/* * Copyright (c)2004 The DragonFly Project. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of the DragonFly Project nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * commands.c * Execute a queued series of commands, updating a DFUI progress bar * as each is executed. * $Id: commands.c,v 1.27 2005/03/12 04:32:14 cpressey Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libaura/mem.h" #include "libaura/buffer.h" #include "libaura/popen.h" #include "libdfui/dfui.h" #define NEEDS_COMMANDS_STRUCTURE_DEFINITIONS #include "commands.h" #undef NEEDS_COMMANDS_STRUCTURE_DEFINITIONS #include "diskutil.h" #include "functions.h" #include "uiutil.h" /* * Create a new queue of commands. */ struct commands * commands_new(void) { struct commands *cmds; AURA_MALLOC(cmds, commands); cmds->head = NULL; cmds->tail = NULL; return(cmds); } /* * Add a new, empty command to an existing queue of commands. */ static struct command * command_new(struct commands *cmds) { struct command *cmd; AURA_MALLOC(cmd, command); cmd->cmdline = NULL; cmd->desc = NULL; cmd->log_mode = COMMAND_LOG_VERBOSE; cmd->failure_mode = COMMAND_FAILURE_ABORT; cmd->tag = NULL; cmd->result = COMMAND_RESULT_NEVER_EXECUTED; cmd->output = NULL; cmd->next = NULL; if (cmds->head == NULL) cmds->head = cmd; else cmds->tail->next = cmd; cmd->prev = cmds->tail; cmds->tail = cmd; return(cmd); } /* * Add a new shell command to an existing queue of commands. * The command can be specified as a format string followed by * any number of arguments, in the style of "sprintf". */ struct command * command_add(struct commands *cmds, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; struct command *cmd; cmd = command_new(cmds); va_start(args, fmt); vasprintf(&cmd->cmdline, fmt, args); va_end(args); return(cmd); } /* * Set the log mode of the given command. * Valid log modes are: * COMMAND_LOG_SILENT - do not log anything at all * COMMAND_LOG_QUIET - only log command name and exit code, not output * COMMAND_LOG_VERBOSE - log everything */ void command_set_log_mode(struct command *cmd, int log_mode) { cmd->log_mode = log_mode; } /* * Set the failure mode of the given command. * Valid failure modes are: * COMMAND_FAILURE_IGNORE - ignore failures and carry on * COMMAND_FAILURE_WARN - issue a non-critical warning * COMMAND_FAILURE_ABORT - halt the command chain and ask the user */ void command_set_failure_mode(struct command *cmd, int failure_mode) { cmd->failure_mode = failure_mode; } /* * Set the description of the given command. If present, it will * be displayed in the progress bar instead of the command line. */ void command_set_desc(struct command *cmd, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; if (cmd->desc != NULL) free(cmd->desc); va_start(args, fmt); vasprintf(&cmd->desc, fmt, args); va_end(args); } /* * Set an arbitrary tag on the command. */ void command_set_tag(struct command *cmd, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; if (cmd->tag != NULL) free(cmd->tag); va_start(args, fmt); vasprintf(&cmd->tag, fmt, args); va_end(args); } struct command * command_get_first(const struct commands *cmds) { return(cmds->head); } struct command * command_get_next(const struct command *cmd) { return(cmd->next); } char * command_get_cmdline(const struct command *cmd) { return(cmd->cmdline); } char * command_get_tag(const struct command *cmd) { return(cmd->tag); } int command_get_result(const struct command *cmd) { return(cmd->result); } /* * Allow the user to view the command log. */ void view_command_log(struct i_fn_args *a) { struct dfui_form *f; struct dfui_response *r; struct aura_buffer *error_log; error_log = aura_buffer_new(1024); aura_buffer_cat_file(error_log, "%sinstall.log", a->tmp); f = dfui_form_create( "error_log", "Error Log", aura_buffer_buf(error_log), "", "p", "role", "informative", "p", "minimum_width", "72", "p", "monospaced", "true", "a", "ok", "OK", "", "", NULL); if (!dfui_be_present(a->c, f, &r)) abort_backend(); dfui_form_free(f); dfui_response_free(r); aura_buffer_free(error_log); } /* * Preview a set of commands. */ void commands_preview(struct dfui_connection *c, const struct commands *cmds) { struct command *cmd; struct aura_buffer *preview; preview = aura_buffer_new(1024); for (cmd = cmds->head; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next) { aura_buffer_cat(preview, cmd->cmdline); aura_buffer_cat(preview, "\n"); } inform(c, aura_buffer_buf(preview)); aura_buffer_free(preview); } /* * The command chain executing engine proper follows. */ /* * Read from the pipe that was opened to the executing commands * and update the progress bar as data comes and (and/or as the * read from the pipe times out.) */ static int pipe_loop(struct i_fn_args *a, struct dfui_progress *pr, struct command *cmd, int *cancelled) { FILE *cmdout = NULL; struct timeval tv = { 1, 0 }; char cline[256]; char *command; pid_t pid; fd_set r; int n; asprintf(&command, "(%s) 2>&1 cmdline); fflush(stdout); cmdout = aura_popen(command, "r"); free(command); if (cmdout == NULL) { i_log(a, "! could not aura_popen() command"); return(COMMAND_RESULT_POPEN_ERR); } pid = aura_pgetpid(cmdout); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "+ pid = %d\n", pid); #endif /* * Loop, selecting on the command and a timeout. */ for (;;) { if (*cancelled) break; FD_ZERO(&r); FD_SET(fileno(cmdout), &r); n = select(fileno(cmdout) + 1, &r, NULL, NULL, &tv); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "+ select() = %d\n", n); #endif if (n < 0) { /* Error */ i_log(a, "! select() failed\n"); aura_pclose(cmdout); return(COMMAND_RESULT_SELECT_ERR); } else if (n == 0) { /* Timeout */ if (!dfui_be_progress_update(a->c, pr, cancelled)) abort_backend(); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "+ cancelled = %d\n", *cancelled); #endif } else { /* Data came in */ fgets(cline, 255, cmdout); while (strlen(cline) > 0 && cline[strlen(cline) - 1] == '\n') cline[strlen(cline) - 1] = '\0'; if (feof(cmdout)) break; if (!dfui_be_progress_update(a->c, pr, cancelled)) abort_backend(); if (cmd->log_mode == COMMAND_LOG_VERBOSE) { i_log(a, "| %s", cline); } else if (cmd->log_mode != COMMAND_LOG_SILENT) { fprintf(stderr, "| %s\n", cline); } } } if (*cancelled) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "+ killing %d\n", pid); #endif n = kill(pid, SIGTERM); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "+ kill() = %d\n", n); #endif } #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "+ pclosing %d\n", fileno(cmdout)); #endif n = aura_pclose(cmdout) / 256; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "+ pclose() = %d\n", n); #endif return(n); } /* * Execute a single command. * Return value is a COMMAND_RESULT_* constant, or * a value from 0 to 255 to indicate the exit code * from the utility. */ static int command_execute(struct i_fn_args *a, struct dfui_progress *pr, struct command *cmd) { FILE *log = NULL; char *filename; int cancelled = 0, done = 0, report_done = 0; if (cmd->desc != NULL) dfui_info_set_short_desc(dfui_progress_get_info(pr), cmd->desc); else dfui_info_set_short_desc(dfui_progress_get_info(pr), cmd->cmdline); if (!dfui_be_progress_update(a->c, pr, &cancelled)) abort_backend(); while (!done) { asprintf(&filename, "%sinstall.log", a->tmp); log = fopen(filename, "a"); free(filename); if (cmd->log_mode != COMMAND_LOG_SILENT) i_log(a, ",-<<< Executing `%s'", cmd->cmdline); cmd->result = pipe_loop(a, pr, cmd, &cancelled); if (cmd->log_mode != COMMAND_LOG_SILENT) i_log(a, "`->>> Exit status: %d\n", cmd->result); if (log != NULL) fclose(log); if (cancelled) { if (!dfui_be_progress_end(a->c)) abort_backend(); report_done = 0; while (!report_done) { switch (dfui_be_present_dialog(a->c, "Cancelled", "View Log|Retry|Cancel|Skip", "Execution of the command\n\n%s\n\n" "was cancelled.", cmd->cmdline)) { case 1: /* View Log */ view_command_log(a); break; case 2: /* Retry */ cancelled = 0; report_done = 1; break; case 3: /* Cancel */ cmd->result = COMMAND_RESULT_CANCELLED; report_done = 1; done = 1; break; case 4: /* Skip */ cmd->result = COMMAND_RESULT_SKIPPED; report_done = 1; done = 1; break; } } if (!dfui_be_progress_begin(a->c, pr)) abort_backend(); } else if (cmd->failure_mode == COMMAND_FAILURE_IGNORE) { cmd->result = 0; done = 1; } else if (cmd->result != 0 && cmd->failure_mode != COMMAND_FAILURE_WARN) { if (!dfui_be_progress_end(a->c)) abort_backend(); report_done = 0; while (!report_done) { switch (dfui_be_present_dialog(a->c, "Command Failed!", "View Log|Retry|Cancel|Skip", "Execution of the command\n\n%s\n\n" "FAILED with a return code of %d.", cmd->cmdline, cmd->result)) { case 1: /* View Log */ view_command_log(a); break; case 2: /* Retry */ report_done = 1; break; case 3: /* Cancel */ /* XXX need a better way to retain actual result */ cmd->result = COMMAND_RESULT_CANCELLED; report_done = 1; done = 1; break; case 4: /* Skip */ /* XXX need a better way to retain actual result */ cmd->result = COMMAND_RESULT_SKIPPED; report_done = 1; done = 1; break; } } if (!dfui_be_progress_begin(a->c, pr)) abort_backend(); } else { done = 1; } } return(cmd->result); } /* * Execute a series of external utility programs. * Returns 1 if everything executed OK, 0 if one of the * critical commands failed or if the user cancelled. */ int commands_execute(struct i_fn_args *a, struct commands *cmds) { struct dfui_progress *pr; struct command *cmd; int i; int n = 0; int result = 0; int return_val = 1; cmd = cmds->head; while (cmd != NULL) { n++; cmd = cmd->next; } pr = dfui_progress_new(dfui_info_new( "Executing Commands", "Executing Commands", ""), 0); if (!dfui_be_progress_begin(a->c, pr)) abort_backend(); i = 1; for (cmd = cmds->head; cmd != NULL; cmd = cmd->next, i++) { result = command_execute(a, pr, cmd); if (result == COMMAND_RESULT_CANCELLED) { return_val = 0; break; } if (result > 0 && result < 256) { return_val = 0; if (cmd->failure_mode == COMMAND_FAILURE_ABORT) { break; } } dfui_progress_set_amount(pr, (i * 100) / n); } if (!dfui_be_progress_end(a->c)) abort_backend(); dfui_progress_free(pr); return(return_val); } /* * Free the memory allocated for a queue of commands. This invalidates * the pointer passed to it. */ void commands_free(struct commands *cmds) { struct command *cmd, *next; cmd = cmds->head; while (cmd != NULL) { next = cmd->next; if (cmd->cmdline != NULL) free(cmd->cmdline); if (cmd->desc != NULL) free(cmd->desc); if (cmd->tag != NULL) free(cmd->tag); AURA_FREE(cmd, command); cmd = next; } AURA_FREE(cmds, commands); } /* * Command generators. */ /* * Generate a command to create a generic device node * only if it does not already exist. */ struct command * command_add_ensure_dev(struct i_fn_args *a, struct commands *cmds, const char *dev_name) { struct command *cmd; char *dev_basename; dev_basename = basename(dev_name); /* * We don't need to do this on systems with a devfs * (which is, at the time of this writing, FreeBSD 5.x and later.) */ cmd = command_add(cmds, "cd %sdev && %s%s %s || %s%s MAKEDEV %s", a->os_root, a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "TEST_DEV"), dev_basename, a->os_root, cmd_name(a, "SH"), dev_basename); return(cmd); }