Don't assume that RE_RX_DESC_CNT and RE_TX_DESC_CNT are always same
[dragonfly.git] / games / hack / hack.potion.c
1 /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
2 /* hack.potion.c - version 1.0.3 */
3 /* $FreeBSD: src/games/hack/hack.potion.c,v 1.5 1999/11/16 10:26:37 marcel Exp $ */
4 /* $DragonFly: src/games/hack/hack.potion.c,v 1.4 2006/08/21 19:45:32 pavalos Exp $ */
6 #include "hack.h"
7 extern struct monst youmonst;
9 static void     ghost_from_bottle(void);
11 int
12 dodrink(void)
13 {
14         struct obj *otmp,*objs;
15         struct monst *mtmp;
16         int unkn = 0, nothing = 0;
18         otmp = getobj("!", "drink");
19         if(!otmp) return(0);
20         if(!strcmp(objects[otmp->otyp].oc_descr, "smoky") && !rn2(13)) {
21                 ghost_from_bottle();
22                 goto use_it;
23         }
24         switch(otmp->otyp){
25         case POT_RESTORE_STRENGTH:
26                 unkn++;
27                 pline("Wow!  This makes you feel great!");
28                 if(u.ustr < u.ustrmax) {
29                         u.ustr = u.ustrmax;
30                         flags.botl = 1;
31                 }
32                 break;
33         case POT_BOOZE:
34                 unkn++;
35                 pline("Ooph!  This tastes like liquid fire!");
36                 Confusion += d(3,8);
37                 /* the whiskey makes us feel better */
38                 if(u.uhp < u.uhpmax) losehp(-1, "bottle of whiskey");
39                 if(!rn2(4)) {
40                         pline("You pass out.");
41                         multi = -rnd(15);
42                         nomovemsg = "You awake with a headache.";
43                 }
44                 break;
45         case POT_INVISIBILITY:
46                 if(Invis || See_invisible)
47                   nothing++;
48                 else {
49                   if(!Blind)
50                     pline("Gee!  All of a sudden, you can't see yourself.");
51                   else
52                     pline("You feel rather airy."), unkn++;
53                   newsym(u.ux,;
54                 }
55                 Invis += rn1(15,31);
56                 break;
57         case POT_FRUIT_JUICE:
58                 pline("This tastes like fruit juice.");
59                 lesshungry(20);
60                 break;
61         case POT_HEALING:
62                 pline("You begin to feel better.");
63                 flags.botl = 1;
64                 u.uhp += rnd(10);
65                 if(u.uhp > u.uhpmax)
66                         u.uhp = ++u.uhpmax;
67                 if(Blind) Blind = 1;    /* see on next move */
68                 if(Sick) Sick = 0;
69                 break;
70         case POT_PARALYSIS:
71                 if(Levitation)
72                         pline("You are motionlessly suspended.");
73                 else
74                         pline("Your feet are frozen to the floor!");
75                 nomul(-(rn1(10,25)));
76                 break;
77         case POT_MONSTER_DETECTION:
78                 if(!fmon) {
79                         strange_feeling(otmp, "You feel threatened.");
80                         return(1);
81                 } else {
82                         cls();
83                         for(mtmp = fmon; mtmp; mtmp = mtmp->nmon)
84                                 if(mtmp->mx > 0)
85                                 at(mtmp->mx,mtmp->my,mtmp->data->mlet);
86                         prme();
87                         pline("You sense the presence of monsters.");
88                         more();
89                         docrt();
90                 }
91                 break;
92         case POT_OBJECT_DETECTION:
93                 if(!fobj) {
94                         strange_feeling(otmp, "You feel a pull downward.");
95                         return(1);
96                 } else {
97                     for(objs = fobj; objs; objs = objs->nobj)
98                         if(objs->ox != u.ux || objs->oy !=
99                                 goto outobjmap;
100                     pline("You sense the presence of objects close nearby.");
101                     break;
102                 outobjmap:
103                         cls();
104                         for(objs = fobj; objs; objs = objs->nobj)
105                                 at(objs->ox,objs->oy,objs->olet);
106                         prme();
107                         pline("You sense the presence of objects.");
108                         more();
109                         docrt();
110                 }
111                 break;
112         case POT_SICKNESS:
113                 pline("Yech! This stuff tastes like poison.");
114                 if(Poison_resistance)
115     pline("(But in fact it was biologically contaminated orange juice.)");
