# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= xorg-xorgproto VERSION= 2020.1 KEYWORDS= x11 VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Combined X.Org X11 Protocol headers HOMEPAGE= https://www.x.org/ CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= XORG/individual/proto DISTFILE[1]= xorgproto-2020.1.tar.bz2:main DIST_SUBDIR= xorg DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none DISTNAME= xorgproto-2020.1 LICENSE= MIT:single LICENSE_FILE= MIT:{{WRKDIR}}/LICENSE_MIT LICENSE_SCHEME= solo FPC_EQUIVALENT= x11/xorgproto MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu CONFIGURE_ARGS= --datarootdir={{PREFIX}}/lib --enable-legacy CONFIGURE_ENV= MISC_MAN_SUFFIX=7 post-patch: (cd ${WRKSRC} && \ ${HEAD} -n 300 COPYING-* > ${WRKDIR}/LICENSE_MIT) post-install: ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/doc [FILE:100:descriptions/desc.single] This package combines the X protocol headers, which were formerly scattered in individual packages. [FILE:108:distinfo] 54a153f139035a376c075845dd058049177212da94d7a9707cf9468367b699d2 848072 xorg/xorgproto-2020.1.tar.bz2 [FILE:2677:manifests/plist.single] include/GL/ glxint.h glxmd.h glxproto.h glxtokens.h include/GL/internal/glcore.h include/X11/ DECkeysym.h HPkeysym.h Sunkeysym.h X.h XF86keysym.h XWDFile.h Xalloca.h Xarch.h Xatom.h Xdefs.h Xfuncproto.h Xfuncs.h Xmd.h Xos.h Xos_r.h Xosdefs.h Xpoll.h Xproto.h Xprotostr.h Xthreads.h Xw32defs.h Xwindows.h Xwinsock.h ap_keysym.h keysym.h keysymdef.h include/X11/PM/ PM.h PMproto.h include/X11/dri/ xf86dri.h xf86driproto.h xf86dristr.h include/X11/extensions/ EVI.h EVIproto.h Print.h Printstr.h XI.h XI2.h XI2proto.h XIproto.h XKB.h XKBgeom.h XKBproto.h XKBsrv.h XKBstr.h XResproto.h Xeviestr.h Xv.h XvMC.h XvMCproto.h Xvproto.h ag.h agproto.h applewmconst.h applewmproto.h bigreqsproto.h bigreqstr.h composite.h compositeproto.h cup.h cupproto.h damageproto.h damagewire.h dbe.h dbeproto.h dmx.h dmxproto.h dpmsconst.h dpmsproto.h dri2proto.h dri2tokens.h dri3proto.h evieproto.h fontcache.h fontcacheP.h fontcachstr.h ge.h geproto.h lbx.h lbxproto.h lgewire.h mitmiscconst.h mitmiscproto.h multibufconst.h multibufproto.h panoramiXproto.h presentproto.h presenttokens.h randr.h randrproto.h recordconst.h recordproto.h recordstr.h render.h renderproto.h saver.h saverproto.h secur.h securproto.h shapeconst.h shapeproto.h shapestr.h shm.h shmproto.h shmstr.h syncconst.h syncproto.h syncstr.h vldXvMC.h windowswm.h windowswmstr.h xcalibrateproto.h xcalibratewire.h xcmiscproto.h xcmiscstr.h xf86bigfont.h xf86bigfproto.h xf86bigfstr.h xf86dga.h xf86dga1const.h xf86dga1proto.h xf86dga1str.h xf86dgaconst.h xf86dgaproto.h xf86dgastr.h xf86misc.h xf86mscstr.h xf86rush.h xf86rushstr.h xf86vm.h xf86vmproto.h xf86vmstr.h xfixesproto.h xfixeswire.h xtestconst.h xtestext1const.h xtestext1proto.h xtestproto.h xtrapbits.h xtrapddmi.h xtrapdi.h xtrapemacros.h xtraplib.h xtraplibp.h xtrapproto.h include/X11/fonts/ FS.h FSproto.h font.h fontproto.h fontstruct.h fsmasks.h lib/pkgconfig/ applewmproto.pc bigreqsproto.pc compositeproto.pc damageproto.pc dmxproto.pc dpmsproto.pc dri2proto.pc dri3proto.pc evieproto.pc fixesproto.pc fontcacheproto.pc fontsproto.pc glproto.pc inputproto.pc kbproto.pc lg3dproto.pc presentproto.pc printproto.pc randrproto.pc recordproto.pc renderproto.pc resourceproto.pc scrnsaverproto.pc trapproto.pc videoproto.pc windowswmproto.pc xcalibrateproto.pc xcmiscproto.pc xextproto.pc xf86bigfontproto.pc xf86dgaproto.pc xf86driproto.pc xf86miscproto.pc xf86rushproto.pc xf86vidmodeproto.pc xineramaproto.pc xproto.pc xproxymngproto.pc share/man/man7/Xprint.7.gz [FILE:16636:patches/patch-man_Xprint.man] --- man/Xprint.man.orig 2019-10-17 16:02:34 UTC +++ man/Xprint.man @@ -419,3 +419,424 @@ will examine the values of the \fB${PDPR This manual page was written by Roland Mainz based on the original X11R6.6 \fBxc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/README\fR. +.