/* * Copyright (c) 2010 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project * by Matthew Dillon * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific, prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "hammer.h" struct recover_dict { struct recover_dict *next; struct recover_dict *parent; int64_t obj_id; uint8_t obj_type; uint8_t flags; uint16_t pfs_id; int64_t size; char *name; }; #define DICTF_MADEDIR 0x01 #define DICTF_MADEFILE 0x02 #define DICTF_PARENT 0x04 /* parent attached for real */ #define DICTF_TRAVERSED 0x80 typedef struct bigblock *bigblock_t; static void recover_top(char *ptr, hammer_off_t offset); static void recover_elm(hammer_btree_leaf_elm_t leaf); static struct recover_dict *get_dict(int64_t obj_id, uint16_t pfs_id); static char *recover_path(struct recover_dict *dict); static void sanitize_string(char *str); static hammer_off_t scan_raw_limit(void); static void scan_bigblocks(int target_zone); static void free_bigblocks(void); static void add_bigblock_entry(hammer_off_t offset, hammer_blockmap_layer1_t layer1, hammer_blockmap_layer2_t layer2); static bigblock_t get_bigblock_entry(hammer_off_t offset); static const char *TargetDir; static int CachedFd = -1; static char *CachedPath; typedef struct bigblock { RB_ENTRY(bigblock) entry; hammer_off_t phys_offset; /* zone-2 */ struct hammer_blockmap_layer1 layer1; struct hammer_blockmap_layer2 layer2; } *bigblock_t; static int bigblock_cmp(bigblock_t b1, bigblock_t b2) { if (b1->phys_offset < b2->phys_offset) return(-1); if (b1->phys_offset > b2->phys_offset) return(1); return(0); } RB_HEAD(bigblock_rb_tree, bigblock) ZoneTree = RB_INITIALIZER(&ZoneTree); RB_PROTOTYPE2(bigblock_rb_tree, bigblock, entry, bigblock_cmp, hammer_off_t); RB_GENERATE2(bigblock_rb_tree, bigblock, entry, bigblock_cmp, hammer_off_t, phys_offset); /* * There was a hidden bug here while iterating zone-2 offset as * shown in an example below. * * If a volume was once used as HAMMER filesystem which consists of * multiple volumes whose usage has reached beyond the first volume, * and then later re-formatted only using 1 volume, hammer recover is * likely to hit assertion in get_buffer() due to having access to * invalid volume (vol1,2,...) from old filesystem data. * * To avoid this, now the command only scans upto the last big-block * that's actually used for filesystem data or meta-data at the moment, * if all layer1/2 entries have correct CRC values. This also avoids * recovery of irrelevant files from old filesystem. * * It also doesn't scan beyond append offset of big-blocks in B-Tree * zone to avoid recovery of irrelevant files from old filesystem, * if layer1/2 entries for those big-blocks have correct CRC values. * * |-----vol0-----|-----vol1-----|-----vol2-----| old filesystem * <-----------------------> used by old filesystem * * |-----vol0-----| new filesystem * <-----> used by new filesystem * <-------> unused, invalid data from old filesystem * <-> B-Tree nodes likely to point to vol1 */ void hammer_cmd_recover(char **av, int ac) { struct buffer_info *data_buffer; struct volume_info *volume; bigblock_t b = NULL; hammer_off_t off; hammer_off_t off_end; hammer_off_t off_blk; hammer_off_t raw_limit = 0; hammer_off_t zone_limit = 0; char *ptr; int i; int target_zone = HAMMER_ZONE_BTREE_INDEX; int full = 0; int quick = 0; if (ac < 1) errx(1, "hammer recover [full|quick]"); TargetDir = av[0]; if (ac > 1) { if (!strcmp(av[1], "full")) full = 1; if (!strcmp(av[1], "quick")) quick = 1; } assert(!full || !quick); if (mkdir(TargetDir, 0777) == -1) { if (errno != EEXIST) err(1, "mkdir"); } printf("Running %sraw scan of HAMMER image, recovering to %s\n", full ? "full " : quick ? "quick " : "", TargetDir); if (!full) { scan_bigblocks(target_zone); raw_limit = scan_raw_limit(); if (raw_limit) { raw_limit += HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_SIZE; assert(hammer_is_zone_raw_buffer(raw_limit)); } } if (quick) { assert(!full); if (!RB_EMPTY(&ZoneTree)) { printf("Found zone-%d big-blocks at\n", target_zone); RB_FOREACH(b, bigblock_rb_tree, &ZoneTree) printf("%016jx\n", b->phys_offset); b = RB_MAX(bigblock_rb_tree, &ZoneTree); zone_limit = b->phys_offset + HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_SIZE; assert(hammer_is_zone_raw_buffer(zone_limit)); } } if (raw_limit || zone_limit) { #define _fmt "Scanning zone-%d big-blocks till %016jx" if (!raw_limit) /* unlikely */ printf(_fmt" ???", target_zone, zone_limit); else if (!zone_limit) printf(_fmt, HAMMER_ZONE_RAW_BUFFER_INDEX, raw_limit); else if (raw_limit >= zone_limit) printf(_fmt, target_zone, zone_limit); else /* unlikely */ printf(_fmt" ???", HAMMER_ZONE_RAW_BUFFER_INDEX, raw_limit); printf("\n"); } data_buffer = NULL; for (i = 0; i < HAMMER_MAX_VOLUMES; i++) { volume = get_volume(i); if (volume == NULL) continue; printf("Scanning volume %d size %s\n", volume->vol_no, sizetostr(volume->size)); off = HAMMER_ENCODE_RAW_BUFFER(volume->vol_no, 0); off_end = off + HAMMER_VOL_BUF_SIZE(volume->ondisk); while (off < off_end) { off_blk = off & HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_MASK64; if (off_blk == 0) b = get_bigblock_entry(off); if (raw_limit) { if (off >= raw_limit) { printf("Done %016jx\n", (uintmax_t)off); goto end; } } if (zone_limit) { if (off >= zone_limit) { printf("Done %016jx\n", (uintmax_t)off); goto end; } if (b == NULL) { off = HAMMER_ZONE_LAYER2_NEXT_OFFSET(off); continue; } } if (b) { if (hammer_crc_test_layer1(&b->layer1) && hammer_crc_test_layer2(&b->layer2) && off_blk >= b->layer2.append_off) { off = HAMMER_ZONE_LAYER2_NEXT_OFFSET(off); continue; } } ptr = get_buffer_data(off, &data_buffer, 0); if (ptr) recover_top(ptr, off); off += HAMMER_BUFSIZE; } } end: rel_buffer(data_buffer); free_bigblocks(); if (CachedPath) { free(CachedPath); close(CachedFd); CachedPath = NULL; CachedFd = -1; } } static __inline void print_node(hammer_node_ondisk_t node, hammer_off_t offset) { char buf[HAMMER_BTREE_LEAF_ELMS + 1]; int maxcount = hammer_node_max_elements(node->type); int i; for (i = 0; i < node->count && i < maxcount; ++i) buf[i] = hammer_elm_btype(&node->elms[i]); buf[i] = '\0'; printf("%016jx %c %d %s\n", offset, node->type, node->count, buf); } /* * Top level recovery processor. Assume the data is a B-Tree node. * If the CRC is good we attempt to process the node, building the * object space and creating the dictionary as we go. */ static void recover_top(char *ptr, hammer_off_t offset) { hammer_node_ondisk_t node; hammer_btree_elm_t elm; int maxcount; int i; int isnode; for (node = (void *)ptr; (char *)node < ptr + HAMMER_BUFSIZE; ++node) { isnode = hammer_crc_test_btree(node); maxcount = hammer_node_max_elements(node->type); if (DebugOpt) { if (isnode) print_node(node, offset); else if (DebugOpt > 1) printf("%016jx -\n", offset); } offset += sizeof(*node); if (isnode && node->type == HAMMER_BTREE_TYPE_LEAF) { for (i = 0; i < node->count && i < maxcount; ++i) { elm = &node->elms[i]; if (elm->base.btype == HAMMER_BTREE_TYPE_RECORD) recover_elm(&elm->leaf); } } } } static void recover_elm(hammer_btree_leaf_elm_t leaf) { struct buffer_info *data_buffer = NULL; struct recover_dict *dict; struct recover_dict *dict2; hammer_data_ondisk_t ondisk; hammer_off_t data_offset; struct stat st; int chunk; int len; int zfill; int64_t file_offset; uint16_t pfs_id; size_t nlen; int fd; char *name; char *path1; char *path2; /* * Ignore deleted records */ if (leaf->delete_ts) return; /* * If we're running full scan, it's possible that data_offset * refers to old filesystem data that we can't physically access. */ data_offset = leaf->data_offset; if (get_volume(HAMMER_VOL_DECODE(data_offset)) == NULL) return; if (data_offset != 0) ondisk = get_buffer_data(data_offset, &data_buffer, 0); else ondisk = NULL; if (ondisk == NULL) goto done; len = leaf->data_len; chunk = HAMMER_BUFSIZE - ((int)data_offset & HAMMER_BUFMASK); if (chunk > len) chunk = len; if (len < 0 || len > HAMMER_XBUFSIZE || len > chunk) goto done; pfs_id = lo_to_pfs(leaf->base.localization); /* * Note that meaning of leaf->base.obj_id differs depending * on record type. For a direntry, leaf->base.obj_id points * to its parent inode that this entry is a part of, but not * its corresponding inode. */ dict = get_dict(leaf->base.obj_id, pfs_id); switch(leaf->base.rec_type) { case HAMMER_RECTYPE_INODE: /* * We found an inode which also tells us where the file * or directory is in the directory hierarchy. */ if (VerboseOpt) { printf("inode %016jx:%05d found\n", (uintmax_t)leaf->base.obj_id, pfs_id); } path1 = recover_path(dict); /* * Attach the inode to its parent. This isn't strictly * necessary because the information is also in the * directory entries, but if we do not find the directory * entry this ensures that the files will still be * reasonably well organized in their proper directories. */ if ((dict->flags & DICTF_PARENT) == 0 && dict->obj_id != HAMMER_OBJID_ROOT && ondisk->inode.parent_obj_id != 0) { dict->flags |= DICTF_PARENT; dict->parent = get_dict(ondisk->inode.parent_obj_id, pfs_id); if (dict->parent && (dict->parent->flags & DICTF_MADEDIR) == 0) { dict->parent->flags |= DICTF_MADEDIR; path2 = recover_path(dict->parent); printf("mkdir %s\n", path2); mkdir(path2, 0777); free(path2); path2 = NULL; } } if (dict->obj_type == 0) dict->obj_type = ondisk->inode.obj_type; dict->size = ondisk->inode.size; path2 = recover_path(dict); if (lstat(path1, &st) == 0) { if (ondisk->inode.obj_type == HAMMER_OBJTYPE_REGFILE) { truncate(path1, dict->size); /* chmod(path1, 0666); */ } if (strcmp(path1, path2)) { printf("Rename (inode) %s -> %s\n", path1, path2); rename(path1, path2); } } else if (ondisk->inode.obj_type == HAMMER_OBJTYPE_REGFILE) { printf("mkinode (file) %s\n", path2); fd = open(path2, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0666); if (fd > 0) close(fd); } else if (ondisk->inode.obj_type == HAMMER_OBJTYPE_DIRECTORY) { printf("mkinode (dir) %s\n", path2); mkdir(path2, 0777); dict->flags |= DICTF_MADEDIR; } free(path1); free(path2); break; case HAMMER_RECTYPE_DATA: /* * File record data */ if (leaf->base.obj_id == 0) break; if (VerboseOpt) { printf("inode %016jx:%05d data %016jx,%d\n", (uintmax_t)leaf->base.obj_id, pfs_id, (uintmax_t)leaf->base.key - len, len); } /* * Update the dictionary entry */ if (dict->obj_type == 0) dict->obj_type = HAMMER_OBJTYPE_REGFILE; /* * If the parent directory has not been created we * have to create