/docs/docs/customization/
1511  custom-fields.md
1512  custom-links.md
1513  custom-scripts.md
1514  custom-validation.md
1515  export-templates.md
1516  reports.md
1517 share/netbox/docs/docs/development/
1518  adding-models.md
1519  application-registry.md
1520  extending-models.md
1521  getting-started.md
1522  git-cheat-sheet.md
1523  index.md
1524  models.md
1525  release-checklist.md
1526  search.md
1527  signals.md
1528  style-guide.md
1529  user-preferences.md
1530  web-ui.md
1531 share/netbox/docs/docs/features/
1532  api-integration.md
1533  authentication-permissions.md
1534  background-jobs.md
1535  change-logging.md
1536  circuits.md
1537  configuration-rendering.md
1538  contacts.md
1539  context-data.md
1540  customization.md
1541  devices-cabling.md
1542  facilities.md
1543  ipam.md
1544  journaling.md
1545  l2vpn-overlay.md
1546  power-tracking.md
1547  search.md
1548  synchronized-data.md
1549  tenancy.md
1550  virtualization.md
1551  vlan-management.md
1552  wireless.md
1553 share/netbox/docs/docs/getting-started/
1554  planning.md
1555  populating-data.md
1556 share/netbox/docs/docs/installation/
1557  1-postgresql.md
1558  2-redis.md
1559  3-netbox.md
1560  4-gunicorn.md
1561  5-http-server.md
1562  6-ldap.md
1563  index.md
1564  upgrading.md
1565 share/netbox/docs/docs/integrations/
1566  graphql-api.md
1567  prometheus-metrics.md
1568  rest-api.md
1569  synchronized-data.md
1570  webhooks.md
1571 share/netbox/docs/docs/media/
1572  admin_ui_grant_permission.png
1573  admin_ui_run_permission.png
1574  power_distribution.png
1575 share/netbox/docs/docs/media/authentication/
1576  azure_ad_add_app_registration.png
1577  azure_ad_add_client_secret.png
1578  azure_ad_app_registration.png
1579  azure_ad_app_registration_created.png
1580  azure_ad_client_secret.png
1581  azure_ad_client_secret_created.png
1582  azure_ad_login_portal.png
1583  netbox_azure_ad_login.png
1584  netbox_okta_login.png
1585  okta_create_app_registration.png
1586  okta_integration_parameters.png
1587  okta_login_portal.png
1588  okta_web_app_integration.png
1589 share/netbox/docs/docs/media/development/
1590  github.png
1591  github_fork_button.png
1592  github_fork_dialog.png
1593  github_new_issue.png
1594 share/netbox/docs/docs/media/installation/
1595  netbox_application_stack.png
1596  upgrade_paths.png
1597 share/netbox/docs/docs/media/models/dcim_cable_trace.png
1598 share/netbox/docs/docs/media/release-notes/netbox30_ui.png
1599 share/netbox/docs/docs/media/screenshots/
1600  cable-trace.png
1601  home-dark.png
1602  netbox-ui.png
1603  prefixes-list.png
1604  rack.png
1605 share/netbox/docs/docs/models/circuits/
1606  circuit.md
1607  circuittermination.md
1608  circuittype.md
1609  provider.md
1610  provideraccount.md
1611  providernetwork.md
1612 share/netbox/docs/docs/models/core/
1613  datafile.md
1614  datasource.md
1615  job.md
1616 share/netbox/docs/docs/models/dcim/
1617  cable.md
1618  consoleport.md
1619  consoleporttemplate.md
1620  consoleserverport.md
1621  consoleserverporttemplate.md
1622  device.md
1623  devicebay.md
1624  devicebaytemplate.md
1625  devicerole.md
1626  devicetype.md
1627  frontport.md
1628  frontporttemplate.md
1629  interface.md
1630  interfacetemplate.md
1631  inventoryitem.md
1632  inventoryitemrole.md
1633  inventoryitemtemplate.md
1634  location.md
1635  manufacturer.md
1636  module.md
1637  modulebay.md
1638  modulebaytemplate.md
1639  moduletype.md
1640  platform.md
1641  powerfeed.md
1642  poweroutlet.md
1643  poweroutlettemplate.md
1644  powerpanel.md
1645  powerport.md
1646  powerporttemplate.md
1647  rack.md
1648  rackreservation.md
1649  rackrole.md
1650  rearport.md
1651  rearporttemplate.md
1652  region.md
