/* * Copyright (c) 2016 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project * by Bill Yuan * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific, prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../../sys/net/ipfw3/ip_fw3.h" #include "../../sys/net/ipfw3/ip_fw3_table.h" #include "../../sys/net/ipfw3/ip_fw3_sync.h" #include "../../sys/net/dummynet3/ip_dummynet3.h" #include "../../sys/net/libalias/alias.h" #include "../../sys/net/ipfw3_basic/ip_fw3_basic.h" #include "../../sys/net/ipfw3_nat/ip_fw3_nat.h" #include "ipfw3.h" #include "ipfw3nat.h" extern int verbose; extern int do_time; extern int do_quiet; extern int do_force; struct char_int_map nat_params[] = { { "ip", TOK_IP }, { "if", TOK_IF }, { "log", TOK_ALOG }, { "deny_in", TOK_DENY_INC }, { "same_ports", TOK_SAME_PORTS }, { "unreg_only", TOK_UNREG_ONLY }, { "reset", TOK_RESET_ADDR }, { "reverse", TOK_ALIAS_REV }, { "proxy_only", TOK_PROXY_ONLY }, { "redirect_addr", TOK_REDIR_ADDR }, { "redirect_port", TOK_REDIR_PORT }, { "redirect_proto", TOK_REDIR_PROTO }, { NULL, 0 }, }; void nat_config(int ac, char **av) { struct cfg_nat *n; /* Nat instance configuration. */ int i, len, off, tok; char *id, buf[NAT_BUF_LEN]; /* Buffer for serialized data. */ len = NAT_BUF_LEN; /* Offset in buf: save space for n at the beginning. */ off = sizeof(struct cfg_nat); memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); n = (struct cfg_nat *)buf; NEXT_ARG; /* Nat id. */ if (ac && isdigit(**av)) { id = *av; i = atoi(*av); NEXT_ARG; n->id = i; } else errx(EX_DATAERR, "missing nat id"); if (ac == 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "missing option"); while (ac > 0) { tok = match_token(nat_params, *av); NEXT_ARG; switch (tok) { case TOK_IP: if (ac == 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "missing option"); if (!inet_aton(av[0], &(n->ip))) errx(EX_DATAERR, "bad ip addr `%s'", av[0]); NEXT_ARG; break; case TOK_IF: if (ac == 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "missing option"); set_addr_dynamic(av[0], n); NEXT_ARG; break; case TOK_ALOG: n->mode |= PKT_ALIAS_LOG; break; case TOK_DENY_INC: n->mode |= PKT_ALIAS_DENY_INCOMING; break; case TOK_SAME_PORTS: n->mode |= PKT_ALIAS_SAME_PORTS; break; case TOK_UNREG_ONLY: n->mode |= PKT_ALIAS_UNREGISTERED_ONLY; break; case TOK_RESET_ADDR: n->mode |= PKT_ALIAS_RESET_ON_ADDR_CHANGE; break; case TOK_ALIAS_REV: n->mode |= PKT_ALIAS_REVERSE; break; case TOK_PROXY_ONLY: n->mode |= PKT_ALIAS_PROXY_ONLY; break; /* * All the setup_redir_* functions work * directly in the final * buffer, see above for details. */ case TOK_REDIR_ADDR: case TOK_REDIR_PORT: case TOK_REDIR_PROTO: switch (tok) { case TOK_REDIR_ADDR: i = setup_redir_addr(&buf[off], len, &ac, &av); break; case TOK_REDIR_PORT: i = setup_redir_port(&buf[off], len, &ac, &av); break; case TOK_REDIR_PROTO: i = setup_redir_proto(&buf[off], len, &ac, &av); break; } n->redir_cnt++; off += i; len -= i; break; default: errx(EX_DATAERR, "unrecognised option ``%s''", av[-1]); } } i = do_set_x(IP_FW_NAT_ADD, buf, off); if (i) { err(1, "do_set_x(%s)", "IP_FW_NAT_ADD"); } /* After every modification, we show the resultant rule. */ int _ac = 2; char *_av[] = {"config", id}; nat_show(_ac, _av); } void nat_show_config(char *buf) { struct cfg_nat *n; struct cfg_redir *t; struct cfg_spool *s; struct protoent *p; int i, cnt, flag, off; n = (struct cfg_nat *)buf; flag = 1; off = sizeof(*n); printf("ipfw3 nat %u config", n->id); if (strlen(n->if_name) != 0) printf(" if %s", n->if_name); else if (n->ip.s_addr != 0) printf(" ip %s", inet_ntoa(n->ip)); while (n->mode != 0) { if (n->mode & PKT_ALIAS_LOG) { printf(" log"); n->mode &= ~PKT_ALIAS_LOG; } else if (n->mode & PKT_ALIAS_DENY_INCOMING) { printf(" deny_in"); n->mode &= ~PKT_ALIAS_DENY_INCOMING; } else if (n->mode & PKT_ALIAS_SAME_PORTS) { printf(" same_ports"); n->mode &= ~PKT_ALIAS_SAME_PORTS; } else if (n->mode & PKT_ALIAS_UNREGISTERED_ONLY) { printf(" unreg_only"); n->mode &= ~PKT_ALIAS_UNREGISTERED_ONLY; } else if (n->mode & PKT_ALIAS_RESET_ON_ADDR_CHANGE) { printf(" reset"); n->mode &= ~PKT_ALIAS_RESET_ON_ADDR_CHANGE; } else if (n->mode & PKT_ALIAS_REVERSE) { printf(" reverse"); n->mode &= ~PKT_ALIAS_REVERSE; } else if (n->mode & PKT_ALIAS_PROXY_ONLY) { printf(" proxy_only"); n->mode &= ~PKT_ALIAS_PROXY_ONLY; } } /* Print all the redirect's data configuration. */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < n->redir_cnt; cnt++) { t = (struct cfg_redir *)&buf[off]; off += SOF_REDIR; switch (t->mode) { case REDIR_ADDR: printf(" redirect_addr"); if (t->spool_cnt == 0) { printf(" %s", inet_ntoa(t->laddr)); } else { for (i = 0; i < t->spool_cnt; i++) { s = (struct cfg_spool *)&buf[off]; if (i) printf(", "); else printf(" "); printf("%s", inet_ntoa(s->addr)); off += SOF_SPOOL; } } printf(" %s", inet_ntoa(t->paddr)); break; case REDIR_PORT: p = getprotobynumber(t->proto); printf(" redirect_port %s ", p->p_name); if (!t->spool_cnt) { printf("%s:%u", inet_ntoa(t->laddr), t->lport); if (t->pport_cnt > 1) { printf("-%u", t->lport + t->pport_cnt - 1); } } else for (i=0; i < t->spool_cnt; i++) { s = (struct cfg_spool *)&buf[off]; if (i) { printf(", "); } printf("%s:%u", inet_ntoa(s->addr), s->port); off += SOF_SPOOL; } printf(" "); if (t->paddr.s_addr) { printf("%s:", inet_ntoa(t->paddr)); } printf("%u", t->pport); if (!t->spool_cnt && t->pport_cnt > 1) { printf("-%u", t->pport + t->pport_cnt - 1); } if (t->raddr.s_addr) { printf(" %s", inet_ntoa(t->raddr)); if (t->rport) { printf(":%u", t->rport); if (!t->spool_cnt && t->rport_cnt > 1) { printf("-%u", t->rport + t->rport_cnt - 1); } } } break; case REDIR_PROTO: p = getprotobynumber(t->proto); printf(" redirect_proto %s %s", p->p_name, inet_ntoa(t->laddr)); if (t->paddr.s_addr != 0) { printf(" %s", inet_ntoa(t->paddr)); if (t->raddr.s_addr) { printf(" %s", inet_ntoa(t->raddr)); } } break; default: errx(EX_DATAERR, "unknown redir mode"); break; } } printf("\n"); } void nat_show(int ac, char **av) { struct cfg_nat *n; struct cfg_redir *e; int i, nbytes, nalloc, size; int nat_cnt, redir_cnt, nat_id; uint8_t *data; nalloc = 1024; size = 0; data = NULL; NEXT_ARG; if (ac == 0) nat_id = 0; else nat_id = strtoul(*av, NULL, 10); nbytes = nalloc; while (nbytes >= nalloc) { nalloc = nalloc * 2; nbytes = nalloc; if ((data = realloc(data, nbytes)) == NULL) { err(EX_OSERR, "realloc"); } if (do_get_x(IP_FW_NAT_GET, data, &nbytes) < 0) { err(EX_OSERR, "do_get_x(IP_FW_NAT_GET)"); } } if (nbytes == 0) { exit(EX_OK); } nat_cnt = *((int *)data); for (i = sizeof(nat_cnt); nat_cnt; nat_cnt--) { n = (struct cfg_nat *)&data[i]; if (n->id >= 0 && n->id <= IPFW_DEFAULT_RULE) { if (nat_id == 0 || n->id == nat_id) nat_show_config(&data[i]); } i += sizeof(struct cfg_nat); for (redir_cnt = 0; redir_cnt < n->redir_cnt; redir_cnt++) { e = (struct cfg_redir *)&data[i]; i += sizeof(struct cfg_redir) + e->spool_cnt * sizeof(struct cfg_spool); } } } int setup_redir_port(char *spool_buf, int len, int *_ac, char ***_av) { char **av, *sep, *protoName; char tmp_spool_buf[NAT_BUF_LEN]; int ac, space, lsnat; struct cfg_redir *r; struct cfg_spool *tmp; u_short numLocalPorts; port_range portRange; av = *_av; ac = *_ac; space = 0; lsnat = 0; numLocalPorts = 0; if (len >= SOF_REDIR) { r = (struct cfg_redir *)spool_buf; /* Skip cfg_redir at beginning of buf. */ spool_buf = &spool_buf[SOF_REDIR]; space = SOF_REDIR; len -= SOF_REDIR; } else { goto nospace; } r->mode = REDIR_PORT; /* * Extract protocol. */ if (ac == 0) errx (EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port: missing protocol"); r->proto = str2proto(*av); protoName = *av; INC_ARGCV(); /* * Extract local address. */ if (ac == 0) errx (EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port: missing local address"); sep = strchr(*av, ','); /* LSNAT redirection syntax. */ if (sep) { r->laddr.s_addr = INADDR_NONE; r->lport = ~0; numLocalPorts = 1; /* Preserve av, copy spool servers to tmp_spool_buf. */ strncpy(tmp_spool_buf, *av, strlen(*av)+1); lsnat = 1; } else { if (str2addr_portrange (*av, &r->laddr, protoName, &portRange) != 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port:" "invalid local port range"); r->lport = GETLOPORT(portRange); numLocalPorts = GETNUMPORTS(portRange); } INC_ARGCV(); /* * Extract public port and optionally address. */ if (ac == 0) errx (EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port: missing public port"); sep = strchr (*av, ':'); if (sep) { if (str2addr_portrange (*av, &r->paddr, protoName, &portRange) != 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port:" "invalid public port range"); } else { r->paddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (str2portrange(*av, protoName, &portRange) != 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port:" "invalid public port range"); } r->pport = GETLOPORT(portRange); r->pport_cnt = GETNUMPORTS(portRange); INC_ARGCV(); /* * Extract remote address and optionally port. */ /* * NB: isalpha(**av) => we've to check that next parameter is really an * option for this redirect entry, else stop here processing arg[cv]. */ if (ac != 0 && !isalpha(**av)) { sep = strchr (*av, ':'); if (sep) { if (str2addr_portrange (*av, &r->raddr, protoName, &portRange) != 0) { errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port:" "invalid remote port range"); } } else { SETLOPORT(portRange, 0); SETNUMPORTS(portRange, 1); str2addr (*av, &r->raddr); } INC_ARGCV(); } else { SETLOPORT(portRange, 0); SETNUMPORTS(portRange, 1); r->raddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } r->rport = GETLOPORT(portRange); r->rport_cnt = GETNUMPORTS(portRange); /* * Make sure port ranges match up, then add the redirect ports. */ if (numLocalPorts != r->pport_cnt) { errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port:" "port ranges must be equal in size"); } /* Remote port range is allowed to be '0' which means all ports. */ if (r->rport_cnt != numLocalPorts && (r->rport_cnt != 1 || r->rport != 0)) { errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port: remote port must" "be 0 or equal to local port range in size"); } /* * Setup LSNAT server pool. */ if (lsnat) { sep = strtok(tmp_spool_buf, ", "); while (sep != NULL) { tmp = (struct cfg_spool *)spool_buf; if (len < SOF_SPOOL) goto nospace; len -= SOF_SPOOL; space += SOF_SPOOL; if (str2addr_portrange(sep, &tmp->addr, protoName, &portRange) != 