it (typically a PFS%05d) */ if (dict->parent && (dict->parent->flags & DICTF_MADEDIR) == 0) { dict->parent->flags |= DICTF_MADEDIR; path2 = recover_path(dict->parent); printf("mkdir %s\n", path2); mkdir(path2, 0777); free(path2); path2 = NULL; } /* * Create the file if necessary, report file creations */ path1 = recover_path(dict); if (CachedPath && strcmp(CachedPath, path1) == 0) { fd = CachedFd; } else { fd = open(path1, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0666); } if (fd < 0) { printf("Unable to create %s: %s\n", path1, strerror(errno)); free(path1); break; } if ((dict->flags & DICTF_MADEFILE) == 0) { dict->flags |= DICTF_MADEFILE; printf("mkfile %s\n", path1); } /* * And write the record. A HAMMER data block is aligned * and may contain trailing zeros after the file EOF. The * inode record is required to get the actual file size. * * However, when the inode record is not available * we can do a sparse write and that will get it right * most of the time even if the inode record is never * found. */ file_offset = (int64_t)leaf->base.key - len; lseek(fd, (off_t)file_offset, SEEK_SET); while (len) { if (dict->size == -1) { for (zfill = chunk - 1; zfill >= 0; --zfill) { if (((char *)ondisk)[zfill]) break; } ++zfill; } else { zfill = chunk; } if (zfill) write(fd, ondisk, zfill); if (zfill < chunk) lseek(fd, chunk - zfill, SEEK_CUR); len -= chunk; data_offset += chunk; file_offset += chunk; ondisk = get_buffer_data(data_offset, &data_buffer, 0); if (ondisk == NULL) break; chunk = HAMMER_BUFSIZE - ((int)data_offset & HAMMER_BUFMASK); if (chunk > len) chunk = len; } if (dict->size >= 0 && file_offset > dict->size) { ftruncate(fd, dict->size); /* fchmod(fd, 0666); */ } if (fd == CachedFd) { free(path1); } else if (CachedPath) { free(CachedPath); close(CachedFd); CachedPath = path1; CachedFd = fd; } else { CachedPath = path1; CachedFd = fd; } break; case HAMMER_RECTYPE_DIRENTRY: nlen = len - HAMMER_ENTRY_NAME_OFF; if ((int)nlen < 0) /* illegal length */ break; if (ondisk->entry.obj_id == 0 || ondisk->entry.obj_id == HAMMER_OBJID_ROOT) break; name = malloc(nlen + 1); bcopy(ondisk->entry.name, name, nlen); name[nlen] = 0; sanitize_string(name); if (VerboseOpt) { printf("dir %016jx:%05d entry %016jx \"%s\"\n", (uintmax_t)leaf->base.obj_id, pfs_id, (uintmax_t)ondisk->entry.obj_id, name); } /* * We can't deal with hardlinks so if the object already * has a name assigned to it we just keep using that name. */ dict2 = get_dict(ondisk->entry.obj_id, pfs_id); path1 = recover_path(dict2); if (dict2->name == NULL) dict2->name = name; else free(name); /* * Attach dict2 to its directory (dict), create the * directory (dict) if necessary. We must ensure * that the directory entry exists in order to be * able to properly rename() the file without creating * a namespace conflict. */ if ((dict2->flags & DICTF_PARENT) == 0) { dict2->flags |= DICTF_PARENT; dict2->parent = dict; if ((dict->flags & DICTF_MADEDIR) == 0) { dict->flags |= DICTF_MADEDIR; path2 = recover_path(dict); printf("mkdir %s\n", path2); mkdir(path2, 0777); free(path2); path2 = NULL; } } path2 = recover_path(dict2); if (strcmp(path1, path2) != 0 && lstat(path1, &st) == 0) { printf("Rename (entry) %s -> %s\n", path1, path2); rename(path1, path2); } free(path1); free(path2); break; default: /* * Ignore any other record types */ break; } done: rel_buffer(data_buffer); } #define RD_HSIZE 32768 #define RD_HMASK (RD_HSIZE - 1) struct recover_dict *RDHash[RD_HSIZE]; static