\" -*- coding: us-ascii -*- +.TH Xprint __miscmansuffix__ "8 October 2004" +.SH NAME +Xprint \- The "X print service" - a portable, network-transparent printing system based on the X11 protocol +.SH SYNOPSIS +Xprint is a very flexible, extensible, scaleable, client/server +print system based on ISO 10175 (and some other specs) and the X11 +rendering protocol. +Using Xprint an application can search, query and use devices like +printers, FAX machines or create documents in formats like PDF. +In particular, an application can seek a printer, query supported +attributes (like paper size, trays, fonts etc.), configure the printer +device to match it\(cqs needs and print on it like on any other X device +reusing parts of the code which is used for the video card Xserver. +.SH OVERVIEW +The "X Print Service" technology allows X rendering to devices such as +printers and fax. Most of the service is available in the X11 +technology stack as Xp, with the remainder in single toolkit stacks (e.g. DtPrint for CDE). +Modifications have also been made to the LessTif/Motif/Qt technology +stacks to support Xprint. +.PP +The Xp portion consists of: +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +Xp Extension for the X-Server (included in the X-Server Xprt) +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +Xp Extension API for the client side (libXp/libXprintUtils) +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +PCL ddx driver that converts core X to native PCL +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +PDF ddx driver that converts core X to native PDF +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +PostScript ddx driver that converts core X to native PostScript +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +Raster ddx driver that generates xwd rasters which can be converted to PCL, PDF or PostScript rasters +.PP +.PP +From an X clients perspective, it can attach to one of two nearly +identical X-Servers, a "Video" X-Server, and a "Print" X-Server +which has the additional Xp capability but otherwise looks and +behaves the same. +.SH "HOW THE X PRINT SERVICE WORKS" +The X Print Service expands on the traditional X-Server and Xlib world +in four ways. +.TP 0.4i +1. +Most obvious is the use of "print ddx drivers" instead of +"video ddx drivers". While a video ddx driver modifies pixels +in a video frame buffer, a print ddx driver generates "page +description language (PDL)" output (such as PCL, PDF or PostScript) +or sends the print rendering instructions to a platform-specific +print API (like Win32/GDI). + +Once a print ddx driver generates PDL output, it can be sent to +a spooler such as \fBlp\fR(1) +or retrieved by the client (to implement functionality like "print-to-file"). + +Though not currently done, a single X-Server can support both +print and video ddx drivers. +.TP 0.4i +2. +Since printers support "paged" output, unlike video, a portion +of the Xp Extension supports APIs to delineate printed output. +For example, XpStartPage and XpEndPage tell the X-Server where +a physical page starts and ends in an otherwise continuous +stream of X rendering primitives. Likewise, XpStartJob and +XpEndJob determine when a collection of pages starts and ends. +XpEndJob typically causes the generated PDL to be submitted to +a spooler, such as \fBlp\fR(1). +.TP 0.4i +3. +Since printers have extensive capabilities, another portion of +the Xp Extension supports APIs to manipulate "print contexts". + +Once a printer is selected using the Xp Extension API, a print +context to represent it can be created. A print context +embodies the printer selected - it contains the printer's +default capabilities, selectable range of capabilities, +printer state, and generated output. Some "attributes" within +the print context can be modified by the user, and the +X-Server and print ddx driver will react accordingly. For +example, the attribute "content-orientation" can be set to +"landscape" or "portrait" (if the printer supports these +values - which can be queried using the Xprint API as well). +.TP 0.4i +4. +Since printers can have "built in" fonts, the Xp Extension in +the X-Server works with the print ddx drivers to make +available (for printing only) additional fonts on a per print +context basis. + +When a print context is created and set for a given printer, +the X font calls may be able to access additional printer +fonts. To do this (typically), the X-Server must have access +to "printer metric files" (.pmf) that describe at minimum the +metrics of the built in fonts. +.PP +.SH USAGE +There are three tasks to start the X Print Service: +.TP 0.4i +1. +configuring the X Print Server, +.TP 0.4i +2. +starting the X Print Service +.TP 0.4i +3. +configuring the user session so that clients can find the running X Print Service +.PP +.PP +The tasks are described in detail below. +.SH "SERVER CONFIGURATION" +The X Print Server (Xprt) can read a number of configuration files which +control its behavior and support for printers. Each vendor platform has +a default location for this information. Xprt can also read the +environment variable \fBXPCONFIGDIR\fR to locate alternate configuration +directories. Common settings include: + +export XPCONFIGDIR=/X11/lib/X11/XpConfig/ +.PP +export XPCONFIGDIR=/proj/x11/xc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/ + +.PP +Xprt has many built-in defaults, and lacking any configuration files, +will immediately try to support all printers visible via \fBlpstat\fR(1). +.PP +In order of importance for configuration by a system administrator, the +configuration files for a "C" locale are as follows (see \fBXprt\fR(__appmansuffix__) for more +details (including support for non-"C" locales)): +.TP +\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/Xprinters\fR +\&'Xprinters' is the top most configuration file. It tells +Xprt which specific printer names (e.g. mylaser) should +be supported, and whether \fBlpstat\fR(1) or other commands +should be used to automatically supplement the list of +printers. +.TP +\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/attributes/printer\fR +The 'printer' file maps printer names to model +configurations (see 'model-config' below). For example, +"mylaser" could be mapped to a "HPDJ1600C", and all other +arbitrary printers could be mapped to a default, such as +"HPLJ4SI". When depending on \fBlpstat\fR(1) in the Xprinters +file, setting up defaults in 'printer' becomes all the +more important. +.TP +\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/attributes/document\fR +The 'document' file specifies the initial document values +for any print jobs. For example, which paper tray to +use, what default resolution, etc. +.TP +\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/attributes/job\fR +The 'job' file specifies the initial job values for any +print jobs. For example, "notification-profile" can be +set so that when a print job is successfully sent to a +printer, e-mail is sent to the user. +.TP +\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/model\-config\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts/fonts.dir\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts/9nb00051.pmf\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/models/PSdefault/fonts/9nb00093.pmf\fR +The 'model-config' file has attributes that describe the +printer model\(cqs capabilities and default settings. +Printer model fonts may also be present. The model-config +file also identifies the print ddx driver to be used. +For each printer model supported, a complete hierarchy of +files should exist. In most cases, these files do not +need to be modified. +.TP +\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/ddx\-config/raster/pcl\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/ddx\-config/raster/pdf\fR, \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/ddx\-config/raster/postscript\fR +The print ddx drivers can have highly specific +configuration files to control their behavior. In most +cases, these files do not need to be modified. +.PP +More information in how to configure and customize the X print server can be found in the +\fBXprt\fR(__appmansuffix__) +manual page. +.SH "STARTING UP" +The summary checklist for starting the X Print Service is as follows: +.TP 0.4i +1. +Choose an execution model for the X Print Service. The X +Print Service can be run on a per-user session basis, per +machine basis, or can be run on a few machines globally +available to a number of users. +.TP 0.4i +2. +If print jobs are to be submitted to a spooler (almost always +the case), make sure all needed printers are available to the +spooler subsystem (most often \fBlp\fR(1)) +on the same machine running the X Print Service. +.TP 0.4i +3. +Configure the X Print Server. See ``X Print Server +Configuration''. +.TP 0.4i +4. +Depending on #1, start the X Print Server process "Xprt", and +then the