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port:" "invalid local port range"); if (GETNUMPORTS(portRange) != 1) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port: local port" "must be single in this context"); tmp->port = GETLOPORT(portRange); r->spool_cnt++; /* Point to the next possible cfg_spool. */ spool_buf = &spool_buf[SOF_SPOOL]; sep = strtok(NULL, ", "); } } return (space); nospace: errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_port: buf is too small\n"); } int setup_redir_proto(char *spool_buf, int len, int *_ac, char ***_av) { struct protoent *protoent; struct cfg_redir *r; int ac, i, space; char **av; i=0; av = *_av; ac = *_ac; if (len >= SOF_REDIR) { r = (struct cfg_redir *)spool_buf; /* Skip cfg_redir at beginning of buf. */ spool_buf = &spool_buf[SOF_REDIR]; space = SOF_REDIR; len -= SOF_REDIR; } else { goto nospace; } r->mode = REDIR_PROTO; /* * Extract protocol. */ if (ac == 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_proto: missing protocol"); protoent = getprotobyname(*av); if (protoent == NULL) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_proto: unknown protocol %s", *av); else r->proto = protoent->p_proto; INC_ARGCV(); /* * Extract local address. */ if (ac == 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_proto: missing local address"); else str2addr(*av, &r->laddr); INC_ARGCV(); /* * Extract optional public address. */ if (ac == 0) { r->paddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; r->raddr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } else { /* see above in setup_redir_port() */ if (!isalpha(**av)) { str2addr(*av, &r->paddr); INC_ARGCV(); /* * Extract optional remote address. */ /* see above in setup_redir_port() */ if (ac != 0 && !isalpha(**av)) { str2addr(*av, &r->raddr); INC_ARGCV(); } } } return (space); nospace: errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_proto: buf is too small\n"); } int str2proto(const char* str) { if (!strcmp (str, "tcp")) return IPPROTO_TCP; if (!strcmp (str, "udp")) return IPPROTO_UDP; errx (EX_DATAERR, "unknown protocol %s. Expected tcp or udp", str); } int str2addr_portrange (const char* str, struct in_addr* addr, char* proto, port_range *portRange) { char* ptr; ptr = strchr (str, ':'); if (!ptr) errx (EX_DATAERR, "%s is missing port number", str); *ptr = '\0'; ++ptr; str2addr (str, addr); return str2portrange (ptr, proto, portRange); } /* * Search for interface with name "ifn", and fill n accordingly: * * n->ip ip address of interface "ifn" * n->if_name copy of interface name "ifn" */ void set_addr_dynamic(const char *ifn, struct cfg_nat *n) { struct if_msghdr *ifm; struct ifa_msghdr *ifam; struct sockaddr_dl *sdl; struct sockaddr_in *sin; char *buf, *lim, *next; size_t needed; int mib[6]; int ifIndex, ifMTU; mib[0] = CTL_NET; mib[1] = PF_ROUTE; mib[2] = 0; mib[3] = AF_INET; mib[4] = NET_RT_IFLIST; mib[5] = 0; /* * Get interface data. */ if (sysctl(mib, 6, NULL, &needed, NULL, 0) == -1) err(1, "iflist-sysctl-estimate"); if ((buf = malloc(needed)) == NULL) errx(1, "malloc failed"); if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf, &needed, NULL, 0) == -1) err(1, "iflist-sysctl-get"); lim = buf + needed; /* * Loop through interfaces until one with * given name is found. This is done to * find correct interface index for routing * message processing. */ ifIndex = 0; next = buf; while (next < lim) { ifm = (struct if_msghdr *)next; next += ifm->ifm_msglen; if (ifm->ifm_version != RTM_VERSION) { if (verbose) warnx("routing message version %d " "not understood", ifm->ifm_version); continue; } if (ifm->ifm_type == RTM_IFINFO) { sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(ifm + 1); if (strlen(ifn) == sdl->sdl_nlen && strncmp(ifn, sdl->sdl_data, sdl->sdl_nlen) == 0) { ifIndex = ifm->ifm_index; ifMTU = ifm->ifm_data.ifi_mtu; break; } } } if (!ifIndex) errx(1, "unknown interface name %s", ifn); /* * Get interface address. */ sin = NULL; while (next < lim) { ifam = (struct ifa_msghdr *)next; next += ifam->ifam_msglen; if (ifam->ifam_version != RTM_VERSION) { if (verbose) warnx("routing message version %d " "not understood", ifam->ifam_version); continue; } if (ifam->ifam_type != RTM_NEWADDR) break; if (ifam->ifam_addrs & RTA_IFA) { int i; char *cp = (char *)(ifam + 1); for (i = 1; i < RTA_IFA; i <<= 1) { if (ifam->ifam_addrs & i) cp += SA_SIZE((struct sockaddr *)cp); } if (((struct sockaddr *)cp)->sa_family == AF_INET) { sin = (struct sockaddr_in *)cp; break; } } } if (sin == NULL) errx(1, "%s: cannot get interface address", ifn); n->ip = sin->sin_addr; strncpy(n->if_name, ifn, IF_NAMESIZE); free(buf); } int setup_redir_addr(char *spool_buf, int len, int *_ac, char ***_av) { struct cfg_redir *r; struct cfg_spool *tmp; char **av, *sep; char tmp_spool_buf[NAT_BUF_LEN]; int ac, i, space, lsnat; i=0; av = *_av; ac = *_ac; space = 0; lsnat = 0; if (len >= SOF_REDIR) { r = (struct cfg_redir *)spool_buf; /* Skip cfg_redir at beginning of buf. */ spool_buf = &spool_buf[SOF_REDIR]; space = SOF_REDIR; len -= SOF_REDIR; } else { goto nospace; } r->mode = REDIR_ADDR; /* Extract local address. */ if (ac == 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_addr: missing local address"); sep = strchr(*av, ','); if (sep) { /* LSNAT redirection syntax. */ r->laddr.s_addr = INADDR_NONE; /* Preserve av, copy spool servers to tmp_spool_buf. */ strncpy(tmp_spool_buf, *av, strlen(*av)+1); lsnat = 1; } else { str2addr(*av, &r->laddr); } INC_ARGCV(); /* Extract public address. */ if (ac == 0) errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_addr: missing public address"); str2addr(*av, &r->paddr); INC_ARGCV(); /* Setup LSNAT server pool. */ if (sep) { sep = strtok(tmp_spool_buf, ", "); while (sep != NULL) { tmp = (struct cfg_spool *)spool_buf; if (len < SOF_SPOOL) goto nospace; len -= SOF_SPOOL; space += SOF_SPOOL; str2addr(sep, &tmp->addr); tmp->port = ~0; r->spool_cnt++; /* Point to the next possible cfg_spool. */ spool_buf = &spool_buf[SOF_SPOOL]; sep = strtok(NULL, ", "); } } return(space); nospace: errx(EX_DATAERR, "redirect_addr: buf is too small\n"); } void str2addr(const char* str, struct in_addr* addr) { struct hostent* hp; if (inet_aton (str, addr)) return; hp = gethostbyname (str); if (!hp) errx (1, "unknown host %s", str); memcpy (addr, hp->h_addr, sizeof (struct in_addr)); } int str2portrange(const char* str, const char* proto, port_range *portRange) { struct servent* sp; char* sep; char* end; u_short loPort, hiPort; /* First see if this is a service, return corresponding port if so. */ sp = getservbyname (str, proto); if (sp) { SETLOPORT(*portRange, ntohs(sp->s_port)); SETNUMPORTS(*portRange, 1); return 0; } /* Not a service, see if it's a single port or port range. */ sep = strchr (str, '-'); if (sep == NULL) { SETLOPORT(*portRange, strtol(str, &end, 10)); if (end != str) { /* Single port. */ SETNUMPORTS(*portRange, 1); return 0; } /* Error in port range field. */ errx (EX_DATAERR, "%s/%s: unknown service", str, proto); } /* Port range, get the values and sanity check. */ sscanf (str, "%hu-%hu", &loPort, &hiPort); SETLOPORT(*portRange, loPort); SETNUMPORTS(*portRange, 0); /* Error by default */ if (loPort <= hiPort) SETNUMPORTS(*portRange, hiPort - loPort + 1); if (GETNUMPORTS(*portRange) == 0) errx (EX_DATAERR, "invalid port range %s", str); return 0; } void nat_delete_config(int ac, char *av[]) { NEXT_ARG; int i = 0; if (ac > 0) { i = atoi(*av); } if (do_set_x(IP_FW_NAT_DEL, &i, sizeof(i)) == -1) errx(EX_USAGE, "NAT %d in use or not exists", i); } void nat_show_state(int ac, char **av) { int nbytes, nalloc; int nat_id; uint8_t *data; nalloc = 1024; data = NULL; NEXT_ARG; if (ac == 0) nat_id = 0; else nat_id = strtoul(*av, NULL, 10); nbytes = nalloc; while (nbytes >= nalloc) { nalloc = nalloc * 2; nbytes = nalloc; if ((data = realloc(data, nbytes)) == NULL) { err(EX_OSERR, "realloc"); } memcpy(data, &nat_id, sizeof(int)); if (do_get_x(IP_FW_NAT_GET_RECORD, data, &nbytes) < 0) { err(EX_OSERR, "do_get_x(IP_FW_NAT_GET_RECORD)"); } } if (nbytes == 0) exit(EX_OK); struct ipfw_ioc_nat_state *nat_state; nat_state =(struct ipfw_ioc_nat_state *)data; int count = nbytes / sizeof( struct ipfw_ioc_nat_state); int i, uptime_sec; uptime_sec = get_kern_boottime(); for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) { printf("#%d ", nat_state->cpuid); printf("%s:%hu => ",inet_ntoa(nat_state->src_addr), htons(nat_state->src_port)); printf("%s:%hu",inet_ntoa(nat_state->alias_addr), htons(nat_state->alias_port)); printf(" -> %s:%hu ",inet_ntoa(nat_state->dst_addr), htons(nat_state->dst_port)); if (do_time == 1) { char timestr[30]; time_t t = _long_to_time(uptime_sec + nat_state->timestamp); strcpy(timestr, ctime(&t)); *strchr(timestr, '\n') = '\0'; printf("%s ", timestr); } else if (do_time == 2) { printf( "%10u ", uptime_sec + nat_state->timestamp); } struct protoent *pe = getprotobynumber(nat_state->link_type); printf("%s ", pe->p_name); printf(" %s", nat_state->is_outgoing? "out": "in"); printf("\n"); nat_state++; } } int get_kern_boottime(void) { struct timeval boottime; size_t size; int mib[2]; mib[0] = CTL_KERN; mib[1] = KERN_BOOTTIME; size = sizeof(boottime); if (sysctl(mib, 2, &boottime, &size, NULL, 0) != -1 && boottime.tv_sec != 0) { return boottime.tv_sec; } return -1; } void nat_flush() { int cmd = IP_FW_NAT_FLUSH; if (!do_force) { int c; printf("Are you sure? [yn] "); fflush(stdout); do { c = toupper(getc(stdin)); while (c != '\n' && getc(stdin) != '\n') if (feof(stdin)) return; /* and do not flush */ } while (c != 'Y' && c != 'N'); if (c == 'N') /* user said no */ return; } if (do_set_x(cmd, NULL, 0) < 0 ) { errx(EX_USAGE, "NAT configuration in use"); } if (!do_quiet) { printf("Flushed all nat configurations"); } } void nat_main(int ac, char **av) { if (!strncmp(*av, "config", strlen(*av))) { nat_config(ac, av); } else if (!strncmp(*av, "flush", strlen(*av))) { nat_flush(); } else if (!strncmp(*av, "show", strlen(*av)) || !strncmp(*av, "list", strlen(*av))) { if (ac > 2 && isdigit(*(av[1]))) { char *p = av[1]; av[1] = av[2]; av[2] = p; } NEXT_ARG; if (!strncmp(*av, "config", strlen(*av))) { nat_show(ac, av); } else if (!strncmp(*av, "state", strlen(*av))) { nat_show_state(ac,av); } else { errx(EX_USAGE, "bad nat show command `%s'", *av); } } else if (!strncmp(*av, "delete", strlen(*av))) { nat_delete_config(ac, av); } else { errx(EX_USAGE, "bad ipfw nat command `%s'", *av); } }