# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= re2 VERSION= 2023-09-01 EPOCH= 1 KEYWORDS= devel VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Fast, safe, thread-friendly C++ regex library HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/google/re2 CONTACT= Michael_Reim[kraileth@elderlinux.org] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= GITHUB/google:re2:2023-09-01 DISTFILE[1]= generated:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= complete primary dev OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none BUILD_DEPENDS= abseil-cpp:dev:standard BUILDRUN_DEPENDS= abseil-cpp:primary:standard USES= c++:primary gmake pkgconfig LICENSE= BSD3CLAUSE:primary LICENSE_FILE= BSD3CLAUSE:{{WRKSRC}}/LICENSE LICENSE_SCHEME= solo MAKE_ARGS= prefix={{PREFIX}} SOVERSION= 11.0.0 post-install: ${STRIP_CMD} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/libre2.so [FILE:591:descriptions/desc.primary] RE2 is a fast, safe, thread-friendly alternative to backtracking regular expression engines like those used in PCRE, Perl, and Python written in C++. RE2 uses automata theory to guarantee that regular expression searches run in time linear in the size of the input. RE2 implements memory limits, so that searches can be constrained to a fixed amount of memory. RE2 is engineered to use a small fixed C++ stack footprint no matter what inputs or regular expressions it must process; thus RE2 is useful in multithreaded environments where thread stacks cannot grow arbitrarily large. [FILE:107:distinfo] 5bb6875ae1cd1e9fedde98018c346db7260655f86fdb8837e3075103acd3649b 396555 google-re2-2023-09-01.tar.gz [FILE:53:manifests/plist.primary] lib/ libre2.so.%%SOMAJOR%% libre2.so.%%SOVERSION%% [FILE:105:manifests/plist.dev] include/re2/ filtered_re2.h re2.h set.h stringpiece.h lib/ libre2.a libre2.so lib/pkgconfig/re2.pc