# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-booleanOperations VERSION= 0.9.0 KEYWORDS= python devel graphics VARIANTS= py38 py37 SDESC[py37]= Boolean operations on paths (PY 37) SDESC[py38]= Boolean operations on paths (PY 38) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/typemytype/booleanOperations CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPI/b/booleanOperations DISTFILE[1]= booleanOperations-0.9.0.zip:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[py37]= single SPKGS[py38]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY38 PY37 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[py37]= PY38=OFF PY37=ON VOPTS[py38]= PY38=ON PY37=OFF BUILDRUN_DEPENDS= python-wheel:single:python_used python-setuptools_scm:single:python_used DISTNAME= booleanOperations-0.9.0 GENERATED= yes [PY37].USES_ON= python:py37 [PY38].USES_ON= python:py38 [FILE:2602:descriptions/desc.single] |Build Status| |PyPI| |Python Versions| BooleanOperations ================= Boolean operations on paths which uses a super fast `polygon clipper library by Angus Johnson `__. You can download the latest version from PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/booleanOperations. Install ------- `Pip `__ is the recommended tool to install booleanOperations. To install the latest version: .. code:: sh pip install booleanOperations BooleanOperations depends on the following packages: - `pyclipper `__: Cython wrapper for the C++ Clipper library - `fonttools `__ All dependencies are available on PyPI, so they will be resolved automatically upon installing booleanOperations. BooleanOperationManager ----------------------- Containing a ``BooleanOperationManager`` handling all boolean operations on paths. Paths must be similar to ``defcon``, ``robofab`` contours. A manager draws the result in a ``pointPen``. .. code:: py from booleanOperations import BooleanOperationManager manager = BooleanOperationManager() BooleanOperationManager() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a ``BooleanOperationManager``. manager.union(contours, pointPen) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Performs a union on all ``contours`` and draw it in the ``pointPen``. (this is a what a remove overlaps does) manager.difference(contours, clipContours, pointPen) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Knock out the ``clipContours`` from the ``contours`` and draw it in the ``pointPen``. manager.intersection(contours, clipContours, pointPen) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Draw only the overlaps from the ``contours`` with the ``clipContours``\ and draw it in the ``pointPen``. manager.xor(contours, clipContours, pointPen) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Draw only the parts that not overlaps from the ``contours`` with the ``clipContours``\ and draw it in the ``pointPen``. manager.getIntersections(contours) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Returning all intersection for the given contours BooleanGlyph ------------ A glyph like object with boolean powers. .. code:: py from booleanOperations.booleanGlyph import BooleanGlyph booleanGlyph = BooleanGlyph(sourceGlyph) BooleanGlyph(sourceGlyph) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Create a ``BooleanGlyph`` object from ``sourceGlyph``. This is a very shallow glyph object with basic support. booleanGlyph.union(other) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [FILE:106:distinfo] 8cfa821c32ad374fa120d6b2e0b444ebeac57c91e6631528645fa19ac2a281b8 202950 booleanOperations-0.9.0.zip