/* * Copyright (c) 2007 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved. * * This code is derived from software contributed to The DragonFly Project * by Matthew Dillon * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. Neither the name of The DragonFly Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific, prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED * AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "hammer_util.h" #include #include static int64_t getsize(const char *str, int pw); static int trim_volume(volume_info_t volume); static void format_volume(volume_info_t volume, int nvols,const char *label); static hammer_off_t format_root_directory(const char *label); static uint64_t nowtime(void); static void print_volume(const volume_info_t volume); static void usage(int exit_code); static void test_header_junk_size(int64_t size); static void test_boot_area_size(int64_t size); static void test_memory_log_size(int64_t size); static void test_undo_buffer_size(int64_t size); static int ForceOpt; static int64_t HeaderJunkSize = -1; static int64_t BootAreaSize = -1; static int64_t MemoryLogSize = -1; static int64_t UndoBufferSize; #define GIG (1024LL*1024*1024) int main(int ac, char **av) { off_t total; off_t avg_vol_size; int ch; int i; int nvols; int eflag = 0; const char *label = NULL; volume_info_t volume; /* * Sanity check basic filesystem structures. No cookies for us * if it gets broken! */ assert(sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk) <= HAMMER_BUFSIZE); assert(sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk) <= HAMMER_MIN_VOL_JUNK); assert(sizeof(struct hammer_blockmap_layer1) == 32); assert(sizeof(struct hammer_blockmap_layer2) == 16); /* * Parse arguments */ while ((ch = getopt(ac, av, "dfEL:j:b:m:u:hC:V:")) != -1) { switch(ch) { case 'd': ++DebugOpt; break; case 'f': ForceOpt = 1; break; case 'E': eflag = 1; break; case 'L': label = optarg; break; case 'j': /* Not mentioned in newfs_hammer(8) */ HeaderJunkSize = getsize(optarg, 2); test_header_junk_size(HeaderJunkSize); break; case 'b': BootAreaSize = getsize(optarg, 2); test_boot_area_size(BootAreaSize); break; case 'm': MemoryLogSize = getsize(optarg, 2); test_memory_log_size(MemoryLogSize); break; case 'u': UndoBufferSize = getsize(optarg, 2); test_undo_buffer_size(UndoBufferSize); break; case 'h': usage(0); /* not reached */ break; case 'C': if (hammer_parse_cache_size(optarg) == -1) { usage(1); /* not reached */ } break; case 'V': HammerVersion = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0); if (HammerVersion < HAMMER_VOL_VERSION_MIN || HammerVersion >= HAMMER_VOL_VERSION_WIP) { errx(1, "I don't understand how to format " "HAMMER version %d", HammerVersion); /* not reached */ } break; default: usage(1); /* not reached */ break; } } ac -= optind; av += optind; nvols = ac; if (HammerVersion == (uint32_t)-1) { size_t olen = sizeof(HammerVersion); HammerVersion = HAMMER_VOL_VERSION_DEFAULT; if (sysctlbyname("vfs.hammer.supported_version", &HammerVersion, &olen, NULL, 0)) { hwarn("HAMMER VFS not loaded, cannot get version info, " "using version %d", HammerVersion); } else if (HammerVersion >= HAMMER_VOL_VERSION_WIP) { HammerVersion = HAMMER_VOL_VERSION_WIP - 1; hwarnx("HAMMER VFS supports higher version than " "I understand, using version %d", HammerVersion); } } if (nvols == 0) { errx(1, "You must specify at least one special file (volume)"); /* not reached */ } if (nvols > HAMMER_MAX_VOLUMES) { errx(1, "The maximum number of volumes is %d", HAMMER_MAX_VOLUMES); /* not reached */ } if (label == NULL) { hwarnx("A filesystem label must be specified"); usage(1); /* not reached */ } /* * Generate a filesystem id and lookup the filesystem type */ hammer_uuid_create(&Hammer_FSId); if (hammer_uuid_name_lookup(&Hammer_FSType, HAMMER_FSTYPE_STRING)) { errx(1, "uuids file does not have the DragonFly " "HAMMER filesystem type"); /* not reached */ } total = 0; for (i = 0; i < nvols; ++i) { volume = init_volume(av[i], O_RDWR, i); printf("Volume %d %s %-15s size %s\n", volume->vol_no, volume->type, volume->name, sizetostr(volume->size)); if (eflag) { if (trim_volume(volume) == -1 && ForceOpt == 0) { errx(1, "Use -f option to proceed"); /* not reached */ } } total += volume->size; } /* * Reserve space for (future) header junk, setup our poor-man's * big-block allocator. Note that the header junk space includes * volume header which is 1928 bytes. */ if (HeaderJunkSize == -1) HeaderJunkSize = HAMMER_VOL_JUNK_SIZE; else if (HeaderJunkSize < (int64_t)sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk)) HeaderJunkSize = sizeof(struct hammer_volume_ondisk); HeaderJunkSize = HAMMER_BUFSIZE_DOALIGN(HeaderJunkSize); /* * Calculate defaults for the boot area and memory log sizes, * only if not specified by -b or -m option. */ avg_vol_size = total / nvols; if (BootAreaSize == -1) BootAreaSize = init_boot_area_size(BootAreaSize, avg_vol_size); if (MemoryLogSize == -1) MemoryLogSize = init_memory_log_size(MemoryLogSize, avg_vol_size); /* * Format the volumes. Format the root volume first so we can * bootstrap the freemap. */ format_volume(get_root_volume(), nvols, label); for (i = 0; i < nvols; ++i) { if (i != HAMMER_ROOT_VOLNO) format_volume(get_volume(i), nvols, label); } print_volume(get_root_volume()); flush_all_volumes(); return(0); } static void print_volume(const volume_info_t volume) { hammer_volume_ondisk_t ondisk; hammer_blockmap_t blockmap; hammer_off_t total = 0; int i, nvols; const char *name = NULL; char *fsidstr; ondisk = volume->ondisk; blockmap = &ondisk->vol0_blockmap[HAMMER_ZONE_UNDO_INDEX]; nvols = ondisk->vol_count; for (i = 0; i < nvols; ++i) { volume_info_t p = get_volume(i); total += p->size; if (p->vol_no == HAMMER_ROOT_VOLNO) { assert(name == NULL); name = p->name; } } hammer_uuid_to_string(&Hammer_FSId, &fsidstr); printf("---------------------------------------------\n"); printf("HAMMER version %d\n", HammerVersion); printf("%d volume%s total size %s\n", nvols, (nvols == 1 ? "" : "s"), sizetostr(total)); printf("root-volume: %s\n", name); if (DebugOpt) { printf("header-junk-size: %s\n", sizetostr(ondisk->vol_bot_beg)); } printf("boot-area-size: %s\n", sizetostr(ondisk->vol_mem_beg - ondisk->vol_bot_beg)); printf("memory-log-size: %s\n", sizetostr(ondisk->vol_buf_beg - ondisk->vol_mem_beg)); printf("undo-buffer-size: %s\n", sizetostr(HAMMER_OFF_LONG_ENCODE(blockmap->alloc_offset))); printf("total-pre-allocated: %s\n", sizetostr(HAMMER_OFF_SHORT_ENCODE(volume->vol_free_off))); printf("fsid: %s\n", fsidstr); printf("\n"); printf("NOTE: Please remember that you may have to manually set up a\n" "cron(8) job to prune and reblock the filesystem regularly.\n" "By default, the system automatically runs 'hammer cleanup'\n" "on a nightly basis. The periodic.conf(5) variable\n" "'daily_clean_hammer_enable' can be unset to disable this.\n" "Also see 'man hammer' and 'man HAMMER' for more information.\n"); if (total < 10*GIG) { printf("\nWARNING: The minimum UNDO/REDO FIFO is %s, " "you really should not\n" "try to format a HAMMER filesystem this small.\n", sizetostr(HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_SIZE * HAMMER_MIN_UNDO_BIGBLOCKS)); } if (total < 50*GIG) { printf("\nWARNING: HAMMER filesystems less than 50GB are " "not recommended!\n" "You may have to run 'hammer prune-everything' and " "'hammer reblock'\n" "quite often, even if using a nohistory mount.