# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-numpy VERSION= 1.22.3 KEYWORDS= python VARIANTS= py39 py310 SDESC[py310]= Array computing for Python (3.10) SDESC[py39]= Array computing for Python (3.9) HOMEPAGE= https://www.numpy.org CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPI/n/numpy DISTFILE[1]= numpy-1.22.3.zip:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[py310]= single SPKGS[py39]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY39 PY310 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[py310]= PY39=OFF PY310=ON VOPTS[py39]= PY39=ON PY310=OFF BUILD_DEPENDS= python-Cython:single:python_used BUILDRUN_DEPENDS= lapack:blas:standard USES= cpe DISTNAME= numpy-1.22.3 CPE_PRODUCT= numpy CPE_VENDOR= numpy GENERATED= yes INSTALL_REQ_TOOLCHAIN= yes [PY39].USES_ON= python:py39,sutools [PY310].USES_ON= python:py310,sutools post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|/usr/local|${LOCALBASE}|g' \ ${WRKSRC}/numpy/distutils/system_info.py do-configure: # do-nothing [FILE:537:descriptions/desc.single] It provides: - a powerful N-dimensional array object - sophisticated (broadcasting) functions - tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code - useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities - and much more Besides its obvious scientific uses, NumPy can also be used as an efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Arbitrary data-types can be defined. This allows NumPy to seamlessly and speedily integrate with a wide variety of databases. All NumPy wheels distributed on PyPI are BSD licensed. [FILE:95:distinfo] dbc7601a3b7472d559dc7b933b18b4b66f9aa7452c120e87dfb33d02008c8a18 11451867 numpy-1.22.3.zip [FILE:535:patches/patch-numpy_f2py_cfuncs.py] --- numpy/f2py/cfuncs.py.orig 2022-01-29 12:20:32 UTC +++ numpy/f2py/cfuncs.py @@ -578,6 +578,9 @@ cppmacros["F2PY_THREAD_LOCAL_DECL"] = "" #define F2PY_THREAD_LOCAL_DECL __thread #elif defined(__STDC_VERSION__) \\ && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112L) \\ + && !defined(__DragonFly__) \\ + && !defined(__FreeBSD__) \\ + && !defined(__sun__) \\ && !defined(__STDC_NO_THREADS__) \\ && (!defined(__GLIBC__) || __GLIBC__ > 2 || (__GLIBC__ == 2 && __GLIBC_MINOR__ > 12)) \\ && !defined(__OpenBSD__)