# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= python-css-html-js-minify VERSION= 2.5.5 KEYWORDS= python VARIANTS= py38 py37 SDESC[py37]= CSS HTML JS Minifier (PY37) SDESC[py38]= CSS HTML JS Minifier (PY38) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/juancarlospaco/css-html-js-minify#css-html-js-minify CONTACT= Python_Automaton[python@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= PYPI/c/css-html-js-minify DISTFILE[1]= css-html-js-minify-2.5.5.zip:main DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[py37]= single SPKGS[py38]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= PY38 PY37 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[py37]= PY38=OFF PY37=ON VOPTS[py38]= PY38=ON PY37=OFF DISTNAME= css-html-js-minify-2.5.5 GENERATED= yes [PY37].USES_ON= python:py37 [PY38].USES_ON= python:py38 [FILE:3338:descriptions/desc.single] # css-html-js-minify Async single-file cross-platform no-dependencies Minifier for the Web. [GPL License] [LGPL License] [Python Version] [Travis report] ![screenshot] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/css-html-js-minify ```shell css-html-js-minify.py --help usage: css-html-js-minify.py [-h] [--version] [--wrap] [--prefix PREFIX] [--timestamp] [--quiet] [--hash] [--zipy] [--sort] [--comments] [--overwrite] [--after AFTER] [--before BEFORE] [--watch] [--multiple] [--beep] fullpath CSS-HTML-JS-Minify. StandAlone Async cross-platform Unicode-ready Python3-ready Minifier for the Web. positional arguments: fullpath Full path to local file or folder. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show programs version number and exit --wrap Wrap output to ~80 chars per line, CSS only. --prefix PREFIX Prefix string to prepend on output filenames. --timestamp Add a Time Stamp on all CSS/JS output files. --quiet Quiet, Silent, force disable all logging. --hash Add SHA1 HEX-Digest 11chars Hash to Filenames. --zipy GZIP Minified files as '*.gz', CSS/JS only. --sort Alphabetically Sort CSS Properties, CSS only. --comments Keep comments, CSS/HTML only (Not Recommended) --overwrite Force overwrite all in-place (Not Recommended) --after AFTER Command to execute after run (Experimental). --before BEFORE Command to execute before run (Experimental). --watch Re-Compress if file changes (Experimental). --multiple Allow Multiple instances (Not Recommended). CSS-HTML-JS-Minify: Takes a file or folder full path string and process all CSS/HTML/JS found. If argument is not file/folder will fail. Check Updates works on Python3. Std-In to Std-Out is deprecated since it may fail with unicode characters. SHA1 HEX-Digest 11 Chars Hash on Filenames is used for Server Cache. CSS Properties are Alpha-Sorted, to help spot cloned ones, Selectors not. Watch works for whole folders, with minimum of ~60 Secs between runs. ``` - Takes a full path to anything, a file or a folder, then parse, optimize and compress for Production. - If full path is a folder with multiple files it will use Async Multiprocessing. - Pretty-Printed colored Logging to Standard Output and Log File on OS Temporary Folder. - Set its own Process name and show up on Process lists. - Can check for updates for itself. - Full Unicode/UTF-8 support. - Smooth CPU usage, Single Instance Checking. - Can Obfuscate, GZIP and Hash files, also Watch for changes on files. - Can execute arbitrary commands after and before running. - `*.css` files are saved as `*.min.css`, `*.js` are saved as `*.min.js`, `*.htm` are saved as `*.html` # Screenshots **Linux:** ![screenshot] **Apple Mac Os X:** [ *(Provided by Loggerhead)*] ![screenshot] ![screenshot] **MS Windows:** ![screenshot] # Command-line usage ```bash css-html-js-minify.py file.htm css-html-js-minify.py file.css css-html-js-minify.py file.js css-html-js-minify.py /project/static/ ``` # Python code usage ```python from css_html_js_minify import process_single_html_file, [FILE:107:distinfo] 4a9f11f7e0496f5284d12111f3ba4ff5ff2023d12f15d195c9c48bd97013746c 33156 css-html-js-minify-2.5.5.zip