struct recover_dict * get_dict(int64_t obj_id, uint16_t pfs_id) { struct recover_dict *dict; int i; if (obj_id == 0) return(NULL); i = crc32(&obj_id, sizeof(obj_id)) & RD_HMASK; for (dict = RDHash[i]; dict; dict = dict->next) { if (dict->obj_id == obj_id && dict->pfs_id == pfs_id) { break; } } if (dict == NULL) { dict = malloc(sizeof(*dict)); bzero(dict, sizeof(*dict)); dict->obj_id = obj_id; dict->pfs_id = pfs_id; dict->next = RDHash[i]; dict->size = -1; RDHash[i] = dict; /* * Always connect dangling dictionary entries to object 1 * (the root of the PFS). * * DICTF_PARENT will not be set until we know what the * real parent directory object is. */ if (dict->obj_id != HAMMER_OBJID_ROOT) dict->parent = get_dict(HAMMER_OBJID_ROOT, pfs_id); } return(dict); } struct path_info { enum { PI_FIGURE, PI_LOAD } state; uint16_t pfs_id; char *base; char *next; int len; }; static void recover_path_helper(struct recover_dict *, struct path_info *); static char * recover_path(struct recover_dict *dict) { struct path_info info; /* Find info.len first */ bzero(&info, sizeof(info)); info.state = PI_FIGURE; recover_path_helper(dict, &info); /* Fill in the path */ info.pfs_id = dict->pfs_id; info.base = malloc(info.len); info.next = info.base; info.state = PI_LOAD; recover_path_helper(dict, &info); /* Return the path */ return(info.base); } #define STRLEN_OBJID 22 /* "obj_0x%016jx" */ #define STRLEN_PFSID 8 /* "PFS%05d" */ static void recover_path_helper(struct recover_dict *dict, struct path_info *info) { /* * Calculate path element length */ dict->flags |= DICTF_TRAVERSED; switch(info->state) { case PI_FIGURE: if (dict->obj_id == HAMMER_OBJID_ROOT) info->len += STRLEN_PFSID; else if (dict->name) info->len += strlen(dict->name); else info->len += STRLEN_OBJID; ++info->len; if (dict->parent && (dict->parent->flags & DICTF_TRAVERSED) == 0) { recover_path_helper(dict->parent, info); } else { info->len += strlen(TargetDir) + 1; } break; case PI_LOAD: if (dict->parent && (dict->parent->flags & DICTF_TRAVERSED) == 0) { recover_path_helper(dict->parent, info); } else { strcpy(info->next, TargetDir); info->next += strlen(info->next); } *info->next++ = '/'; if (dict->obj_id == HAMMER_OBJID_ROOT) { snprintf(info->next, STRLEN_PFSID + 1, "PFS%05d", info->pfs_id); } else if (dict->name) { strcpy(info->next, dict->name); } else { snprintf(info->next, STRLEN_OBJID + 1, "obj_0x%016jx", (uintmax_t)dict->obj_id); } info->next += strlen(info->next); break; } dict->flags &= ~DICTF_TRAVERSED; } static void sanitize_string(char *str) { while (*str) { if (!isprint(*str)) *str = 'x'; ++str; } } static hammer_off_t scan_raw_limit(void) { struct volume_info *vol; hammer_blockmap_t rootmap; hammer_blockmap_layer1_t layer1; hammer_blockmap_layer2_t layer2; struct buffer_info *buffer1 = NULL; struct buffer_info *buffer2 = NULL; hammer_off_t layer1_offset; hammer_off_t layer2_offset; hammer_off_t phys_offset; hammer_off_t block_offset; hammer_off_t offset = 0; int zone = HAMMER_ZONE_FREEMAP_INDEX; vol = get_root_volume(); rootmap = &vol->ondisk->vol0_blockmap[zone]; assert(rootmap->phys_offset != 0); for (phys_offset = HAMMER_ZONE_ENCODE(zone, 0); phys_offset < HAMMER_ZONE_ENCODE(zone, HAMMER_OFF_LONG_MASK); phys_offset += HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER2) { /* * Dive layer 1. */ layer1_offset = rootmap->phys_offset + HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER1_OFFSET(phys_offset); layer1 = get_buffer_data(layer1_offset, &buffer1, 