1653  site.md
1654  sitegroup.md
1655  virtualchassis.md
1656  virtualdevicecontext.md
1657 share/netbox/docs/docs/models/extras/
1658  branch.md
1659  configcontext.md
1660  configtemplate.md
1661  customfield.md
1662  customlink.md
1663  exporttemplate.md
1664  imageattachment.md
1665  journalentry.md
1666  savedfilter.md
1667  stagedchange.md
1668  tag.md
1669  webhook.md
1670 share/netbox/docs/docs/models/ipam/
1671  aggregate.md
1672  asn.md
1673  asnrange.md
1674  fhrpgroup.md
1675  fhrpgroupassignment.md
1676  ipaddress.md
1677  iprange.md
1678  l2vpn.md
1679  l2vpntermination.md
1680  prefix.md
1681  rir.md
1682  role.md
1683  routetarget.md
1684  service.md
1685  servicetemplate.md
1686  vlan.md
1687  vlangroup.md
1688  vrf.md
1689 share/netbox/docs/docs/models/tenancy/
1690  contact.md
1691  contactgroup.md
1692  contactrole.md
1693  tenant.md
1694  tenantgroup.md
1695 share/netbox/docs/docs/models/virtualization/
1696  cluster.md
1697  clustergroup.md
1698  clustertype.md
1699  virtualmachine.md
1700  vminterface.md
1701 share/netbox/docs/docs/models/wireless/
1702  wirelesslan.md
1703  wirelesslangroup.md
1704  wirelesslink.md
1705 share/netbox/docs/docs/plugins/index.md
1706 share/netbox/docs/docs/plugins/development/
1707  background-tasks.md
1708  dashboard-widgets.md
1709  exceptions.md
1710  filtersets.md
1711  forms.md
1712  graphql-api.md
1713  index.md
1714  models.md
1715  navigation.md
1716  rest-api.md
1717  search.md
1718  staged-changes.md
1719  tables.md
1720  templates.md
1721  views.md
1722 share/netbox/docs/docs/reference/
1723  conditions.md
1724  filtering.md
1725  markdown.md
1726 share/netbox/docs/docs/release-notes/
1727  index.md
1728  version-2.0.md
1729  version-2.1.md
1730  version-2.10.md
1731  version-2.11.md
1732  version-2.2.md
1733  version-2.3.md
1734  version-2.4.md
1735  version-2.5.md
1736  version-2.6.md
1737  version-2.7.md
1738  version-2.8.md
1739  version-2.9.md
1740  version-3.0.md
1741  version-3.1.md
1742  version-3.2.md
1743  version-3.3.md
1744  version-3.4.md
1745  version-3.5.md
1748 [FILE:155:manifests/plist.examples]
1749 share/examples/netbox/
1750  apache.conf
1751  gunicorn.py
1752  nginx.conf
1753 share/examples/netbox/bsd/
1754  850.netbox-housekeeping.sample
1755  netbox_rq.sample
1756  netboxrc.sample
1759 [FILE:578:patches/patch-mkdocs.yml]
1760 --- mkdocs.yml.orig     2023-07-10 20:53:46 UTC
1761 +++ mkdocs.yml
1762 @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
1763  site_name: NetBox Documentation
1764 -site_dir: netbox/project-static/docs
1765 +site_dir: project-static/docs
1766  site_url: https://docs.netbox.dev/
1767  repo_name: netbox-community/netbox
1768  repo_url: https://github.com/netbox-community/netbox
1769 @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ plugins:
1770            setup_commands:
1771              - import os
1772              - import django
1773 -            - os.chdir('netbox/')
1774              - os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "netbox.settings")
1775              - django.setup()
1776            options:
1779 [FILE:789:files/850.netbox-housekeeping.sample.in]
1780 #!/bin/sh
1781 # This shell script invokes NetBox's housekeeping management command, which
1782 # intended to be run nightly.
1783 #
1784 # If you want to enable this script, copy it to %%PREFIX%%/etc/periodic/daily
1785 # and place the following into /etc/periodic.conf:
1786 #
1787 # daily_netbox_housekeeping_enable="YES"
1788 #
1789 # If NetBox has been installed into a nonstandard location, update the paths
1790 # below.
1791 command="%%PYTHON_CMD%%"
1792 netbox_root="%%PREFIX%%/share/netbox"
1794 # If there is a global system configuration file, suck it in.
