# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-vcversioner VERSION= KEYWORDS= python VARIANTS= py310 py311 SDESC[py310]= Extract version from version control tag (3.10) SDESC[py311]= Extract version from version control tag (3.11) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/habnabit/vcversioner CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPI/v/vcversioner DISTFILE[1]= vcversioner- DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[py310]= single SPKGS[py311]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY310 PY311 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[py310]= PY310=ON PY311=OFF VOPTS[py311]= PY310=OFF PY311=ON DISTNAME= vcversioner- GENERATED= yes [PY310].USES_ON= python:py310,sutools [PY311].USES_ON= python:py311,sutools [FILE:3061:descriptions/desc.single] .. image:: https://travis-ci.org/habnabit/vcversioner.png =========== vcversioner =========== `Elevator pitch`_: you can write a ``setup.py`` with no version information specified, and vcversioner will find a recent, properly-formatted VCS tag and extract a version from it. It's much more convenient to be able to use your version control system's tagging mechanism to derive a version number than to have to duplicate that information all over the place. I eventually ended up copy-pasting the same code into a couple different ``setup.py`` files just to avoid duplicating version information. But, copy-pasting is dumb and unit testing ``setup.py`` files is hard. This code got factored out into vcversioner. Basic usage ----------- vcversioner installs itself as a setuptools hook, which makes its use exceedingly simple:: from setuptools import setup setup( # [...] setup_requires=['vcversioner'], vcversioner={}, ) The presence of a vcversioner argument automagically activates vcversioner and updates the project's version. The parameter to the vcversioner argument can also be a dict of keyword arguments which |find_version| will be called with. To allow tarballs to be distributed without requiring a ``.git`` (or ``.hg``, etc.) directory, vcversioner will also write out a file named (by default) ``version.txt``. Then, if there is no VCS program or the program is unable to find any version information, vcversioner will read version information from the ``version.txt`` file. However, this file needs to be included in a distributed tarball, so the following line should be added to ``MANIFEST.in``:: include version.txt This isn't necessary if ``setup.py`` will always be run from a checkout, but otherwise is essential for vcversioner to know what version to use. The name ``version.txt also can be changed by specifying the version_file`` parameter. For example:: from setuptools import setup setup( # [...] setup_requires=['vcversioner'], vcversioner={ 'version_file': 'custom_version.txt', }, ) For compatibility with `semantic versioning`_, vcversioner will strip leading 'v'\ s from version tags. That is, the tag ``v1.0 will be treated as if it was 1.0``. Other prefixes can be specified to be stripped by using the strip_prefix argument to vcversioner. For compatibility with ``git-dch``, one could specify the strip_prefix as ``'debian/'``. Non-hook usage -------------- It's not necessary to depend on vcversioner; while `pip`_ will take care of dependencies automatically, sometimes having a self-contained project is simpler. vcversioner is a single file which is easy to add to a project. Simply copy the entire ``vcversioner.py file adjacent to the existing setup.py`` file and update the usage slightly:: from setuptools import setup import vcversioner setup( # [...] version=vcversioner.find_version().version, ) This is necessary because the vcversioner distutils hook won't be available. Version modules --------------- [FILE:106:distinfo] dae60c17a479781f44a4010701833f1829140b1eeccd258762a74974aa06e19b 9024 vcversioner-