# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-types-pytz VERSION= 2023.3.1.1 KEYWORDS= python VARIANTS= v11 v12 SDESC[v11]= Typing stubs for pytz (3.11) SDESC[v12]= Typing stubs for pytz (3.12) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/python/typeshed CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPIWHL/79/4f/58c28f50233612d9890cc2b068aee977ef3f7d6434ef4debf98162e34152 DISTFILE[1]= types_pytz-2023.3.1.1-py3-none-any.whl:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[v11]= single SPKGS[v12]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY311 PY312 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[v11]= PY311=ON PY312=OFF VOPTS[v12]= PY311=OFF PY312=ON DISTNAME= types_pytz-2023.3.1.1.dist-info GENERATED= yes [PY311].USES_ON= python:v11,wheel [PY312].USES_ON= python:v12,wheel [FILE:607:descriptions/desc.single] ## Typing stubs for pytz This is a PEP 561 type stub package for the `pytz` package. It can be used by type-checking tools like [mypy], [pyright], [pytype], PyCharm, etc. to check code that uses `pytz`. The source for this package can be found at https://github.com/python/typeshed/tree/main/stubs/pytz. All fixes for types and metadata should be contributed there. See https://github.com/python/typeshed/blob/main/README.md for more details. This package was generated from typeshed commit `11e51bef9d0da08c6e766e362a21a9dcf89c5bd9` and was tested with mypy 1.5.1, pyright 1.1.328, and pytype 2023.8.31. [FILE:117:distinfo] 1999a123a3dc0e39a2ef6d19f3f8584211de9e6a77fe7a0259f04a524e90a5cf 4912 types_pytz-2023.3.1.1-py3-none-any.whl