toolkit-specific Print Dialog Manager Daemon process +(such as CDEnext's "dtpdmd") at the appropriate times. +Note that libXprintUtils-based applications/toolkits do not need +a Print Dialog Manager Daemon process to use Xprint. +.PP +The details are described below. +.PP +Because the X Print Service is based on X, it can be easily distributed. +The most significant factors in which execution model to choose will be +driven by: +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +how many printers will be accessable through the printer +subsystem on any given machine. A system administrator may +choose to cluster printers on a few given machines, or +scatter them across an organization and possibly make +extensive use of remote spoolers to make them globally +available. +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +how many machines will need a copy of the X Print Server +configuration files. The files have been architected so +that one super-set version of them can be maintained and +distributed (e.g. via NFS), and a per-machine or per-user +version of the `Xprinters' is all that is needed to have the +appropriate information in them utilized or ignored. +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +how many users can demand services from a given X Print +Service. +.PP +With the above in mind, some obvious execution models include: +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +Global - in this model, the system administrator is choosing +to run the X Print Service on a *few* select machines with +appropriate printers configured, and allow clients access to +the global resource. This can centralize the administration +of printers and configuration files, but may have to be +monitored for performance loading. + +Startup would likely be done by boot-up scripts (such as \fB/etc/init.d/xprint\fR). +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +Per-machine - every machine with potential X Print Service +users would run the service. Printer and configuration file +administration is decentralized, and usage would be limited +to the users on the machine. + +Startup would likely be done by boot-up scripts (such as \fB/etc/init.d/xprint\fR). +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +Per-user session - every user would run an entire X Print +Service for themselves. In the future, the Video X Server +normally started may contain Print X Server capability, so +this model becomes very natural. + +Startup would likely be done at session login or by +launching actions or processes manually once the user +logs in. Note: Deamons like "dtpdmd" must be started after Xprt. +.PP +.PP +Starting of the processes is straight forward. In strict order (example is for manually starting the X print server for CDEnext usage): +.TP 0.4i +1. + +.nf +[machineA] % Xprt [\-XpFile ] [:dispNum] & +.fi + + +Note that Xprt will look for configuration files in either +a default location or where \fBXPCONFIGDIR\fR points. + +\fB\-XpFile\fR specifies an alternate `Xprinters' file, rather +than the default one or `\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/Xprinters\fR'. +.TP 0.4i +2. + +.nf +[machineA] % dtpdmd \-d machineA[:dispNum] [\-l /tmp/dtpdmd.log] & +.fi + + +The dtpdmd will maintain an X-Selection on the X-Server, +and will start dtpdm's as required to service requests. +.PP +.PP +In all but the per-user session model, the machine running the dtpdmd +(thus dtpdm's) will need display authorization to the users video +display. +.SH "CLIENT CONFIGURATION" +Once a X Print Server and dtpdmd have been started -- many of them +in some cases -- clients will need to find and use them. There are +two mechanisms that allow clients to discover X Print Servers and +printers. +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +"X Print Specifier" - assuming usage of the DtPrint/XprintUtils-based print +applications, the following notation is understood: + + +.nf +printer_name@machine[:dispNum] +.fi + + +For example: + + +.nf +colorlj7@printhub:2 +.fi + + +In the above example, the X Print Server running at `printhub:2' +is assumed to support the printer named `colorlj7'. +.TP 0.2i +\(bu +\fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR - assuming usage of the DtPrint print dialogs, +the environment