\n"); } } static void usage(int exit_code) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: newfs_hammer -L label [-Efh] [-b bootsize] [-m savesize] [-u undosize]\n" " [-C cachesize[:readahead]] [-V version] special ...\n" ); exit(exit_code); } static void test_header_junk_size(int64_t size) { if (size < HAMMER_MIN_VOL_JUNK) { if (ForceOpt == 0) { errx(1, "The minimum header junk size is %s", sizetostr(HAMMER_MIN_VOL_JUNK)); /* not reached */ } else { hwarnx("You have specified header junk size less than %s", sizetostr(HAMMER_MIN_VOL_JUNK)); } } else if (size > HAMMER_MAX_VOL_JUNK) { errx(1, "The maximum header junk size is %s", sizetostr(HAMMER_MAX_VOL_JUNK)); /* not reached */ } } static void test_boot_area_size(int64_t size) { if (size < HAMMER_BOOT_MINBYTES) { if (ForceOpt == 0) { errx(1, "The minimum boot area size is %s", sizetostr(HAMMER_BOOT_MINBYTES)); /* not reached */ } else { hwarnx("You have specified boot area size less than %s", sizetostr(HAMMER_BOOT_MINBYTES)); } } else if (size > HAMMER_BOOT_MAXBYTES) { errx(1, "The maximum boot area size is %s", sizetostr(HAMMER_BOOT_MAXBYTES)); /* not reached */ } } static void test_memory_log_size(int64_t size) { if (size < HAMMER_MEM_MINBYTES) { if (ForceOpt == 0) { errx(1, "The minimum memory log size is %s", sizetostr(HAMMER_MEM_MINBYTES)); /* not reached */ } else { hwarnx("You have specified memory log size less than %s", sizetostr(HAMMER_MEM_MINBYTES)); } } else if (size > HAMMER_MEM_MAXBYTES) { errx(1, "The maximum memory log size is %s", sizetostr(HAMMER_MEM_MAXBYTES)); /* not reached */ } } static void test_undo_buffer_size(int64_t size) { int64_t minbuf, maxbuf; minbuf = HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_SIZE * HAMMER_MIN_UNDO_BIGBLOCKS; maxbuf = HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_SIZE * HAMMER_MAX_UNDO_BIGBLOCKS; if (size < minbuf) { if (ForceOpt == 0) { errx(1, "The minimum UNDO/REDO FIFO size is %s", sizetostr(minbuf)); /* not reached */ } else { hwarnx("You have specified an UNDO/REDO FIFO size less " "than %s, which may lead to VFS panics", sizetostr(minbuf)); } } else if (size > maxbuf) { errx(1, "The maximum UNDO/REDO FIFO size is %s", sizetostr(maxbuf)); /* not reached */ } } /* * Convert a string to a 64 bit signed integer with various requirements. */ static int64_t getsize(const char *str, int powerof2) { int64_t val; char *ptr; val = strtoll(str, &ptr, 0); switch(*ptr) { case 't': case 'T': val *= 1024; /* fall through */ case 'g': case 'G': val *= 1024; /* fall through */ case 'm': case 'M': val *= 1024; /* fall through */ case 'k': case 'K': val *= 1024; break; default: errx(1, "Unknown suffix in number '%s'", str); /* not reached */ } if (ptr[1]) { errx(1, "Unknown suffix in number '%s'", str); /* not reached */ } if ((powerof2 & 1) && (val ^ (val - 1)) != ((val << 1) - 1)) { errx(1, "Value not power of 2: %s", str); /* not reached */ } if ((powerof2 & 2) && (val & HAMMER_BUFMASK)) { errx(1, "Value not an integral multiple of %dK: %s", HAMMER_BUFSIZE / 1024, str); /* not reached */ } return(val); } /* * Generate a transaction id. Transaction ids are no longer time-based. * Put the nail in the coffin by not making the first one time-based. * * We could start at 1 here but start at 2^32 to reserve a small domain for * possible future use. */ static hammer_tid_t createtid(void) { static hammer_tid_t lasttid; if (lasttid == 0) lasttid = 0x0000000100000000ULL; return(lasttid++); } static uint64_t nowtime(void) { struct timeval tv; uint64_t xtime; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); xtime = tv.tv_sec * 1000000LL + tv.tv_usec; return(xtime); } /* * TRIM the volume, but only if the backing store is not a regular file */ static int trim_volume(volume_info_t volume) { size_t olen; char *dev_name, *p; char sysctl_name[64]; int trim_enabled; off_t ioarg[2]; if (is_regfile(volume)) { hwarnx("Cannot TRIM regular file %s", volume->name); return(-1); } if (strncmp(volume->name, "/dev/da", 7)) { hwarnx("%s does not support the TRIM command", volume->name); return(-1); } /* Extract a number from /dev/da?s? */ dev_name = strdup(volume->name); p = strtok(dev_name + strlen("/dev/da"), "s"); sprintf(sysctl_name, "kern.cam.da.