# Buildsheet autogenerated by ravenadm tool -- Do not edit. NAMEBASE= ruby-sqlite3 VERSION= 1.5.3 KEYWORDS= ruby VARIANTS= v27 v30 v31 SDESC[v27]= Interface with SQLite3 database engine (v27) SDESC[v30]= Interface with SQLite3 database engine (v30) SDESC[v31]= Interface with SQLite3 database engine (v31) HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/sparklemotion/sqlite3-ruby CONTACT= Ruby_Automaton[ruby@ironwolf.systems] DOWNLOAD_GROUPS= main SITES[main]= RUBYGEMS/ DISTFILE[1]= sqlite3-1.5.3.gem:main DIST_SUBDIR= ruby DF_INDEX= 1 SPKGS[v27]= single SPKGS[v30]= single SPKGS[v31]= single OPTIONS_AVAILABLE= RUBY27 RUBY30 RUBY31 OPTIONS_STANDARD= none VOPTS[v27]= RUBY27=ON RUBY30=OFF RUBY31=OFF VOPTS[v30]= RUBY27=OFF RUBY30=ON RUBY31=OFF VOPTS[v31]= RUBY27=OFF RUBY30=OFF RUBY31=ON USES= sqlite DISTNAME= sqlite3-1.5.3 GENERATED= yes CONFIGURE_ARGS= --enable-system-libraries [RUBY30].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= ruby-mini_portile2:single:v30 [RUBY30].USES_ON= gem:v30 [RUBY31].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= ruby-mini_portile2:single:v31 [RUBY31].USES_ON= gem:v31 [RUBY27].BUILDRUN_DEPENDS_ON= ruby-mini_portile2:single:v27 [RUBY27].USES_ON= gem:v27 [FILE:249:descriptions/desc.single] This module allows Ruby programs to interface with the SQLite3 database engine (http://www.sqlite.org). You must have the SQLite engine installed in order to build this module. Note that this module is only compatible with SQLite 3.6.16 or newer. [FILE:101:distinfo] 66524f404db0b697620b601dea6381b139e9ce6f47e8eb628759c8d6ddcb25c5 3134976 ruby/sqlite3-1.5.3.gem