/* * Copyright (c) 1999, Boris Popov * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software * must display the following acknowledgement: * This product includes software developed by Boris Popov. * 4. Neither the name of the author nor the names of any co-contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. * * $FreeBSD: src/sys/netncp/ncp_ncp.c,v 1.3 1999/10/29 10:21:07 bp Exp $ * * Core of NCP protocol */ #include "opt_inet.h" #include "opt_ipx.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef IPX #include #include #endif #include "ncp.h" #include "ncp_conn.h" #include "ncp_sock.h" #include "ncp_subr.h" #include "ncp_ncp.h" #include "ncp_rq.h" #include "nwerror.h" static int ncp_do_request(struct ncp_conn *,struct ncp_rq *rqp); static int ncp_negotiate_buffersize(struct ncp_conn *conn, int size, int *target); static int ncp_renegotiate_connparam(struct ncp_conn *conn, int buffsize, int in_options); static void ncp_sign_packet(struct ncp_conn *conn, struct ncp_rq *rqp, int *size); #ifdef NCP_DATA_DEBUG static void m_dumpm(struct mbuf *m) { char *p; int len; kprintf("d="); while(m) { p=mtod(m,char *); len=m->m_len; kprintf("(%d)",len); while(len--){ kprintf("%02x ",((int)*(p++)) & 0xff); } m=m->m_next; } kprintf("\n"); } #endif /* NCP_DATA_DEBUG */ int ncp_chkintr(struct ncp_conn *conn, struct thread *td) { sigset_t tmpset; struct lwp *lp = td->td_lwp; struct proc *p = td->td_proc; if (p == NULL) return 0; tmpset = lwp_sigpend(lp); SIGSETNAND(tmpset, lp->lwp_sigmask); SIGSETNAND(tmpset, p->p_sigignore); if (SIGNOTEMPTY(tmpset) && NCP_SIGMASK(tmpset)) return EINTR; return 0; } /* * Process initial NCP handshake (attach) * NOTE: Since all functions below may change conn attributes, they * should be called with LOCKED connection, also they use td & ucred */ int ncp_ncp_connect(struct ncp_conn *conn) { int error; struct ncp_rphdr *rp; DECLARE_RQ; conn->flags &= ~(NCPFL_INVALID | NCPFL_SIGNACTIVE | NCPFL_SIGNWANTED); conn->seq = 0; checkbad(ncp_rq_head(rqp,NCP_ALLOC_SLOT,0,conn->td,conn->ucred)); error=ncp_do_request(conn,rqp); if (!error) { rp = mtod(rqp->rp, struct ncp_rphdr*); conn->connid = rp->conn_low + (rp->conn_high << 8); } ncp_rq_done(rqp); if (error) return error; conn->flags |= NCPFL_ATTACHED; error = ncp_renegotiate_connparam(conn, NCP_DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, 0); if (error == NWE_SIGNATURE_LEVEL_CONFLICT) { kprintf("Unable to negotiate requested security level\n"); error = EOPNOTSUPP; } if (error) { ncp_ncp_disconnect(conn); return error; } #ifdef NCPBURST ncp_burst_connect(conn); #endif bad: return error; } int ncp_ncp_disconnect(struct ncp_conn *conn) { int error; DECLARE_RQ; NCPSDEBUG("for connid=%d\n",conn->nc_id); #ifdef NCPBURST ncp_burst_disconnect(conn); #endif error=ncp_rq_head(rqp,NCP_FREE_SLOT,0,conn->td,conn->ucred); error=ncp_do_request(conn,rqp); ncp_rq_done(rqp); ncp_conn_invalidate(conn); ncp_sock_disconnect(conn); return 0; } /* * Make a signature for the current packet and add it at the end of the * packet. */ static void ncp_sign_packet(struct ncp_conn *conn, struct ncp_rq *rqp, int *size) { u_char data[64]; bzero(data, sizeof(data)); bcopy(conn->sign_root, data, 8); setdle(data, 8, *size); m_copydata(rqp->rq, sizeof(struct ncp_rqhdr)-1, min((*size) - sizeof(struct ncp_rqhdr)+1, 52),data+12); ncp_sign(conn->sign_state, data, conn->sign_state); ncp_rq_mem(rqp, (void*)conn->sign_state, 8); (*size) += 8; } /* * Low level