# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-pycups VERSION= 2.0.1 KEYWORDS= python VARIANTS= py38 py39 SDESC[py38]= Python bindings for libcups (PY38) SDESC[py39]= Python bindings for libcups (PY39) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/zdohnal/pycups CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPI/p/pycups DISTFILE[1]= pycups-2.0.1.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[py38]= single SPKGS[py39]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY38 PY39 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[py38]= PY38=ON PY39=OFF VOPTS[py39]= PY38=OFF PY39=ON BUILDRUN_DEPENDS= cups:primary:standard DISTNAME= pycups-2.0.1 GENERATED= yes [PY38].USES_ON= python:py38,sutools [PY39].USES_ON= python:py39,sutools [FILE:481:descriptions/desc.single] This is a set of Python bindings for the libcups library from the CUPS project. >>> # Example of getting a list of printers >>> import cups >>> conn = cups.Connection () >>> printers = conn.getPrinters () >>> for printer in printers: ... print printer, printers[printer]["device-uri"] ... HP ipp:// duplex ipp:// HP-LaserJet-6MP ipp:// EPSON-Stylus-D78 usb://EPSON/Stylus%20D78 [FILE:98:distinfo] 57434ce5f62548eb12949ca8217f066f4eeb21a5d6ab8b13471dce350e380c90 62968 pycups-2.0.1.tar.gz