116                 losestr(rn1(4,3));
117                 losehp(rnd(10), "contaminated potion");
118                 break;
119         case POT_CONFUSION:
120                 if(!Confusion)
121                         pline("Huh, What?  Where am I?");
122                 else
123                         nothing++;
124                 Confusion += rn1(7,16);
125                 break;
126         case POT_GAIN_STRENGTH:
127                 pline("Wow do you feel strong!");
128                 if(u.ustr >= 118) break;        /* > 118 is impossible */
129                 if(u.ustr > 17) u.ustr += rnd(118-u.ustr);
130                 else u.ustr++;
131                 if(u.ustr > u.ustrmax) u.ustrmax = u.ustr;
132                 flags.botl = 1;
133                 break;
134         case POT_SPEED:
135                 if(Wounded_legs) {
136                         heal_legs();
137                         unkn++;
138                         break;
139                 }
140                 if(!(Fast & ~INTRINSIC))
141                         pline("You are suddenly moving much faster.");
142                 else
143                         pline("Your legs get new energy."), unkn++;
144                 Fast += rn1(10,100);
145                 break;
146         case POT_BLINDNESS:
147                 if(!Blind)
148                         pline("A cloud of darkness falls upon you.");
149                 else
150                         nothing++;
151                 Blind += rn1(100,250);
152                 seeoff(0);
153                 break;
154         case POT_GAIN_LEVEL:
155                 pluslvl();
156                 break;
157         case POT_EXTRA_HEALING:
158                 pline("You feel much better.");
159                 flags.botl = 1;
160                 u.uhp += d(2,20)+1;
161                 if(u.uhp > u.uhpmax)
162                         u.uhp = (u.uhpmax += 2);
163                 if(Blind) Blind = 1;
164                 if(Sick) Sick = 0;
165                 break;
166         case POT_LEVITATION:
167                 if(!Levitation)
168                         float_up();
169                 else
170                         nothing++;
171                 Levitation += rnd(100);
172                 u.uprops[PROP(RIN_LEVITATION)].p_tofn = float_down;
173                 break;
174         default:
175                 impossible("What a funny potion! (%u)", otmp->otyp);
176                 return(0);
177         }
178         if(nothing) {
179             unkn++;
180             pline("You have a peculiar feeling for a moment, then it passes.");
181         }
182         if(otmp->dknown && !objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name_known) {
183                 if(!unkn) {
184                         objects[otmp->otyp].oc_name_known = 1;
185                         more_experienced(0,10);
186                 } else if(!objects[otmp->otyp].oc_uname)
187                         docall(otmp);
188         }
189 use_it:
190         useup(otmp);
191         return(1);
192 }
194 void
195 pluslvl(void)
196 {
197         int num;
199         pline("You feel more experienced.");
200         num = rnd(10);
201         u.uhpmax += num;
202         u.uhp += num;
203         if(u.ulevel < 14) {
204                 u.uexp = newuexp()+1;
205                 pline("Welcome to experience level %u.", ++u.ulevel);
206         }
207         flags.botl = 1;
208 }
210 void
211 strange_feeling(struct obj *obj, const char *txt)
212 {
213         if(flags.beginner)
214             pline("You have a strange feeling for a moment, then it passes.");
215         else
216             pline(txt);
217         if(!objects[obj->otyp].oc_name_known && !objects[obj->otyp].oc_uname)
218                 docall(obj);
219         useup(obj);
220 }
222 static const char *bottlenames[] = {
223         "bottle", "phial", "flagon", "carafe", "flask", "jar", "vial"
224 };
226 void
227 potionhit(struct monst *mon, struct obj *obj)
228 {
229         const char *botlnam = bottlenames[rn2(SIZE(bottlenames))];
230         boolean uclose, isyou = (mon == &youmonst);
232         if(isyou) {
233                 uclose = TRUE;
234                 pline("The %s crashes on your head and breaks into shivers.",
235                         botlnam);
236                 losehp(rnd(2), "thrown potion");
237         } else {
238                 uclose = (dist(mon->mx,mon->my) < 3);
239                 /* perhaps 'E' and 'a' have no head? */
240                 pline("The %s crashes on %s's head and breaks into shivers.",
241                         botlnam, monnam(mon));
242                 if(rn2(5) && mon->mhp > 1)
243                         mon->mhp--;
244         }
245         pline("The %s evaporates.", xname(obj));