1795 #
1796 if [ -r /etc/defaults/periodic.conf ]; then
1797         . /etc/defaults/periodic.conf
1798         source_periodic_confs
1799 fi
1801 rc=0
1803 case "$daily_netbox_housekeeping_enable" in
1804         [Yy][Ee][Ss])
1805         echo ""
1806         echo "Running NetBox housekeeping:"
1807         $command "$netbox_root/manage.py" housekeeping
1808         rc=$?
1809 esac
1811 exit $rc
1814 [FILE:934:files/netbox_rq.sample.in]
1815 #!/bin/sh
1817 # This sample rc script starts the RQ worker background service which is
1818 # required for Webhooks and various automation tasks.
1820 #
1821 # PROVIDE: netbox_rq
1823 # KEYWORD: shutdown
1824 #
1825 # Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf
1826 # to enable netbox-rq:
1827 #
1828 # netbox_rq_enable (bool):              Set to NO by default.
1829 #                                       Set it to YES to enable netbox_rq.
1831 . /etc/rc.subr
1833 name=netbox_rq
1834 rcvar=netbox_rq_enable
1836 load_rc_config $name
1838 start_cmd="netbox_rq_start"
1839 start_precmd="netbox_rq_precmd"
1840 command="%%PYTHON_CMD%%"
1841 command_args="%%PREFIX%%/share/netbox/manage.py rqworker"
1842 pidfile=${netbox_rq_pidfile:-/var/run/${name}/${name}.pid}
1843 netbox_rq_user=${netbox_rq_user:-www}
1846 netbox_rq_precmd()
1847 {
1848         install -d -o ${netbox_rq_user} `dirname ${pidfile}`
1849 }
1851 netbox_rq_start()
1852 {
1853         echo "Starting netbox_rq."
1854         /usr/sbin/daemon -cf -p ${pidfile} -u ${netbox_rq_user} ${command} ${command_args}
1855 }
1857 run_rc_command "$1"
1860 [FILE:3721:files/netboxrc.sample.in]
1861 #!/bin/sh
1863 # This sample rc script eliminate the need to use sysutils/py-supervisor to
1864 # run NetBox as a system service. Only www/py-gunicorn is needed as a WSGI.
1865 #
1866 # Of course a working HTTP server like Apache/nginx is still required to make
1867 # use of the gunicorn WSGI.
1869 #
1870 # PROVIDE: netbox
1872 # KEYWORD: shutdown
1873 #
1874 # Add the following line to /etc/rc.conf.local or /etc/rc.conf
1875 # to enable netbox:
1876 #
1877 # netbox_enable (bool):                 Set to NO by default.
1878 #                                       Set it to YES to enable netbox.
1879 # netbox_use_config (bool):             Set to NO by default.
1880 #                                       If set, read the configuration parameter from file defined in
1881 #                                       "netbox_config" instead using rc variables.
1882 # netbox_config (str):                  Default to "/usr/local/etc/${name}.conf}"
1883 #                                       Config file for gunicorn's netbox config file
1884 # netbox_command (str):                 Default to "%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/gunicorn"
1885 #                                       Path to gunicorn to run netbox
1886 # netbox_bind (str):                    Default to "localhost:8001"
1887 #                                       Interface and port to bind to
1888 # netbox_workers (int):                 Default to "5"
1889 #                                       Number of gunicorn workers
1890 # netbox_threads (int):                 Default to "3"
1891 #                                       Number of worker threads per handling request
1892 # netbox_timeout (int):                 Default to "120"
1893 #                                       Worker timeout for gunicorn
1894 # netbox_max_requests (int):            Default to "5000"
1895 #                                       Maximum number of requests a worker process will process before respawning
1896 # netbox_max_requests_jitter (int):     Default to "500"
1897 #                                       Maximum number jitter to add to "netbox_max_requests"
1898 # netbox_extra_args (str):              Not set by default
1899 #                                       Extra arguments that are passed to gunicorn
1900 #
1902 . /etc/rc.subr
1904 name="netbox"
1905 rcvar=netbox_enable
1906 netbox_path=%%PREFIX%%/share/netbox
