# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= joe VERSION= 4.6 REVISION= 3 KEYWORDS= editors VARIANTS= standard SDESC[standard]= Joe's Own Editor HOMEPAGE= https://sourceforge.net/projects/joe-editor/ CONTACT= nobody DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= SF/joe-editor/JOE%20sources/joe-4.6 DISTFILE[1]= joe-4.6.tar.gz:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[standard]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= none OPTIONS_STANDARD= none BUILD_DEPENDS= ncurses60:single:standard RUN_DEPENDS= ncurses:primary:standard USES= gmake iconv desktop-utils:single FPC_EQUIVALENT= editors/joe MUST_CONFIGURE= gnu BUILD_TARGET= joe INSTALL_REQ_TOOLCHAIN= yes CFLAGS= -I{{LOCALBASE}}/ncurses60/include LDFLAGS= -L{{LOCALBASE}}/ncurses60/lib post-patch: ${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's|docs/README.old docs/man.md ||' \ ${WRKSRC}/Makefile.in post-install: ${RM} -r ${STAGEDIR}${STD_DOCDIR} for rc in jmacsrc joerc jpicorc jstarrc rjoerc; do \ ${MV} ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/joe/$${rc} \ ${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/joe/$${rc}.sample ; \ done [FILE:670:descriptions/desc.single] JOE is the professional freeware ASCII text screen editor for UNIX. It makes full use of the power and versatility of UNIX, but lacks the steep learning curve and basic nonsense you have to deal with in every other UNIX editor. JOE has the feel of most IBM PC text editors: the key-sequences are reminiscent of WordStar and Turbo-C. JOE is much more powerful than those editors, however. JOE has all of the features a UNIX user should expect: full use of termcap/terminfo, excellent screen update optimizations (JOE is fully usable at 2400 baud), simple installation, and all of the UNIX-integration features of VI. JOE now has UTF-8 support and Syntax Highlighting. [FILE:93:distinfo] 495a0a61f26404070fe8a719d80406dc7f337623788e445b92a9f6de512ab9de 1895046 joe-4.6.tar.gz [FILE:1494:manifests/plist.single] @sample etc/joe/jmacsrc.sample @sample etc/joe/joerc.sample @sample etc/joe/jpicorc.sample @sample etc/joe/jstarrc.sample @sample etc/joe/rjoerc.sample bin/ jmacs joe jpico jstar rjoe etc/joe/ ftyperc jicerc.ru joerc.zh_TW shell.csh shell.sh share/applications/ jmacs.desktop joe.desktop jpico.desktop jstar.desktop share/joe/charmaps/klingon share/joe/colors/ default.jcf gruvbox.jcf ir_black.jcf molokai.jcf solarized.jcf wombat.jcf xoria.jcf zenburn-hc.jcf zenburn.jcf share/joe/lang/ de.po fr.po ru.po uk.po zh_TW.po share/joe/syntax/ 4gl.jsf ada.jsf ant.jsf asm.jsf avr.jsf awk.jsf batch.jsf c.jsf clojure.jsf cobol.jsf coffee.jsf comment_todo.jsf conf.jsf context.jsf csh.jsf csharp.jsf css.jsf d.jsf debian.jsf diff.jsf dockerfile.jsf elixir.jsf erb.jsf erlang.jsf filename.jsf fortran.jsf git-commit.jsf go.jsf groovy.jsf haml.jsf haskell.jsf html.jsf htmlerb.jsf ini.jsf iptables.jsf java.jsf jcf.jsf joerc.jsf js.jsf jsf.jsf jsf_check.jsf json.jsf lisp.jsf lua.jsf m4.jsf mail.jsf mason.jsf matlab.jsf md.jsf ocaml.jsf pascal.jsf perl.jsf php.jsf powershell.jsf prolog.jsf properties.jsf ps.jsf puppet.jsf python.jsf r.jsf rexx.jsf ruby.jsf rust.jsf scala.jsf sed.jsf sh.jsf sieve.jsf skill.jsf sml.jsf spec.jsf sql.jsf swift.jsf tcl.jsf tex.jsf troff.jsf typescript.jsf verilog.jsf vhdl.jsf whitespace.jsf xml.jsf yaml.jsf share/man/man1/joe.1.gz share/man/ru/man1/joe.1.gz