# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= veracrypt VERSION= 1.24p1 KEYWORDS= security VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Strong disk encryption based on TrueCrypt HOMEPAGE= https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= GITHUB/veracrypt:VeraCrypt:VeraCrypt_1.24-Hotfix1 DISTFILE[1]= generated:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= complete primary docs OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none BUILD_DEPENDS= yasm:single:standard BUILDRUN_DEPENDS= fuse2:single:standard wxWidgets:single:standard RUN_DEPENDS= sudo:primary:standard USES= desktop-utils:primary gmake iconv pkgconfig LICENSE= APACHE20:primary CUSTOM1:primary LICENSE_TERMS= primary:{{WRKDIR}}/TERMS LICENSE_NAME= CUSTOM1:"TrueCrypt License 3.0" LICENSE_FILE= APACHE20:{{WRKDIR}}/license.apache20 CUSTOM1:{{WRKDIR}}/license.truecrypt30 LICENSE_AWK= TERMS:"^$$" LICENSE_SOURCE= TERMS:{{WRKSRC}}/src/Main/Main.h LICENSE_SCHEME= multi FPC_EQUIVALENT= security/veracrypt CONFIGURE_ARGS= --wxWidgets-build=0 --wxWidgets-unicode=1 CONFIGURE_ENV= WX_CONFIG="{{LOCALBASE}}/bin/wxgtk3u-3.0-config" BUILD_WRKSRC= {{WRKSRC}}/src BUILD_TARGET= # MAKE_ENV= WX_CONFIG="{{LOCALBASE}}/bin/wxgtk3u-3.0-config" SUB_FILES= pkg-message-primary-freebsd post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|wx-config|${LOCALBASE}/bin/wxgtk3u-3.0-config|g' \ -e '/export LFLAGS/ s|:=|:= ${LDFLAGS}|' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/Makefile ${REINPLACE_CMD} \ -e 's|/usr/bin|${PREFIX}/bin|g' \ -e 's|Icon=veracrypt|Icon=VeraCrypt-16x16|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/src/Setup/FreeBSD/veracrypt.desktop post-extract: ${AWK} '/ Apache License/,/additional liability./' \ ${WRKSRC}/License.txt > ${WRKDIR}/license.apache20 ${AWK} '/^TrueCrypt License V/,/closely as possible./' \ ${WRKSRC}/License.txt > ${WRKDIR}/license.truecrypt30 do-install: @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications/ ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/src/Main/veracrypt ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/bin ${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/src/Setup/FreeBSD/veracrypt.desktop \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/applications/ (cd ${WRKSRC}/src/Resources/Icons && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/share/pixmaps "-name '*.xpm'") # web documentation @${MKDIR} ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR} (cd ${WRKSRC}/doc/html && ${COPYTREE_SHARE} . ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR}) [FILE:936:descriptions/desc.primary] VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX, FreeBSD and Linux. Brought to you by IDRIX (https://www.idrix.fr) and based on TrueCrypt 7.1a. VeraCrypt main features: - Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a disk. - Encrypts an entire partition or storage device such as USB flash drive or hard drive. - Encrypts a partition or drive where Windows is installed (pre-boot authentication). - Encryption is automatic, real-time(on-the-fly) and transparent. - Parallelization and pipelining allow data to be read and written as fast as if the drive was not encrypted. - Encryption can be hardware-accelerated on modern processors. - Provides plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password: Hidden volume (steganography) and hidden operating system. - More information about the features of VeraCrypt may be found in the documentation [FILE:128:distinfo] 2531b6d567970bbc497d376adc679041e923d2b92318d33196ef4581fccc67e5 25052008 veracrypt-VeraCrypt-VeraCrypt_1.24-Hotfix1.tar.gz [FILE:154:manifests/plist.primary] bin/veracrypt share/applications/veracrypt.desktop share/pixmaps/ VeraCrypt-128x128.xpm VeraCrypt-16x16.xpm VeraCrypt-256x256.xpm VeraCrypt-48x48.xpm [FILE:500:files/pkg-message-primary-freebsd.in] ############################### FreeBSD message ############################### 1) Veracrypt needs security/sudo port to mount disk volumes. You must modify %%PREFIX%%/etc/sudoers file to add Veracrypt user(s). Don't use root user 2) Please ensure that the fusefs kmod is loaded prior to use: $ kldload fuse If you want load fuse.ko on boot time, please add the following to /boot/loader.conf: fuse_load="YES" ###############################################################################