1907 extra_commands="upgrade"
1909 load_rc_config $name
1911 start_precmd="netbox_precmd"
1912 upgrade_cmd="netbox_upgrade"
1913 command=${netbox_program:-%%LOCALBASE%%/bin/gunicorn}
1914 procname=${netbox_procname:-%%PYTHON_CMD%%}
1915 netbox_chdir=${netbox_path}
1916 pidfile=${netbox_pidfile:-/var/run/${name}/${name}.pid}
1917 netbox_user=${netbox_user:-wwwraven}
1918 netbox_use_config=${netbox_use_config:-no}
1919 netbox_config=${netbox_config:-/${name}.conf}
1920 netbox_bind=${netbox_bind:-localhost:8001}
1921 netbox_workers=${netbox_workers:-5}
1922 netbox_threads=${netbox_threads:-3}
1923 netbox_timeout=${netbox_timeout:-120}
1924 netbox_max_requests=${netbox_max_requests:-5000}
1925 netbox_max_requests_jitter=${netbox_max_requests_jitter:-500}
1927 # Read settings from confguration file if set
1928 if checkyesno netbox_use_config && [ -f "${netbox_config}" ]; then 
1929         command_args="${netbox_args} -D \
1930                 --log-syslog --log-syslog-prefix ${name} \
1931                 --log-syslog-to unix:///var/run/log#dgram \
1932                 --disable-redirect-access-to-syslog \
1933                 -p ${pidfile} --pythonpath ${netbox_path} \
1934                 -c ${netbox_config} \
1935                 netbox.wsgi"
1936 else
1937         command_args="${netbox_args} -D \
1938                 --log-syslog --log-syslog-prefix ${name} \
1939                 --log-syslog-to unix:///var/run/log#dgram \
1940                 --disable-redirect-access-to-syslog \
1941                 -p ${pidfile} --pythonpath ${netbox_path} \
1942                 -b ${netbox_bind} -w ${netbox_workers} --threads ${netbox_threads} -t ${netbox_timeout} \
1943                 --max-requests ${netbox_max_requests} --max-requests-jitter ${netbox_max_requests_jitter} \
1944                 ${netbox_extra_args} \
1945                 netbox.wsgi"
1946 fi
1948 netbox_precmd()
1949 {
1950         install -d -o ${netbox_user} `dirname ${pidfile}`
1951 }
1953 netbox_upgrade()
1954 {
1955         if [ -f ${pidfile} ]; then
1956                 cd ${netbox_path}
1957                 %%PYTHON_CMD%% manage.py migrate
1958                 %%PYTHON_CMD%% manage.py trace_paths --no-input
1959                 %%LOCALBASE%%/bin/mkdocs build
1960                 %%PYTHON_CMD%% manage.py collectstatic --no-input
1961                 %%PYTHON_CMD%% manage.py remove_stale_contenttypes --no-input
1962                 %%PYTHON_CMD%% manage.py clearsessions
1963                 %%PYTHON_CMD%% manage.py clearcache
1964                 echo "Please restart NetBox and the WSGI environment."
1965         else
1966                 echo "NetBox is not running!"
1967         fi
1968 }
1970 run_rc_command "$1"
1973 [FILE:1152:files/pkg-message-primary.in]
1974 Please note that NetBox requires a PostgreSQL database server, which uses its
1975 built-in network address datatypes. Thus NetBox won't work with other RDBMS's,
1976 e.g. MySQL, MariaDB, etc.
1978 For installation instructions please refer to the related wiki page:
1980 - https://wiki.freebsd.org/Ports/net-mgmt/netbox
1982 ************
1983 * Upgrades *
1984 ************
1986 As always it is strongly encouraged to make a backup of the database before the
1987 database migrations will be executed.
1989 The following steps are required to finish the upgrade: 
1991 1. Run database migrations, trace any missing cable paths, build the embedded
1992    documentation, collect static files, remove stale content files, delete any
1993    expired user sessions and clear the cache.
1995 # cd %%PREXIX%%/share/netbox
1996 # python%%PYTHON_VER%% manage.py migrate
1997 # python%%PYTHON_VER%% manage.py trace_paths --no-input
1998 # mkdocs build
1999 # python%%PYTHON_VER%% manage.py collectstatic --no-input
2000 # python%%PYTHON_VER%% manage.py remove_stale_contenttypes --no-input
2001 # python%%PYTHON_VER%% manage.py clearsessions
2002 # python%%PYTHON_VER%% manage.py clearcache
2004 2. Restart WSGI/httpd environment (supervisord/apache/nginx/etc.)