# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= xz VERSION= 5.4.3 KEYWORDS= archivers raven VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= LZMA compression and decompression tools HOMEPAGE= https://tukaani.org/xz/ CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= SF/lzmautils DISTFILE[1]= xz-5.4.3.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= complete primary tools dev man docs examples OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none USES= cpe libtool LICENSE= PUBDOM:primary GPLv2+:primary LICENSE_TERMS= primary:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING LICENSE_FILE= PUBDOM:{{WRKDIR}}/LICENSE_PUBDOM GPLv2+:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING.GPLv2 LICENSE_SCHEME= multi CPE_VENDOR= tukaani MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= --disable-nls {{SYMVER:U--enable-symbol-versions}} CONFIGURE_ENV= gl_cv_posix_shell=/bin/sh INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip SOVERSION= 5.4.3 VAR_OPSYS[sunos]= MAKEFILE_LINE=SYMVER= post-install: # install static version of xz ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/src/xz/.libs/xz-static ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin # remove redundant license ${RM} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}/COPYING* # mv examples to their place ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_EXAMPLESDIR}/new ${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_EXAMPLESDIR}/old ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}/examples/* ${STAGEDIR}${STD_EXAMPLESDIR}/new ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}/examples_old/* ${STAGEDIR}${STD_EXAMPLESDIR}/old ${RMDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}/exam* post-build: # create statically linked version of xz (cd ${WRKSRC}/src/xz && ${CC} -o .libs/xz-static \ xz-args.o xz-coder.o xz-file_io.o xz-hardware.o xz-main.o xz-message.o xz-mytime.o \ xz-options.o xz-signals.o xz-suffix.o xz-util.o xz-tuklib_open_stdxxx.o \ xz-tuklib_progname.o xz-tuklib_exit.o xz-tuklib_mbstr_width.o xz-tuklib_mbstr_fw.o \ xz-list.o ../liblzma/.libs/liblzma.a -lpthread) do-test: (cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE} check) post-extract: ${AWK} '/You can do whatever/,/lawyers/' \ ${WRKSRC}/COPYING > ${WRKDIR}/LICENSE_PUBDOM [FILE:902:descriptions/desc.primary] XZ Utils is free general-purpose data compression software with a high compression ratio. XZ Utils is the successor to LZMA Utils. The core of the XZ Utils compression code is based on the LZMA SDK. The primary compression algorithm is currently LZMA2, which is used inside the .xz container format. With typical files, XZ Utils creates output 30% smaller than gzip and 15% smaller than bzip2. The XZ Utils package consists of several components: * liblzma is a compression library with an API similar to that of zlib. * xz is a command line tool with syntax similar to that of gzip. * xzdec is a decompression-only tool smaller than the full-featured xz one. * A set of shell scripts (xzgrep, xzdiff, etc.) have been adapted from gzip to ease viewing, grepping, and comparing compressed files. * Emulation of the command line tools of LZMA Utils eases transition from LZMA Utils to XZ Utils. [FILE:67:descriptions/desc.tools] This packages contains the command line tools of LZMA compression. [FILE:94:distinfo] 1c382e0bc2e4e0af58398a903dd62fff7e510171d2de47a1ebe06d1528e9b7e9 2869347 xz-5.4.3.tar.gz [FILE:55:manifests/plist.primary] lib/ liblzma.so.%%SOMAJOR%% liblzma.so.%%SOVERSION%% [FILE:194:manifests/plist.tools] bin/ lzcat lzcmp lzdiff lzegrep lzfgrep lzgrep lzless lzma lzmadec lzmainfo lzmore unlzma unxz xz xz-static xzcat xzcmp xzdec xzdiff xzegrep xzfgrep xzgrep xzless xzmore [FILE:226:manifests/plist.dev] include/lzma.h include/lzma/ base.h bcj.h block.h check.h container.h delta.h filter.h hardware.h index.h index_hash.h lzma12.h stream_flags.h version.h vli.h lib/ liblzma.a liblzma.so lib/pkgconfig/liblzma.pc [FILE:309:manifests/plist.man] share/man/man1/ lzcat.1.gz lzcmp.1.gz lzdiff.1.gz lzegrep.1.gz lzfgrep.1.gz lzgrep.1.gz lzless.1.gz lzma.1.gz lzmadec.1.gz lzmainfo.1.gz lzmore.1.gz unlzma.1.gz unxz.1.gz xz.1.gz xzcat.1.gz xzcmp.1.gz xzdec.1.gz xzdiff.1.gz xzegrep.1.gz xzfgrep.1.gz xzgrep.1.gz xzless.1.gz xzmore.1.gz [FILE:1248:manifests/plist.docs] share/doc/xz/ AUTHORS NEWS README THANKS TODO faq.txt history.txt lzma-file-format.txt xz-file-format.txt share/doc/xz/api/ annotated.html base_8h.html bc_s.png bc_sd.png bcj_8h.html bdwn.png block_8h.html check_8h.html classes.html closed.png container_8h.html delta_8h.html dir_b17a1d403082bd69a703ed987cf158fb.html doc.png docd.png doxygen.css doxygen.svg files.html filter_8h.html folderclosed.png folderopen.png functions.html functions_vars.html globals.html globals_defs.html globals_enum.html globals_eval.html globals_func.html globals_type.html hardware_8h.html index.html index_8h.html index__hash_8h.html lzma12_8h.html lzma_8h.html nav_f.png nav_fd.png nav_g.png nav_h.png nav_hd.png open.png splitbar.png splitbard.png stream__flags_8h.html structlzma__allocator.html structlzma__block.html structlzma__filter.html structlzma__index__iter.html structlzma__mt.html structlzma__options__bcj.html structlzma__options__delta.html structlzma__options__lzma.html structlzma__stream.html structlzma__stream__flags.html sync_off.png sync_on.png tab_a.png tab_ad.png tab_b.png tab_bd.png tab_h.png tab_hd.png tab_s.png tab_sd.png tabs.css version_8h.html vli_8h.html [FILE:187:manifests/plist.examples] share/examples/xz/new/ 00_README.txt 01_compress_easy.c 02_decompress.c 03_compress_custom.c 04_compress_easy_mt.c Makefile share/examples/xz/old/ xz_pipe_comp.c xz_pipe_decomp.c