247         if(!isyou && !rn2(3)) switch(obj->otyp) {
249         case POT_RESTORE_STRENGTH:
250         case POT_GAIN_STRENGTH:
251         case POT_HEALING:
252         case POT_EXTRA_HEALING:
253                 if(mon->mhp < mon->mhpmax) {
254                         mon->mhp = mon->mhpmax;
255                         pline("%s looks sound and hale again!", Monnam(mon));
256                 }
257                 break;
258         case POT_SICKNESS:
259                 if(mon->mhpmax > 3)
260                         mon->mhpmax /= 2;
261                 if(mon->mhp > 2)
262                         mon->mhp /= 2;
263                 break;
264         case POT_CONFUSION:
265         case POT_BOOZE:
266                 mon->mconf = 1;
267                 break;
268         case POT_INVISIBILITY:
269                 unpmon(mon);
270                 mon->minvis = 1;
271                 pmon(mon);
272                 break;
273         case POT_PARALYSIS:
274                 mon->mfroz = 1;
275                 break;
276         case POT_SPEED:
277                 mon->mspeed = MFAST;
278                 break;
279         case POT_BLINDNESS:
280                 mon->mblinded |= 64 + rn2(64);
281                 break;
282 /*
283         case POT_GAIN_LEVEL:
284         case POT_LEVITATION:
285         case POT_FRUIT_JUICE:
286         case POT_MONSTER_DETECTION:
287         case POT_OBJECT_DETECTION:
288                 break;
289 */
290         }
291         if(uclose && rn2(5))
292                 potionbreathe(obj);
293         obfree(obj, Null(obj));
294 }
296 void
297 potionbreathe(struct obj *obj)
298 {
299         switch(obj->otyp) {
300         case POT_RESTORE_STRENGTH:
301         case POT_GAIN_STRENGTH:
302                 if(u.ustr < u.ustrmax) u.ustr++, flags.botl = 1;
303                 break;
304         case POT_HEALING:
305         case POT_EXTRA_HEALING:
306                 if(u.uhp < u.uhpmax) u.uhp++, flags.botl = 1;
307                 break;
308         case POT_SICKNESS:
309                 if(u.uhp <= 5) u.uhp = 1; else u.uhp -= 5;
310                 flags.botl = 1;
311                 break;
312         case POT_CONFUSION:
313         case POT_BOOZE:
314                 if(!Confusion)
315                         pline("You feel somewhat dizzy.");
316                 Confusion += rnd(5);
317                 break;
318         case POT_INVISIBILITY:
319                 pline("For an instant you couldn't see your right hand.");
320                 break;
321         case POT_PARALYSIS:
322                 pline("Something seems to be holding you.");
323                 nomul(-rnd(5));
324                 break;
325         case POT_SPEED:
326                 Fast += rnd(5);
327                 pline("Your knees seem more flexible now.");
328                 break;
329         case POT_BLINDNESS:
330                 if(!Blind) pline("It suddenly gets dark.");
331                 Blind += rnd(5);
332                 seeoff(0);
333                 break;
334 /*
335         case POT_GAIN_LEVEL:
336         case POT_LEVITATION:
337         case POT_FRUIT_JUICE:
338         case POT_MONSTER_DETECTION:
339         case POT_OBJECT_DETECTION:
340                 break;
341 */
342         }
343         /* note: no obfree() */
344 }
346 /*
347  * -- rudimentary -- to do this correctly requires much more work
348  * -- all sharp weapons get one or more qualities derived from the potions
349  * -- texts on scrolls may be (partially) wiped out; do they become blank?
350  * --   or does their effect change, like under Confusion?
351  * -- all objects may be made invisible by POT_INVISIBILITY
352  * -- If the flask is small, can one dip a large object? Does it magically
353  * --   become a jug? Etc.
354  */
355 int
356 dodip(void)
357 {
358         struct obj *potion, *obj;
360         if(!(obj = getobj("#", "dip")))
361                 return(0);
362         if(!(potion = getobj("!", "dip into")))
363                 return(0);
364         pline("Interesting...");
365         if(obj->otyp == ARROW || obj->otyp == DART ||
366            obj->otyp == CROSSBOW_BOLT) {
367                 if(potion->otyp == POT_SICKNESS) {
368                         useup(potion);
369                         if(obj->spe < 7) obj->spe++;    /* %% */
370                 }
371         }
372         return(1);
373 }
375 static void
376 ghost_from_bottle(void)
377 {
378         struct monst *mtmp;
380         if(!(mtmp = makemon(PM_GHOST,u.ux,{
381                 pline("This bottle turns out to be empty.");
382                 return;
383         }
384         mnexto(mtmp);
385         pline("As you open the bottle, an enormous ghost emerges!");
386         pline("You are frightened to death, and unable to move.");
387         nomul(-3);
388 }