# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= perl-Algorithm-FeatureSelection VERSION= 0.02 KEYWORDS= perl VARIANTS= 530 528 SDESC[530]= Feature selection methods for text mining (5.30) SDESC[528]= Feature selection methods for text mining (5.28) HOMEPAGE= none CONTACT= Perl_Automaton[perl@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= CPAN/ID:M/MI/MIKI DISTFILE[1]= Algorithm-FeatureSelection-0.02.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[530]= single SPKGS[528]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PERL_530 PERL_528 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[530]= PERL_530=ON PERL_528=OFF VOPTS[528]= PERL_530=OFF PERL_528=ON DISTNAME= Algorithm-FeatureSelection-0.02 GENERATED= yes SINGLE_JOB= yes [PERL_528].USES_ON= perl:528,configure [PERL_530].USES_ON= perl:530,configure [FILE:175:descriptions/desc.single] This library is an perl implementation of 'Pairwaise Mutual Information' and 'Information Gain' that are used as well-known method of feature selection on text mining fields. [FILE:117:distinfo] 05c54a3fe0f8d7a8af4d4df952ca701c253b4ad44bf74863c52c9f5adb74dd52 27281 Algorithm-FeatureSelection-0.02.tar.gz