%s.trim_enabled", p); free(dev_name); trim_enabled = 0; olen = sizeof(trim_enabled); if (sysctlbyname(sysctl_name, &trim_enabled, &olen, NULL, 0) == -1) { hwarnx("%s (%s) does not support the TRIM command", volume->name, sysctl_name); return(-1); } if (!trim_enabled) { hwarnx("Erase device option selected, but sysctl (%s) " "is not enabled", sysctl_name); return(-1); } ioarg[0] = volume->device_offset; ioarg[1] = volume->size; printf("Trimming %s %s, sectors %llu-%llu\n", volume->type, volume->name, (unsigned long long)ioarg[0] / 512, (unsigned long long)ioarg[1] / 512); if (ioctl(volume->fd, IOCTLTRIM, ioarg) == -1) { err(1, "Trimming %s failed", volume->name); /* not reached */ } return(0); } /* * Format a HAMMER volume. */ static void format_volume(volume_info_t volume, int nvols, const char *label) { volume_info_t root_vol; hammer_volume_ondisk_t ondisk; int64_t freeblks; int64_t freebytes; int64_t vol_buf_size; hammer_off_t vol_alloc; int i; /* * Initialize basic information in the on-disk volume structure. */ ondisk = volume->ondisk; ondisk->vol_fsid = Hammer_FSId; ondisk->vol_fstype = Hammer_FSType; snprintf(ondisk->vol_label, sizeof(ondisk->vol_label), "%s", label); ondisk->vol_no = volume->vol_no; ondisk->vol_count = nvols; ondisk->vol_version = HammerVersion; vol_alloc = HeaderJunkSize; ondisk->vol_bot_beg = vol_alloc; vol_alloc += BootAreaSize; ondisk->vol_mem_beg = vol_alloc; vol_alloc += MemoryLogSize; /* * The remaining area is the zone 2 buffer allocation area. */ ondisk->vol_buf_beg = vol_alloc; ondisk->vol_buf_end = volume->size & ~(int64_t)HAMMER_BUFMASK; vol_buf_size = HAMMER_VOL_BUF_SIZE(ondisk); if (vol_buf_size < (int64_t)sizeof(*ondisk)) { errx(1, "volume %d %s is too small to hold the volume header", volume->vol_no, volume->name); /* not reached */ } if ((vol_buf_size & ~HAMMER_OFF_SHORT_MASK) != 0) { errx(1, "volume %d %s is too large", volume->vol_no, volume->name); /* not reached */ } ondisk->vol_rootvol = HAMMER_ROOT_VOLNO; ondisk->vol_signature = HAMMER_FSBUF_VOLUME; volume->vol_free_off = HAMMER_ENCODE_RAW_BUFFER(volume->vol_no, 0); volume->vol_free_end = HAMMER_ENCODE_RAW_BUFFER(volume->vol_no, vol_buf_size & ~HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_MASK64); /* * Format the root volume. */ if (volume->vol_no == HAMMER_ROOT_VOLNO) { /* * Check freemap counts before formatting */ freeblks = count_freemap(volume); freebytes = freeblks * HAMMER_BIGBLOCK_SIZE64; if (freebytes < 10*GIG && ForceOpt == 0) { errx(1, "Cannot create a HAMMER filesystem less than 10GB " "unless you use -f\n(for the size of Volume %d). " "HAMMER filesystems less than 50GB are not " "recommended.", HAMMER_ROOT_VOLNO); /* not reached */ } /* * Starting TID */ ondisk->vol0_next_tid = createtid(); /* * Format freemap. vol0_stat_freebigblocks is * the number of big-blocks available for anything * other than freemap zone at this point. */ format_freemap(volume); assert(ondisk->vol0_stat_freebigblocks == 0); ondisk->vol0_stat_freebigblocks = initialize_freemap(volume); /* * Format zones that are mapped to zone-2. */ for (i = 0; i < HAMMER_MAX_ZONES; ++i) { if (hammer_is_index_record(i)) format_blockmap(volume, i, 0); } /* * Format undo zone. Formatting decrements * vol0_stat_freebigblocks whenever a new big-block * is allocated for undo zone. */ format_undomap(volume, &UndoBufferSize); assert(ondisk->vol0_stat_bigblocks == 0); ondisk->vol0_stat_bigblocks = ondisk->vol0_stat_freebigblocks; /* * Format the root directory. Formatting decrements * vol0_stat_freebigblocks whenever a new big-block * is allocated for required zones. */ ondisk->vol0_btree_root = format_root_directory(label); ++ondisk->vol0_stat_inodes; /* root inode */ } else { freeblks = initialize_freemap(volume); root_vol = get_root_volume(); root_vol->ondisk->vol0_stat_freebigblocks += freeblks; root_vol->ondisk->vol0_stat_bigblocks += freeblks; } } /* * Format the root directory. */ static hammer_off_t format_root_directory(const char *label) { hammer_off_t btree_off; hammer_off_t idata_off; hammer_off_t pfsd_off; hammer_tid_t create_tid; hammer_node_ondisk_t bnode; hammer_inode_data_t idata; hammer_pseudofs_data_t pfsd; buffer_info_t data_buffer0 = NULL; buffer_info_t data_buffer1 = NULL; buffer_info_t data_buffer2 = NULL; hammer_btree_elm_t elm; uint64_t xtime; /* * Allocate zero-filled root btree node, inode and pfs */ bnode = alloc_btree_node(&btree_off, &data_buffer0); idata = alloc_meta_element(&idata_off, sizeof(*idata), &data_buffer1); pfsd = alloc_meta_element(&pfsd_off, sizeof(*pfsd), &data_buffer2); create_tid = createtid(); xtime = nowtime(); /* * Populate the inode data and inode record for the root directory. */ idata->version = HAMMER_INODE_DATA_VERSION; idata->mode = 0755; idata->ctime = xtime; idata->mtime = xtime; idata->atime = xtime; idata->obj_type = HAMMER_OBJTYPE_DIRECTORY; idata->size = 0; idata->nlinks = 1; if (HammerVersion >= HAMMER_VOL_VERSION_TWO) idata->cap_flags |= HAMMER_INODE_CAP_DIR_LOCAL_INO; if (HammerVersion >= HAMMER_VOL_VERSION_SIX) idata->cap_flags |= HAMMER_INODE_CAP_DIRHASH_ALG1; /* * Populate the PFS data for the root PFS. */ pfsd->sync_low_tid = 1; pfsd->sync_beg_tid = 0; pfsd->sync_end_tid = 0; /* overriden by vol0_next_tid on root PFS */ pfsd->shared_uuid = Hammer_FSId; pfsd->unique_uuid = Hammer_FSId; pfsd->mirror_flags = 0; snprintf(pfsd->label, sizeof(pfsd->label), "%s", label); /* * Create the root of the B-Tree. The root is a leaf node so we * do not have to worry about boundary elements. */ bnode->parent = 0; /* no parent */ bnode->count = 2; bnode->type = HAMMER_BTREE_TYPE_LEAF; bnode->mirror_tid = 0; /* * Create the first node element for the inode. */ elm = &bnode->elms[0]; elm->leaf.base.btype = HAMMER_BTREE_TYPE_RECORD; elm->leaf.base.localization = HAMMER_DEF_LOCALIZATION | HAMMER_LOCALIZE_INODE; elm->leaf.base.obj_id = HAMMER_OBJID_ROOT; elm->leaf.base.key = 0; elm->leaf.base.create_tid = create_tid; elm->leaf.base.delete_tid = 0; elm->leaf.base.rec_type = HAMMER_RECTYPE_INODE; elm->leaf.base.obj_type = HAMMER_OBJTYPE_DIRECTORY; elm->leaf.create_ts = (uint32_t)time(NULL); elm->leaf.data_offset = idata_off; elm->leaf.data_len = sizeof(*idata); hammer_crc_set_leaf(HammerVersion, idata, &elm->leaf); /* * Create the second node element for the PFS data. * This is supposed to be a record part of the root ip (inode), * so it should have the same obj_type value as above. */ elm = &bnode->elms[1]; elm->leaf.base.btype = HAMMER_BTREE_TYPE_RECORD; elm->leaf.base.localization = HAMMER_DEF_LOCALIZATION | HAMMER_LOCALIZE_MISC; elm->leaf.base.obj_id = HAMMER_OBJID_ROOT; elm->leaf.base.key = 0; elm->leaf.base.create_tid = create_tid; elm->leaf.base.delete_tid = 0; elm->leaf.base.rec_type = HAMMER_RECTYPE_PFS; elm->leaf.base.obj_type = HAMMER_OBJTYPE_DIRECTORY; elm->leaf.create_ts = (uint32_t)time(NULL); elm->leaf.data_offset = pfsd_off; elm->leaf.data_len = sizeof(*pfsd); hammer_crc_set_leaf(HammerVersion, pfsd, &elm->leaf); hammer_crc_set_btree(HammerVersion, bnode); rel_buffer(data_buffer0); rel_buffer(data_buffer1); rel_buffer(data_buffer2); return(btree_off); }