#!/usr/local/bin/rune -x # # Demonstrate the use of compound types. # limport "sys"; import "stdio"; alias stdio.File *stdout = stdio.stdout; class Test { int a = 1; __align(4) int64_t b = 23; int64_t c = -1; uint64_t d = -1; } int main(int ac, char **av) { Test x[2]; stdout->show("Sizeof(x) should be 64:", sizeof(x)); stdout->show("x.a should be 1:", x[1].a); stdout->show("x.b should be 23:", x[1].b); stdout->show("x.c should be -1:", x[1].c); stdout->show("x.d should be 18446744073709551615:", x[1].d); return(0); }