send rpc, here we do not attempt to restore any connection, * Connection expected to be locked */ static int ncp_do_request(struct ncp_conn *conn, struct ncp_rq *rqp) { int error=EIO,len, dosend, plen = 0, gotpacket; struct socket *so; struct thread *td = conn->td; struct ncp_rqhdr *rq; struct ncp_rphdr *rp=NULL; struct timespec ts; struct mbuf *m, *mreply = NULL; int res; conn->nc_rq = rqp; rqp->conn = conn; if (td == NULL) td = curthread; /* XXX maybe procpage ? */ if (!ncp_conn_valid(conn)) { kprintf("%s: conn not valid\n",__func__); return (error); } so = conn->ncp_so; if (!so) { kprintf("%s: ncp_so is NULL !\n",__func__); ncp_conn_invalidate(conn); /* wow ! how we do that ? */ return EBADF; } /* * Flush out replies on previous reqs */ crit_enter(); while (1/*so->so_rcv.sb_cc*/) { struct sockbuf sio; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 0; error = socket_wait(so, &ts, &res); if (error || !res) break; if (ncp_sock_recv(so, &sio) != 0) break; sbflush(&sio); } rq = mtod(rqp->rq,struct ncp_rqhdr *); rq->seq = conn->seq; m = rqp->rq; len = 0; while (m) { len += m->m_len; m = m->m_next; } rqp->rq->m_pkthdr.len = len; switch(rq->fn) { case 0x15: case 0x16: case 0x17: case 0x23: m = rqp->rq; *((u_int16_t*)(mtod(m,u_int8_t*)+sizeof(*rq))) = htons(len-2-sizeof(*rq)); break; } if (conn->flags & NCPFL_SIGNACTIVE) { ncp_sign_packet(conn, rqp, &len); rqp->rq->m_pkthdr.len = len; } rq->conn_low = conn->connid & 0xff; /* rq->task = p->p_pgrp->pg_id & 0xff; */ /*p->p_pid*/ /* XXX: this is temporary fix till I find a better solution */ rq->task = rq->conn_low; rq->conn_high = conn->connid >> 8; rqp->rexmit = conn->li.retry_count; for(dosend = 1;;) { if (rqp->rexmit-- == 0) { error = ETIMEDOUT; break; } error = 0; if (dosend) { NCPSDEBUG("send:%04x f=%02x c=%d l=%d s=%d t=%d\n",rq->type, rq->fn, (rq->conn_high << 8) + rq->conn_low, rqp->rq->m_pkthdr.len, rq->seq, rq->task ); error = ncp_sock_send(so, rqp->rq, rqp); if (error) break; } ts.tv_sec = conn->li.timeout; ts.tv_nsec = 0; error = socket_wait(so, &ts, &res); if (error == EWOULDBLOCK ) /* timeout expired */ continue; error = ncp_chkintr(conn, td); if (error == EINTR) /* we dont restart */ break; if (error || !res) break; /* * At this point it is possible to get more than one * reply from server. In general, last reply should be for * current request, but not always. So, we loop through * all replies to find the right answer and flush others. */ gotpacket = 0; /* nothing good found */ dosend = 1; /* resend rq if error */ for (;;) { struct sockbuf sio; error = 0; ts.tv_sec = 0; ts.tv_nsec = 0; error = socket_wait(so, &ts, &res); if (error || !res) break; error = ncp_sock_recv(so, &sio); if (error) break; /* must be more checks !!! */ m = sio.sb_mb; if (m->m_len < sizeof(*rp)) { m = m_pullup(m, sizeof(*rp)); if (m == NULL) { kprintf("%s: reply too short\n",__func__); continue; } } rp = mtod(m, struct ncp_rphdr*); if (sio.sb_cc == sizeof(*rp) && rp->type == NCP_POSITIVE_ACK) { NCPSDEBUG("got positive acknowledge\n"); m_freem(m); rqp->rexmit = conn->li.retry_count; dosend = 0; /* server just busy and will reply ASAP */ continue; } NCPSDEBUG("recv:%04x c=%d l=%d s=%d t=%d cc=%02x cs=%02x\n",rp->type, (rp->conn_high << 8) + rp->conn_low, sio.len, rp->seq, rp->task, rp->completion_code, rp->connection_state); NCPDDEBUG(m); if ( (rp->type == NCP_REPLY) && ((rq->type == NCP_ALLOC_SLOT) || ((rp->conn_low == rq->conn_low) && (rp->conn_high == rq->conn_high) ))) { if (rq->seq > rp->seq || (rq->seq == 0 && rp->seq == 0xff)) { dosend = 1; } if (rp->seq == rq->seq) { if (gotpacket) { m_freem(m); } else { gotpacket = 1; mreply = m; plen = sio.sb_cc; } continue; /* look up other for other packets */ } } m_freem(m); NCPSDEBUG("reply mismatch\n"); } /* for receive */ if (error) break; if (gotpacket) break; /* try to resend, or just wait */ } crit_exit(); conn->seq++; if (error) { NCPSDEBUG("error=%d\n",error); if (error != EINTR) /* if not just interrupt */ ncp_conn_invalidate(conn); /* only reconnect to restore */ return(error); } if (conn->flags & NCPFL_SIGNACTIVE) { /* XXX: check reply signature */ m_adj(mreply, -8); plen -= 8; } len = plen; m = mreply; rp = mtod(m, struct ncp_rphdr*); len -= sizeof(*rp); rqp->rpsize = len; rqp->cc = error = rp->completion_code; if (error) error |= 0x8900; /* server error */ rqp->cs = rp->connection_state; if (rqp->cs & (NCP_CS_BAD_CONN | NCP_CS_SERVER_DOWN)) { NCPSDEBUG("server drop us\n"); ncp_conn_invalidate(conn); error = ECONNRESET; } rqp->rp = m; rqp->mrp = m; rqp->bpos = mtod(m, caddr_t) + sizeof(*rp); return error; } /* * Here we will try to restore any loggedin & dropped connection, * connection should be locked on entry */ int ncp_restore_login(struct ncp_conn *conn); int ncp_restore_login(struct ncp_conn *conn) { int error, oldflags; if (conn->flags & NCPFL_RESTORING) { kprintf("Hey, ncp_restore_login called twise !!!\n"); return 0; } oldflags = conn->flags; kprintf("Restoring connection, flags = %d\n",oldflags); if ((oldflags & NCPFL_LOGGED) == 0) { return ECONNRESET; /* no need to restore empty conn */ } conn->flags &= ~(NCPFL_LOGGED | NCPFL_ATTACHED); conn->flags |= NCPFL_RESTORING; do { /* not a loop */ error = ncp_reconnect(conn); if (error) break; if (conn->li.user) error = ncp_login_object(conn, conn->li.user, conn->li.objtype, conn->li.password,conn->td,conn->ucred); if (error) break; conn->flags |= NCPFL_LOGGED; } while(0); if (error) { conn->flags = oldflags | NCPFL_INVALID; } conn->flags &= ~NCPFL_RESTORING; return error; } int ncp_request(struct ncp_conn *conn, struct ncp_rq *rqp) { int error, rcnt; /* struct ncp_rqhdr *rq = mtod(rqp->rq,struct ncp_rqhdr*);*/ error = ncp_conn_lock(conn,rqp->td,rqp->cred,NCPM_EXECUTE); if (error) return error; rcnt = NCP_RESTORE_COUNT; for(;;) { if (!ncp_conn_valid(conn)) { if (rcnt==0) { error = ECONNRESET; break; } rcnt--; error = ncp_restore_login(conn); if (error) continue; } error=ncp_do_request(conn, rqp); if (ncp_conn_valid(conn)) /* not just error ! */ break; } ncp_conn_unlock(conn,rqp->td); return error; } /* * All negotiation functions expect a locked connection */ static int ncp_negotiate_buffersize(struct ncp_conn *conn, int size, int *target) { int error; DECLARE_RQ; NCP_RQ_HEAD(0x21,conn->td,conn->ucred); ncp_rq_word_hl(rqp, size); checkbad(ncp_request(conn,rqp)); *target = min(ncp_rp_word_hl(rqp), size); NCP_RQ_EXIT; return error; } static int ncp_negotiate_size_and_options(struct ncp_conn *conn, int size, int options, int *ret_size, int *ret_options) { int error; int rs; DECLARE_RQ; NCP_RQ_HEAD(0x61,conn->td,conn->ucred); ncp_rq_word_hl(rqp, size); ncp_rq_byte(rqp, options); checkbad(ncp_request(conn, rqp)); rs = ncp_rp_word_hl(rqp); *ret_size = (rs == 0) ? size : min(rs, size); ncp_rp_word_hl(rqp); /* skip echo socket */ *ret_options = ncp_rp_byte(rqp); NCP_RQ_EXIT; return error; } static int ncp_renegotiate_connparam(struct ncp_conn *conn, int buffsize, int in_options) { int neg_buffsize, error, options, sl; sl = conn->li.sig_level; if (sl >= 2) in_options |= NCP_SECURITY_LEVEL_SIGN_HEADERS; #ifdef IPX if (ipxcksum == 2) in_options |= NCP_IPX_CHECKSUM; #endif error = ncp_negotiate_size_and_options(conn, buffsize, in_options, &neg_buffsize, &options); if (!error) { #ifdef IPX if ((options ^ in_options) & NCP_IPX_CHECKSUM) { if (ipxcksum == 2) { kprintf("Server refuses to support IPX checksums\n"); return NWE_REQUESTER_FAILURE; } in_options |= NCP_IPX_CHECKSUM; error = 1; } #endif /* IPX */ if ((options ^ in_options) & 2) { if (sl == 0 || sl == 3) return NWE_SIGNATURE_LEVEL_CONFLICT; if (sl == 1) { in_options |= NCP_SECURITY_LEVEL_SIGN_HEADERS; error = 1; } } if (error) { error = ncp_negotiate_size_and_options(conn, buffsize, in_options, &neg_buffsize, &options); if ((options ^ in_options) & 3) { return NWE_SIGNATURE_LEVEL_CONFLICT; } } } else { in_options &= ~NCP_SECURITY_LEVEL_SIGN_HEADERS; error = ncp_negotiate_buffersize(conn, NCP_DEFAULT_BUFSIZE, &neg_buffsize); } if (error) return error; if ((neg_buffsize < 512) || (neg_buffsize > NCP_MAX_BUFSIZE)) return EINVAL; conn->buffer_size = neg_buffsize; if (in_options & NCP_SECURITY_LEVEL_SIGN_HEADERS) conn->flags |= NCPFL_SIGNWANTED; #ifdef IPX ncp_sock_checksum(conn, in_options & NCP_IPX_CHECKSUM); #endif return 0; } int ncp_reconnect(struct ncp_conn *conn) { int error; /* close any open sockets */ ncp_sock_disconnect(conn); switch( conn->li.addr.addr.sa_family ) { #ifdef IPX case AF_IPX: error = ncp_sock_connect_ipx(conn); break; #endif #ifdef INET case AF_INET: error = ncp_sock_connect_in(conn); break; #endif default: return EPROTONOSUPPORT; } if (!error) error = ncp_ncp_connect(conn); return error; } /* * Create conn structure and try to do low level connect * Server addr should be filled in. */ int ncp_connect(struct ncp_conn_args *li, struct thread *td, struct ucred *cred, struct ncp_conn **aconn) { struct ncp_conn *conn; struct ucred *owner; int error, isroot; if (li->addr.addr.sa_family != AF_INET && li->addr.addr.sa_family != AF_IPX) return EPROTONOSUPPORT; isroot = ncp_suser(cred) == 0; /* * Only root can change ownership */ if (li->owner != NCP_DEFAULT_OWNER && !isroot) return EPERM; if (li->group != NCP_DEFAULT_GROUP && !groupmember(li->group, cred) && !isroot) return EPERM; if (li->owner != NCP_DEFAULT_OWNER) { owner = crget(); owner->cr_uid = li->owner; } else { owner = crhold(cred); } error = ncp_conn_alloc(td, owner, &conn); if (error) return (error); if (error) { ncp_conn_free(conn); return error; } conn->li = *li; conn->nc_group = (li->group != NCP_DEFAULT_GROUP) ? li->group : cred->cr_groups[0]; if (li->retry_count == 0) conn->li.retry_count = NCP_RETRY_COUNT; if (li->timeout == 0) conn->li.timeout = NCP_RETRY_TIMEOUT; error = ncp_reconnect(conn); if (error) { ncp_disconnect(conn); } else { *aconn=conn; } return error; } /* * Break connection and deallocate memory */ int ncp_disconnect(struct ncp_conn *conn) { if (ncp_conn_access(conn,conn->ucred,NCPM_WRITE)) return EACCES; if (conn->ref_cnt != 0) return EBUSY; if (conn->flags & NCPFL_PERMANENT) return EBUSY; if (ncp_conn_valid(conn)) { ncp_ncp_disconnect(conn); } ncp_sock_disconnect(conn); ncp_conn_free(conn); return 0; } void ncp_check_rq(struct ncp_conn *conn){ return; if (conn->flags & NCPFL_INTR) return; /* first, check for signals */ if (ncp_chkintr(conn,conn->td)) { conn->flags |= NCPFL_INTR; } return; }