# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= lzip VERSION= 1.22 KEYWORDS= archivers VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= LZMA lossless data compressor HOMEPAGE= http://www.nongnu.org/lzip/lzip.html CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= SAVANNAH/lzip DISTFILE[1]= lzip-1.22.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none USES= c++:single LICENSE= GPLv2+:single LICENSE_TERMS= single:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS LICENSE_FILE= GPLv2+:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING LICENSE_AWK= TERMS:"^class State" LICENSE_SOURCE= TERMS:{{WRKSRC}}/lzip.h LICENSE_SCHEME= solo INFO= single:lzip FPC_EQUIVALENT= archivers/lzip INFO_SUBDIR= . MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= CXX="{{CXX}}" CXXFLAGS="{{CXXFLAGS}}" LDFLAGS="{{LDFLAGS}}" INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip [FILE:484:descriptions/desc.single] Lzip is a lossless data compressor with a user interface similar to the one of gzip or bzip2. Lzip decompresses almost as fast as gzip and compresses more than bzip2, which makes it well suited for software distribution and data archiving. Lzip is a clean implementation of the LZMA algorithm. The lzip file format is designed for long-term data archiving. It is clean, provides very safe four factor integrity checking, and is backed by the recovery capabilities of lziprecover. [FILE:95:distinfo] c3342d42e67139c165b8b128d033b5c96893a13ac5f25933190315214e87a948 120769 lzip-1.22.tar.gz [FILE:34:manifests/plist.single] bin/lzip share/man/man1/lzip.1.gz