# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= libsigsegv VERSION= 2.11 KEYWORDS= devel VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Handling page faults in user mode HOMEPAGE= http://www.gnu.org/software/libsigsegv/ CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= GNU/libsigsegv DISTFILE[1]= libsigsegv-2.11.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= complete static shared OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none USES= libtool LICENSE= GPLv2:static LICENSE_SCHEME= solo LICENSE_FILE= GPLv2:{{WRKSRC}}/COPYING FPC_EQUIVALENT= devel/libsigsegv MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= AWK="{{AWK}}" --enable-shared INSTALL_TARGET= install-strip do-test: @(cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} ${MAKE_CMD} ${MAKE_FLAGS} \ ${MAKEFILE} ${MAKE_ARGS} check) [FILE:455:descriptions/desc.static] A library for handling page faults in user mode. A page fault occurs when a program tries to access to a region of memory that is currently not available. Catching and handling a page fault is a useful technique for implementing: * pageable virtual memory, * memory-mapped access to persistent databases, * generational garbage collectors, * stack overflow handlers, * distributed shared memory This package contains the static library and header. [FILE:444:descriptions/desc.shared] A library for handling page faults in user mode. A page fault occurs when a program tries to access to a region of memory that is currently not available. Catching and handling a page fault is a useful technique for implementing: * pageable virtual memory, * memory-mapped access to persistent databases, * generational garbage collectors, * stack overflow handlers, * distributed shared memory This package contains the shared library. [FILE:101:distinfo] dd7c2eb2ef6c47189406d562c1dc0f96f2fc808036834d596075d58377e37a18 448744 libsigsegv-2.11.tar.gz [FILE:35:manifests/plist.static] include/sigsegv.h lib/libsigsegv.a [FILE:58:manifests/plist.shared] lib/ libsigsegv.so libsigsegv.so.2 libsigsegv.so.2.0.4 [FILE:103:files/pkg-message-static] ---- Note that the stackoverflow handling functions of this library need procfs mounted on /proc. ----