variable \fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR can contain a list +of X Print Servers. For example: + + +.nf +XPSERVERLIST="printhub:2 printhub:3 otherdept:0" +.fi + + +Then in the dialogs, only a printer name needs to be entered. +The dialog will then search the X Print Servers in \fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR +for a server than supports the printer, and then establish +contact. +.PP +.SH "END-USER SEQUENCE" +From most CDEnext applications, printing is accomplished by bringing +down the menu and selecting . This will result in +the DtPrintSetupBox dialog, which will request the name of a printer, +and offer limited capability to configure print options (e.g. number +of copies). If the user wishes, they can select , which +will start a dtpdm capable of modifying additional print options. +Finally, the user should select . +.SH ENVIRONMENT +.TP +\fB${XPCONFIGDIR}\fR +This environment variable points to the root +of the Xprint server configuration directory hierarchy. +If the variable is not defined, the default +path is be assumed. The default path may be +\fB/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver/\fR, +\fB/usr/lib/X11/xserver/\fR, +\fB/usr/share/Xprint/xserver/\fR or +\fB/usr/openwin/server/etc/XpConfig\fR, depending on the +system, and may be configured in \fB/etc/init.d/xprint\fR. +.TP +\fB${LANG}\fR +This environment variable selects the locale settings used by the Xprint server. +Xprt allows language-specific settings (stored in \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/${LANG}/print/\fR) +which will override the default settings (stored in \fB${XPCONFIGDIR}/C/print/\fR). +If \fB${LANG}\fR is not set "C" is assumed. +.TP +\fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR +The environment variable \fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR contains a list +of display identifiers (separated by whitespace) which tell an +application where it can find the Xprint servers. Usually +\fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR is set by the profile startup scripts (e.g. +\fB/etc/profile\fR or \fB/etc/profile.d/xprint.sh\fR) using the output of +\fB/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist\fR. + +Example: + +.nf + + export XPSERVERLIST="`/etc/init.d/xprint get_xpserverlist`" +.fi + + +Alternatively \fB${XPSERVERLIST}\fR can be set +manually. Example: + +.nf + + export XPSERVERLIST="littlecat:80 bitdog:72" +.fi + +instructs an application to find an Xprint server at display +80 on the machine "littlecat" and at display 72 on the +machine bigdog. +.TP +\fB${XPRINTER}\fR +The environment variable \fB${XPRINTER}\fR +defines the default printer used by print +applications. The syntax is either +\fIprintername\fR or +\fIprintername\fR@\fIdisplay\fR. + +Examples: +.RS +.TP +\fBXPRINTER=ps003\fR +tells an application to look for the +first printer named "ps003" on all Xprint +servers. +.TP +\fBXPRINTER=hplaser19@littlecat:80\fR +tells an application to use the printer "hplaser19" +on the Xprint server at display +"littlecat:80". +.RE + + +If \fB${XPRINTER}\fR is not set the applications +will examine the values of the \fB${PDPRINTER}\fR, +\fB${LPDEST}\fR, and +\fB${PRINTER}\fR environment variables (in that order). +.SH "SEE ALSO" +\fBX11\fR(__miscmansuffix__), \fBxplsprinters\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxprehashprinterlist\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxphelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxpxmhelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxpawhelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxpxthelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBxpsimplehelloworld\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBXserver\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBXprt\fR(__appmansuffix__), \fBlibXp\fR(__libmansuffix__), \fBlibXprintUtils\fR(__libmansuffix__), \fBlibXprintAppUtils\fR(__libmansuffix__), \fBXmPrintShell\fR(__libmansuffix__), \fBXawPrintShell\fR(__libmansuffix__), Xprint FAQ (http://xprint.mozdev.org/docs/Xprint_FAQ.html), Xprint main site (http://xprint.mozdev.org/) +.SH AUTHORS +This manual page was written by +Roland Mainz based on the original X11R6.6 +\fBxc/programs/Xserver/XpConfig/README\fR.