0); if (!hammer_crc_test_layer1(layer1)) { offset = 0; /* failed */ goto end; } if (layer1->phys_offset == HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_UNAVAIL) continue; for (block_offset = 0; block_offset < HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER2; block_offset += HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_SIZE) { /* * Dive layer 2, each entry represents a big-block. */ layer2_offset = layer1->phys_offset + HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER2_OFFSET(block_offset); layer2 = get_buffer_data(layer2_offset, &buffer2, 0); if (!hammer_crc_test_layer2(layer2)) { offset = 0; /* failed */ goto end; } if (layer2->zone == HAMMER_ZONE_UNAVAIL_INDEX) { break; } else if (layer2->zone && layer2->zone != zone) { offset = phys_offset + block_offset; } } } end: rel_buffer(buffer1); rel_buffer(buffer2); return(hammer_xlate_to_zone2(offset)); } static void scan_bigblocks(int target_zone) { struct volume_info *vol; hammer_blockmap_t rootmap; hammer_blockmap_layer1_t layer1; hammer_blockmap_layer2_t layer2; struct buffer_info *buffer1 = NULL; struct buffer_info *buffer2 = NULL; hammer_off_t layer1_offset; hammer_off_t layer2_offset; hammer_off_t phys_offset; hammer_off_t block_offset; hammer_off_t offset = 0; int zone = HAMMER_ZONE_FREEMAP_INDEX; vol = get_root_volume(); rootmap = &vol->ondisk->vol0_blockmap[zone]; assert(rootmap->phys_offset != 0); for (phys_offset = HAMMER_ZONE_ENCODE(zone, 0); phys_offset < HAMMER_ZONE_ENCODE(zone, HAMMER_OFF_LONG_MASK); phys_offset += HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER2) { /* * Dive layer 1. */ layer1_offset = rootmap->phys_offset + HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER1_OFFSET(phys_offset); layer1 = get_buffer_data(layer1_offset, &buffer1, 0); /* if (!hammer_crc_test_layer1(layer1)) { } */ if (layer1->phys_offset == HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_UNAVAIL) continue; for (block_offset = 0; block_offset < HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER2; block_offset += HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_SIZE) { offset = phys_offset + block_offset; /* * Dive layer 2, each entry represents a big-block. */ layer2_offset = layer1->phys_offset + HAMMER_BLOCKMAP_LAYER2_OFFSET(block_offset); layer2 = get_buffer_data(layer2_offset, &buffer2, 0); /* if (!hammer_crc_test_layer2(layer2)) { } */ if (layer2->zone == target_zone) { add_bigblock_entry(offset, layer1, layer2); } else if (layer2->zone == HAMMER_ZONE_UNAVAIL_INDEX) { break; } } } rel_buffer(buffer1); rel_buffer(buffer2); } static void free_bigblocks(void) { bigblock_t b; while ((b = RB_ROOT(&ZoneTree)) != NULL) { RB_REMOVE(bigblock_rb_tree, &ZoneTree, b); free(b); } assert(RB_EMPTY(&ZoneTree)); } static void add_bigblock_entry(hammer_off_t offset, hammer_blockmap_layer1_t layer1, hammer_blockmap_layer2_t layer2) { bigblock_t b; b = calloc(1, sizeof(*b)); b->phys_offset = hammer_xlate_to_zone2(offset); assert((b->phys_offset & HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_MASK64) == 0); bcopy(layer1, &b->layer1, sizeof(*layer1)); bcopy(layer2, &b->layer2, sizeof(*layer2)); RB_INSERT(bigblock_rb_tree, &ZoneTree, b); } static bigblock_t get_bigblock_entry(hammer_off_t offset) { bigblock_t b; offset = hammer_xlate_to_zone2(offset); offset &= ~HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_MASK64; b = RB_LOOKUP(bigblock_rb_tree, &ZoneTree, offset); if (b) return(b); return(NULL); }